How to extract all attributes from a Azure table entity object ? - python-3.x

I have a code that extracts specific attributes from an Azure Table entity object :
def run(self):
file_handle=partition_key +'_blob.csv'
part_k="PartitionKey eq '%s'"%(partition_key)
with open(file_handle, 'a') as fp:
while True:
entities=ts.query_entities('Eventsdata', filter=part_k,select = 'what goes here',next_partition_key=next_pk,next_row_key=next_rk,top=1000)
for ent in entities:
if hasattr(ent,'Day'):
if hasattr(ent,'EventDetailsJSON'):
if hasattr(ent,EventSubType):
if hasattr(entities,'x_ms_continuation'):
I can specify as many fields as I want and extract them.
Is there a way to extract all the attributes without specifying specific fields? In the tableservice.query_entities function there is an optional handle for selecting fields but not sure if there is a command to select all the fields.
The reason being if more attributes get added in the future then this code would not capture them.

If you want to get all fields simply don't specify anything for 'select'.


When to use SQL Foreign key using peewee?

I'm currently using PeeWee together with Python and I have managed to create a decent beginner
store_name TEXT
CREATE TABLE products (
title TEXT,
image TEXT,
added_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(),
PRIMARY KEY(id, store_id)
ALTER TABLE products
ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_products_stores" FOREIGN KEY ("store_id")
which has been converted to peewee by following code:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Stores(Model):
id = IntegerField(column_name='id')
store_name = TextField(column_name='store_name')
class Meta:
database = postgres_pool
db_table = "stores"
def get_all(cls):
return, cls.store_name).order_by(
except Stores.IntegrityError:
return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
class Products(Model):
id = IntegerField(column_name='id')
store_id = TextField(column_name='store_id')
title = TextField(column_name='title')
url = TextField(column_name='url')
image = TextField(column_name='image')
store = ForeignKeyField(Stores, backref='products')
class Meta:
database = postgres_pool
db_table = "products"
def get_all_products(cls, given_id):
return == given_id)
except Stores.IntegrityError:
return None
def add_product(cls, pageData, store_id):
public.products(store_id, title, image, url)
VALUES((SELECT id FROM stores WHERE store_name = 'footish'), 'Teva Flatform Universal Pride',
return cls.insert(
except Products.DoesNotExist:
return None
except peewee.IntegrityError as err:
print(f"error: {err}")
return None
My idea is that when I start my application, I would have a constant variable which a store_id set already e.g. 1. With that it would make the execution of queries faster as I do not need another select to get the store_id by a store_name. However looking at my code. I have a field that is: store = ForeignKeyField(Stores, backref='products') where I am starting to think what do I need it in my application.
I am aware that I do have a FK from my ALTER query but in my application that I have written I cannot see a reason why I would need to type in the the foreign key at all but I would like some help to understand more why and how I could use the value "store" in my applciation. It could be as I think that I might not need it at all?
Hello! By reading your initial idea about making "the execution of queries faster" from having a constant variable, the first thing that came to mind was the hassle of always having to manually edit the variable. This is poor practice and not something you'd want to do on a professional application. To obtain the value you should use, I suggest running a query programmatically and fetching the id's highest value using SQL's MAX() function.
As for the foreign key, you don't have to use it, but it can be good practice when it matters. In this case, look at your FK constraint: it has an ON DELETE RESTRICT statement, which cancels any delete operation on the parent table if it has data being used as a foreign key in another table. This would require going to the other table, the one with the foreign key, and deleting every row related to the one on the previous table before being able to delete it.
In general, if you have two tables with information linked in any way, I'd highly suggest using keys. It increases organization and, if proper constraints are added, it increases both readability for external users and reduces errors.
When it comes to using the store you mentioned, you might want to have an API return all products related to a single store. Or all products except from a specific one.
I tried to keep things simple due to not being fully confident I understood the question. I hope this was helpful.

remove one object of a class from list of objects

I need to delete an object from the list of objects based on the condition.
In the selectDoctor method, I need to remove the object from the list in which its docid is equal to the given id and return the removed list.
class Doctor:
def __init__(self, docid, docname, deptname):
self.docid = docid
self.docname = docname
self.deptname = deptname
class Hospital:
def selectDoctor(id,doclist):
for i in range(0, len(doclist)):
if doclist[i].docid==id: //in this condition I need to remove that object from list
doclist.remove(i) //by removing like this it is showing error
return doclist
for i in range(5):
Using list in Python3, it,s easy to achieve this using following statements(you have at least three possibilities):
Remove by specifying the item index
Remove by specifying the item(s) index(es) (also range of indexes also allowed e.g. del doclist[0:2] for removing first three items of given list) using the keyword del
del doclist[i]
Remove by specifying the item itself
Feel free to upvote the answer after fixing your error...

Creating a list of Class objects from a file with no duplicates in attributes of the objects

I am currently taking some computer science courses in school and have come to a dead end and need a little help. Like the title says, I need of create a list of Class objects from a file with objects that have a duplicate not added to the list, I was able to successfully do this with a python set() but apparently that isn't allowed for this particular assignment, I have tried various other ways but can't seem to get it working without using a set. I believe the point of this assignment is comparing data structures in python and using the slowest method possible as it also has to be timed. my code using the set() will be provided.
import time
class Students:
def __init__(self, LName, FName, ssn, email, age):
self.LName = LName
self.FName = FName
self.ssn = ssn = email
self.age = age
def getssn(self):
return self.ssn
def main():
t1 = time.time()
f = open('InsertNames.txt', 'r')
studentlist = []
seen = set()
for line in f:
parsed = line.split(' ')
parsed = [i.strip() for i in parsed]
if parsed[2] not in seen:
studentlist.append(Students(parsed[0], parsed[1], parsed[2], parsed[3], parsed[4]))
print(parsed[2], 'already in list, not added')
print('final list length: ', len(studentlist))
t2 = time.time()
print('time = ', t2-t1)
A note, that the only duplicates to be checked for are those of the .ssn attribute and the duplicate should not be added to the list. Is there a way to check what is already in the list by that specific attribute before adding it?
edit: Forgot to mention only 1 list allowed in memory.
You can write
if not any(s.ssn==parsed[2] for s in studentlist):
without committing to this comparison as the meaning of ==. At this level of work, you probably are expected to write out the loop and set a flag yourself rather than use a generator expression.
Since you already took the time to write a class representing a student and since ssn is a unique identifier for the instances, consider writing an __eq__ method for that class.
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.ssn == other.ssn
This will make your life easier when you want to compare two students, and in your case make a list (specifically not a set) of students.
Then your code would look something like:
with open('InsertNames.txt') as f:
for line in f:
student = Student(*line.strip().split())
if student not in student_list:
Opening a file with with statement makes your code more clean and
gives it the ability to handle errors and do cleanups correctly. And
since 'r' is a default for open it doesn't need to be there.
You should strip the line before splitting it just to handle some
edge cases but this is not obligatory.
split's default argument is ' ' so again it isn't necessary.
Just to clarify the meaning of this item is that the absence of a parameter make the split use whitespaces. It does not mean that a single space character is the default.
Creating the student before adding it to the list sounds like too
much overhead for this simple use but since there is only one
__init__ method called it is not that bad. The plus side of this
is that it makes the code more readable with the not in statement.
The in statement (and also not in of course) checks if the
object is in that list with the __eq__ method of that object.
Since you implemented that method it can check the in statement
for your Student class instances.
Only if the student doesn't exist in the list, it will be added.
One final thing, there is no creation of a list here other than the return value of split and the student_list you created.

csv file process in Python

I work with a csv data as follow:
1,HK,CK HUTCHISON HOLDINGS LTD,1.404816984,7.757949829,3859.677979,31633
2,HK,CLP HOLDINGS LTD,1.312602194,7.757949829,2526.450928,16319
3,HK,HONG KONG & CHINA GAS CO LTD,0.234939214,7.757949829,12717.04199,7546.200195
11,HK,HANG SENG BANK LTD,2.198193203,7.757949829,1911.843018,15451
I have a StockStatRecord class:
class StockStatRecord:
def __init__(self, stock_load): = stock_load[0]
self.company_name = stock_load[2]
self.exchange_country = stock_load[1]
self.price = stock_load[3]
self.exchange_rate = stock_load[4]
self.shares_outstanding = stock_load[5]
self.net_income = stock_load[6]
How am I supposed to create another class to extract the data from that CSV, parse it, create new record and return the record created? In this class, it also needs to validate the rows when reading. Validation will fail for any row that is missing any piece of information, or if the name (symbol or player name) is empty, or if any of the numbers(int or float) cannot be parsed ( watch out of the division by zero).
There are several ways of doing this, either rolling out the code yourself, or using a Python module that is made for veryfing data-schemas, like Colander, or the extended CSV reader in Pandas (as Zwinck posted in the comment above).
What is not usually needed is a separate class to check values- you can do that on the same class - or usually, have a base class that implements the data-validation mechanisms, and then just have extra information on each field for the actual data classes. And finally, if you need to process data and spill an object back, there is no need for a class because in Python you can have functions independents of classes - there is no need to try to hammer down every piece of code to a class.
One simple thing to there is to (1) use Python's csv.DictReader instead of csv.Reader to read the rows - that way you have each piece of data bound to the column name already, as a dict, instead of a list where you have to manually track the column numbers, then set a property for each of the columns you need validation, so that the fields can be validated on setting - and a __init__ method that simply assigns all fields to their respectiv attributes:
class SockStatRecord:
def __init__(self, row):
for key, value in row.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def name(self):
return self._name
def name(self, value):
if not name: # example verification for empty name
raise ValueError
self._name = name
# continue for other fields
import csv
reader = csv.Dictreader(open("mydatafile.csv"))
all_records = []
for row in reader:
except ValueError:
print("Some error at record: {}".format(row))

How to get object name of the widget in focus?

Very similiar to
print("focus object class:", window2.focus_get().__class__)
taken from here:
Python get focused entry name
, but I need the exact name of the object.
Something like: self.entrywidget_1
What to fill the place holder to make if true ?
if self.focus_get().__class__ == "placeholder":
print("I work")
The first print returns < class 'tkinter.Entry' >
You can't. Any given object can have many names. For example, given the following code, which name would you expect to get? = tk.Button(...) =
You rarely, if ever, need the name of the widget. Having a reference to the widget -- like that is returned by focus_get() -- is all you need. With that yo can insert data, delete data, destroy the widget, get the widget contents, etc.
If you really do need some predictable, unique identifier in the case where the same function must work for multiple widgets, you can give each widget a custom attribute that is a symbolic name. You can then get that name at runtime. For example:
e = tk.Entry(...) = "placeholder"
focused_widget = root.focus_get()
print (the name of the focused widget is %s" %
Again, you likely won't ever need that. For example, if you want to delete the text in the focused widget, just use the reference to the widget:
focused_widget.delete(0, "end")
If all you really need is to check if the focused widget is a specific widget, just do a direct comparison:
self.placeholder = tk.Entry(...)
def whatever(self):
focused_widget = root.focus_get()
if focused_widget == self.placeholder:
print("I work")
