How to get Visual C++ 2010 Express - visual-c++

I am working on a Source Mod, and it requires that I use Microsoft Visual C++ Express, and the compiler that goes with it. However, all of the links that Google brings up just redirect me to the newer Visual Studio Community.
Does anyone know where I can still install Visual C++ Express 2010 on my computer?

VS 2010 Express Edition is no longer available from Microsoft downloads.
You can still find VS 2012 Express for Windows Desktop, VS 2013 Express for Windows Desktop, and there is a VS 2015 Express for Windows Desktop but generally the VS 2013 Community or VS 2015 Community editions are a much better experience and have better support for tools and features that were only in the professional products previously which is why searches are pointing you to it.


How to add Windows Forms Application in visual studio c++ 2012

I excitedly installed Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop on my fresh Windows 8 installation a couple days ago. I opened it and quickly found, to my dismay, that there is no native support for a C++ Windows Forms Application.
This is the correct guide that worked for me.
It is a hack and it's not the "proper" experience you'd expect or be used to.
I'd recommend getting 2010 express
Looking into more it seems like MS has a Visual studio 2012 for desktop for windows 8

Shall I use Visual Studio Express or Visual Studio 2013?

I have just downloaded "Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone" to start Windows phone development. This is a free software. But I also came to know that you can also do Windows phone development using Visual Studio 2013 which is paid software.
Is there a disadvantage using Express edition for Windows phone development? Like it doesn't come with all features, libraries and APIs etc.?
You can do development of a Windows Phone app with Visual Studio Express with complete access to all APIs.
However, the Express edition is limited. You cannot mix project types (Web and Phone) in one solution and there is limited support for Add-Ins like CodeRush.
Whether limited support of plugins or the lack of mixed solutions bother is up to you. If the bucks you would spent do a return of investment is up to you.
All two works perfect! You can make apps in any version created for WP.

How to use Visual C++ 2005 Express and Visual Studio Express 2013 on the same computer?

I would like to use both Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition and Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop on the same computer. What's a good way to accomplish this?
I imagine that installing Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition on a computer that already has Visual Studio Express 2013 installed would cause unexpected errors and break the current installation, or the installation would fail automatically because there already is a newer version installed.
The reason why I want both is because there is a lot of learning material written for both the 2005 and the 2013 editions. There are more programming books written for the 2005 edition actually.
I essentially want to know how I can isolate the two and still use them both in parallel without any problems caused by conflicting files, registry keys, environment settings, etc.

Where are the Express Editions of Visual Studio 2012 after 2013 is released?

After Microsoft has released Visual Studio 2013, the download links to Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web (and all 2012 Express for that matter) have vanished from their site.
They have still kept download links to Visual Studio 2010 Express. This seems ridiculous. I have a system where I would like to do some testing without IE 10 installed which is a prereq for Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web. Only Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web allows that.
If anyone knows where I could find the legit ISO for VS 2012 Express for Web, it would be of great help! I believe express editions are completely free forever, so getting an ISO would be legit.
Microsoft is notorious for changing removing links from their portal :)
Here is the actual link:
Hope this helps.

Is it possible to develop extensions for visual studio 2012 using free tools?

I would like to make a template for F# lib + XNA 4.0 + Xbox360 for visual studio 2012.
All I have is Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition for Web.
When I try to install the Visual Studio 2012 SDK, it stops after reporting that it requires Visual Studio 2012. The log seems to indicate it's looking for the Professional edition.
I'm not interested in buying a professional license for hobby work, and I am a bit surprised Microsoft would want to prevent hobbyists from extending their product.
I do have a professional license for Visual Studio 2010, though. If there's a way to make extensions for 2012 using 2010, that would work for me.
You can use VS2010 to develop extension compatible with VS2012.
All you have to do is to manually change vsixmanifest to make it work with newer version:
<VisualStudio Version="11.0">
Note however that Visual Studio Express does not support extensions, so you won't be able to install it in VS2012 Express anyway.
