I'm having trouble with String.format("%.2f", x) - string.format

Where would I insert this in my code? I have a inputs and a message box that I need to get to two decimals but I can't figure out where I should put it.

If you don’t want to print out the String and just want to format it for later use, you can use the static format method of the String class.
It works in exactly the same way as printf as far as formatting is concerned, but it doesn’t print the String, it returns a new formatted String.
String.format "%[argument number] [flags] [width] [.precision] type"
"%" is a special character in formatted String and it denotes start of formatting instruction. String.format() can support multiple formatting instruction with multiple occurrence of "%" character in formatting instruction.
"argument number" is used to specify correct argument in case multiple arguments are available for formatting.
"flags" is another special formatting instruction which is used to print String in some specific format for example you can use flag as "," to print comma on output.
"width" formatting option denotes minimum number or character will be used in output but in case if number is larger than width then full number will be displayed but if its smaller in length then it will be be padded with zero.
"precision" is using for print floating point formatted String, by using precision you can specify till how many decimal a floating point number will be displayed in formatted String.
"type" is the only mandatory formatting option and must always comes last in format String also input String which needs to be formatted must be with same type specified in "type" parameter.
public class StringFromatExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1 = String.format("%-4.5f %.20f", 35.23429837482,5.2345678901);
the output will be
35.23430 5.23456789010000000000


Padding a hexadecimal string with zeros to a 6 character length

I have this:
function dec2hex(IN)
local OUT
OUT = string.format("%x",IN)
return OUT
and need IN to have padded zeros to string length of 6.
I can't use String.Utils or PadLeft. It's within an app called Watchmaker which uses a cut down version of Lua.
String formats in Lua work mostly just like in C. So to pad a number with zeros, just use %0n where n is the number of places. For example
print(string.format("%06x", 16^4-1))
will print 00ffff.
See chapter 20 The String Library of “Programming in Lua”, the reference of string.format, and the C reference for the printf family of functions for details.
If you store your format string locally you can call the format method on to the format string and the example of #Henri results in ("%06x"):format(0xffff)
print(("%06x"):format(0xffff)) -- Prints `00ffff`
You can write numbers in hex format. It is the same as C.

Hyphen with strings in PROC FORMAT

I am working with IC9 codes and am creating somewhat of a mapping between codes and an integer:
proc format library = &formatlib;
invalue category other = 0
'410'-'410.99', '425.4'-'425.99' = 1
I have searched and searched, but haven't been able to find an explanation of how that range actually works when it comes to formatting.
Take the first range, for example. I assume SAS interprets '410'-'410.99' as "take every value between the inclusive range [410, 410.99] and convert it to a 1. Please correct me if I'm wrong in that assumption. Does SAS treat these seeming strings as floating-point decimals, then? I think that must be the case if these are to be numerical ranges for formatting all codes within the range.
I'm coming to SAS from the worlds of R and Python, and thus the way quote characters are used in SAS sometimes is unclear (like when using %let foo = bar... not quotes are used).
When SAS compares string values with normal comparison operators, what it does is compare the byte representation of each character in the string, one at a time, until it reaches a difference.
So what you're going to see here is when a string is input, it will be compared to the 'start' string and, if greater than start, then compared to the 'end' string, and if less than end, evaluated to a 1; if it's not for each pair listed, then evaluated to a zero.
Importantly, this means that some nonsensical results could occur - see the last row of the following test, for example.
proc format;
invalue category other = 0
'410'-'410.99', '425.4'-'425.99' = 1
data test;
input #1 testval $6.;
410.7A is compared to 410 and found greater, as '4'='4', '1'='1', '0'='0', '.' > ' ', so greater . Then 410.7A is compared to 410.99 and found less, as '4'='4', '1'='1', '0'='0', '7' < '9', so less. The A is irrelevant to the comparison. But on the row above it you see it's not in the sequence, since A is ASCII 41x and that is not less than '9' (ASCII 39x).
Note that all SAS strings are filled to their full length by spaces. This can be important in string comparisons, because space is the lowest-valued printable character (if you consider space printable). Thus any character you're likely to compare to space will be higher - so for example the fourth row (410#) is a 1 because # is between and . in the ASCII table! But change that to / and it fails. Similarly, change it to byte(13) (through code) and it fails - because it is then less than space (so 410^M, with ^M representing byte(13), is less than start (410)). In informats and formats, SAS will treat the format/informat start/end as being whatever the length that it needs to - so if you're reading a 6 long string, it will treat it as length 6 and fill the rest with spaces.

How to check if a String contains two same characters?

In my case a string contains for example something like 2500.00. Also you input a string in the same format for example 250.0 which would be converted to 250.00. These strings will be converted to float and they will be added or subtracted.
Now I want to check if the string contains two "." somewhere for example 2.50.00 or 250..00. In that case an errormessage should be displayed.
Therefore my question is how am I able to check if a string contains two "." characters at any position of the string?
You may check if a dot appears more than once in a string with a simple method checking if the first index of the char is not equal to the index of the last char occurrence:
boolean containsTwoDots(String str) {
return str.indexOf('.') != str.lastIndexOf('.');

TryStrToFloat converts incorrect string

I'm using TryStrToFloat to convert string to Double variables. Everything works fine until string doesn't looks like '21e'. I get result of conversion 21.
It seems to me that compiler treats '21e' like number 21e0. String 21e1 gives result 210.
When I use Val function conversion works better. String '21e' gives error, but now '21e1' gives 210, '21e-1' gives number 2,1 etc.
How to make correct working of conversion. Should I detect letter 'e' in text, or is any simply way to convert ?
The documentation says:
Use TryStrToFloat to convert a string, S, to a floating-point value. S must consist of an optional sign (+ or -), a string of digits with an optional decimal point, and an optional mantissa. The mantissa consists of 'E' or 'e' followed by an optional sign (+ or -) and a whole number. Leading and trailing blanks are ignored.
Your input does not satisfy the conditions and so should be treated as an error.
You did not say so explicitly, but I presume that you claim that:
TryStrToFloat('21e', val)
returns True. If so, this is a bug and should be reported to Embarcadero. If you need to work around this then I suggest you code your own function that detects this case and handles it correctly.
On the other hand, if that function call returns False the function is behaving as designed and your mistake is to read the value in val.
I can confirm that TryStrToFloat('21e', val) returns True. I tested on XE7 update 1. I submitted the following bug report to Embarcadero: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-9814

AS3 - "\u2605" NOT the same as "\\u"+"2605"?

Trying to make a textfield where people write the unicode without the backslash. I want to add the backslash after they typed it. So the user types u2605 and the code converts it to "\u2605", i then convert this to a unicode character and insert it in textflow.
My code:
this works:
span.text = publicFunctions.htmlUnescape(he.encode("\u2605"))
this doesn't work:
span.text = publicFunctions.htmlUnescape(he.encode("\\u"+"2605"))
how to make a string that acts as a unicode string?
Tried all sorts of things, escape(unescape()), convert to number, "\u", "\u" ... nothing helps.
trace("\u2605" == "\u"+"2605") ... will return false. So will
trace("\u2605" == "\u"+"2605")
"\u2605" is a string with a single character, the character with the code point 2605, while "\\u" + "2605" is a string with 6 characters (the backslash, the u and the four digit number).
If you want to construct a unicode character from just the four digits, you should be able to use String.fromCharCode. The thing is just that the escape sequence uses a hexadecimal number, while the method obviously takes a decimal number. So if the user enters a hexadecimal string, you will have to convert that first:
trace(String.fromCharCode(parseInt('2605', 16)) == '\u2605'));
That's an interesting issue! I don't think you can concatenate a string literal and achieve what you're trying to do. The relevant character escaping happens when the string literal is originally formed, which means that you need the whole sequence together in the first place.
But you should be able to take the user-supplied number and dynamically generate a Unicode string with String.fromCharCode(...).
