Azure WebJob configurations return null - azure

I've got a webjob always returns null values when using CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting
I have values in my web.config file, the app.config file (which get renamed to myapp.exe.config, as expected during deployment) and also in the App Settings configuration for the website/webapp in the portal.
It's a continuous webjob that is trying to execute some logic in the static main method to read some settings etc, however it crashes as the values aren't expected to be null and then gets stuck in a loop trying to start up.
Here's some snippets of code... it's not the actual code but you get the idea.
static void Main()
The host.RunAndBlock(); method is never reached as the call for the value IsValueTrue from the app.settings returns null.
Are configuration settings not available during starting of a WebJob?

Instead of CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting(), use ConfigurationManager. For example,
var someSetting = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IsValueTrue"];
The setting in the portal will take precedence over settings in your app.config and is also the recommended place to store your setting. The code sample above should get you going.


ConnectionString is null when deploying Azure Function

I've been working with functions with Azure, I've built a very simple Http Function locally by following the example linked here, the only difference is I've defined a User table instead of a Todo table
Everything works as expected locally, I'm able to post and get.
However, when deploying the function and trying to make a POST request I see the following within the logs:
Executed 'User' (Failed, Id=5df9dffe-eedf-4b11-aa10-54fda00992b0, Duration=1ms)System.ArgumentNullException : Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'connectionString')
I've checked the SQL Server to ensure it's accessible by other Azure Services just encase that was causing a problem, but I can confirm it's set to allow.
I have found this question, I've gone through the steps and checked against mine and I can confirm my Function App configuration does have the AzureWebJobsStorage connection string.
I'm not 100% sure why this would be happening due to my lack of knowledge of functions at the moment, have anyone else experience this? if so how did you resolve it?
After further testing, it seems the error is coming from my Startup class,
class Startup : FunctionsStartup
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
string connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SqlConnectionString");
options => SqlServerDbContextOptionsExtensions.UseSqlServer(options, connectionString));
Upon deployment, connectionString variable is null.... not sure why though.
Yes, you can not get it because you didn't set it in the configuration settings.
If you want to use the Connection Strings section.
Add the "ConnectionStrings":{} section to your local.settings.json file then add your connection string
"ConnectionStrings": {
"MyConnectionString": ""
Then you need to set the connection string in the Settings section of the Function App in the Azure Portal.
The scroll down to the Connection Section
And add a new connection string. Make sure it has the same name as you connection in the local.settings.json file.
Your question isn't 100% clear if this is happening locally (as you refer to local.settings.json) or when deploying. If this occurs when deploying, changing your local.settings.json file will not help, unfortunately.
You will need to add the Application Setting within the Azure Portal (located under Settings -> Configuration -> Application Settings -> New application setting).
You will need to save the application setting, and then restart the Azure Function instance for the changes to reflect.
Check out

App Settings not being observed by Core WebJob

I have a Core WebJob deployed into an Azure Web App. I'm using WebJobs version 3.0.6.
I've noticed that changes to Connection Strings and App Settings (added via the Azure web UI) are not being picked up immediately by the WebJob code.
This seems to correlate with the same Connection Strings and App Settings not being displayed on the app's KUDU env page straight away (although I acknowledge this may be a red herring and could be some KUDU caching thing which I'm unaware of).
I've deployed a few non-Core WebJobs in the past and have not come across this issue so wonder if it's Core related? Although I can't see how that might affect configs showing up KUDU though.
I was having this issue the other day (where the configs were not getting picked up by the WebJob or shown in KUDU) and was getting nowhere, so left it. When I checked back the following day, the configs were now correctly showing in KUDU and being picked up by the WebJob. So I'd like to know what has happened in the meantime which means the configs are now being picked up as expected.
I've tried re-starting the WebJob and re-starting the app after making config changes but neither seem to have an effect.
It's worth also noting that I'm not loading appSettings.json during the program setup. That being said, the connection string being loaded was consistenly the connection string from that file i.e. my local machine SQL Server/DB. My understanding was always that the anything in the Azure web UI would override any equivalent settings from config files. This post from David Ebbo indicates that by calling AddEnvironmentVariables() during the setup will cause the Azure configs to be observed, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Has this changed or is it loading the configs from this file by convention because it can't see the stuff from Azure?
Here's my WebJob Program code:
public static void Main(string[] args)
var host = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureHostConfiguration(config =>
.ConfigureWebJobs(webJobConfiguration =>
.ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
var connectionString = context.Configuration.GetConnectionString("MyConnectionStringKey");
services.AddDbContext<DatabaseContext>(options =>
// Add other services
So my questions are:
How quickly should configs added/updated via the Azure web UI be displayed in KUDU?
Is the fact they're not showing in KUDU related to my Core WebJob also not seeing the updated configs?
Is appSettings.json getting loaded even though I'm not calling .AddJsonFile("appSettings.json")?
What can I do to force the new configs added via Azure to be available to my WebJob immediately?
The order in which configuration sources are specified is important, as this establishes the precedence with which settings will be applied if they exist in multiple locations. In the example below, if the same setting exists in both appsettings.json and in an environment variable, the setting from the environment variable will be the one that is used. The last configuration source specified “wins” if a setting exists in more than one location. The ASP.NET team recommends specifying environment variables last, so that the environment where your app is running can override anything set in deployed configuration files.
You can refer here for more details on Azure App Services Application Settings and Connection Strings in ASP.NET Core

Azure Web Role warm up after Deploy

As described in various other related questions here, I am also expecting long lasting (30 seconds) first call after (re)deploying a web role with pretty large EF6 Model and a plenty of referenced nuget-packages. After trying out different proposed solutions with preloadEnabled and serviceAutoStartProviders I am still consufed and decided to reopen this topic in hope, that somebody has come upon a better solution in the meantime.
The main goal for me is to make a web role answering the first request almost as fast as subsequent calls as soon as the role quits its busy state on a fresh deployment and gets accessible by load balancer and external clients. Unfortunately I experienced following problems with proposed solutions so far:
I do add Application Initialization module via PKGMGR.EXE /iu:IIS-ApplicationInit in a startup task. So far so good.
When I then try to execute %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set site "MySiteName" -applicationDefaults.preloadEnabled:true it fails as at the time of execution of a startup script there are still no websites created in IIS on a fresh deployment.
If I try to set the preloadEnabled-setting via ServerManager-class in my Application_Start method instead, I cannot understand, how this code is intended to be executed before a first external call on the web role is made, as the preloadEnabled setting is defaulted to false after a fresh web role deploy and thus the Application_Start method in my understanding does not get a chance to be executed by the Application Initialization module?
here we need to put a name of our AutostartProvider implementing the IProcessHostPreloadClient interface in applicationhost.config i.e by using either appcmd script or the ServerManager class, BUT:
serviceAutostartProvider is like preloadEnabled a site related setting, so we have the same problem here as with %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set site "MySiteName" -applicationDefaults.preloadEnabled:true in 1.2 - at execution time of startup script after a fresh deployment the websites are not yet created in IIS and the script fails to execute properly
Another possibility would be to include applicationhost.config into the deployment package, but I did not find any solution to do this for a web role.
So how did you guys managed to ensure, that preloading assemblies and some initialization code (like filling memory caches) is run before the role gets it's first hit from outside?
We start to gain some traffic now and get approx. 1-2 requests per second on our WebApi, and thus a 30 second delay for preloading "visible" to clients after each update deployment is becoming a major issue now.
We are scheduling update deploys at low traffic times, but what if I need to make an urgent hotfix deploy?
Perhaps the best way to accomplish this is to use deployment slots. Deploy updates to your staging slot first. Before a switch from a staging slot to a production slot takes place, Kudu will hit the root of the staging slot with a request in order to warm up the application. After the request to the staging slot's root returns, the IP switch occurs and your slots are swapped.
However, sometimes you need to warm up other pages or services to get the app ready to handle traffic, and hitting the root with a warmup request is insufficient. You can update your web.config so that Kudu will hit additional pages and endpoints before the IP switch occurs and the slots are swapped.
These warmup request URLs should be in the tag. Here's an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add initializationPage="/pagetowarmup1" />
<add initializationPage="/pagetowarmup2" />
<add initializationPage="/pagetowarmup3" />
You can read the Kudu docs on this issue here.
OK. Now I got it.
The point is to set preloadEnabled-property not inside of the Application_Start method in Global.asax (as it will not be hit before a first request to the Role anyway), but inside RoleEntryPoint.OnStart.
The difference is that RoleEntryPoint.OnStart is called directly after deployment package is extracted and everything is set up for starting the role. At this moment the azure instance is still in it's busy state and is not yet available from outside as long as some code inside RoleEntryPoint.OnStart is being executed.
So here is the code I came up so far for warming up the instance before it gets its first call from outside
public class WebRole : RoleEntryPoint
public override bool OnStart()
// set preloadEnabled of each Site in this deployment to true
using (var serverManager = new ServerManager())
foreach (var mainSite in serverManager.Sites)
var mainApplication = mainSite.Applications["/"];
mainApplication["preloadEnabled"] = true;
// call my warmup-code which will preload caches and do some other time consuming preparation
var localuri = new Uri(string.Format("https://{0}/api/warmup", RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints["Endpoint1"].IPEndpoint));
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(localuri);
request.Method = "GET";
var response = request.GetResponse();
catch { }
// send this thread to sleep in order to give the warmup-request a chance to complete BEFORE the Role will get started
// and becomes available to the outside world
return base.OnStart();

Configure Azure Web Sites/Jobs app settings when developing locally

As described in this article:, Azure Web Apps/Web Sites/Web Jobs can take their configuration settings (appSettings, connectionString) from environment variables instead of app.config/web.config.
For example, if an environment variable named "APPSETTING_appSettingKey" exists, it will override the following setting from app.config/web.config:
<add key="appSettingKey" value="defaultValue" />
This works fine once the application is deployed in Azure, but I would like to use the same method when testing locally.
I tried to emulate this in a local command line:
> set APPSETTING_appSettingKey=overridedValue
> MyWebJob.exe
The web job accesses this setting using:
When running in Azure, it reads the value "overridedValue" as expected, but locally it reads the value "defaultValue" from the app.config file.
Should I expect this to work, or is this implemented only under an Azure environment?
I could obviously create an abstraction over ConfigurationManager that emulates this, but this wouldn't work when calling code that needs a connection string name instead of a connection string value. Also, I want to use the same method regardless of the environment to simplify management of settings.
There are 3 reasons why I need this:
1) I don't like the idea of deploying to production a web.config file that references connection strings, etc for a developement environment, because there's a risk of an error that would cause the development settings (in web.config) to be used in production (production web app connecting to development database, etc), for example if an environment variable is named incorrectly (after renaming the setting in web.config but forgetting to rename it in environment variables)
2) I'm trying to setup development environments where each developer has his own isolated cloud resources (storage account, databases,...). Currently, everyone has to manually edit his .config files to reference the correct resources, and be careful when checking-in or merging changes to these files.
3) A solution can have multiple projects that need to duplicate the same settings (main web app, web jobs, integration test projects,...). This causes a lot of work to ensure updated settings are replicated across all files.
This would be simplified if there was an environment-independent .config file without any actual configuration, each developer would configure a set of environment variables once and be able to use them for all parts of a solution.
Yes, this special transformation of environment variables into config values is done via a component that is specific to Azure WebApps and won't be in play locally.
Generally people are fine with the local behavior this produces - locally you are reading from config settings as usual, but in Azure you're reading from secure settings that were configured via the App Settings portal blade (so these settings aren't in your source code).
You could write an abstraction over this if you wish, E.g. the WebJobs SDK actually does this internally (code here).
When I am developing locally and want to consistantly use Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable. In my static class Main I have the following code:
if (config.IsDevelopment)
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("UseDevelopmentSettings", "true");
Then in my static class Functions I add a static constructor and in there I call the static method below:
static void AddAppSettingsToEnvironmentVariables()
String useDevelopmentSettings = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UseDevelopmentSettings"); ;
if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(useDevelopmentSettings)))
foreach (String key in ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys)
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(key, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key]);
The code is small enough that I can simply comment it out before I test in Azure.
If you want to test the application with the value that will be used in Azure portal AppSettings/Connection String. I would recommend use HostingEnvironment.IsDevelopmentEnvironment. To ensure it will work, please change the <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5.2" /> to <compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.5.2" />. set the value with the same value in Azure portal if (HostingEnvironment.IsDevelopmentEnvironment == false). I have try with a simple project, hope it helps:
public ActionResult Index()
if (HostingEnvironment.IsDevelopmentEnvironment == true)
ViewBag.Message = "Is development.";
ViewBag.Message = "Azure environment.";
return View();
Here is the result:

AppInsights instrumentation key is replaced when win universal app is published to Windows Store

I have a simple Windows Univeral Application with Azure Application Insights enabled in it. First published version worked well - all telemetry data was visible in AppInsights dashboard. But after I updated the app, strange thing happened - no telemetry data is generated at all.
After installing the version of the application from Windows Store, and tracing web requests with Fiddler, I've found out VERY strange thing - instrumentation key (iKey) sent in AppInsights requests is UNKNOWN for me. I mean that this is not a one of my AppInsights instances!
On the other hand, when I sideload the same package I've used for publish, than correct (expected) iKey is used in traced web requests.
This makes me think that my iKey is somehow replaced in published version of application. How is this possible?
IMPORTANT NOTE: AppInsights initialization code is the following (in App class):
protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e)
var instrumentationKey =
// ...
And one more time - this worked well in first version of the application and was broken only after update (wich did not touch any AppInsights related stuff).
UPDATE (2016-03-21): Following recommendations in the answers, I've done the following:
Moved release iKey into ApplicationInsights.config file
Changed initialization logic to replace the iKey only in case of Debug mode:
protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e)
var instrumentationKey = Current.Resources["ApplicationInsights.InstrumentationKey.Debug"].ToString();
await Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsAppInitializer.InitializeAsync(instrumentationKey);
await Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsAppInitializer.InitializeAsync()
// ...
Republished the application to Windows Store.
Now AppInsights is working correctly - my iKey is used in AppInsights web requests and data appears in admin panel.
do you have an applicationinsights.config file in your project?
if you do not, I believe the store will create one for you so that the reports work, because it doesn't know you're setting the key in code. you might want to add an applicationinsights.config file, and put in one of your ikeys, even if you are then setting the key explicitly in code.
The ApplicationInsights SDK for Store apps, only works with ApplicationInsights.config.
The Store looks for this file, and if no instrumentation key is set, it injects one.
The SDK on the other hand, will always respect instrumentation key coming from the configuration file.
