Print fifo's content in bash - linux

I want to get a fifo's content and print it in a file, and I have this code:
path=$1 #path file get from script's input
if [ -p "$path" ];then #check if path is pipe
content = 'cat "$path"'
echo "$content" > output
exit 33
My problem is that when I execute the cat "$path" line the script is stopped and the terminal displays the underscore.
I don't know how to solve this problem
P.S the fifo isn't empty and output is the file where I want to print fifo's content

If the FIFO is not empty, and there are no longer any file descriptors writing to that FIFO, you'll get EOF in the cat command. From man 7 pipe:
If all file descriptors referring to the write end of a pipe have been
closed, then an attempt to read(2) from the pipe will see end- of-file
(read(2) will return 0).

Your assignment statement is incorrect.
Whitespace around = is not permitted.
You're confusing single quotes with backquotes. However, you should use $(...) for command substitution anyway.
The correct assignment is
content=$(cat "$path")
or more efficiently in bash,
content=$(< "$path")


How to get cat output path as a variable in bash script

I'm using cat to create a new file via a shell script. It looks something like:
./ > output.txt
How can I access output.txt as a variable in my script. I've tried $1 but that doesn't work.
The script looks something like:
cat << EOF
echo "stuff"
Since there doesn't apear to be an os-agnostic way to do this, is there a way I pass the output into the script as an argument and then save the cat results to a file inside the script?
So the command would look like: ./ output.txt and I can access the output as $1. Is something like this possible?
The Literal Question: Determining Where Your Stdout Was Redirected To
When a user runs:
./yourscript >outfile
...they're telling their shell to open outfile for write, and connect it to the stdout of your script, before starting your script. Consequently, all the operations on the filename are already finished when your script is started, so the name isn't passed to the script directly.
On Linux (only), you can access the location to which your stdout was redirected before your script was started through procfs:
output_dest=$(readlink -f /dev/fd/1)
echo "My output is being written to $output_dest"
This is literally interrogating where your first file descriptor (which is stdout) is open to. Note that the results won't always be useful -- if your program is being piped into something else, for instance, it might be something like [pipe: 12345].
If you care about portability or robustness, you should generally write your software in such a way that it doesn't need to know or care where its stdout is being directed.
The Best Practice: Redirecting Your Script's Stdout Yourself
Better practice, if you need an output filename that your script can access, is to accept that as an explicit argument:
# ^^ note that that makes this a POSIX sh script, not a bash script
exec >"$outfile" # all commands below here have their output written to outfile
cat >>EOF
This is written to $outfile
...and then directing the user to pass the filename as an argument:
./yourscript outfile
cat << EOF > "$outfile"
echo "stuff"
./ output.txt
You write to the file output.txt
Setting a default value, in case the user doesn't pass an argument, is left for a different question.

What do these lines of Unix/Linux do?

I am a Unix/Linux shell script newbie and I have been asked to look at a script which contains the lines below. The following details in this question are vague but the person who wrote this code left no documentation and has since demised. Can anyone advise what they actually do?
There are two specific pieces of code. The first is simply line source where is a text file with contents:
failure="020o 040a"
success="002[a-d] 003[a-r] 004[a-s] 005[a-u]
Representing various parameters, I think, to do with the calculations the shell script performs. The nature of the calculations is, I am told, not important because the aim is to just get the script running.
The second piece of code is below and the relevant lines are delimited by Start and Stop comments. What I can tell you is that: $arg1 is blank, $opt1 is also blank, $poly is the path and name of a text file and ./search I believe to be a folder.
if [ $search == "yes" ]
# Search stage for squares containing zeros
# Start.
output="$outputs/search/"`basename $poly`
./search $opt1 $arg1 < $poly 2>&1 | tee $output
if tail -n1 $output | grep -v "success"
# End.
echo "SEARCH FAILURE" >> $output
# Save approximations
echo -n "SEARCH SUCCESS " >> $output
cat /tmp/iters >> $output
cp /tmp/zeros $inputs/search/`basename $poly`
echo "No search"
EDIT Initial disclaimer as advised by Mr. Charles Duffy:
The below explanations assume you won't hit expansion-related bugs; please correct your code as advised by to be assured that these explanations are correct
source includes the code from the script, which is a file in the same folder as the file sourcing it (hence just the filename, without its path).
Within that file:
failure="020o 040a"
success="002[a-d] 003[a-r] 004[a-s] 005[a-u]"
are two variable declarations; the variable $failure is set to "020o 040a" and $success to "002[a-d] 003[a-r] 004[a-s] 005[a-u]". As the file was sourced, these two variables are available in your script (do echo "$failure" and echo "$success" to see for yourself).
output="$outputs/search/`basename $poly`" has two parts to explain:
sets the variable $output to "$outputs/search/", i.e., to the value of the variable $outputs, appended by the string "/search/".,
`basename $poly`
anything in backticks is a command substitution, which interprets and runs the command returning its output, and the command basename $poly gets the base file or folder name from $poly, if it is a file path (e.g., basename $poly for poly="/dev/file.txt" yields file.txt); the output is appended as a string. to "$outputs/search/".
./search $opt1 $arg1 < $poly 2>&1 | tee $output is two commands, separated by a pipe |:
./search $opt1 $arg1 < $poly 2>&1
runs the executable file ./search (./ is shorthand for the current script's directory) with two arguments, $opt1 and $opt2 variables. $poly is the variable name which should represent a file path, of which the file path has its content redirected to the command (using <). The output of all errors (stderr, as 2) is redirected (>) to the standard output (stdout, or &2, the ampersand represents this is a file descriptor, not a file path, otherwise it would redirect output to a file named 2).
tee $output
tee pipes outputs stdin to stdout and to arguments as file paths. So tee "/home/nick/output" would save the stdin to a file at "/home/nick/output", as well as the stdout.
if tail -n1 $output | grep -v "success"
tail -n1 $output
gets the last line of the file at the "$output" variable's value.
grep -v "success"
searches for any non-match (-v inverts the match) in the last line from tail -n1 of "success" in a line (e.g., if the last line is "fail", it would pass the if statement as it does not contain "success")

Read line output in a shell script

I want to run a program (when executed it produces logdata) out of a shell script and write the output into a text file. I failed to do so :/
$prog is the executed prog -> socat /dev/ttyUSB0,b9600 STDOUT
$log/$FILE is just path to a .txt file
I had a Perl script to do this:
open (S,$prog) ||die "Cannot open $prog ($!)\n";
open (R,">>","$log") ||die "Cannot open logfile $log!\n";
while (<S>) {
my $date = localtime->strftime('%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;');
print "$date$_";
I tried to do this in a shell script like this
exec 3<&0
exec 0<$PROG
while read -r line
DATE=`date +%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;`
echo $DATE$line >> $FILE
exec 0<&3
Doesn't work at all...
How do I read the output of that prog and pipe it into my text file using a shell script? What did I do wrong (if I didn't do everything wrong)?
Final code:
$CMD |
while read -r line
echo "$(date +'%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')$line" >> $FILE
To read from a process, use process substitution
exec 0< <( $PROG )
/bin/sh doesn't support it, so use /bin/bash instead.
To assign several words to a variable, quote or backslash whitespace:
Semicolon is special in shell, quote it or backslash it:
DATE=$(date '+%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')
Moreover, no exec's are needed:
while ...
done < <( $PROG )
You might even add > $FILE after done instead of adding each line separately to the file.
Original answer
You haven't shown the error messages — which would have been helpful.
Your problem, though, is probably this line:
DATE=`date +%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;`
where the semicolons mark the end of a command, and there likely isn't a command %H that does anything useful, etc.
You need quotes around the format argument to date, and I'd use single quotes for this job:
DATE=$(date +'%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')
or even replace the two lines in the body of the loop with:
echo "$(date +'%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')$line" >> $FILE
The double quotes prevent a variety of problems.
That assumes you fix a bunch of other problems, such as the setting of the variables FILE and prog. Also, I'd probably use:
exec > $FILE
to initially zap the output file and then all subsequent standard output would go to that file, so the echo line becomes:
echo "$(date +'%d.%m.%Y;%H:%M:%S;')$line"
Amended answer
The question was originally missing lots of key information. It eventually got updated to include the complete code.
The problem I identified originally remains an issue, but you weren't running into it because the input redirection was not working. If you want the input to come from a process, use a pipe, or possibly process substitution. However, note that you have #!/bin/sh as your shebang line, and /bin/sh won't recognized process substitution; either change the shebang or use the pipe notation. Note that process substitution has advantages if the loop is setting variables that need to be accessed after the loop is complete.
while read -r line
while read -r line
Note that your code contains the line:
This runs the command identified by $DEV$BAUD with the argument STDOUT and the environment variable PROG set to the value of $SOCAT. That is not what you wanted.
You could use an array:
and then run:
either in the pipe line:
"${PROG[#]}" |
while read -r line
or with process substitution:
while read -r line
done < <("${PROG[#]}")
Note that unless there is code after the final exec 0<&3, there was no particular virtue in the redirections involving file descriptor 3. You should also close 3 when you're done with it:
exec 0<&3 3>&-
The 'final' code includes the lines:
$CMD |
while read -r line
This works OK because there are no spaces in the arguments to the command. That's a common case, but beware of spaces in arguments and file paths.

How to check for piped data in perl script

I am currently using these two if statements to decide if data is being piped in or is from a file:
pod2usage("$NAME: Requires at least one argument FILE.\n") if ((-t STDIN) && (#ARGV == 0));
pod2usage("$NAME: zero if input is from STDIN.\n") if (!(-t STDIN) && (#ARGV != 0));
This works fine when the perl script is run interactively from the shell. For example these work as expected:
$ perl_script <flags> filename
$ cat | perl_script <flags>
However, when the perl script is called from a bash script or something like org-mode in emacs the script thinks it is having data being piped in and throws the pod2usage error when files are given as arguments. Here is an example that causes this behavior:
while read line
perl_script <flags> $line >> output_file
done < file_names.txt
I am guessing that this is happening because -t STDIN is returning false because it is being run non-interactively so it is not attached to a terminal. Is there a way to make sure that I get the proper behavior if the script is being ran interactively or if being called from a shell script?
Try this:
while read line
perl_script <flags> $line < $TTY >> output_file
done < file_names.txt
The outer script is supplying file_names.txt on STDIN to the loop, which gets picked up by any child process in the loop. Your logic (in-so-far as your inner script is concerned) is correct. However, it's getting input in 2 ways: a file name on the command line and as a redirect of the file_names.txt file on STDIN supplied to the loop that is not connected to a tty. That's one of my main complaints about looping in bash. The STDIN redirect is kind of a loose canon and gets picked up unwittingly by the loop contents. That's why I like tcsh's foreach:
foreach line ( `cat file_names.txt` )
perl_script <flags> $line >> output_file
You may be able to do something like this in bash too, but I'm not certain whether your inner script would pick up the parent script's handle on STDIN (because I'm fairly new to bash and have been using tcsh for decades). You can try it though and see if this works:
for line in `cat file_names.txt`; do perl_script <flags> $line >> output_file; done

How to read from user within while-loop read line?

I had a bash file which prompted the user for some parameters and used defaults if nothing was given. The script then went on to perform some other commands with the parameters.
This worked great - no problems until most recent addition.
In an attempt to read the NAMES parameter from a txt file, I've added a while-loop to take in the names in the file, but I would still like the remaining parameters prompted for.
But once I added the while loop, the output shows the printed prompt in get_ans() and never pauses for a read, thus all the defaults are selected.
I would like to read the first parameter from a file, then all subsequent files from prompting the user.
What did I break by adding the while-loop?
cat list.txt |
while read line
get_ans "Name" "$line"
read NAME < $tmp_file
get_ans "Name" "$line"
read NAME < $tmp_file
function get_ans
if [ -f $tmp_file ]; then
rm $tmp_file
echo -n "$PROMPT [$DEFAULT]: "
read ans
if [ -z "$ans" ]; then
echo "$ans" > $tmp_file
(NOTE: Code is not copy&paste so please excuse typos. Actual code has function defined before the main())
You pipe data into your the while loops STDIN. So the read in get_ans is also taking data from that STDIN stream.
You can pipe data into while on a different file descriptor to avoid the issue and stop bothering with temp files:
while read -u 9 line; do
NAME=$(get_ans Name "$line")
done 9< list.txt
get_ans() {
local PROMPT=$1 DEFAULT=$2 ans
read -p "$PROMPT [$DEFAULT]: " ans
echo "${ans:-$DEFAULT}"
To read directly from the terminal, not from stdin (assuming you're on a *NIX machine, not a Windows machine):
while read foo</some/file; do
read bar</dev/tty
echo "got <$bar>"
When you pipe one command into another on the command line, like:
$ foo | bar
The shell is going to set it up so that bar's standard input comes from foo's standard output. Anything that foo sends to stdout will go directly to bar's stdin.
In your case, this means that the only thing that your script can read from is the standard output of the cat command, which will contain the contents of your file.
Instead of using a pipe on the command line, make the filename be the first parameter of your script. Then open and read from the file inside your code and read from the user as normal.
