Getting "Unknown command" when using "lftp -e" - linux

I'm working on a bash script to automate FTP sessions, so I can run the same commands on multiple servers automatically)
lftp -u username,password ip_address -e **FILE_WITH_COMMANDS**
So the problem is that I somehow can't use a file with -f because I get an error like this:
Unknown command `commands'.
Does anybody know how to get around this problem?
Thank you very much!

To execute commands loaded from a file, use the -f switch:
-f execute commands from the file and exit
The -e switch is for executing a command specified on the command-line:
-e execute the command
So when you use -e commands, the lftp interprets it as a request to run the commands command. And there's no commands command, hence the error.
See also


Execute a command in a new terminal window

I'm on ubuntu 17.04, and I'm trying to execute some commands in sequence, so I have written this shell script:
sudo java -jar ~/Desktop/PlugtestServer.jar
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
sudo node httpServer.js
The problem is that after the first command, it execute PlugtestServer and then stop on it, because it is a server and continue to execute it. There is a command in order to automatically open a new terminal and execute PlutestServer in it?
There is way to open a new terminal window and execute command in it using gnome-terminal
The sample format for command is:
gnome-terminal -e "command you want to execute"
gnome-terminal -e "./ arg1 arg2"
Hope that helps!!
Your script stays on the first command showing output, you can make the shell move on by adding "&" to the end of your lines. However this might still not do what you want, if you want PlugTestServer to remain running when you log out. For that you should include "nohup" which will keep the command running while piping output to a file.
So, an example:
nohup java -jar ~/Desktop/PlugtestServer.jar > plugtest.out & #Pipes output to plugtest.out, use /dev/null if you don't care about output.
/opt/lampp/lampp start
node httpServer.js
Notice I removed sudo from the script. It's generally better to invoke the script with "sudo" unless you have specific reason to, at the very least it simplifies the commands.
I'm not sure if your second and third command "fork" or "block", so add "nohup" and "&" if you need to.

Copy file from remote server through lftp

I'm new to linux scripting. I want to copy file from remote server to current server(executing or client server),required cert & key files are already installed on my server(client server). below commands work when I execute it individually in sequence but, after Integrating into a .sh script it doesnt!
--My Script--
lftp -u username,xxx -p 2121;
set ssl:cert-file /abc/def/etc/User_T.p12;
set ssl:key-file abc/def/etc/User_T.p12.pwd;
lftp -e 'set net:timeout 10; get /app/home/atm/feed.txt -o /com/data/';
man lftp:
-f script_file
Execute commands in the file and exit. This option must be used
alone without other arguments (except --norc).
-c commands
Execute the given commands and exit. Commands can be separated
with a semicolon, `&&' or `||'. Remember to quote the commands
argument properly in the shell. This option must be used alone
without other arguments (except --norc).
Use "here document" feature of the shell:
lftp <<EOF
Thanks lav for your suggestion, I found that my script was not executing second line so added continuation like
& ended script with SCRIPT
removed all semi colon... Its working

Use of read -d option on Ubuntu Bash Shell

im trying to use that option of read command in my script but i get only the error message 'read: -d ilegal option' when i execute it. This is the code
read -d "." -p "Write here: " var
Im trying to type the same code on terminal and its ok there.
I've checked the version's shell and is bash. Thanks for help
Run your script explicitly with bash not sh Also make sure you have bash: bash --version.

Konsole execute a script

konsole --noclose -e --rcfile /filepathtomyscript
I tried to execute the above commands because i want konsole can execute a list of commands with arguments such as
However, I keep get errors. Could you please help me? Thanks a lot.
All the examples I found so far just execute a single command.
Try this
konsole --noclose -e /bin/bash /path/to/my/script
Konsole Man Page
-e [ arguments ]
Execute ’command’ instead of shell. It also sets the window
title and icon name to be the basename of the program being
executed if neither -T nor -n are given on the command line.
This must be the last option on the command line.

Avoid gnome-terminal close after script execution?

I created a bash script that opens several gnome-terminals, connect to classroom computers via ssh and run a script.
How can I avoid that the gnome-terminal closes after the script is finished? Note that I also want to be able to enter further commands in the terminal.
Here is an example of my code:
gnome-terminal -e "ssh root#<ip> cd /tmp && ls"
As I understand you want gnome-terminal to open, have it execute some commands, and then drop to the prompt so you can enter some more commands. Gnome-terminal is not designed for this use case, but there are workarounds:
Let gnome-terminal run bash and tell bash to run your commands and then start a new bash
$ gnome-terminal -- bash -c "echo foo; echo bar; exec bash"
or if the commands are in a script
$ gnome-terminal -- bash -c "./scripttorun; exec bash"
The first bash will terminate once all the commands are done. But the last command is a new bash which will then just keep running. And since something is still running gnome-terminal will not close.
Let gnome-terminal run bash with a prepared rcfile which runs your commands
Prepare somercfile:
source ~/.bashrc
echo foo
echo bar
Then run:
$ gnome-terminal -- bash --rcfile somercfile
bash will stay open after running somercfile.
i must admit i do not understand completely why --rcfile has this behaviour but it does.
Let gnome-terminal run a script which runs your commands and then drops to bash
Prepare scripttobash:
echo foo
echo bar
exec bash
Set this file as executable.
Then run:
$ gnome-terminal -- ./scripttobash
for completeness
if you just want to be able read the output of the command and need no interactivity
go to preferences (hamburger button -> preferences)
go to profiles (standard or create a new one)
go to command tab
when command exits -> hold the terminal open
i recommend to create a new profile for just for this use case.
use the profile like this:
gnome-terminal --profile=holdopen -- ./scripttorun
Every method has it's quirks. You must choose, but choose wisely.
I like the first solution. it does not need extra files or profiles. and the command says what it does: run commands then run bash again.
All that said, since you used ssh in your example, you might want to take a look at pssh (parallel ssh). here an article:
Finally this one works for me:
gnome-terminal --working-directory=WORK_DIR -x bash -c "COMMAND; bash"
Stack Overflow answer: the terminal closes when the command run inside it has finished, so you need to write a command that doesn't terminate immediately. For example, to leave the terminal window open until you press Enter in it:
gnome-terminal -e "ssh host 'cd /tmp && ls'; read line"
Super User answer: Create a profile in which the preference “Title and Command/When command exits” is set to “Hold the terminal open”. Invoke gnome-terminal with the --window-with-profile or --tab-with-profile option to specify the terminal name.
Run with -ic instead -i to make terminal close bash proccess when you close your terminal gui:
gnome-terminal -e "bash -ic \"echo foo; echo bar; exec bash\""
As of January 2020, the -e option in gnome-terminal still runs properly but throws out the following warning:
For -e:
# Option “-e” is deprecated and might be removed in a later version
of gnome-terminal.
# Use “-- ” to terminate the options and put the command line to
execute after it.
Based on that information above, I confirmed that you can run the following two commands without receiving any warning messages:
$ gnome-terminal -- "./scripttobash"
$ gnome-terminal -- "./genericscripttobash \"echo foo\" \"echo bar\""
I hope this helps anyone else presently having this issue :)
The ideal solution would be to ask for a user input with echo "Press any key".
But if double-click in Nautis or Nemo and select run in a terminal, it doesn't seem to work.
In case of Ubuntu a shell designed for fast start-up and execution with only standard features is used, named dash I believe.
Because of this the shebang is the very first line to start with to enable proper use of bash features.
Normally this would be: #!/bin/bash or similar.
In Ubuntu I learned this should be: #!/usr/bin/env bash.
Many workarounds exist to keep hold of the screen before the interpreter sees a syntax error in a bash command.
The solution in Ubuntu that worked for me:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
your code
echo Press a key...
read -n1
For a solution applicable to any terminal, there is a script that opens a terminal, runs the command specified and gives you back the prompt in that new terminal:
I really like the bash --rcfile method
I just source ~/.bashrc then add the commands I want to the new
now my automated work environment is complete... for now 😼
If running a bash script just add gedit afile to the end of the script and that will hold gnome-terminal open. "afile" could be a build log which it was in my case.
Did not try just using gedit alone but, that would properly work too.
Use nohup command.
nohup gnome-terminal -e "ssh root# cd /tmp && ls"
Hope this will help you.
