Error in COUNTIFS function - excel

I want to count how many vehicles are delayed more than 4 min on a given day according to a given departure (let's assume from 00:00 to 05:00).
This is a sample of the data:
1 Line Day Departure Delayed (sec)
2 11 Weekday 02:30:00 120
3 11 Weekday 03:40:00 500
4 22 Weekday 01:45:00 10
5 44 Weekday 06:44:00 1000
6 55 Weekday 04:35:00 145
7 111 Saturday 14:40:00 450
8 111 Saturday 04:20:00 300
9 111 Saturday 20:20:00 220
10 111 Saturday 07:00:00 125
11 333 Sunday 09:15:00 700
I used a "TÆL.HVISER" function (Danish) or COUNT.IFS function to count the vehicles:
But it is not working. When I break this restriction into four restrictions, the individual restrictions are working but when I combine them it's not working.

I've laid out your data according to how I read your sample formula.
The EN-US formula in G4 is,
=COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$11, G$3, $B$2:$B$11, $F4, $C$2:$C$11, ">="&TIME(0, 0, 0), $C$2:$C$11, "<="&TIME(5, 0, 0), $D$2:$D$11, ">="&240)
Fill both right and down. I've use the TIME function so that a) real times could be referenced and b) it makes it easier to set to new values.
TÆL.HVISER, funktionen
Funktionen TID

It is the part
if you change it to two criteria like this
it will work. Here is the full formula:


Pandas : Finding correct time window

I have a pandas dataframe which gets updated every hour with latest hourly data. I have to filter out IDs based upon a threshold, i.e. PR_Rate > 50 and CNT_12571 < 30 for 3 consecutive hours from a lookback period of 5 hours. I was using the below statements to accomplish this:
df_thld=df[(df['Date'] > df['Date'].max() - pd.Timedelta(hours=5))& (df.PR_Rate>50) & (df.CNT_12571 < 30)]
df_thld.loc[:,'HR_CNT'] = df_thld.groupby('ID')['Date'].nunique().to_frame('HR_CNT').reset_index()
df_thld[(df_thld['HR_CNT'] >3]
The problem with this approach is that since lookback period requirement is 5 hours, so, this HR_CNT can count any non consecutive hours breaching this critieria.
MY Dataset is as below:
Date IDs CT_12571 PR_Rate
16/06/2021 10:00 A1 15 50.487
16/06/2021 11:00 A1 31 40.806
16/06/2021 12:00 A1 25 52.302
16/06/2021 13:00 A1 13 61.45
16/06/2021 14:00 A1 7 73.805
In the above Dataframe, threshold was not breached at 1100 hrs, but while counting the hours, 10,12 and 13 as the hours that breached the threshold instead of 12,13,14 as required. Each id may or may not have this critieria breached in a single day. Any idea, How can I fix this issue?
Please excuse me, if I have misinterpreted your problem. As I understand the issues you have a dataframe which is updated hourly. An example of this dataframe is illustrated below as df. From this dataframe, you want to filter only those rows which satisfy the following two conditions:
PR_Rate > 50 and CNT_12571 < 30
If and only if the threshold is surpassed for three consecutive hours
Given these assumptions, I would proceed as follows:
Date IDs CT_1257 PR_Rate
0 2021-06-16 10:00:00 A1 15 50.487
1 2021-06-16 12:00:00 A1 31 40.806
2 2021-06-16 14:00:00 A1 25 52.302
3 2021-06-16 15:00:00 A1 13 61.450
4 2021-06-16 16:00:00 A1 7 73.805
Note in this dataframe, the only time fr5ame which satisfies the above conditions is the entries for the of 14:00, 15:00 and 16:00.
def filterFrame(df, dur, pr_threshold, ct_threshold):
ff = df[(df['CT_1257']< ct_threshold) & (df['PR_Rate'] >pr_threshold) ].reset_index()
ml = list(ff.rolling(f'{dur}h', on='Date').count()['IDs'])
r = len(ml)- 1
rows= []
while r >= 0:
end = r
start = None
if int(ml[r]) < dur:
r -= 1
k = int(ml[r])
for i in range(k):
r -= k
rows = rows[::-1]
return ff.filter(items= rows, axis = 0).reset_index()
running filterFrame(df, 3, 50, 30) yields:
level_0 index Date IDs CT_1257 PR_Rate
0 1 2 2021-06-16 14:00:00 A1 25 52.302
1 2 3 2021-06-16 15:00:00 A1 13 61.450
2 3 4 2021-06-16 16:00:00 A1 7 73.805

Difference between value from multiple sheets

I would like to find the difference between the matched serial numbers from multiple excel sheets
sheet 1
June July
B 10 20
A 50 90
Sheet 2
June July
A 6 3
C 5 9
B 10 5
Sheet 3(results)
June July
A 44 87
B 0 15

Computing most recent smaller value

I have an excel sheet with dates (sorted) in one column and values in another. Ex:
1/1/2019 10
1/2/2019 12
1/3/2019 8
1/4/2019 20
1/10/2019 8
1/12/2019 22
I want to compute in a third column, the most recent date such that value was less than or equal to the current value (if the current is the lowest, then use the current date). So, for the sample data above,
1/1/2019 10 1/1/2019
1/2/2019 12 1/1/2019
1/3/2019 8 1/3/2019
1/4/2019 20 1/3/2019
1/10/2019 8 1/3/2019
1/12/2019 22 1/10/2019
Is there a way of accomplishing this without VBA macros?
Here's a way. Paste these in and copy down the column.
Column C: =IF(COUNTIF(B2:B6,D1)=0,A1,MINIFS(A2:A6,B2:B6,D1))
Column D: =CONCATENATE("<",TEXT(VALUE(B1),"#"))
You can hide column D to make it prettier. It's the criteria being used by the COUNTIF and MINIFS. Column C is the output.
1/1/2019 10 1/3/2019 <10
1/2/2019 12 1/3/2019 <12
1/3/2019 8 1/3/2019 <8
1/4/2019 20 1/10/2019 <20
1/10/2019 8 1/10/2019 <8
1/12/2019 22 1/12/2019 <22
Formula view:
43466 10 =IF(COUNTIF(B2:B6,D1)=0,A1,MINIFS(A2:A6,B2:B6,D1)) =CONCATENATE("<",TEXT(VALUE(B1),"#"))
43467 12 =IF(COUNTIF(B3:B7,D2)=0,A2,MINIFS(A3:A7,B3:B7,D2)) =CONCATENATE("<",TEXT(VALUE(B2),"#"))
43468 8 =IF(COUNTIF(B4:B8,D3)=0,A3,MINIFS(A4:A8,B4:B8,D3)) =CONCATENATE("<",TEXT(VALUE(B3),"#"))
43469 20 =IF(COUNTIF(B5:B9,D4)=0,A4,MINIFS(A5:A9,B5:B9,D4)) =CONCATENATE("<",TEXT(VALUE(B4),"#"))
43475 8 =IF(COUNTIF(B6:B10,D5)=0,A5,MINIFS(A6:A10,B6:B10,D5)) =CONCATENATE("<",TEXT(VALUE(B5),"#"))
43477 22 =IF(COUNTIF(B7:B11,D6)=0,A6,MINIFS(A7:A11,B7:B11,D6)) =CONCATENATE("<",TEXT(VALUE(B6),"#"))
This is a little sloppy in that you could use a named value or absolute value for the end of the range, e.g. B$6. Otherwise you're going to be looking at cells below your table, which is fine as long as they're empty, but kind of sloppy.
Column C: =IF(COUNTIF(B2:B$6,D1)=0,A1,MINIFS(A2:A$6,B2:B$6,D1))

How match multiple column values and extract corresponding cell values in Excel

Sheet 1
Cust Visit DATE TIME
201 Day 1 11-Jul-17 11:15
201 Day 1 11-Jul-17 11:18
201 Day 1 11-Jul-17 11:20
201 Day 3 13-Jul-17 11:30
201 Day 3 13-Jul-17 11:32
201 Day 3 13-Jul-17 11:34
201 Day 7 17-Jul-17 11:20
201 Day 7 17-Jul-17 11:22
201 Day 7 17-Jul-17 11:24
201 Day 10 20-Jul-17 11:30
201 Day 10 20-Jul-17 11:32
201 Day 10 20-Jul-17 11:34
201 Day 14 24-Jul-17 11:15
201 Day 14 24-Jul-17 11:17
201 Day 14 24-Jul-17 11:19
202 Day 1 11-Jul-17 11:20
202 Day 1 11-Jul-17 11:22
Sheet 2
201 Day 1 11-Jul-17 9:30
201 Day 3 13-Jul-17 9:30
201 Day 7 17-Jul-17 9:30
201 Day 10 20-Jul-17 9:30
201 Day 14 24-Jul-17 9:30
202 Day 1 11-Jul-17 9:35
202 Day 3 13-Jul-17 9:35
First set of columns in excel show customer ID visit date and time for their survey participation.
The second set of columns shows the same Customer IDs shared by reference customers and similar details. Both are in the same sheet of excel.
We are to compare the time difference between reference customers and current customers of their visits. i.e. I want the values in RefTime column lined up next to the TIME column when refc matches Cust and Rvisit matches visit and date matches Rdate. The visits can be 3 per day or 2, it may vary.
I am unsure of how to approach this using formulas (INDEX & MATCH ?), and i am new to excel. Any help or intro to help me achieve this is appreciated.
Thanks !
Sorry for not being clear..For ex. I want the Reftime below 9.30 for Refc # 201
201 Day 1 11-Jul-17 9:30
to appear next to TIME column for the first 3 rows of below as all details of above match (cust # wtih RefC , visit with Rvisit and date with Rdate).
Cust Visit DATE TIME
201 Day 1 11-Jul-17 11:15 9:30
201 Day 1 11-Jul-17 11:18 9:30
201 Day 1 11-Jul-17 11:20 9:30
It is still unclear what you want. I think you want a VLOOKUP but on more than one key. You can add a column in the Sheet2 to the left of the current columns - Assuming the RefC R Visit is Col B:
in Col 1, copy down =B1&B2 and then you can reference this column (and its subsequent columns) in a concatenated VLOOKUP: in the cell in SHeet1 where you want the result - assuming Cust Visit is column A, you put in, say Col E, =VLOOKUP(A2&B2,Sheet2!$A$2:$E$10000, 3, False)
The dollar anchors are important on the second parameter. The 3 in the third parameter says match column C, the False means look for exact matches. Wrap it in an IFERROR of IF(ISNA()) if you want to avoid non-found record errors.

Return values in same row by searching different column

Given data like this:
1 MAX. Time MIN. Time
2 140 08:00 100 01:00
3 150 15:00 50 02:00
4 130 17:00 80 03:00
5 120 22:00 90 04:00
=MAX(A2:A5) will return 150 and
=MIN(C2:C5) will return 50
How can I find the values in COL B in same row as 150 (for MAX) and in COL D in the same row as 50 (for MIN)?
If you can confirm that you have only one max(min) value (if not, formula returns first occurance), you can simply use VLOOKUP:
for min formulaa would be the same:
Alternatively you can use more flexible formula:
above formula finds min in column C and returns corresponding value from col B
