Sort by horodate on Excel - excel

I would like to sort my Excel file by horodate so when we switch from summer time to winter time data is ordered by chronological order and so that when I create a graph the data is represented in the right order.
When i sort by horodate (from a to Z) i obtain that:
Horodate Value Chronological order
2014-10-26T01:30:00+02:00 32273345000 1
2014-10-26T02:00:00+01:00 28310393000 4
2014-10-26T02:00:00+02:00 31705207000 2
2014-10-26T02:30:00+01:00 27116547000 5
2014-10-26T02:30:00+02:00 29900587000 3
2014-10-26T03:00:00+01:00 26535312000 6
2014-10-26T03:30:00+01:00 26165805000 7
2014-10-26T04:00:00+01:00 26022551000 8
Which is not the chronological order as you see.. I would like to have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Thank you

You can add helper column and sort using it:
Formula in D1 (dragged down) is:
=SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A1,19),"T"," ")-RIGHT(A1,5)*(MID(A1,20,1)&"1")
First part (SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A1,19),"T"," ")) calculates date and time part, second (-RIGHT(A1,5)) timezone offset, and the third (MID(A1,20,1)&"1") sign of timezone offset (you can remove it, if there is always + in horodate).


Manipulating function sample sizes in Excel

Suppose I had two time series consisting of weekly data points, and I want to compute the covariance of the time series for the last n weeks using the covariance function in Excel.
Would it be possible to set this scenario up in such a way that a certain cell contains the number of weeks of data I want to compute the covariance for?
That is, changing the cell element to k would lead to the already computed covariance for n weeks to change to the covariance of the data series for the last k weeks?
You decided that sample data was not important so here is some.
date nmbr
03-30-2017 4
04-04-2017 4
04-07-2017 2
04-09-2017 2
04-12-2017 1
04-15-2017 4
04-18-2017 1
04-21-2017 2
04-24-2017 1
04-26-2017 3
04-30-2017 4
05-02-2017 5
05-07-2017 4
05-09-2017 2
05-10-2017 1
05-12-2017 5
05-14-2017 4
My crystal ball tells me that this question is not so much about Excel's COVARIANCE.P or COVARIANCE.S but about limiting date related data. To this end, I'll simply SUM 4 weeks of data.
The formulas needed in E2:H2 (see supplied image) are:
=FLOOR(E2-(F2*7), 7)+1
Note that the dates are in ascending order.

Return corresponding date of max value

I'm looking for a formula which will give me the date of the last version of the order.
To illustrate, the sheet looks as follows:
1 Sales Order Version Date
2 SO#12345 1 21/02/2013
2 SO#12345 2 28/04/2013
3 SO#12345 3 04/08/2013
4 SO#12345 4 27/09/2013
5 SO#54321 1 02/03/2014
6 SO#54321 2 31/03/2014
7 SO#54321 3 07/10/2014
8 SO#54321 4 13/12/2014
So I would like to get the date of SO#12345, version 4 (29/09/2013).
I've tried several combinations of INDEX, MATCH, IF and MAX functions, but I can't seem to get the right value.
It either gives me the corresponding date of the highest value in the version column or it gives me the correct version number, but I can't make it show the appropriate date.
I did use CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER for these formulas, so they are executed as a matrix function.
Again, assuming the Order Number is in E2, try:
If the versions are listed in order for each Sales Order numberyou can use LOOKUP like this:
Where E2 contains a specific order number
....or you can use the order number directly

How to get the latest date with same ID in Excel

I want to Get the Record with the most recent date as same ID's have different dates. Need to pick the BOLD values. Below is the sample data, As original data consist of 10000 records.
ID Date
5 25/02/2014
5 7/02/2014
5 6/12/2013
5 25/11/2013
5 4/11/2013
3 5/05/2013
3 19/02/2013
3 12/11/2012
1 7/03/2013
2 24/09/2012
2 7/09/2012
4 6/12/2013
4 19/04/2013
4 31/03/2013
4 26/08/2012
What I would do is in column B use this formula and fill down
in column C
then filter column B to a specific value of interest and sort by column C to order these values by date.
Edit: Even easier do a two level sort by B then by C newest to oldest. The first B in the list is newest.
Do you need a programmatic / formula only solution or can you use a workflow? If a workflow will work, then how about this:
Construct a pivot table of your data
Make the Rows Labels the ID
Make the Values Max of Date
The resulting table is your answer.
Row Labels Max of Date
1 07/03/13
2 24/09/12
3 05/05/13
4 06/12/13
5 25/02/14

Count in Excel over a range using 2 columns of data

Tried looking for an answer first...
I want to count the number of items that were open between 1-7 days, 8-14 days, etc etc (open and closed on same day = open for 1 day)
Is there a way I can count this directly using the 2 columns holding the data without creating a 3rd column for Date Closed - Date Opened +1??
So in this example, what can I use to calculate that the number of 1-7 days items is 2? (Items 1 and 3)
Item # Open Closed
1 01/06/2014 01/06/2014
2 05/05/2014 20/06/2014
3 10/06/2014 16/06/2014
4 08/06/2014 15/06/2014
5 02/06/2014 19/06/2014
Many thanks :o)
One way would be to use the versatile SUMPRODUCT:
assuming your start date column is B and end date column is C. The second part of the formula will determine all date spans which are larger than 7, and the 1* will convert the TRUE values to 1 in order to sum them up.

will ABS formula columns sort and match

I am retired so I have a lot of free time on my hands so I like playing the greyhounds. Using Excel I attempted to help myself save time by sorting out two columns at a time (Post - B-SPD) etc, because you have to sort some low and some high. The columns not marked Post are formula columns =abs(a3) etc. but when I try to sort the Post columns will sort, but the column I try to sort with it does not sort and match the post number it is assigned to.
Can this be done or does the =ABS formula prevent it. Plus even using =ABS some of the number are negative but the -minus sign does not appear. I have tried everything using numbers, using currency, using general, but nothing works. One person sent me to control panel to the Clock, Language, and Region settings. go additional setting and set your negative setting there. But that would not let the -minus sign show up on negative numbers either.
Is any of the above even possible?
1 31.43 1 31.84 1 0 1 3 1 5.83
2 31.43 2 31.67 2 35.14 2 0 2 4.67
3 31.79 3 31.9 3 59.11 3 6 3 5.67
4 31.32 4 31.73 4 65.5 4 3 4 3.83
5 31.47 5 31.68 5 29.71 5 4 5 3.33
6 31.76 6 32.18 6 100 6 9 6 5.01
7 31.48 7 31.99 7 41.13 7 1 7 5.67
8 31.69 8 31.99 8 75.79 8 6 8 4.83
The requirement is not clear but use of ABS should not cause sorting issues. =ABS (for absolute) function is to strip out minus signs (so seems to be working properly).
OP may be advised to delete all but one of the POST columns, select headers and data (not including 'LOW' or 'HIGH') and Insert > Tables - Table, check My table has headers, OK, then use the filter buttons to choose whether to Sort Smallest to Largest or Sort Largest to Smallest for whichever attribute is to be ordered (the other columns will 'follow suit'). The filter button will show which button is determining the ordering and whether ascending or descending (eg table below is sorted descending on '8TH'):
