SilverStripe Multiform and Stripe payment - stripe-payments

I'm trying to build a form using multiform module and Stripe payment as the final step. The problem is, I still wish the user can go back to the previous step when they are in the final Stripe payment step. But if I enable can_go_back in the final step, when hitting submit, the form will go directly to the previous step without sending payment to Stripe. When I disable can_go_back (set value to false), the submission and payment work fine.
My guess is the way Stripe works (submit the form => create token => add hidden input with token value => submit again), the two submissions is confusing Multiform module. However, even if I disable can_go_back (so there is only one submit button), and manually add a link to the previous step, it still goes to the previous step without sending payment when hitting submit.
Here is what I used to get the previous step link:
public function PrevLink(){
$prevStepClass = $this->getCurrentStep()->getPreviousStep();
$prevStep = DataObject::get_one($prevStepClass, "\"SessionID\" = {$this->session->ID}");
return $prevlink = $prevStep->Link();
Anyone has any ideas? Thanks!


ModifiedBy field in SharePoint Document library is always my name instead of the one who triggered the flow

I have a flow, that gets triggered when a file is created in the Documents. The flow will add a column to the document library. The problem is that the modified by field in the Document library always contains the value as my name, instead of showing the user who triggered the flow.
I have already followed this article and seems like that is not working on my end.
After doing those changes, my flow runs fine without any error and giving an output as proceeding.
  "d": {
    "ValidateUpdateListItem": {
      "__metadata": {
        "type": "Collection(SP.ListItemFormUpdateValue)"
      "results": [
          "ErrorMessage": null,
          "FieldName": "Editor",
          "FieldValue": "[{\"Key\":\"i:0#.f|membership|\"}]",
          "HasException": false,
          "ItemId": 1
But there are no changes in the Document library, it still shows my name in the modified by column as I created the Flow. Even if this worked, I have another question that how can I dynamically find out and add who is triggering the Fow instead of giving a static editor claim in the first Compose step in the above image?
Anyone else faced this issue? Any help is really appreciated.
I do not think it is possible at the moment to dynamically find the current logged in user. you can check out this post
I could solve this issue by using the REST API in the flow itself. This is what I did,
Get the user who called the flow
Update the Modify field by using the REST API in the flow itself
This blog post will help.

Is there callback available for any RichResponse in Dialogflow

I have a dialogflow requirement to present user a payment link, on the click of which I must hang on 20 seconds (show some busy image or something) and then call on the next Intent.
So far I have been able to present a link using LinkOutSuggestion/BasicCard button. But I do not have idea that how I can make my program proceed further. I know there is a approach to have user input something like "Check Payment", but can we skip this altogether and just pass on to next intent post click of that LinkOutSuggestion or BasicCard Button?
The only way you could skip the part of the user having to input something in the chat is by using a Suggestion. These suggestions cannot be added to a card or open a link, but they do continue the conversation with the text that is used, so you could add a suggestion saying Check Payment.
The linkout suggestion or buttons on card do not support a click event or the possibility to continue the conversation.

How to check if payment sheet is open?

I'm using React and I have an effect (i.e. useEffect) that tries to update the total in a paymentRequest (i.e. paymentRequest.update).
When I try to do that, stripe throws an error:
IntegrationError: You cannot update Payment Request options while the payment sheet is showing
…which make enough sense but now my issue is that I don't know how to check if the payment sheet is already open or not to prevent the update from being called.
I'm looking to do something like this:
if (!paymentSheetOpen()) {
paymentRequest.update({/* ... */});
How do I implement paymentSheetOpen?
I asked this question on the stripe IRC and this was the user timebox's answer:
You need to listen to/for the click and cancel events, per here:

Google Assistant - How to re-prompt if the input is invalid?

I am using Google Assistant with Node.js where I ask the user for check-in date and check-out date.
If the check-out date is later than the check-in date then I want to add a re-prompt so that the user can tell a valid date. Is there a way to force a re-prompt from the code?
The code snippet is below:
app.intent('myIntent', conv => {
// validation
const checkInDateString = conv.parameters[CHECK_IN_ARGUMENT];
const checkOutDateString = conv.parameters[CHECK_OUT_ARGUMENT];
var checkInDate = new Date(checkInDateString);
var checkOutDate = new Date(checkOutDateString);
console.log("Check-in date is: " + checkInDate.getTime());
console.log("Check-out date is: " + checkOutDate.getTime());
if (checkInDate.getTime() > checkOutDate.getTime())
conv.close('Pick a check-out date that is later than the check-in date!');
console.error('The check-in date must be before the check-out date!');
// save to db.
I don't want to close the conversation, but rather to do a re-prompt for the last question.
This is the first attempt after the check-out date failed.
and this is the second attempt:
For adding a re-prompt after checking the date, you need to handle the parameters/slots in the NodeJS code by enabling "Enable webhook call for slot filling" at the bottom of the "add intent".
With this, for every parameter required, the webhook NodeJS code will be called and you can check the validity of the parameters.
The important point will be the re-prompt. When you want to re-prompt for correct parameter, you need to set the context programmatically. The issue will be that while collecting slots, dynamic context is generated by the Dialogflow for individual parameters.
You need to identify the context associated with your date parameter and if re-prompt, set that context with lifespan 2 so as to collect the parameter again.
A better way would be to have a separate individual intent for all the parameters that you want to validate. This way you will not have to identify the dynamic context and you can play with your own context while re-prompting.
Update - using second approach
Identify the slots that require validation.
Remove them from the current intent.
Create separate intents for each slot that require validation.
Enable webhook for these intents (not for the slot as you are collecting only one).
In the webhook, if the validation fails, set the output context same as the input so as to trigger the same intent.
Respond back with re-prompt response.
You want to use conv.ask() instead of conv.close(). Using ask() will send the message in the same way but will expect the user to respond. As the name might suggest, close() does close the microphone and end the conversation.
Additionally here for simplicity, consider using contexts, as those accomplish some persistence of state.
In your example, the action can fail correctly (as it should), but also save the check-in date so the next call can run correctly with both dates. The "7th March 2018" request can also trigger the same action, but read the check-in date already saved and function correctly.

How to modify a Customer Refund in an After Submit User Event

After a new Customer Refund record is saved (After Submit user event) I need to communicate with an external web service and then update 2 fields in the record. When this code is executed to load the Customer Refund
var o = nlapiLoadRecord("customerrefund", 1906);
This error message is returned:
Transaction type specified is incorrect.
I found a list of supported records in the "Chapter 60 SuiteScript Supported Records" of SuiteScript Developer & Reference Guide which says the Customer Refund is only available in a server side script.
How should I go about updating the Customer Refund record?
Without seeing more code, it looks ok. I would double check that the internalId of 1906 is correct.
Also, if you're just submitting two fields, I would use nlapiSubmitField(), this will take less governance points and be quicker for NetSuite rather than nlapiLoadRecord / nlapiSubmitRecord.
Your code looks correct, if you are updating the current record I would recommend using below code to avoid incorrect internalid:
var o = nlapiLoadRecord("customerrefund", nlapiGetRecordId());
Also, I would recommend that if you need to update the fields, consider using before submit user event script on customer refund and you can update the fields using nlapiSetFieldValue(FIELD_ID, FIELD_VALUE). No need to submit the record in case of before submit.
If your script is deployed in the customer refund record, you can also do nlapiGetRecordType().
