Long lasting loading in init procedure - long-integer

My app is loading a large file and it needs a lot of time for building up internal structures. After a while the app is terminetd by the OS beuacuse of time out.
Any idea to handle it differently?

My solution: As the last statement I create a timer, which is called 2 sec later. Then the remaining part is done.


reading Azure application insights report

I have an API call that sometimes takes like 10 seconds to run.
I've checked the duration for each external call and it seems fine. I mean that there is external resource calls so I would understand that it should wait for ~200 ms.
What I don't understand is the time between a resource call and then there is nothing in between for 6 seconds until the next step.
What could be the reason?
Furthermore, it usually takes less than 1 second so I don't think my could cause a wait of 6 seconds :|
What I don't understand is the time between a resource call and then there is nothing in between for 6 seconds until the next step. What could be the reason?
If we call multiple dependencies for the first time, there is really a big gap in different dependencies normally. We need a period of time to load the new dependency. After the first call, if we run the same page again, we could see there is only slightly delay time in different dependencies. And later call results are similar to this.
If your problem does not happen on calling dependencies the first time, you could find which dependency’s duration is longest by clicking ‘View as timeline’. And you could optimize the code about this dependency in your project. Sometimes the delay also occurred in our internal processing. The official docs also have related explanation.
Request timeline
In a different case, there is no dependency call that is particularly long. But by switching to the timeline view, we can see where the delay occurred in our internal processing:
Call dependencies the first time:
Call after the first time:

Displaying progress bar for long running process in Actionscript/Flash Builder without mixing logic

I'm working on an application that processes (possibly large reaching one or two million lines) text (in tab separated form) files containing detail of items and since the processing time can be long I want to update a progress bar so the user knows that the application didn't just hang, or better, to provide an idea of the remaining time.
I've already researched and I know how to update a simple progress bar but the examples tend to be simplistic as to call something like progressBar.setProgress(counter++, 100) using Timer, there are other examples where the logic is simple and written in the same class. I'm also new to the language having done mostly Java and some JavaScript in the past, among others.
I wrote the logic for processing the file (validation of input and creation of output files). But then, if I call the processing logic in the main class the update will be done at the end of processing (flying by so fast from 0 to 100) no matter if I update variables and try to dispatch events or things like that; the bar won't reflect the processing progress.
Would processing the input by chunks be a valid approach? And then, I'm not sure if the processing delay of one data chunk won't affect the processing of the next chunk and so on, because the timer tick is set to be 1 millisecond and the chunk processing time would be longer than that. Also, if the order of the input won't be affected or the result will get corrupted in some way. I've read multithreading is not supported in the language, so should that be a concern?
I already coded the logic described before and it seems to work:
// called by mouse click event
function processInput():void {
timer = new Timer(1);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, processChunk);
function processChunk(event:TimerEvent):void {
// code to calculate start and end index for the data chunk,
// everytime processChunk is executed these indexes are updated
var dataChunk:Array = wholeInputArray.splice(index0, index1);
progressBar.setProgress(index0, wholeInputArray.length);
progressBar.label = index0 + " processed items";
if(no more data to process) { // if wholeInputArray.length == index1
progressBar.setProgress(wholeInputArray.length, wholeInputArray.length);
progressBar.label = "Processing done";
// do post processing here: show results, etc.
The declaration for the progress bar is as follows:
<mx:ProgressBar id="progressBar" x="23" y="357" width="411" direction="right"
labelPlacement="center" mode="manual" indeterminate="false" />
I tested it with an input of 50000 lines and it seems to work generating the same result as the other approach that processes the input at once. But, would that be a valid approach or is there a better approach?
Thanks in advance.
your solution is good, i use it most of time.
But multithreading is now supported on AS3 (for desktop and web only for the moment).
Have a look at: Worker documentation and Worker exemple.
Hope that helps :)
may I ask if this Timer AS IS is the working Timer ??? because IF YES then you are in for a lot of trouble with your Application in the long run! - re loading & getting the Timer to stop, close etc. The EventListener would be incomplete and would give problems for sure!
I would like to recommend to get this right first before going further as I know from experience as in some of my own AIR Applications I need to have several hundred of them running one after another in modules as well as in some of my web Apps. not quiet so intense yet a few!
I'm sure a more smother execution will be the reward! regards aktell
Use Workers. Because splitting data into chunks and then processing it is a valid but quite cumbersome approach and with workers you can simply spawn a background worker, do all the parsing there and return a result, all without blocking GUI. Worker approach should require less time to do parsing, because there is no need to stop parser and wait for the next frame.
Workers would be an ideal solution, but quite complicated to set up. If you're not up to it right now, here's a PseudoThread solution I use in similar situations which you can probably get up and running in 5 minutes:
Pseudo Threads
It uses EnterFrame events for balancing between work and letting the UI does its thing and you can manually update the progress bar within your 'thread' code. I think it would be easily adapted for your needs since your data is easily sliced.
Without using Workers (which it seems you are not yet familiar with) AS3 will behave single threaded. Your timers will not overlap. If one of your chunks takes more than 1s to complete the next timer event will be processed when it can. It will not queue up further events if it takes more than your time period ( assuming your processing code is blocking).
The previous answers show the "correct" solution to this, but this might get you where you need to be faster.

wxpython using gauge pulse with threaded long running processes

The program I am developing uses threads to deal with long running processes. I want to be able to use Gauge Pulse to show the user that whilst a long running thread is in progress, something is actually taking place. Otherwise visually nothing will happen for quite some time when processing large files & the user might think that the program is doing nothing.
I have placed a guage within the status bar of the program. My problem is this. I am having problems when trying to call gauge pulse, no matter where I place the code it either runs to fast then halts, or runs at the correct speed for a few seconds then halts.
I've tried placing the one line of code below into the thread itself. I have also tried create another thread from within the long running process thread to call the code below. I still get the same sort of problems.
I do not think that I could use wx.CallAfter as this would defeat the point. Pulse needs to be called whilst process is running, not after the fact. Also tried usin time.sleep(2) which is also not good as it slows the process down, which is something I want to avoid. Even when using time.sleep(2) I still had the same problems.
Any help would be massively appreciated!
You will need to find someway to send update requests to the main GUI from your thread during the long running process. For example, if you were downloading a very large file using a thread, you would download it in chunks and after each chunk is complete, you would send an update to the GUI.
If you are running something that doesn't really allow chunks, such as creating a large PDF with fop, then I suppose you could use a wx.Timer() that just tells the gauge to pulse every so often. Then when the thread finishes, it would send a message to stop the timer object from updating the gauge.
The former is best for showing progress while the latter works if you just want to show the user that your app is doing something. See also

Threading in Spidermonkey

I am trying to enable a threaded debug dump in SpiderMonkey, by
editing the jsinterp.cpp file. Basically, the things I am trying to do
are as follows:
Catch a JSScript before the main loop of Interpret() begins.
Open a separate thread.
In that thread, invoke js_Disassemble with the script to get the
machine code.
Write the machine code to a file.
The reason for trying a threaded version is simply for performance
issues. Some addons become "unresponsive" if I run the disassmeble and
write the output in the same thread. I can get some output in a single
thread but it's way too slow.
I followed the tutorial in https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Making_Cross-Thread_Calls_Using_Runnables
for creating threads. But when I built it, I faced 11 "unresolved
external symbol error." Again after some googling, I found out about
setting XPCOM_GLUE by #define XPCOM_GLUE 1. However, this time I am
facing a new problem: "base class nsRunnable not defined". I can't
find a solution for this.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can't safely use a separate thread for this. Garbage collection could run on the main thread and collect the JSScript out from under you. Then the process would crash.
js_Interpret is called every time SpiderMonkey enters the interpreter, whether the browser is running a <script> or just calling a function or an onclick= event listener. So you probably end up dumping the same scripts many times. Maybe that's why it's so slow. Consider dumping the bytecode at compile time instead.

run a same haskell application take diff time

I wrote an application to analyze a log file using haskell.
When I run it with the same log file, sometimes it costs 30s, and sometimes costs 20s, the execution time differs by up to 10 seconds.
why is there such a large difference in running time?
Try separating the processing time from the file-access time.
Read the entire file into memory, track that time, then process the data in your storage strucutres and track that time separately.
My gut instinct is that the file access is the random contriubtor. Gut instinct is not a good substitution for a profiler.
The difference is more than likely caused by other processes that are running at the same time on the system.
