Converting time format - excel

There must be a quick solution for this, but after 30min I gave up and need help.
This is the format of source data
0h56m40s 0h57m10s 1h00m40s 1h02m15s 1h02m25s
52m47s 54m25s 54m52s 57m23s 57m43s
49m30s 54m31s 54m34s 56m35s 56m36s
47m45s 48m03s 51m02s 52m23s 53m05s
46m54s 49m29s 50m51s 51m02s 51m03s
46m09s 47m56s 50m16s 51m20s 51m53s
46m55s 47m08s 47m13s 48m16s 50m11s
and I need this in time format like 0h56m40s to 0:56:40
I tried search/replace, from h to :, m to : and removing s, works for when there's hour, but messes up for when only minutes are there.
Any tips?

You can concatenate 0: if the input string is too short:
=(IF(LEN(A1)<7,"0:","") & SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"h",":"),"m",":"),"s",""))+0
The +0 part converts string to time value (change cell format to h:mm:ss). If you prefer to keep it in text format, remove +0.


Problem with transforming a string date to a datetime variable in Matlab

I have a variable called FOUNDATION_DATE which includes the following date observations in string format:
I am using the Matlab function datetime to transform the above observations in datetime data type. The code is
which provides the following results:
While for the majority of the cases the transformation is conducted properly, for the observation '01/Jan/44' this is not the case as the year becomes 2044. This issue appears in many other date observations of my variable (only a small sample is presented here) and it is quite strange that this issue appears for date observations for years before 1969.
Does anyone have a solution for accurately transforming these strings to datetime variables? Any explanation also why this happens?
You want the 'PivotYear' option, which defines which 100-year date range the 2 digit date refers to:
datetime( '01/Jan/44', 'inputformat', 'dd/MMM/yy', 'pivotyear', 1930 )
So here the 100-year range is 1930 - 2029
The default as documented (therefore not very "strange"), is
year(datetime('now'))-50 % = 1969 at time of writing (2019)
When only 2 years are represented matlab makes an assumption on what the first two digits are, you can override this by:
startYear = year(datetime('now')) - 99;
datetime('01/Jan/69', 'InputFormat', 'dd/MMM/yy', 'PivotYear', startYear)
That will make any dates in 2 digits up until today be historic.

Date of 7 days before today

I give current day in a string in MATLAB. For example if today is '20180703', I need 7 strings containing:
t = datetime('20180703', 'InputFormat', 'yyyyMMdd')
t = t - days(1:7)
datestr(t, 'yyyymmdd')
As excaza pointed out, datetime and datestr use different input format. Hence, 'MM' in the first function, and 'mm' in the second one.
I would go with something like:
lastSevenDays = arrayfun(#(offset) datestr(now-offset, 'yyyymmdd'), 1:7, 'UniformOutput', false)
or more matlaby:
datestr(now - days(1:7), 'yyyymmdd')

pd.to_datetime to solve '2010/1/1' rather than '2010/01/01'

I have a dataframe which contain a column 'trade_dt' like this
I got this problem
benchmark['trade_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(benchmark['trade_dt'], format='%Y-&m-%d')
ValueError: time data '2009/12/1' does not match format '%Y-&m-%d' (match)
how to solve it? Thanks~
Need change format for match - replace & and - to % and /:
benchmark['trade_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(benchmark['trade_dt'], format='%Y/%m/%d')
Also working with sample data removing format (but not sure with real data):
benchmark['trade_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(benchmark['trade_dt'])
print (benchmark)
0 2009-12-01
1 2009-12-02
2 2009-12-03
3 2009-12-04

Resampling Time Series Data (Pandas Python 3)

Trying to convert data at daily frequency to weekly frequency.
weeklyaaapl = pd.DataFrame()
weeklyaapl['Open'] = aapl.Open.resample('W').iloc[0]
#here I am trying to take the first value of the aapl.Open,
#that falls within the week.
ValueError: .resample() is now a deferred operation
use .resample(...).mean() instead of .resample(...)
I want the true open (the first open that prints for the week) (the open of the first day in that week).
It instead wants me to take the mean of the daily open values for a given week using .mean(), which is not the information I need.
Can't seem to interpret the error, documentation isn't helping either.
I think you need.
Open High Low Close Volume
2010-01-10 30.49 30.64 30.34 30.57 123432050
2010-01-17 30.40 30.43 29.78 30.02 115557365
2010-01-24 29.76 30.74 29.61 30.72 182501620
2010-01-31 28.93 29.24 28.60 29.01 266424802
2010-02-07 27.48 28.00 27.33 27.82 187468421

Use matlab to search excel data file for time range and copy data into variable

In my excel file I have a time column in 12 hr clock time and a bunch of data columns. I have pasted a snippet of it in this post as a code since i cant attach a file. I am trying to build a gui that will take an input from the user like so:
start time: 7:29:32 AM
End time: 7:29:51 AM
Then do the following:
calculate the time that has passed in seconds (should be just a row count, data is gathered once a second)
copy the data in the time range from the "Data 3" column in to a variable perform other calculations on the data copied as needed
I am having some trouble figuring out what to do to search the time data and find its location since it imports as text with xlsread. any ideas?
The data looks like this:
Time Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4 Data 5
7:29:25 AM 0.878556385 0.388400561 0.076890401 0.93335277 0.884750618
7:29:26 AM 0.695838393 0.712762566 0.014814069 0.81264949 0.450303694
7:29:27 AM 0.250846937 0.508617941 0.24802015 0.722457624 0.47119616
7:29:28 AM 0.206189924 0.82970364 0.819163787 0.060932817 0.73455323
7:29:29 AM 0.161844331 0.768214077 0.154097877 0.988201094 0.951520263
7:29:30 AM 0.704242494 0.371877481 0.944482485 0.79207359 0.57390951
7:29:31 AM 0.072028024 0.120263127 0.577396985 0.694153791 0.341824004
7:29:32 AM 0.241817775 0.32573323 0.484644494 0.377938298 0.090122672
7:29:33 AM 0.500962945 0.540808907 0.582958676 0.043377373 0.041274613
7:29:34 AM 0.087742217 0.596508236 0.020250297 0.926901109 0.45960323
7:29:35 AM 0.268222071 0.291034947 0.598887588 0.575571111 0.136424853
7:29:36 AM 0.42880255 0.349597405 0.936733938 0.232128788 0.555528823
7:29:37 AM 0.380425154 0.162002488 0.208550466 0.776866494 0.79340504
7:29:38 AM 0.727940393 0.622546124 0.716007768 0.660480612 0.02463804
7:29:39 AM 0.582772435 0.713406643 0.306544291 0.225257421 0.043552277
7:29:40 AM 0.371156954 0.163821476 0.780515577 0.032460418 0.356949005
7:29:42 AM 0.484167263 0.377878242 0.044189636 0.718147456 0.603177625
7:29:43 AM 0.294017186 0.463360581 0.962296024 0.504029061 0.183131098
7:29:44 AM 0.95635086 0.367849494 0.362230918 0.984421096 0.41587606
7:29:45 AM 0.198645523 0.754955312 0.280338922 0.79706146 0.730373691
7:29:46 AM 0.058483961 0.46774544 0.86783339 0.147418954 0.941713252
7:29:47 AM 0.411193343 0.340857813 0.162066261 0.943124515 0.722124394
7:29:48 AM 0.389312994 0.129281042 0.732723258 0.803458815 0.045824426
7:29:49 AM 0.549633038 0.73956852 0.542532728 0.618321989 0.358525184
7:29:50 AM 0.269925317 0.501399748 0.938234302 0.997577871 0.318813506
7:29:51 AM 0.798825842 0.24038537 0.958224157 0.660124357 0.07469288
7:29:52 AM 0.963581196 0.390150081 0.077448543 0.294604314 0.903519943
7:29:53 AM 0.890540963 0.50284339 0.229976565 0.664538451 0.926438543
7:29:54 AM 0.46951573 0.192568637 0.506730373 0.060557482 0.922857391
7:29:55 AM 0.56552394 0.952136998 0.739438663 0.107518765 0.911045415
7:29:56 AM 0.433149875 0.957190309 0.475811126 0.855705733 0.942255155
and this is the code I am using:
[Data,Text] = xlsread('C:\Users\data.xlsx',2);
IndexStart=strmatch('7:29:29 AM',Text,'exact'); %start time
IndexEnd=strmatch('2:30:29 PM',Text,'exact'); %end time
seconds = IndexEnd-IndexStart;
TestData = Data([IndexStart: IndexEnd],:);
You probably need to:
Use strfind to find the relevant string in the data imported
Use datenum to convert the date to serial date numbers, to be able to calculate the elapsed time between the two points.
It would help if you posted your code so far though.
EDIT based on comments:
Here's what I would do for cycling through the list of start and end times:
[Data,Text] = xlsread('C:\Users\data.xlsx',2);
start_times = {'7:29:29 AM','7:29:35 AM','7:29:44 AM','7:29:49 AM'}; % etc...
end_times = {'2:30:29 PM','2:30:59 PM','2:31:22 PM','2:32:49 PM'}; % etc...
elapsed_time = zeros(length(start_times),1);
TestData = cell(length(start_times),1); % need a cell array because data can/will be of unequal lengths
for k=1:length(start_times)
IndexStart=strmatch(start_times{k},Text,'exact'); %start time
IndexEnd=strmatch(end_times{k},Text,'exact'); %end time
elapsed_time(k) = IndexEnd-IndexStart;
TestData{k} = Data([IndexStart: IndexEnd],:);
Use the "Import Data" from the Variable Tag in the Home menu. There you can set how you want the data to be imported like. With or without heading and the format.
