Cannot manage backlog using Visual Studio Online - agile

I appreciate that this is a moving target, however.
I have attempted to manage my VSO backlog using both the Drag and Drop functionality and the Stack Rank Approach. On 2015 09 25 i noted along with a coworker that either manner resulted in sparcification which did not leave the backlog in the same order in which i had placed it.
The issue from MSDN does not indicate that this is designed behavior however when my backlog is consistently 300 items having a random order applied to my backlog causes havoc on a daily basis. In fact i was fairly certain it was sabotage.
Has anyone else noted this.
is there a way to over come this issue.
Links or other guidance will be truly appreciated
I have used both Excel and the "edit work item" feature to change the stack rank.
what i have observed is this
Lets say i have only 5 items in my backlog ( i actually have 300)+
I set the stack rank of the first 3 items to be equal so thay clump together
work item |stackrank| Order
| 1 | 1
| 1 | 2
| 1 | 3
| 2 | 4
| 9 | 5
For 5 minutes that is the order i see on the webpage ( if i was not clear my VSO is hosted on Azure)
After a certain time ( it happens almost immediately) the sparcification does this ( NOTE order as well as stackrank) *keeping number sane on purpose althougt i know that MS uses much larger ordination
work item |stackrank| Order
| 1 | 1
| 3 | 2
| 5 | 3
| 7 | 4
| 9 | 5
So why does it not respect my clumping strategy?
I have been watching the backlog with a skeptical eye for the last week and it is appears to be reordering items without human intervention.I cannot be completely certain , however i am the backlog owner and 99% of the time ppl fess up when they add items without prior conversation. ( it happens in my organization and wont be stopped shrug)

Firstly, the Stack Rank field is removed from work item form. Check this link for the details.
Secondly, just as Daniel mentioned above, you can use Excel to order the backlog as the field is still part of the work item, it is only removed from the form.


Which 3GPP spec identifies the maximim number of PDP Contexts a UE can activate?

So I know that the network limit on the max number of contexts a UE can activate is 11. However, I can't find in the 3GPP specs where this is stated explicitly. I've been searching for hours now and can't find anything. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Okay, I think I've figured it out. It turns out I needed a little bit more time to continue digging. The limit is specified indirectly through the number of available NSAPIs that can be assigned. The number of NSAPIs is limited by the definition of the NSAPI IE specified in TS 24.008 (I'm using Rel4 for this, the situation may have changes in later releases) section The definition allocates 4 bits to the NSAPI which encodes 11 NSAPIs and 5 reserved values. Since each PDP context needs to be allocated a specific NSAPI then there can only be a max of 11 PDP contexts because there is only 11 NSAPIs available.

What's the Mark-Compact algorithm used by HotSpot?

When reading the Mark-Compact chapter on The Garbage Collection Handbook, a sequence of alternatives were presented, but most of them looked old / theoretical (for instance, the 2-finger compaction and the Lisp2 3-pass approach requiring an extra header word per object).
Is anyone aware of what algorithm does HotSpot uses when running Mark-Compact (in its old-generation, I assume)?
Big disclaimer: I am not a GC expert/writer; all the things that are written bellow are subject to changes and some of them might be way too simplistic. Please take this with a grain of salt.
I will only speak about Shenandoah, as I think I understand it; which is not a generational GC.
There are two phases here actually: Mark and Compact. I would strongly emphases here that both are concurrent and do happen while your application is running (with some very short STW events).
And now to the details. I have explained a bit of things here, but because that answer is related to somehow a different question; I'll explain more here. I assume that traversing the graph of live objects is no news for you, after all you are reading a book about GC. As that answer explains, when the application is fully stopped (also called brought to safe-points), identifying live objects is easy. No one is changing anything under you feet, the floor is rigid and you control everything. Parallel collectors do this.
The really painful way is to do things concurrent. Shenandoah employs an algorithm called Snapshot at the beginning (that book explains it AFAIK), will call it SATB for short. Basically this algorithm is implemented like this: "I will start to scan concurrently the graph of objects (from GC roots), if anything changes while I scan, I will not alter the heap, but will record these changes and deal with them later".
The very first part that you need to question is : while I scan. How is that achieved? Well, before doing the concurrent mark, there is a STW event called Initial Mark. One of the things that gets done in that phase is to set a flag that concurrent marking has started. Later, while executing code, that flag is checked (Shenandoah thus employs changes in the interpreter). In pseudo-code:
if(!concurrentMarkingActive) {
// do whatever you were doing and alter the heap
} else {
// shenandoah magic
In machine code that might look like this:
test %r11, %r11 (test concurrentMarkingActive flag)
jne // concurrent marking is currently active
Now GC knows when concurrent marking is happening.
But how is concurrent marking even implemented. How can you scan the heap while the heap itself is mutated (not stable)? The floor under your feet adds more holes and removes them also.
That is the "shenandoah magic". Changes to the heap are "intercepted" and not persisted directly. So if GC performs a concurrent mark at this point in time, and application code tries to mutate the heap, those changes are recorded in each threads SATB queues (snapshot at the beginning). When concurrent mark is over, those queues are drained (via a STW event called Final Mark) and those changes that were drained are analyzed again (remember under a STW event now).
When this phase Final Mark is over GC knows what is alive and thus what is implicitly garbage.
Compact phase is next. Shenandoah is now supposed to move live objects to different regions (in a compact fashion) and mark the current region as one where we can allocate again. Of course, in a simple STW phase, this would be easy : move the object, update references pointing to it. Done. When you have to do it concurrently...
You can't take the object and simply move it to a different region and then update your references one by one. Think about it, let's suppose this is the first state we have:
refA, refB
| i = 0 |
| j = 0 |
There are two references to this instance: refA and refB. We create a copy of this object:
refA, refB
--------- ---------
| i = 0 | | i = 0 |
| j = 0 | | j = 0 |
--------- ---------
We created a copy, but have not updated any references yet. We now move a single reference to point to the copy:
refA refB
| |
--------- ---------
| i = 0 | | i = 0 |
| j = 0 | | j = 0 |
--------- ---------
And now the interesting part: ThreadA does refA.i = 5, while ThreadB does refB.j = 6 so your state becomes:
refA refB
| |
--------- ---------
| i = 5 | | i = 0 |
| j = 0 | | j = 6 |
--------- ---------
How do you merge these objects now? I'll be honest - I have no idea if that would even be possible and neither is this a route that Shenandoah took.
Instead, the solution from Shenandoah does a very interesting thing IMHO. An extra pointer added to each instance, also called forwarding pointer:
refA, refB
| i = 0 |
| j = 0 |
refA and refB points to fwdPointer1, while fwdPointer1 to the real Object. Let's create the copy now:
refA, refB
fwdPointer1 fwdPointer2
| |
--------- ---------
| i = 0 | | i = 0 |
| j = 0 | | j = 0 |
--------- ---------
And now, we want to switch all references (refA and refB) to point to the copy. If you look closely, this requires only a single pointer change - fwdPointer1. Make fwdPointer1 point to fwdPointer2 and you are done. This means one single change as opposed to two (in this set-up) of refA and refB. The bigger win here is that you don't need to scan the heap and find out references that point to your instance.
Is there a way to atomically update a reference? Of course : AtomicReference (at least in java). The idea here is almost the same, we atomically change the fwdPointer1 via a CAS (compare and swap), as such:
refA, refB
fwdPointer1 ---- fwdPointer2
--------- ---------
| i = 0 | | i = 0 |
| j = 0 | | j = 0 |
--------- ---------
So, refA and refB point to fwdPointer1, which now points to the copy we have created. Via a single CAS operation, we have switched concurrently all references to the newly created copy.
Then, GC can simply (concurrently) update all references refA and refB to point to the fwdPointer2. In the end having this:
refA, refB
fwdPointer1 ---- fwdPointer2
--------- ---------
| i = 0 | | i = 0 |
| j = 0 | | j = 0 |
--------- ---------
So, the Object on the left is now garbage: there are no references pointing to it.
But, we need to understand the drawbacks, there is no free lunch.
First, is obvious : Shenandoah adds a machine header that each instance in the heap (read further, as this is false; but makes understanding easier).
Each of these copies will generate an extra object in the new region, thus at some point there will be at least two copies of the same object (extra space required for Shenandoah to function, as such).
When ThreadA does refA.i = 5 (from the previous example), how does it know if it should try to create a copy, write to that copy and CAS that forwarding pointer vs simply do a write to the object? Remember that this happens concurrently. Same solution as with concurrentMarkingActive flag. There is a flag isEvacuationToADifferentRegionActive (not the actual name). If that flag is true => Shenandoah Magic, else simply do the write as it.
If you really understood this last point, your natural question should be :
"WAIT A SECOND! Does this mean that Shenandoah does an if/else against isEvacuationToADifferentRegionActive for EACH AND SINGLE write to an instance - be that primitive or reference? Also does that mean that EACH read must be accessed via the forwarding pointer?"
The answer used to be YES; but things have changed: via this issue (though I make it sound a lot worse than it really is). Now they use Load barriers for the entire Object, more details here. Instead of having a barrier on each write (that if/else against the flag) and a dereference via the forwarding pointer for each read, they moved to a load barrier. Basically do that if/else only when you load the object. Since writing to it implies reading first, they thus preserve "to-space invariant". Apparently this is simpler, better and easier to optimize. Hooray!
Remember that forwarding pointer? Well, it does not exist anymore. I don't understand the details in its entire glory (yet), but it has to do something with the possibility to use the mark word and the from space that, since the addition of load barriers, is not used anymore. A lot more details here. Once I understand how that really works internally, will update the post.
G1 is not VERY much different than what Shenandoah is, but the devil is in the details. For example Compact phase in G1 is a STW event, always. G1 is always generational - even if you want that or not (Shenandoah can be sort of like that - there is a setting to control this), etc.

Do DNS messages pad names to an even number of bytes?

Preliminary note
Yes, I am aware of the existence of DNS libraries and easy-to-use DNS servers. I am doing this purely for academic purposes, and to get a grasp of how DNS queries work.
The question
I was looking at RFC 1035 to get an idea of how DNS messages work. I think I more or less understood everything in that memo. There is one thing that I can't interpret autonomously, however. If you look at Section 4.1.3, here is how the resource record format is described:
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
| |
/ /
/ NAME /
| |
| TYPE |
| TTL |
| |
/ /
In this scheme, NAME ends at the end of a two-bytes block. Does this mean that its length in bytes should always be a multiple of two? The format for names is described earlier in the RFC as a sequence of labels, terminated by a zero-length label. This means that, depending on the name, its length can arbitrarily be even or odd. So does NAME need padding to an even number of bytes? And if so, how should I pad?
I would have ignored the issue and assumed that no padding is required, if it wasn't that in Section 4.1.1 it specifies that QNAME does not need padding. Since they didn't specify the same for NAME in the answer RRs, I was wondering if I should assume that there is some difference.
There is no padding. If you have doubt, capture a query about the root zone (the name of which is a single NULL octet, so an odd length) from a root server (they can be trusted to get the protocol right as it is used in the real world) and look at it.

FIO Flexible IO tester for repetitive data access patterns

I am currently working on a project and I need to test my prototype with repetitive data access patterns. I came across fio which is a flexible I/O tester for Linux (1).
Fio has many options and I want it to produce a workload which accesses the same blocks of a file, the same number of times over and over again. I also need those accesses to not be equal among these blocks. For instance, if fio creates a file named "test.txt"
and this file is divided on 10 blocks, I need the workload to read a specific number of these blocks, with different number of IOs each, over and over again. Let's say that it chooses to access block 3, 7 and 9. Then I want to access these in a specific order and a specific number of times each, over and over again. If this workload can be described by N passes, then I want to be something like this:
1st pass: read block 3 10 times, read block 7 5 times, read block 9 2 times.
2nd pass: read block 3 10 times, read block 7 5 times, read block 9 2 times.
N-pass: read block 3 10 times, read block 7 5 times, read block 9 2 times.
Question 1: Can the above workload be produced with Fio? If yes, How?
Question 2: Is there a mailing list, forum, website, community for Fio users?
Thank you,
Nick This is the website you can follow mailing list. link will also help you.
This is actually quite a tricky thing to do. The closest you'll get with parameters is using one of the non-uniform distributions (see random_distribution in the HOWTO) but you'll be saying re-read blocks A, B, C more than blocks X, Y, Z and you won't be able to control the exact counts.
An alternative is to write an iolog that can be replayed that has the exact sequence you're looking for (see Trace file format v2 in the HOWTO).

Threads, Coro, Anyevent confusion

I am relatively new to perl and even newer to threading in perl. I have a perl script that takes input from 3 different sources. (2 LDAP queries and a file that isn't always there) Because some parts can take longer than others so I decided to use threads and queues. During development, testing individual components of the script worked very well, but after putting it all together the performance seems to degrade.
Basic structure is this
2 threads:(Read file or Read AD entries) -> Queue1 -> 2 threads:(scrub data) -> Queue2 -> 3-4 threads(compare against existing local LDAP entries). Several threads report statistics back to the main script and once all threads are done an email is sent with all the stats and status of that run.
I am using dequeue_nb and I thought that would help but no luck.
The performance hit seems to be in the queues. While looking for tips to improve performance I've run into several articles saying perl threads are no good and to use coro, POE, Anyevent, IO:async, etc.
This doesn't seem like a "event" problem so I didn't think AnyEvent or POE would be the way to go by from what I'm seeing, coros only seems to use one CPU at a time so I'm not sure this would work either. I thought about using a combination of them but then my head started to hurt. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to either fix/troubleshoot my script or any suggestions how to implement one of the other modules?
A problem with parallelism is synchronization. It is a performance killer, it is bad, it is to be avoided if possible.
OPs architecture
Lets look at your architecture:
| Input 1 | Input 2 |
| Scrub 1 | Scrub 2 |
| Compare | Compare | Compare |
Queue A has to be synchronized across four threads; Queue B across 5-6. Only one thread can access the Queue at any time, so most of the time your threads will be waiting, not working!
Parallel Pipeline Architecture
A somewhat different architecture could look like this:
+-----------+ +-----------+
| Input 1 | | Input 2 |
+-----------+ +-----------+
| QUEUE 1A | | QUEUE 2A |
+-----------+ +-----------+
| Scrub 1 | | Scrub 2 |
+-----------+ +-----------+
| QUEUE 1B | | QUEUE 2B |
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
| Cmp | Cmp | | Cmp | Cmp |
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
Here, the A Queues are only affiliated with two threads (->less waiting), the B Queues only with three. This architecture should perform faster for similar input size/complexity. If Input 2 were considerably shorter, the whole Pipeline 2 would have run before Pipeline 1 is even half finished. It is, however, far better than Using a single process for each Pipeline.
The Lawn Sprinkler Architecture
An even better architecture would try to distribute the output of a process across multiple Queues. (The reverse, getting threads fetch their input from multiple queues is bad when a queue is empty.)
Each Queue write should go to a different queue:
+-----------+ +-----------+
| Input 1 | | Input 2 |
+-----------+ +-----------+
| \ / |
+-----------+ +-----------+
| QUEUE 1A | | QUEUE 2A |
+-----------+ +-----------+
| Scrub 1 | | Scrub 2 |
+-----------+ +-----------+
/ | \ \ / / | \
| Q. 1B | Q. 2B | Q. 3B | Q. 4B |
| Cmp | Cmp | Cmp | Cmp |
This makes sure each thread has the same workload, but it cannot make sure that all threads finish at the same time.
All Queues are shared among 3 Threads. The problem is that two Threads will block each other when writing to a queue. If the time between Queue write accesses is significantly larger than the write duration, this should be no problem, else the second architecture can be mixed in.
So if this architecture makes sense depends on your exact requirements.
It is slower for evenly sized inputs, but performs better on irregular input.
On implementing:
What framework is used is secondary to the architecture. If you only pass around text strings, I strongly advise using pipes. If you have to pass Perl data types or objects, you probably have to embrace the additional overhead of using a real Queue: When adding an unshared variable to a queue, a deep copy has to be made (see #Leon Timmermans answer) in addition to all the synchronization overhead.
On scalability:
Architecture 1 and 3 are not fixed in the number of threads. I strongly suggest using this flexibility to benchmark different compositions. A rule of thumb is that you should use n to 2n threads where n is the number of processors (or hardware threads). This can be seen as a maximal sensible number for the threads of one stage. Above that, you only get a memory penalty and no speedup. A performance saturation point may be reached earlier, when a stage can process the input faster than it is supplied.
What kind of data are you putting in the queues? AFAIK simple data is cheaper than complex structures, since it needs to be clones and copied at least twice. I've been planning to write a faster queue implementation (most of the work is already done actually), but haven't published that yet.
