Retrieving Power Form URL with API - docusignapi

Currently I'm using a template, creating an Envelope from that template and uploading documents and sending with the Sender View all through the API. What I would like to do is use a power form that when I hit send I can somehow retrieve that url with the API and save it to my DB. How can I get that signing URL with the API ?

That is currently not available through the API, you must use the web UI to perform this action at this time.
This may change at a later date, however I do not have any information on when that may be.
Your best option on getting it in the API is contacting your DocuSign Account Manager to submit an Enhancement Request (DocuSign Customer Support can also help you submit that as well).


Power Automate: How can I void the DocuSign envelope using Custom Connectors with a dynamic envelope id?

I would like to create a custom connector into Power Automate to void the DocuSign envelope (contract).
But the issue is I don't want to pass the envelope id as in URL this envelope id will be dynamic/parameter.
I know, we can pass this url
but here envelopeId will be fixed, I want to send as dynamic or as parameterized one or any random one.
Please help how can I use a dynamic envelope ID not fixed one.
Your question is really a Power Automate question, so I added the Power-Automate tag. I just did a quick google search and found this solution for a dynamic URL by using braces for the variable in the URL path. See the screenshot below.
If that doesn't work, and there is no way to use a dynamic URL path value as the envelope ID, then you will need to create your own API and API server.
Your server would receive the envelope ID as a parameter in the request body, and then make the appropriate API call to DocuSign.
DocuSign's use of variables in the URL path is standard REST. So I'd be very surprised if Power Automate still does not support this API pattern. (But you may need to update to the latest Power Automate version.)

Can following be achieved using Docusign APIs?

I'm trying to achieve some requirements via Docusign APIs. Would like to know if it's possible before I start the project.
I've used Docusign app for Salesforce earlier, but now I'm trying to achieve some functionalities through API calls
Ability for a Signed Document sent to a contact (by clicking on a button on contact record) to be attached to the Contact record it was sent from
Ability to write back to the record from a field tagged on the DocuSign envelope
Vinay, this functionality is available using the DocuSign for Salesforce integration. If you would like to write it yourself using APIs, you can start by looking at our Apex toolkit here -

Triggers available in Docusign on document completion

I have a web application integrated with DocuSign API, to pass in recipient details to a DocuSign template and initiate signing process. The template has tags for each recipient to enter relevant information and sign.
Once the document is completed/signed by all recipients, the information available in the document needs to be passed on to another web application bound to a DB. What are the options available in DocuSign to trigger document data(e.g. recipient1 signed date) transferred to a DB/other systems on document completion? Any advice on this is appreciated.
You probably need to provide more specific information but generally, you can use DocuSign Connect and configure your API source to integrate the data. After that, you will be able to use webhooks (or Connect) to send tabs data and signing statuses to your 'other systems'.
Once you get your Connect figured out, you can then have GET request using this
and then have a wrapper class to export desired tabs (ex. Date Signed or other Text Tabs)
OR you can configure a webhook to sync your data between DocuSign and other systems:
Code Example: Using a Webhook to Track Envelope Status

Using DocuSign's CORRECTION functionality as a service in Salesforce via API

DocuSign has a Correcting option (to correct an envelope after it has been sent and before it is signed by the recipient) when you are logged into their site - is there a way to utilize this functionality through SFDC through a web service API? Where we send the unique envelope ID and the changed data to DocuSign, and they in turn revise the doc in the background? The recipient will see the updated document when he accesses the document to sign it.
Yes, you could do this from within an Apex class on SFDC. Don't use a trigger for the class, only a Lightening or force page, since triggered classes have too many restrictions on callouts to other services.

Bulk sending button in #Salesforce to use #DocuSignAPI?

Has anyone created a bulk sending button in #Salesforce to use #DocuSignAPI?
I would like to add a custom button on a Contact List View in Salesforce that will allow Bulk Sending of templates/envelopes in DocuSign.
DocuSign for Salesforce (DfS) does not support Bulk Sending, which means you can not use the DfS App to do Bulk Sending. To accommodate this use-case you would need to write your own custom DocuSign API integration. If you're interested in that route check out the DocuSign Developer Center.
You could also export your contact list and data to a csv file to do a bulk send via the Web Application. Connect could then be updated to get envelope updates back to the contacts in Salesforce.
