Mail markup: google tester- ok, my server- bad - gmail

I have the problem with google mail markup
I tried Json-Ld and Microdata. But i have nothing. When i try to send me mail from google tester - everything is ok and i get the letter with quick button. But when i send the same letter from my server- i get letter without quick button. At my server i tryed to change mail's charset, encoding, i tryed to use php function mail and PHPmailer script (yii)- the result is the same.
What should i see the next

Thank everybody for answers. lol
But i found that i should add me to wite list at google here
Writers from google didn't mention about it at first part of instruction


Enter for message telegram bot

Currently, I am developing telegram bot to send message to all member in group chat.
My difficulty right now I cannot make a message with enter.
I already tried adding \n however it wont worked.
this is what I want for example.
Good morning,
Have good day.
when the message need to have enter it cannot send with enter. the result will be like this.
Good morning,/n/n Have good day.
does anyone know how telegram read enter which can be used in python code.
Ok, to send multiline messages, you can use the multiline strings like this:
bot.send_message('chat-id', """
Good morning,
Have good day.
and enable the markup also, so that it dose not interfere the empty lines.

HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_20 message when testing email

I am sending an email to new users asking them to verify.
This is my email
But when I am testing the email in, I get this HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_20 message. But I do not have any image sith text in or am I misunderstading the error?
I assume that’s a SpamAssassin rule. It is a rule that says that your message is composed primarily of image and not text. In your example you have a logo and not much text, so I’d assume it’s that. You could look up the source code for the SA rule and see what it’s actually looking for.

Google retiring "ranking" email to replace Gmail/ actions

I'm wondering how I can replace the functionality of the Google ranking action.
I'm sending out email at the end of a ticket/support issue and want to be able to let customers state whether they are happy or not with the service they are getting without opening a web browser(inline button/link) or another method. I was trying to hijack the RSVP method however it appears as if the only answers you can set are "Yes, No, and, Maybe"
Looks like there is a lot in SCHEMA.ORG seems like Google has given up on any additions to the basic 3(Yes,No,Maybe) buttons with no real options.

telegram bot prefill text for user to edit

Telegram bot sends me a message with a text snippet, which I want to edit, and send back to the bot for further processing.
Copy and paste takes time. Typing message anew takes time.
Ideally I'd like to press an inline button "Edit" on the bot's message and get the message text appear in my reply input box for editing.(A message id attached to my reply somehow would be a plus).
I tried to use deep linking with parameters other than /start*, but that doesn't seem to work.
Can I use bot API (or any other telegram API) to have text ready for editing in my input box?
It's impossible in official apps yet. Your question is about working with drafts - there are no methods in both API to create them or clear.
Nevertheless, you could fork any official app stored on GiHub and implement what you need if you would prefer a hard way, but compared to that copy/past solution seems much more easier, isn't it?
I can offer to you a new idea how to solve your problem - hope it will be helpful.
This is about switch_inline_query_current_chat field of InlineKeyboardButton. Just attach an inline button to messages you need to edit. Set a text for this field gotten from recieved message and after pressing you will get this text to your input area. All seems good, but you will take bot's username before the text also.

mailto link doesn't work in gmail

I'v encountered an issue with gmail mailto: link, the link works fine for Outlook in both iOS and BB OS.
See below:
But in gmail, the subject thread#:1234123123123 got truncated because # symbol.
Subject: thread
I found that after removing # symbol, the subject field populated well, but the # is required. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Most likely has to do with that # character not being URL encoded.
And take a look at when you have a chance.
