Confirming user credentials in Facebook/Google OAuth2 - security

Scenario: I have been developing a web application for management of small and medium-sized enterprises. Some time ago we used login and password authentication that were stored in our database. Nowadays when "everyone uses facebook" we moved to Facebook/Google OAuth2 authentication as well.
The problem is, there are some key operations that have to be especially secured (e.g. changing addresses, accessing clients' details). The best way to do this is I guess to ask users for retyping them credentials just before these risky operations are executed. But, since I use social authentication I can not confirm credentials anymore :(
Is there any way that I can force Facebook or other OAuth2 provider to re-ask users for credentials even they are already logged in?

I think this may be useful for someone.
I have found such a credentials confirmation implemented on but only for facebook.
AirBNB uses as an authentication url
Facebook re-authentication mechanism is described widely here:
For Google it is possible to force re-authentication by setting max_auth_age parameter to 0
No prompt for re-authentication with OAUth2. Why and how to force it?


Guidance implementing Google One tap sign-up and automatic sign-in

I am trying to implement Google's
One tap sign-up and automatic sign-in.
I can successfully prompt the user for sign-on, get an ID token from Google, and validate it on the server. Where I am lost is what do I do with the ID token once I have it? Google's documentation is vague.
I get the impression that I send something back to the browser to store in Session Storage, but what do I send and how I use it to verify that the user is authenticated on future requests.
If you're all the way up to "Create an account or session" in that Guide, you're pretty much done with the problem of integrating with Google Identity.
There is nothing to return to the browser from Google's perspective. The client-side API has retrieved the token, you've sent it to your server, your server has used it to successfully verify and extract the user's Google account information, authentication is complete.
What happens next is your decision. It depends what your website does with the user's details (e.g. create a user in your database, do stuff to remember them for the rest of their visit).
Google Identity is not authorisation, only authentication. It provides identity ("who is this user?"), not permissions ("what is the user allowed to do?", "How long should I trust this session for?"). User permissions is a separate problem.
To remember a user for future requests, you would typically create a unique, one-time unpredictable session token on the server, and store that in a HTTP-only, secure session cookie. As already explained, this is unrelated to Google Identity.

Parse Server Two Factor Authentication or Additional Admin Security

I am running the open source parse-server and have well secured my database. However, my application requires administrator users which need to have the power to read and write nearly all the data. This is a security concern which I would like to address with two-factor authentication, though I am open to other ideas (IP whitelisting, cookies, or whatnot).
Setting this up on my client apps is straightforward enough and I have done that, but I would like to be even more secure so that if malicious agents have my Application ID (which is basically public) and somehow obtain an admin's credentials, they still cannot gain access.
I am puzzled as to how to accomplish this with the parse server as it is today. There are no Cloud Code triggers for User sign-in, so I can't enforce any MFA on the Parse server itself, as far as I can tell.
One possibility I see is to use check some MFA token in various Cloud Code routines, such as beforeSave, beforeDelete, and beforeFind, denying access to an admin user lacking proper MFA. Would that completely prevent a false admin from reading or writing all data?
The above option does not prevent the attacker from trying to brute force the MFA (assuming it's a 6-digit code). I also don't see any way of rate-limiting the login attempts of an attacker with the App ID and admin password. Any ideas here?
Thanks for any tips!
I really like the idea of adding 2FA and a small script to manage user accounts on the dashboard.
Can you open a feature request on ?
Also, for use authentication, you could probably use a custom auth adapter which would validate the username, email and 2FA token

Azure AD authorization directly from mobile app

I'm working on Xamarin.Forms application where user should Authorize using Azure AD B2C. I've managed it just fine using this library.
Now I'd like to know if it is possible to authorize without redirecting to webview. When user enters email and password on app send a get request directly to an url and receive access token, refresh token and etc. Just like in OAuth 2.0.
I've researched and found out that skipping the webview authentication part is doable but extremely not recommended for security reasons but anyway, would be glad to hear any solutions.
Webview runs on SSL (https) and hence transmission of user credentials for authentication is secured.
It’s worth noting that you don’t have to use a web view for authentication; you may create your own user interface for this flow and pass the information back to MSAL.
- this is mentioned on the same blog-post which you referred to.
All you have to do is to design your own interface and pass back the login info. It seems like a little work to do.

Can a SP request on behalf of the user using SAML

A bit of background may help. I'm looking to authenticate a user using SAML, but I want to maintain the look-and-feel of the login experience to the best of my ability. I've looked into OpenSAML a bit, but not extensively since I'm not sure this can be done yet. So, if I have a login service that can retrieve the username/password from the user, can I programmatically issue a SAML request to an IdP to authenticate said user without having to go through the entire XHTML form processing steps?
Your question is more about how to Authenticate the user and less about SAML. SAML doesn't really dictate how a user gets authenticated at the IDP and it definitely doesn't handle your use case. As a 3rd Party SAM SP, it is not recommended you ever prompt a user for their credentials for security reasons since Enterprises only want users entering credentials into "Corporate branded" login pages to reduce phishing and other password based vulnerabilities. Besides, how can your customer trust that you are not storing users passwords if they are entering them on your site? Let the IDP handle the user login, it is just one of the many benefits of using SAML. HTH- Ian

Plain English explanation for usage of OAuth in conjunction to an internal user management

I'm new to OAuth, and although I have scanned through many documents, I don't seem to have yet a good architecture / design to a secure web application, answering most/all of OWASP Top Ten
My newbie questions are
Why can't I just rely purely on OAuth? why do a user needs credential in my own application?
If I do, do I need hash / salt anything if I save it? I don't store any passwords, but what about tokens?
I still need to persist the users so they won't login everytime, (like in OS) - do I
Somehow use the OAuth token (save it? does it make even sense)?
Or use the plain old httpOnly secure cookie (if so, what happens if they log out of the Oauth provider? shouldn't I in this case ignore my cookie and let them log out?
How do I implement logging out? I can't force them to log out of the OAuth provider, and if I only delete the httpOnly cookie / invalidate their session locally, is that enough? and security issues?
How do I implement single sign on? I don't want the user, after approving to click again "log in using Facebook / Twitter / Google" I want an effect similiar to SO (page refreshes and "welcomes you back" what are the best practices to do that? Why does SO refreshes the page (I assume it has to do with the fact it needs to be client side, but I don't fully understand how it works to even know what to ask)
I guess I have a lot to learn, but reading on so many potential security issues, and having to master so many different topics seems like a good potential for me missing something that someone later will exploit.
Is using a framework such as Spring Security, or using Lift's built in user management going to save me all this headache? or do I have to know exactly what I am doing to avoid things like Session Fixation, Cross Site Request Forgery, Cross site scripting, Rainbow tables and other things I only remotely get...
Why can't I just rely purely on OAuth?
From a service providers perspective, OAuth is a means of controlling access of third party applications to the business logic. The end user does not have to give out his password to the third party app, and the access can be controlled. For example, the provider could restrict the access to only parts of the service for limited amount of time.
If you write a third party application, there is no strict need for you to have your "own" user artifacts. You can rely on the users that authenticate your application.
You could require that user's have an account with a provider such as Facebook or Twitter and not implement any password stuff yourself.
(You probably need some sort of artifact to represent a user, it should in this case contain information about how that user authenticates your application, for instance an OAuth token, or an OpenID URL).
If I do, do I need hash / salt anything if I save it? I don't store
any passwords, but what about tokens?
Just to clarify, in OAuth a token is typically both a key and a secret, and they are needed in cleartext to sign requests (there are differences here depending on which version of OAuth you use). So you can store them encrypted, as long as it is reversible for you.
I still need to persist the users so they won't login everytime, (like in OS) - do I
somehow use the OAuth token (save it? does it make even sense)?
Yes this makes sense, a token represents your applications access to a specific user's data. Save the token if you want to keep a "session" alive.
How do I implement logging out? I can't force them to log out of the OAuth provider, and if I only delete the httpOnly cookie / invalidate their session locally, is that enough? and security issues?
There is no concept of "logging" out of OAUth, a token either has an expiration time or not. You can of course "log out" by simply choosing to forget the token. The next time you will have to redo the authentication. You cannot force users to invalidate an access token, unless the provider has an API for that.
You could save the token in a cookie, but I would use other unique identifiers for the session you want to keep alive. You can persist the details of the tokens server side. The information you store in your cookie shold make it possible to retrieve the token you need.
How do I implement single sign on? I don't want the user, after approving to click again "log in using Facebook / Twitter / Google" I want an effect similiar to SO (page refreshes and "welcomes you back" what are the best practices to do that? Why does SO refreshes the page (I assume it has to do with the fact it needs to be client side, but I don't fully understand how it works to even know what to ask)
If you save a token in a database, save an ID for that token in a nice secure cookie. When a user goes to your service, use the information in the cookie to make a call from your service, to the service provider, to check if the token is still valid. If so, you have established enough trust for you to "log in" the user in your application without having to go through the pain of the OAuth process again.
And as a side not, StackOverflow uses OpenID and not OAuth for user authentication. OAuth can be used for the same purpose but is mainly a specification for application authorization.
I hope this helped, and don't sell yourself short. This site is for posting questions, not for appearing all-knowing.
