Is it possible to jump to the next wrapped line in vim? - vim

In vim, if there're many lines in a file, I can use hjkl to navigate, I can just press j to jump to the next line.
However, if I am processing a very long line of text, I use set wrap to wrap it into many lines. It is still one single line, but visually looks like many line to a vim user.
In such a case, if one line of text is wrapped into many lines, it is possible to jump between wrapped fake-lines instead of pressing h or l to jump by characters or pressing w to jump by words?

The motion for that is gj. (Or g<any other direction>.)
gj or *gj* *g<Down>*
g<Down> [count] display lines downward. |exclusive| motion.
Differs from 'j' when lines wrap, and when used with
an operator, because it's not linewise.


VimTutor arrow keys v/s hjkl

VimTutor says in its first lesson:
NOTE: The cursor keys should also work. But using hjkl you will be
able to
move around much faster, once you get used to it. Really!
However, I find no difference at all between them. Is there really a difference between using hjkl v/s the arrow keys?
You don't have to move your hand from the touch type position to use hjkl, whereas you do if you use the arrow keys.
The thing is that you start out using the "hjkl" key just as a slightly better way to move your cursor, but the truth is that they are actually motions.
h motions one character left
j motions one line down
k motions one line up
l motions one character right
So for example, with the delete operator d: dl deletes the current character, dh deletes the previous character, dj deletes the current line and a line below it, and dk deletes the current line and a line above it. The same is of course true for the y, c, V, gU and any operator.
Another example are split windows. You can create a couple of windows using Control-w+s and Control-w+v, then use your trusty hjkl to move around between your windows, Control-w+h moves a window left, Control-w+j moves a window down, etcetera.
So it's not just that they are an improvement over the arrow keys. As your understanding of Vim grows, you'll learn that the hjkl keys can be combined with other commands in many ways, and you will be happy you can use them.
In fact, using h j k l keys makes a good practice to avoid to much of right hand movimentation on your keyboard when you have to reach the arrow keys but, there are more efficient ways to navigate through a text file using vim:
f <char> : Go to the next occurrence of a character<char> on the current line. Cursor is placed above the character;
t <char> : Go to the next occurrence of a character<char> on the current line. Cursor is placed right before the character;
T and F: Backward your character search on this line, however T will put the cursor right after the character(or before if you think backwards ;) ), and F will put it above of it.
/ <char> <Enter>: Go the next occurrence of a character independent of line. After you do this one time, pressing n or N goes to the next and previous occurrence.
? <char> <Enter>: Go to the next occurrence of a character independent of line, backwards. n will search next occurrence(backwards) and N will go to the previous.
{ and } : Navigate on paragraphs. Paragraphs are basically blocks divided by an empty line. See :help paragraph for further details.
( and ) : Navigate back and forward on Sentences(:help sentence). A sentence is a group of words ended by . ! or ? followed by a space, tab or endline.
e : next word, place the cursor at the end of the word
w : next word, place the cursor at the start of the word
b : back 1 word, place the cursor at the start of the word
ge : back 1 word, place the cursor at the end of the word
E W B and gE : Same as e w b ge, but with WORD. See :help word for further details.
If you want to start by getting the first good habits of using h j k l or other movements and avoid the arrow keys, pleace the following lines on your .vimrc file inside your home to disable them:
noremap <Up> <NOP>
noremap <Down> <NOP>
noremap <Left> <NOP>
noremap <Right> <NOP>

Vim auto line-break

When I'm writing a long line of text in vim (such as a paragraph in latex), it wraps my text into multiple lines which is good. However, if I then try to navigate these lines with 'j' and 'k' (or the up/down arrows) it will skip the entire paragraph. I fixed this problem by highlighting the paragraph and pressing gq. This inserts line breaks at the end of each line.
My question is, is there a way to automate this, so I don't have to keep highlighting text and pressing gq?
You can limit the width of a line with the textwidth option
(see :help tw).
For example, if you want to limit the width to 80 columns, you can use:
:set tw=80
With this option, when you will type something longer than 80 columns, Vim
will automatically insert a newline character.
You need to step back a little and use gj and gk which go down and up inside wrapped lines.
Since gjand gk work exactly the same as j and k in non-wrapped lines you can safely map j or <down> to gj and k or <up> to gk making it all seamless.
-- EDIT --
Yes it doesn't adress Eddy's immediate problem but it solves his original problem (vertical movement in wrapped lines) which led him to a poor workaround that, in turn, put him in this situation.

How to move current line behind the line above it in Vim?

How would I move the current line behind the line above it? Say I have:
function foo()
^ Cursor is here
And want to turn that into:
function foo() {
I am still new to vim, so what I do now is i[backspace][backspace]...etc. :)
Several ways:
In normal mode, kJ or kgJ or VkJ or VkgJ (the last two commands do the same in visual mode).
k will go to previous line, and J or gJ will merge with next line (J inserts a space inbetween, gJ just removes the EOL characters)
In command mode, :-,j or :-,j!
-, is a range that is abbreviation for .-1,. which means “from previous line to current line”
j is the ex command for concatenating lines in a range. The banged (with exclamation mark) version acts like gJ.
With a substitution: :-s/\s*\n\s*//
- means previous line
:s is probably known to you, else you should run vimtutor.
/\s*\n\s*/ is pattern for as many spaces as possible plus line terminator (matches different byte sequences according to the file format: LF, CR or CRLF) plus as many spaces as possible.
Here, replacement pattern is empty.
in insert mode, hit CTRL-W twice (each time it deletes a word, or leading whitespace on a line, or newline) (as ib. suggests, this depends on the backspace setting).
:help J
:help gJ
:help k
:help range
:help :j
:help pattern
:help i_CTRL-W

How to yank the text on a line and paste it inline in Vim?

Say, I have the following lines:
I want to take getStuff() using the yy command, go forward to thing(), placing the cursor on (, and paste via the p command, but since I yanked the whole line, p will paste getStuff() right back where it was.
I know you can first move the cursor to the beginning of that getStuff() line and cut the characters from there until its end via the ^D commands—then p will do what I want. However, I find typing ^D to be much more tedious than yy.
Is there a way to yy, but paste the line inline instead?
The problem is that yy is copying the entire line, including the newline. An alternative would be to copy from the beginning to the end of the line, and then paste.
^ Go to the first character of the line.
y Yank till
$ End of line.
// Credit to: tester and Idan Arye for the Vim golf improvements.
Use yiw ("yank inner word") instead of yy to yank just what you want:
yy is line-wise yank and will grab the whole line including the carriage return, which you can see if you look at the unnamed register ("") in :registers which is used as the source for pastes. See :help "":
Vim uses the contents of the unnamed register for any put command (p or P)
which does not specify a register. Additionally you can access it with the
name ". This means you have to type two double quotes. Writing to the ""
register writes to register "0.
An additional benefit to yiw is that you don't have to be at the front of the "word" you are yanking!
One way to simplify the routine of operating on the same text patterns
is to define mappings that mimic text-object selection commands.
The two pairs of mappings below—one for Visual mode and another for
Operator-pending mode—provide a way to select everything on the current
line except for the new line character (al), and everything from the
first non-blank character of the current line through the last non-blank
character, inclusively (il).
:vnoremap <silent> al :<c-u>norm!0v$h<cr>
:vnoremap <silent> il :<c-u>norm!^vg_<cr>
:onoremap <silent> al :norm val<cr>
:onoremap <silent> il :norm vil<cr>
Thus, instead of using yy to copy the contents of a line that
is to be pasted character-wise (and not line-wise), one can then
use the yal or yil commands to yank, followed by the p command
to paste, as usual.
A less efficient, but simple method:
v to highlight the word(s),
y to yank the highlighted word(s),
p (at the end of the line) you want to paste

How to paste in a new line with vim?

I often have to paste some stuff on a new line in vim. What I usually do is:
Which inserts a new line and puts me in insertion mode, than quits insertion mode, and finally pastes.
Three keystrokes. Not very efficient. Any better ideas?
Shortly after :help p it says:
:[line]pu[t] [x] Put the text [from register x] after [line] (default
current line). This always works |linewise|, thus
this command can be used to put a yanked block as
new lines.
:[line]pu[t]! [x] Put the text [from register x] before [line]
(default current line).
Unfortunately it’s not shorter than your current solution unless you combined it with some keyboard map as suggested in a different answer. For instance, you can map it to any key (even p):
:nmap p :pu<CR>
1) Use yy to yank the whole line (including the end of line character). p will then paste the line on a new line after the current one and P (Shift-P) will paste above the current line.
2) Make a mapping: then it's only one or two keys:
:nmap ,p o<ESC>p
:nmap <F4> o<ESC>p
3) The function version of the mapping (unnecessary really, but just for completeness):
:nmap <F4> :call append(line('.'), #")<CR>
" This one may be a little better (strip the ending new-line before pasting)
:nmap <F4> :call append(line('.'), substitute(#", '\n$', '', ''))<CR>
:help let-register
:help :call
:help append()
:help line()
:help nmap
You can paste a buffer in insert mode using <C-R> followed by the name of the buffer to paste. The default buffer is ", so you would do
I found that I use <C-R>" very often and bound that to <C-F> in my vimrc:
inoremap <C-F> <C-R>"
This still uses three keystrokes, but I find it easier than Esc:
Since you're in insert mode after hitting o, the Alt modifier will allow you to use a command as if you weren't.
Using this plugin:
]p pastes on the line below
[p pastes on the line above
works on all yanked text (word, line, character, etc)
indents the pasted text to match the indentation of the text
around it
2 keystrokes instead of 3 and much "easier" strokes
Personally I've nmapped Enter (CR) like this:
nmap <CR> o<Esc>k
...based on this Vim Wikia article.
This way I can make newlines directly from normal mode, and combining this with wanting to paste to a newline below I'd do:
You could also skip k in the nmap above, depending on what functionality you prefer from Enter, so it would just be <CR>p.
I've also imapped jj to Esc, which would also assist in this case. Esc is way too far away from the home row for how significant it is in vim.
Not shorter than the other solutions, but I do think it feels less clunky than some of them, and it has other uses too.
If you wanted to stay in the insert mode, you can do o ctrl+o p
o – insert mode and go to the new line
ctrl+o – run a single command
like in normal mode
p – paste
It's three keystrokes but you stay in insert mode and also o ctrl+o is quite fast so I personally treat it as 2.5 keystrokes.
If you're copying a whole line then pasting a whole line, use Y to yank the line or lines, including line break, in the first place, and p to paste. You can also use V, which is visual line mode, in contrast with plain v for visual mode.
I have mapping inoremap jj <ESC>. So it is easy to insert new line with ojj and Ojj and then p.
so ojjp paste new a newline. it have one more stroke then o<esc>p but ojjp is easy for me.
I found an elegant solution to this. If you are putting the yank register in your OS's clipboard (which is great anyway), with
set clipboard+=unnamed
than you can do o<Ctl-v>.
Besides being fewer strokes, this improves on both o<Esc>p and :pu because it preserves indenting: both of the other options start you at character zero on the new line.
Caveat is that this may or may not be OS dependent. All I know is that it works on recent version of OS X, but clipboard is just one of many ways to get yank in the OS clipboard.
If you want to paste in a new line and still keep indentation, create this mapping:
nnoremap <leader>p oq<BS><Esc>p
Prerequisite: you have leader mapped and you have set autoindent in your .vimrc.
Explanation: a new line is created with 'o', 'q' is typed and then back-spaced on (to keep indentation), and 'esc' brings you back to normal mode where you finally paste.
If you also want to end in insert mode, it is possible to paste while in insert mode using CTRL-R ".
Still three keystrokes, but no escape, and you save a keystroke if you want to end in insert anyway.
I use the following mapping in my Neovim config:
nnoremap <leader>p m`o<ESC>p``
nnoremap <leader>P m`O<ESC>p``
A little explanation:
m`: set a mark in the current cursor position.
o<Esc>p: create a new line below and paste the text in this line
O<Esc>P: create a new line above and paste the text in this line
``: put the cursor in the original position
See :h mark for more information about marks in Vim.
This solution only seems to apply when the block of copied text starts on a new line (as opposed to grabbing a snippet of text somewhere within a line), but you can always start your copy on the last character you want to grab, then navigate to the last character at the end of line prior to the start of your desired copy block. Then when you want to paste it, place the cursor at the end of the line under which you want your text to be pasted and hit p. If I haven't screwed up the explanation, this should provide the effect you're looking for.
