Cassandra for messaging - cassandra

I am now doing a small research to find a way to store huge volume of data (temporarily, till some consumers consume these messages) from various 'message producers' (source). The data come from different sources, say HTTP, FTP, SMPP or file upload, each type may have tens or hundreds of instances creating messages. The messages produced by them can grow so huge that the message consumers may lag behind in consuming the messages as the processes may take long or not short time. Now, the system uses RabbitMQ in some parts, but its performance drops when huge volume of unconsumed message grows (I'm also looking into improving its performance, but that's different). As an alternate, I am looking on to Apache Kafka which uses the disk for persisting messages.
As I read through many articles in the internet, I read some articles that talks about the Apache Cassandra with very fast write, processing a million inserts per second and similar volume reads. I was astonished, and tried to find some leads in using Cassandra for my case but with no clear results.
Assuming I have large number of message producers, can Cassandra (cluster) handle inserts (in batches) so faster (overall high throughput) that the producers does not throttle?
I am sure some among you could have used Cassandra for this or similar kind of use cases, share you experiences. (I am ready to provide you any more information if this does not suffice)

Yes! Cassandra can handle writes very effectively. But in my experience, using it as a messaging system (queue and the likes) brings some technical constraints because of the tombstones.
Cassandra doesn't remove deleted rows immediately and marks them with a tomstone to be garbarge collected later. Overtime, if there are a lot of deletions (eg. dequeue messages), the overall performance will be hurt, and quite quickly.
You can go for Cassandra but you will have to implement work around for the tomstone problem (time bucket, multiple status tables).
IMHO, Apache Kafka is much more appropriate to the messaging use case and can also be scaled massively.


Why so much criticism around Spark Streaming micro-batch (when using kafka as source)?

Since any Kafka Consumer is in reality consuming in batches, why there is so much criticism around Spark Streaming micro-batch (when using Kafka as his source), for example, in comparison to Kafka Streams (which markets itself as real streaming)?
I mean: a lot of criticism hover on Spark Streaming micro-batch architecture. And, normally, people say that Kafka Streams is a real 'real-time' tool, since it processes events one-by-one.
It does process events one by one, but, from my understanding, it uses (as almost every other library/framework) the Consumer API. The Consumer API polls from topics in batches in order to reduce network burden (the interval is configurable). Therefore, the Consumer will do something like:
while (true) {
ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100);
for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
So, although it is right to say that Spark:
maybe has higher latency due to its micro-batch minimum interval that limits latency to at best 100 ms (see Spark Structured Streaming DOCs);
processes records in groups (either as DStreams of RDDs or as DataFrames in Structured Streaming).
One can process records one-by-one in Spark - just loop though RDDs/Rows
Kafka Streams in reality polls batches of records, but processes them one-by-one, since it implements the Consumer API under-the-hoods.
Just to make clear, I am not questioning from a 'fan-side' (and therefore, being it an opinion question), just the opposite, I am really trying to understand it technically in order to understand the semantics in the streaming ecosystem.
Appreciate every piece of information in this matter.
DISCLAIMER: I had involved in Apache Storm (which is known to be a streaming framework processing "record-by-record", though there's trident API as well), and now involving in Apache Spark ("micro-batch").
The one of major concerns in streaming technology has been "throughput vs latency". In latency perspective, "record-by-record" processing is clearly a winner, but the cost of "doing everything one by one" is significant and every minor thing becomes a huge overhead. (Consider the system aims to process a million records per second, then any additional overhead on processing gets multiplexed by a million.) Actually, there was opposite criticism as well, bad throughput on "read-by-record" compared to the "micro-batch". To address this, streaming frameworks add batching in their "internal" logic but in a way to less hurting latency. (like configuring the size of batch, and timeout to force flush the batch)
I think the major difference between the twos is that whether the tasks are running "continuously" and they're composing a "pipeline".
In streaming frameworks do "record-by-record", when the application is launched, all necessary tasks are physically planned and launched altogether and they never terminate unless application is terminated. Source tasks continuously push the records to the downstream tasks, and downstream tasks process them and push to next downstream. This is done in pipeline manner. Source won't stop pushing the records unless there's no records to push. (There're backpressure and distributed checkpoint, but let's put aside of the details and focus on the concept.)
In streaming frameworks do "micro-batch", they have to decide the boundary of "batch" for each micro-batch. In Spark, the planning (e.g. how many records this batch will read from source and process) is normally done by driver side and tasks are physically planned based on the decided batch. This approach gives end users a major homework - what is the "appropriate" size of batch to achieve the throughput/latency they're targeting. Too small batch leads bad throughput, as planning a batch requires non-trivial cost (heavily depending on the sources). Too huge batch leads bad latency. In addition, the concept of "stage" is appropriate to the batch workload (I see Flink is adopting the stage in their batch workload) and not ideal for streaming workload, because this means some tasks should wait for the "completion" of other tasks, no pipeline.
For sure, I don't think such criticism means micro-batch is "unusable". Do you really need to bother the latency when your actual workload can tolerate minutes (or even tens of minutes) of latency? Probably no. You'll want to concern about the cost of learning curve (most likely Spark only vs Spark & other, but Kafka stream only or Flink only is possible for sure.) and maintenance instead. In addition, if you have a workload which requires aggregation (probably with windowing), the restriction of latency from the framework is less important, as you'll probably set your window size to minutes/hours.
Micro-batch has upside as well - if there's a huge idle, the resources running idle tasks are wasted, which applies to "record-to-record" streaming frameworks. It also allows to do batch operations for the specific micro-batch which aren't possible on streaming. (Though you should keep in mind it only applies to "current" batch.)
I think there's no silver bullet - Spark has been leading the "batch workload" as it's originated to deal with problems of MapReduce, hence the overall architecture is optimized to the batch workload. Other streaming frameworks start from "streaming native", hence should have advantage on streaming workload, but less optimal on batch workload. Unified batch and streaming is a new trend, and at some time a (or a couple of) framework may provide optimal performance on both workloads, but I'm not sure now is the time.
EDIT: If your workload targets "end-to-end exactly once", the latency is bound to the checkpoint interval even for "record-by-record" streaming frameworks. The records between checkpoint compose a sort of batch, so checkpoint interval would be a new major homework for you.
Q1) Why windows aggregations would make me bother less about latency? Maybe one really wants to update the stateful operation quickly enough.
The output latency between micro-batch and record-by-record won't be significant (even the micro-batch could also achieve the sub-second latency in some extreme cases) compared to the delay brought by the nature of windowing.
But yes, I'm assuming the case the emit happens only when window gets expired ("append" mode in Structured Streaming). If you'd like to emit all the updates whenever there's change in window then yes, there would be still difference on the latency perspective.
Q2) Why the semantics are important in this trade-off? Sounds like it is related, for example, to Kafka-Streams reducing commit-interval when exactly-once is configured. Maybe you mean that checkpointing possibly one-by-one would increase overhead and then impact latency, in order to obtain better semantics?
I don't know the details about Kafka stream, so my explanation won't be based on how Kafka stream works. That would be your homework.
If you read through my answer correctly, you've also agreed that streaming frameworks won't do the checkpoint per record - the overhead would be significant. That said, records between the two checkpoints would be the same group (sort of a batch) which have to be reprocessed when the failure happens.
If stateful exactly once (stateful operation is exactly once, but the output is at-least once) is enough for your application, your application can just write the output to the sink and commit immediately so that readers of the output can read them immediately. Latency won't be affected by the checkpoint interval.
Btw, there're two ways to achieve end-to-end exactly once (especially the sink side):
supports idempotent updates
supports transactional updates
The case 1) writes the outputs immediately so won't affect latency through the semantic (similar with at-least once), but the storage should be able to handle upsert, and the "partial write" is seen when the failure happens so your reader applications should tolerate it.
The case 2) writes the outputs but not commits them until the checkpoint is happening. The streaming frameworks will try to ensure that the output is committed and exposed only when the checkpoint succeeds and there's no failure in the group. There're various approaches to make the distributed writes be transactional (2PC, coordinator does "atomic rename", coordinator writes the list of the files tasks wrote, etc.), but in any way the reader can't see the partial write till the commit happens so checkpoint interval would greatly contribute the output latency.
Q3) This doesn't necessarily address the point about the batch of records that Kafka clients poll.
My answer explains the general concept which is also applied even the case of source which provides a batch of records in a poll request.
Record-by-record: source continuously fetches the records and sends to the downstream operators. Source wouldn't need to wait for the completion of downstream operators on previous records. In recent streaming frameworks, non-shuffle operators would have handled altogether in a task - for such case, the downstream operator here technically means that there's a downstream operator requires "shuffle".
Micro-batch: the engine plans the new micro-batch (the offset range of the source, etc.) and launch tasks for the micro batch. In each micro batch, it behaves similar with the batch processing.

Consistent reads from multiple readers

Consider a scenario, a web request makes N database requests. If I know that all or majority of the requests can be sent to db-readers. With Vitess's architecture, when there are multiple readers setup, wouldn't those N db requests get distributed to different db-readers?
When different readers have different replication lag, it is possible that N db requests result in inconsistent results.
Does Vitess have special ways of handling this?
Or how should an application deal with such situation?
Vitess now supports replica transactions. So, that's what I'd recommend you use if you want consistent reads from replicas. There's a longer answer below if you don't want to use transactions.
The general idea of a replica read is that it's a dirty read. Even if you hit the same replica, the data could have changed from the previous read.
The only difference is that time moves forward if you went back to the same replica.
In reality, this is not very different from cases where you read older data from a different replica. Essentially, you have to deal with the fact that two pieces of data you read are potentially inconsistent with each other.
In other words, if you wrote the application to tolerate inconsistency between two reads, that code would likely tolerate reads that go back in time also. But it all depends on the situation.

Count distinct in infinite stream

I am looking for a way to create a streaming application that can withstand millions of events per second and output a distinct count of those events in real time. As this stream is unbounded by any time window it obviously has to be backed by some storage. However, I cannot find the best way to do this maintaining a good level of abstraction (meaning that I want a framework to handle storing and counting for me, otherwise I don't need a framework at all). The preferred storage for me are Cassandra and Redis (both ideally).
The options I've considered are Flink, Spark and Kafka Streams. I do know the differences between them, but I still can't pick the best solution. Can someone advice? Thanks in advance.
Regardless of which solution you choose, if you can withstand it not being 100% accurate (but being very very close), you can have your operator using HyperLogLog (there are Java implementations available). This allows you to not actually have to keep around data about each individual item, drastically reducing your memory usage.
Assuming Flink, the necessary state is quite small (< 1MB), so can easily use the FSStateBackend which is heap-based and checkpoints to the file system, allowing you to reduce serialization overhead.
Again assuming you go with Flink, Using the [ContinuousEventTimeTrigger][2], you can also get a view into how many unique items are currently being tracked.
I'd suggest to reconsider the choice of storage system. Using an external system is significantly slower than using local state. Flink applications locally maintain state on the JVM heap or in RocksDB (on disk) and can checkpoint it in regular intervals to persistent storage such as HDFS. This state can grow very big (10s of TBs) and still be efficiently maintained because checkpoints can be incrementally and asynchronously done. This gives much better performance than sending a query to an external system for each record.
If you still prefer Redis or Cassandra, you can use Flink's AsyncIO operator to send asynchronous requests to improve the throughput of your application.

Using Cassandra as a Queue

Using Cassandra as Queue:
Is it really that bad?
Setup: 5 node cluster, all operations execute at quorum
Using DateTieredCompaction should significantly reduce the cost of TombStones, and allow entire SSTables to be dropped at once.
We add all messages to the queue with the same TTL
We partition messages based on time (say 1 minute intervals), and keep track of the read-position.
Messages consumed will be explicitly deleted. (only 1 thread extracts messages)
Some Messages may be explicitly deleted prior to being read (i.e. we may have tombstones after the read-position). (i.e. the TTL initially used is an upper limit) gc_grace would probably be set to 0, as quorum reads will do blocking-repair (i.e. we can have repair turned off, as messages only reside in 1 cluster (DC), and all operations a quorum))
Messages can be added/deleted only, no updates allowed.
In our use case, if a tombstone does not replicate its not a big deal, its ok for us to see the same message multiple times occasionally. (Also we would likely not run Repair on regular basis, as all operations are executing at quorum.)
Generally, it is an anti-pattern, this link talks much of the impact on tombstone:
My opinion is, try to avoid that if possible, but if you really understand the performance impact, and it is not an issue in your architecture, of course you could do that.
Another reason to not do that if possible is, the cassandra data structure is not designed for queues, it will always look ugly, UGLY!
Strongly suggest to consider Redis or RabbitMQ before making your final decision.

HIVE/HDFS for realtime storage of sensor data on a massive scale?

I am evaluating sensor data collection systems with the following requirements,
1 million endpoints sending in 100 bytes of data every minute (as a time series).
Basically millions of small writes to the storage.
This data is write-once, so basically it never gets updated.
Access requirements
a. Full data for a user needs to be accessed periodically (less frequent)
b. Partial data for a user needs to be access periodically (more frequent). For e.g I need sensor data collected over the last hour/day/week/month for analysis/reporting.
Have started looking at Hive/HDFS as an option. Can someone comments on the applicability of Hive in such a use case? I am concerned that while the distributed storage needs would work, it seems more suited to data warehousing applications than real time data collection/storage.
Do HBase/Cassandra make more sense in this scenario?
I think HBase can be a good option for you. In fact there's already an open/source implementation in HBase which solves similar problem that you might want to use. Take a look at openTSB which is an open source implementation for solving similar problems. Here's a short excerpt from their blurb:
OpenTSDB is a distributed, scalable Time Series Database (TSDB)
written on top of HBase. OpenTSDB was written to address a common
need: store, index and serve metrics collected from computer systems
(network gear, operating systems, applications) at a large scale, and
make this data easily accessible and graphable. Thanks to HBase's
scalability, OpenTSDB allows you to collect many thousands of metrics
from thousands of hosts and applications, at a high rate (every few
seconds). OpenTSDB will never delete or downsample data and can easily
store billions of data points. As a matter of fact, StumbleUpon uses
it to keep track of hundred of thousands of time series and collects
over 600 million data points per day in their main production
There are actually quite a few people collecting sensor data in a time-series fashion with Cassandra. It's a very good fit. I recommend you read this article on basic time series in Cassandra for an idea of what your data model would be like.
Writes in Cassandra are extremely cheap, so even a moderately sized cluster could easily handle one million writes per minute.
Both of your read queries could be answered very efficiently. For the second type of query, where you're reading data for a slice of time for a single sensor, you would end up reading a contiguous slice from a single row; this should take about 10ms for a completely cold read. For the first type of query, you would simply be running several of the per-sensor queries in parallel. Assuming you store a basic map of users to sensor IDs, you would lookup all of the sensor IDs for a user with one query, and then your second query would fetch the data for all of those sensors (although you might break up this query if the number of sensors is high).
Hive and HDFS don't really make sense when you're talking about real-time queries, as they're more suited for long-running batch jobs.
