Configuring an aiohttp app hosted by gunicorn - python-3.x

I implemented my first aiohttp based RESTlike service, which works quite fine as a toy example. Now I want to run it using gunicorn. All examples I found, specify some prepared application in some module, which is then hosted by gunicorn. This requires me to setup the application at import time, which I don't like. I would like to specify some config file (development.ini, production.ini) as I'm used from Pyramid and setup the application based on that ini file.
This is common to more or less all python web frameworks, but I don't get how to do it with aiohttp + gunicorn. What is the smartest way to switch between development and production settings using those tools?

At least for now aiohttp is a library without reading configuration from .ini or .yaml file.
But you can write code for reading config and setting up aiohttp server by hands easy.


How do I run my node.js application on a client's server without sharing the codebase with them?

We are using Angular for front end and Node.js for backend. We are in conversation with a client to run our application on their local server, hence if we could use a package executable of the application, it would not give them access to our source code. We want to know if there are any robust tools that can help us do this or if there is any other way in which we can allow them to use all our application's offerings without giving them any idea of how the application works technically.
I think you have next options
compiles your backend part into a single executable file nexe
encode your critical parts to weird format weird
run your backend part in docker after minifier/compressor tool minifier
compiles modules to binary format binary
mix all options

How to merge 2 applications using their own Gruntfile.js and their having their own package.json

I have two differents apps using a gruntfile.js and a package.json and when i launch locally my second app (providing only 1 functionnality, thats why i trying to merge it with the other), this works, but when i try to works the functionnality by merging the second app in the principal app, it says that modules are missing.
My principal app is the BPMN editor from:
And the second app is the BPMN-diffing from:
My BPMN_editor's Gruntfile is minifying BPMN_editor's .js files, then i tried to do the same for BPMN diffing's js files. but nothing is working, my node server wont run normally (while hes working without this BPMN diffing).
I dont understand how to use the bpmn diffing, should i make an npm install to install all dependencies of bpmn diffing, and then make an npm install of the bpmn editor to install dependencies ? or should i merge the Gruntfiles and the package.json files ?
Thanks a lot
If they are based upon two differrent configurations, I would prefer using a load balancer or a reverse proxy to load them on the server. Merging the projects takes a little more insights from you and a little effort. The effort always depends on the setup. I would give you a little tip, but I am not seeing a Gruntfile in your main principle repository.
A little insight into "Reverse Proxy vs. Load Balancer"
What is the difference between Reverse Proxy and Load Balancers
Alternative 1 (preferred):
You could however create a small node.js server, which is handling the serving of those two applications, like the following:
- bpmn_root
|- principal
|- diffing
Afterwards you just need to write a little script, that is building both things on the server you want it to be deployed, and then you just need to do node SCRIPT_NAME.js.
Further reading, and another post about this.
Alternative 2:
You can use Docker. I am not very aware of how to use Docker to power such thing, but it is "as simple as" creating an Nginx configuration, which is doing the reverse proxy stuff for you.
Alternative 3:
Using the load balancer, which is handling the reverse proxy automatically. This is also a little more complex and needs some more learning to do. You can find plenty of tutorials on this however on the internet.

How to make a development flask server easier to start?

I am doing some backend code in a flask application and would like to make it easier for the front end developer start it locally so he could test the app and change front.. I would like that it was possible for him to just execute a file that downloads all the requirements and starts the server.. Can I use virtualenv of my machine on his one so he don't have to download everything?
I'm following this tutorial, he is complete from hello world to deploy your application.

Angular + Electron app: query web API or DataBase according to deskop or web mode

I would like to build an app using Angular + Electron. My app should be able to run both on desktop and browser platforms. I'm considering to use angular-electron starter kit (but I'm open to other possibilities).
What concerns my is the way I read and write data. The data must be stored in a MySQL database. Ideally I would like to:
make the app call an api when NOT running on Electron (browser mode)
make the app query directly the mysql database when running on Electron (desktop mode)
I know I could check for window && window.process && window.process.type to let the app understand wheter running on Electron or not, however I'm a bit concerned about how to handle this. Also because I probably need to import node packages like mysqljs but ONLY in the desktop mode.
You can simply pass in different environment files in Angular during build this allow you to control the environment variables so that you can tell that it is a web app build or an electron app build.
But if you are importing binary packages this is where it gets tricky. I dont think there is a clean way for you to do conditional imports. I did not manage to find a way to do it cleanly and sort of maintained another repository for all my services that needs to import binary files.
To import the binary files you will also need to edit some webpack settings to tell angular to not compile/include the binary files during the build process so that you can use you librarys like mysqljs that require binary files. There is also some settings on the electron end to make binary files compatible for different platforms ie Windows, Mac , Linux. Basically it is really a pain to do it.
Link to how to edit webpack settings for angular 7+
I will totally suggest you not to do it unless you really have a very good reason that you need to use these libraries.
EDIT 10/1/19
Okay I was referring to the MySqlJs but it seems like it does not have native modules modules. Native/binary modules basically means javascript code that relies on c++ compiled binaries(Or any native language like rust...).
For my case I was using the grpc modules which has a native dependency. Had to switch to grpc-web in the end.
I will add some footnotes here if you ever need them
Node.js / npm - anyway to tell if a package is pure JS or not?

How to use Loadtest module to test load on my server on Google App Engine?

For Load testing on my server, I am trying to use loadtest but the thing is how can I use it with Google App Engine NodeJs Flexible application.
I can see that you posted the question here too. Here's the answer that was posted:
"Loadtest is a third-party library and is not supported by Google; therefore any issues/feature requests should be submitted to their Issue Tracker.
That being said the tool simply runs locally on your development computer and sends a specific load of requests to your App Engine application at its or custom domain URL.
All further communications about this tool should occur in their issue tracker."
