Install pip3 package locally - python-3.x

Having used npm for some time, I'm struggling to understand why pip3 (i.e.: pip with Python 3) is so stubborn when it comes to manage permissions.
So far, I've been using pip3 with sudo as I'm the only one using this computer and I don't mind installing packages globally
Today I wanted to install the pep8 package and use it locally without sudo. pep8 can be used by IDEs and they would not be able to use it without sudo. Therefore, I'd like to run
pip3 install --user pep8
However, command doesn't work without sudo. Console throws a traceback with a PermissionError:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pip/'
And if run with sudo, quite logically, pep8 is installed in /root
With 2.7, the workaround is to uninstall pip and then reinstall it locally with --user. At the moment, though, I'm unable to uninstall pip3. At least in Fedora 22, dependencies seem to be quite tight. My guess is that pip3 comes bundled with 3.4 and that makes matters worse.
And so, running
python3 --user
gives a permission error because the script looks at current pip3 installations. If I run the command with sudo, the --user works (I believe it's still in testing mode?) but, logically, it installs it in the /root folder
In short, is there a way to use pip with Python3 to install packages locally?

Within a console start your version of python you want to install the package for.
Run the python with the permission you want it to be installed with.
Python 3 and without sudo in this case.
Thank in the python instance install the package you want.
import pip
#Ininstall the package
#This is the path to the setup and unzipped package. Path to the folder with
path_to_setup = "/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pep8"
#finelly runs the installation
pip.main (['install', path_to_setup])
#You will see some data processed.
#Now test it. In this case the package is pep8
import pep8


How to Fix linter-Flake8 in atom for Python Configuration

After I installed atom into my debian-ParrotOS for coding python. I've tried to search for flake8 for helping me to figure out the problems while writing code.
The Problem
after I installed linter-flake8 using this command: pip install flake8
It showed me that this line:
[Linter] Error running Flake8
See console for more info
What I've done
I tried several times to re-install linter-flake8. Even I tried to search multiple times for another alterative but all of them was not effcient as linter-flake8.
Fix Linter flake8
This's the solution for fixing the console problem which we're facing when we decide to install Linter-flake8 for Python3. It has been tested in Linux and Debian.
Why Linter-flake8 doesn't work after installation?
Linter-flake8 default installation meant to be for python 2.7 beside if you read the description of the package, you will also find that their implementation was for python 2.7 not for python3.
Default installation package simulates directly with python 2.7, not for python3. so, you have to install the package using the commands of python3.
Even after inserting your Executable PATH will be only mere of spectacular. Because you need to install flake8 in terms of python3, not python2.
So, What should I do?
Install Linter-flake8 From Atom and then restart your IDE.
Check if it's actually being installed via your package manager by executing: which flake8 in your terminal.
Reopen your IDE and click Ctrl+Shift+P to open the Search in Atom.
Search for Application: Open the Init Script.
Then, Write in the this code:
process.env.PATH = ['usr/local/bin/', process.env.PATH].join(':')
Go To your *Executable PATH and paste this path /usr/local/bin/.
Then, open a new Terminal and execute these commands:
First, enter your root Mode by sudo su.
Second, go to cd /usr/local/bin/.
Third, execute these commands:
python3 -m pip install flake8.
apm install linter-flake8
python3 -m pip install flake8-docstring
python3 -m pip install hacking
If you didn't install pip before, then you can install it by sudo apt-get install pip and then, you can move on to continue the installation of flake8.
close your Atom and open it.
If you want to disable The Max Line Lenght you can do that by Default: 0.
It will be a courtesy from you if you start following me :) <3
flake8 not found

Can't import 3rd party python module

I would like to preface with the fact that I am a coding newbie and all this is very new to me. In fact, this is my first stack overflow question.
Anyways I am learning python and am trying to install my first third party module called “pyperclip” in Terminal, but I don't think it installed correctly. I am very new with Terminal as well.
For reference, I am following the youtube guide "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python"
I am on Lesson 8 and I am at minute 3:43 in the video if you want to follow along.
Here are some of my system details:
Mac OS X
Python version 3.8.3
I ran the following into Terminal:
sudo pip3 install pyperclip
Then I received the following message in Terminal after installing pyperclip
The directory or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo’s -H flag.
I then tried to install again using the following:
sudo -H pip3 install pyperclip
Then I got this message:
Requirement already satisfied: pyperclip in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (1.8.0)
I tried installing one last time using:
pip3 install pyperclip
I got the same message again:
Requirement already satisfied: pyperclip in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages (1.8.0)
This is also the error I get when I try importing pyperclip in my interactive shell:
>>> import pyperclip
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<stdin>”, line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pyperclip’
Can anyone help me please? I feel like a fish out of the water with all this stuff. Especially when it comes to Terminal. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I wanted to discuss a few things that might help you on your way.
We typically do not use sudo in conjunction with pip to install Python packages. This installs the package at a system level and could conflict with packages that your system currently has installed or may install packages to a Python installation which is different than the one you are using from the terminal. Instead, we typically use pip install --user rather than sudo pip install.
See this question and answer for more: sudo pip install VS pip install --user.
If you are ever unsure whether a package has been installed properly, check using
pip3 list
We also need to make sure that the Python interpreter you are using is the same as where pip is installing. Since you are using pip3 to install, you should be using python3 at the terminal to enter the interactive shell. You can also verify that you are using the right Python interpreter by typing in the following command into the terminal:
which python3
Then, make sure that the output matches with the /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/ path that was reported by pip3.
If you are using a different interactive shell such as ipython, you need to make sure that you install ipython in the same manner using
pip3 install --user ipython
and executing it using
Try repeating your steps using this new information to see if it helps. Let me know if you have any more questions or need some more help.

Pip on only installs to python27 while i need it to install on python37

I have multiple instances of python in my computer namely python27, python3.6 and python 3.7.
The import module for docx worked daily on python27 until suddenly it stopped working today. I tried installing the module again using pip in windows command line.
It says only installed in python27 directory. But there's an
importError on my script.
I guess I should be high time i transferred into python37 but I can't seem to make pip install into python 3.7
Can someone offer some advice as to the messy situation I'm in?I want to transfer to python3 and install docx in python3
Already checked modules using pip and docx is not there.
You should try setting your command prompt on the version of Python you want the module to install. Then, just use "pip", to install.
This is how you can do this:
Go into File Explorer (hopefully you have windows) and press and hold the shift key, then right click the folder that you want command prompt to look at. In this case, the folder with the version of Python. Then you click on the command prompt selection, and you're golden. Just use "pip install xyz" from there on. Glad to help
for python 3 try below given approaches.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
this should get you pip3 and you can use pip3 to install packages specific to python3
and also
python3 -m pip install <package name>

Python 3.5.2 Windows x86-64 web-based, but installer not installing pip

I am trying to install TensorFlow. The installation instruction for Windows ( have as first step to install Python 3.5.2. And I'm doing the 'TensorFlow with CPU support only'.
Python was successfully installed in my computer as I can run it via the Start menu.
However, when I try to do the 2nd step of the installation instructions in order to install TensorFlow, this step says to:
To install TensorFlow, start a terminal. Then issue the appropriate pip3 install command in that terminal. To install the CPU-only version of TensorFlow, enter the following command:
C:\> pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow
But I'm getting an error when I perform the above statement, the error is
'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, oprable program or batch file.
I looked at several postings in StackOverflow and tried the commands provided in one of the postings, but I would get the same type of error.
So, how is 'pip3' installed? from what I read, it is supposed to be installed together with the installation, but obviously that did not happen.
How do I install it? I need to install TensorFlow and it seems that it needs to be done via the pip3 installation tool.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Either set the system environment path variable to include the python 3.5.x path in it, or just cd into the correct python folder to run pip3 from there.
The folder in windows 10 should be something like this:
Open the terminal, cd to that path (change YOUR_USERNAME to the correct user) and then just run the following command:
pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow
and if you want the gpu version:
pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu
Pip3 is already installed when you install Python, so there is no need to do anything else.

virtualenv: cannot import name 'main'

I'm having a little trouble with virtualenv on Mac OS X Yosemite. After I couldn't run virtualenv at all first, I installed Python 3 via brew (previously I installed it via the package on I linked this installation of python3, updated pip and ran pip3 install virtualenv. When I try to run virtualenv (e.g. $ virtualenv --python=python3 ../virtualenv), I get the following error message.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/virtualenv", line 7, in <module>
from virtualenv import main
File "/usr/local/bin/", line 7, in <module>
from virtualenv import main
ImportError: cannot import name 'main'
Can anybody help me with this?
After my upgrade to Fedora 32 I had the same issue which lead me to this question:
ImportError: cannot import name 'main' from 'virtualenv'
In my case I actually seemed to have both /usr/local/bin/virtualenv as well as $HOME/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/virtualenv/
Removing the user virtualenv version and reinstalling it into the system with root fixed the issue:
pip uninstall virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenv
Your virtualenv executable /usr/local/bin/virtualenv is importing the virtualenv package /usr/local/bin/ My guess is that package is not the one the executable should really be importing. The reason it is choosing that one is because it is in the same directory.
First, check where the real virtualenv package is. In the python3 terminal:
>>> import virtualenv
>>> virtualenv.__file__
If it is not /usr/local/bin/, then the simplest way to get /usr/local/bin/virtualenv to import it instead of /usr/local/bin/ is to delete /usr/local/bin/ (or so you can easily undo this if it doesn't work, simply rename to something else like
I received this error after upgrading Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS. So there were two problems all at once. First the python version was still running 2.x and doing a simple update or try to uninstall (apt-get remove virtualenv) of virtualenv did not help at all. But I found a solution. First let 20.04 LTS 'know' the times of using old python is over:
sudo apt-get install python-is-python3
Then test it and open a console to get the version string with python -V; by now it should be showing something like Python 3.8.5. Fine.
Next step is to solve the virtualenv problem. I tried to find out, which executable was run with which virtualenv and it showed: $HOME/.local/bin/virtualenv. Hmmkay, somehow the system wasn't using the /usr/bin/virtualenv executable. I thought maybe I let the directory become invisible (a.k.a. renaming) and maybe the system will go on a hunt for an alternative virtualenv running:
mv $HOME/.local/bin/virtualenv /home/USER/.local/bin/virtualenv_OLD
Then I simply changed into a playground-directory and ran virtualenv donaldknuth and behold - it worked. To be sure I ran another which virtualenv and the system returned a /usr/bin/virtualenv. Last check to do was activating the new virtual environment:
source $HOME/playground/donaldknuth/bin/activate
The terminal changed and it worked fine. Solution
Based on Pierre B.'s suggestion you may have to restart your Shell. The command hash -d virtualenv will delete the stored location of virtualenv from the shell's cache and determine the correct path right now. (Sources:,
Similarly to some others here, I had multiple installations of virtualenv. Not sure where the extra one came from, but I had these two:
One is from apt install of virtualenv, the other from pip install of virtualenv.
This happened when upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04.
On Linux Mint 20, I had to switch default Python interpreter to python3
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1
Then remove existing virtualenv and reinstall via pip and python3:
rm ~/.local/bin/virtualenv
apt remove python3-virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenv
