Persistant storage values handling in Linux - linux

I have a QSPI flash on my embedded board.
I have a driver + process "Q" to handle reading and writing into.
I want to store variables like SW revisions, IP, operation time, etc.
I would like to ask for suggestions how to handle the different access rights to write and read values from user space and other processes.
I was thinking to have file for each variable. Than I can assign access rights for those files and process Q can change the value in file if value has been changed. So process Q will only write into and other processes or users can only read.
But I don't know about writing. I was thinking about using message queue or zeroMQ and build the software around it but i am not sure if it is not overkill. But I am not sure how to manage access rights anyway.
What would be the best approach? I would really appreciate if you could propose even totally different approach.

This question will probably be downvoted / flagged due to the "Please suggest an X" nature.
That said, if a file per variable is what you're after, you might want to look at implementing a FUSE file system that wraps your SPI driver/utility "Q" (or build it into "Q" if you get to compile/control source to "Q"). I'm doing this to store settings in an EEPROM on a current work project and its turned out nicely. So I have, for example, a file, that when read, retrieves 6 bytes from EEPROM (or a cached copy) provides a MAC address in std hex/colon-separated notation.
The biggest advantage here, is that it becomes trivial to access all your configuration / settings data from shell scripts (e.g. your init process) or other scripting languages.
Another neat feature of doing it this way is that you can use inotify (which comes "free", no extra code in the fusefs) to create applications that efficiently detect when settings are changed.
A disadvantage of this approach is that it's non-trivial to do atomic transactions on multiple settings and still maintain normal file semantics.


How to perform conditional IO in the file system?

I'm trying to implement a multi-user key-value store over the file system, such as the local Linux or Windows file system, or a network-based one (SMB or NFS). My intent is to fully avoid the need of a server because servers require some VM, deployment, upgrades, etc. And filesystems are typically readily available.
The engine returns the timestamp of when the value was set. One operation that uses the timestamp is "put if not modified since", which is similar to compare-and-swap and supports synchronization among processes. It turns out that this is quite costly to implement without a server.
It seems that no file system supports "write if not modified" or any form of conditional write semantics. At best I can lock a file, but then I need to read the date and compare inside the process, and only then write the new content and release the lock. The minimum number of IOs to implement is four: 1) lock entire file; 2) read modification date and compare locally; 3) write the new content; 4) unlock. And this ignores the IOs to open and close the file, which are pooled so they will be less frequent.
Is there any OS or filesystem facility, or algorithm that could reduce the number of IOs? Please remember that I need the solution to work over NFS or SMB...
Filesystems already do read-ahead and write avoidance, so I/O calls will only block for disk when read data is not in cache or write cache is full and a flush is required. The performance problem with the "write if not modified since" is the 4 syscalls, which can get expensive. One way to fix this would be to add a conditional write kernel module. You would pass it the timestamp, file name, and data. It would do the conditional write using internal calls and callbacks, and return the status and new timestamp, reducing the overhead to a single syscall. Properly written, it should be filesystem-agnostic.

Linux: How to prevent a file backed memory mapping from causing access errors (SIGBUS etc.)?

I want to write a wrapper for memory mapped file io, that either fails to map a file or returns a mapping that is valid until it is unmapped. With plain mmap, problems arise, if the underlying file is truncated or deleted while being mapped, for example. According to the linux man page of mmap SIGBUS is received if memory beyond the new end of the file is accessed after a truncate. It is no option to catch this signal and handle the error this way.
My idea was to create a copy of the file and map the copy. On a cow capable file system, this would impose little overhead.
But the problem is: how do I protect the copy from being manipulated by another process? A tempfile is no real option, because in theory a malicious process could still mutate it. I know that there are file locks on Linux, but as far as I understood they're either optional or don't prevent others from deleting the file.
I'm asking for two kinds of answers: Either a way to mmap a file in a rock solid way or a mechanism to protect a tempfile fully from other processes. But maybe my whole way of approaching the problem is wrong, so feel free to suggest radical solutions ;)
You can't prevent a skilled and determined user from intentionally shooting themselves in the foot. Just take reasonable precautions so it doesn't happen accidentally.
Most programs assume the input file won't change and that's usually fine
Programs that want to process files shared with cooperative programs use file locking
Programs that want a private file will create a temp file, snapshot or otherwise -- and if they unlink it for auto-cleanup, it's also inaccessible via the fs
Programs that want to protect their data from all regular user actions will run as a dedicated system account, in which case chmod is protection enough.
Anyone with access to the same account (or root) can interfere with the program with a simple kill -BUS, chmod/truncate, or any of the fancier foot-guns like copying and patching the binary, cloning its FDs, or attaching a debugger. If that's what they want to do, it's not your place to stop them.

store some data in the struct inode

Hello I am a newbie to kernel programming. I am writing a small kernel module
that is based on wrapfs template to implement a backup mechanism. This is
purely for learning basis.
I am extending wrapfs so that when a write call is made wrapfs transparently
makes a copy of that file in a separate directory and then write is performed
on the file. But I don't want that I create a copy for every write call.
A naive approach could be I check for existence of file in that directory. But
I think for each call checking this could be a severe penalty.
I could also check for first write call and then store a value for that
specific file using private_data attribute. But that would not be stored on
disk. So I would need to check that again.
I was also thinking of making use of modification time. I could save a
modification time. If the older modification time is before that time then only
a copy is created otherwise I won't do anything. I tried to use inode.i_mtime
for this but it was the modified time even before write was called, also
applications can modify that time.
So I was thinking of storing some value in inode on disk that indicates its
backup has been created or not. Is that possible? Any other suggestions or
approaches are welcome.
You are essentially saying you want to do a Copy-On-Write virtual filesystem layer.
IMO, some of these have been done, and it would be easier to implement these in userland (using libfuse and the fuse module, e.g.). That way, you can be king of your castle and add your metadata in any which way you feel is appriate:
just add (hidden) metadata files to each directory
use extended POSIX attributes (setfattr and friends)
heck, you could even use a sqlite database
If you really insist on doing these things in-kernel, you'll have a lot more work since accessing the metadata from kernel mode is goind to take a lot more effort (you'd most likely want to emulate your own database using memory mapped files so as to minimize the amount of 'userland (style)' work required and to make it relatively easy to get atomicity and reliability right1.
On How Everybody Gets File IO Wrong: see also here
You can use atime instead of mtime. In that case setting S_NOATIME flag on the inode prevents it from updating (see touch_atime() function at the inode.c). The only thing you'll need is to mount your filesystem with noatime option.

Need advice for disk access program

I'm envisioning a program I will need to write and need some advice on the language. I will need to be doing raw disk access so I can display hex data, scroll or jump around on the disk, and do calculations from the data. I have been using Java the most and it's portability between OSes for my other projects is certainly a benefit, but raw disk access either isn't possible, would require JNI, or may be possible on *nix when you can access disks as "files". I keep reading different things. By the way I can handle this type of work using Files in Java, but in this project I need to be able to access the disk so disk imaging to files beforehand isn't needed.
It would be nice to make it as portable as I could since there is a real benefit to using different OSes, but it may not be worth it and I should just stick with Windows and a native compiling language. Is there any existing JNI code that could help? I have experience in other languages but I haven't used C++ in a long time. Should I forget about Java and tryout C#? Someone told me that Python has libraries available for this type of thing despite it being an interpreted language so what about Python? What would be best for the project? What would be good for me to learn?
Searching around for raw disk access, Java, Python, does not seem to give any useful results. Thanks for any help!
It seems like this will be quite involved, learning what I need to know, and then learning that. It's too bad I couldn't use disk images instead because then I'd be able to start working on it immediately in Java, which I'm comfortable with and I know I could make a good product. I've gotten great throughput in other raw data processing projects with Java so that doesn't worry me. Plus it would be truly portable. Hmm might have to consider it more. I'd probably need a big azz storage system to hold all the images though :)
Just a note for anyone that finds this question... I have figured out this works just by specifying the disk for the File using the PhysicalDrive notation (in Windows) like the answer below by hunsricker. However there are some issues. First if you do a "exists" check File.exists(), it says the file does not exist. Also, the file size is zero, and when I get a " The drive cannot find the sector requested" is the way I know I'm at the end of the file. And the worst part- I was getting some odd runtime errors doing this when I was reading some bytes and skipping some (64) bytes in a loop. I altered my program a bit to read different amounts and that changed where the error occurred. I was using BufferedInputStream instead of RandomAccessFile like hunsricker below by the way, not sure if it makes a difference. My only answer for this issue is that since I'm doing physical disk access, it doesn't like that I am not reading in even 512 byte sectors or 1K blocks or such. Indeed when I read even 1K, 2K, 512bytes, etc., and don't skip anything, it works fine and runs to the end. The errors I saw were "incorrect function" and "the parameter is incorrect". There was no rhyme or reason to them. Then I made image files of the same data and ran my program on those and it would do any combination of reading and skipping bytes with no problem. Physical disk access was more picky I guess.
I was looking by myself for a possibility to access raw data of a physical drive. And now as I got it to work, I just want to tell you how. You can access raw disk data directly from within java ... just run the following code with administrator priviliges:
File diskRoot = new File ("\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive0");
RandomAccessFile diskAccess = new RandomAccessFile (diskRoot, "r");
byte[] content = new byte[1024];
diskAccess.readFully (content);
So you will get the first kB of your first physical drive on the system. To access logical drives - as mentioned above - just replace 'PhysicalDrive0' with the drive letter e.g. 'D:'
oh yes ... I tried with Java 1.7 on a Win 7 system ...
RageDs link brougth me to the solution ... thank you :-)
Disk access will depend on the disk's particular drivers. And since this is such a low-level task, I doubt Java/Python would have such support (these languages are generally used for fast, high-level software package development). Since you will probably not be aware of the disks' particular hardware implementations, you will probably have to end up using an operating system API (which is OS-dependent of course). I would recommend looking into C and/or the particular assembly language for the architecture you plan to do this work on. Then, I would recommend continuing your search to find the appropriate API for your target OS.
For Windows, a good place to start is here. More specifically, MSDN's CreateFile() is probably a function you would be interested in.

Can regular file reading benefited from nonblocking-IO?

It seems not to me and I found a link that supports my opinion. What do you think?
The content of the link you posted is correct. A regular file socket, opened in non-blocking mode, will always be "ready" for reading; when you actually try to read it, blocking (or more accurately as your source points out, sleeping) will occur until the operation can succeed.
In any case, I think your source needs some sedatives. One angry person, that is.
I've been digging into this quite heavily for the past few hours and can attest that the author of the link you cited is correct. However, the appears to be "better" (using that term very loosely) support for non-blocking IO against regular files in native Linux Kernel for v2.6+. The "libaio" package contains a library that exposes the functionality offered by the kernel, but it has some caveats about the different types of file systems which are supported and it's not portable to anything outside of Linux 2.6+.
And here's another good article on the subject.
You're correct that nonblocking mode has no benefit for regular files, and is not allowed to. It would be nice if there were a secondary flag that could be set, along with O_NONBLOCK, to change this, but due to the way cache and virtual memory work, it's actually not an easy task to define what correct "non-blocking" behavior for ordinary files would mean. Certainly there would be race conditions unless you allowed programs to lock memory associated with the file. (In fact, one way to implement a sort of non-sleeping IO for ordinary files would be to mmap the file and mlock the map. After that, on any reasonable implementation, read and write would never sleep as long as the file offset and buffer size remained within the bounds of the mapped region.)
