SignalR: WebSockets Error 400 on Azure Virtual Machine - azure

I am hosting a WebSockets (SignalR) application on a Azure VM and I am experiencing the following 400 (Bad Request) error when connecting remotely.
WebSocket connection to 'ws://
dashboard%22%7D%5D&tid=10' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake:
Unexpected response code: 400
This does not happen when accessing the app locally within the VM.
My suspicion is that this is a proxy problem as highlighted in these various articles.
However, I can't seem to find any articles indicating whether one can actually host WebSockets apps on Azure VMs (I know they recently enabled WS on Azure Websites, but it seems as if the VMs don't have this feature yet).
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

The problem ended up being proxy servers (such as Squid) used client side at various ISPs and not proxy servers on the Azure side.


How does an azure app service access a no azure web server

I have an Azure app service and in some cases I need to send a web request to a non-azure webserver. What do I need to do to make it possible.
Currently the web request fails with no clear error message.
In response to a HttpClient Put request I get a System.Net.WebException exception which says there were errors.
THe same request works from a desktop application.
If your webserver is reachable from the internet you should be able to access it through your App Service. Try to log a ping to your webserver and google (
If your App Service is in a VNET you should enable some outbound rules to your webservers IP adress.
The server I am connecting to is an other Azure service. After some more investigating, It appears that I can connect to it if I do not use SSL (i.e. http://) but the connection is immediately closed when using SSL (https://). I assume that the problem must be related to the use of SSL.

azure error 502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server

I'm trying to host an azure website and tried troubleshooting for a few hours, but still keep getting the same error 502 Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.
I tried enabling logging errors on azure, but all it gives me are 404 not found errors
502 errors won't be visible in your IIS logs because they are returned by the front end server which basically fowards the requests to the worker hosting your site and there are many reasons why the front end can return 502 error.
Please follow to troubleshoot the issue and see if you can identify which one you are running into
I had a setup with web servers behind a azure application gateway, some servers works properly and traffic to one of the server is having the 502 issue. So I take the following steps:
Check the Backend health on the application gateway, the server can't be reached.
Open the backend server url on a cloud VM http://hostname, the root website can't be reached. But the http://hostname/app is running.
It turns out the gateway will ping the port 80 of the target machine and somehow I disabled the root website on the target server. So the gateway assumes the server is dead and refused to do the redirect.
We were getting a 502 response with an Azure function. The Function App was started, and all of our functions inside here were marked as "good". But when we checked the azure function process explorer, there were no java proceses (this was written in java... pity me)
When checking the Azure function logs, it turned out that someone had deployed a dynatrace integration and this was crashing the function on startup.
So 502 basically means "I can see you are triggering me but when I try to pass that trigger back to the actual function app, I can't see anything"

Getting an intermittent error while connecting to on-premise sql database from Azure service

Created an azure MVC website, from service (controller) code we are connecting to an on-premise sql server using Azure Hybrid Connection. Intermittently we are facing below issue.
"A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the
server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name
is no longer available.)"
Please provide suggestions to resolve this issue.
You can try following solutions :
Try increasing connection time-out.
check if remote connection is enabled.
Try adding firewall exception.
First of all the error means either the networks has some extra latency, the database is down or you may have too many concurrent connections open the database.
(Make sure you are closing all open datareaders.)
also it may be due to this
These are transient faults and are to be expected in the cloud. Implementing defensive programming is usually a must in the cloud. Try using some retry logic. Microsoft's transient fault exception library is an excellent start. Though meant primarily for SQL Azure and Azure Service bus, you can use the library for SQL IaaS.
In my opinion, 98% sure, because I recently had the same experience, it is a network issue from the server provider.
For instance: if you are rent the server from Ionos, by default all remote connections are blocked, even though you disable the firewall in the server. You still won't be able to connect remotely. You can, however, do your work on the server without any problem.
To connect remotely, you have to contact the server provider. They will explain how to enable firewall ports from your control panel.
I contacted my server provider as I almost get frustrated. Here was their response.
enter image description here
After this, every permitted client can connect remotely to the server.
I wish you success.

Connecting to Socket.IO server hosted on Azure Mobile Services returns Error

I am attempting to connect to a Socket.IO server hosted in the extension folder of my Azure Mobile service using the startup script, although I am unable to do so, and receive the error:
"WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 503"
I am using port 80 with a path of 'extensions/'
I've also used port 443 with a secure connection, and that has yielded the same error.
Am I on the right track?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You figured this out, but here's a definitive answer.
The best way to host a server is to host it on Azure Websites directly (Azure > New > Website) instead of Azure Mobile Services. Once you publish your socket IO server to the website, don't forget to go to the "Configure" tab and enable "Websockets" for the server.
There is an amazing tutorial on deploying the chat app to azure websites here:

Windows Azure Node JS WEBSOCKET HandShake Fails 503 Error

I've deployed my nodeJS server in windows azure.
My client fails while connecting to server and handle the following error :
WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 503.
Any Help please.
Windows Azure Web Sites has recently added support for the WebSocket protocol. Both .NET developers and node.js developers can now enable and use WebSockets in their applications.
There is a new option on a web site’s Configuration tab to enable WebSockets support for an application.
For students struggling with on Azure
I've struggled for 2 days with this. I was using a student free tier for the service app and apparently that was part of the problem.
I made a B1 plan app service with my student credits. After uploading my node.js app it worked out of the box.
After that, I downscaled it to a free tier and it still works now(fingers crossed). This might help for students struggling with socket io on azure.
