How to hide Next/Previous buttons from Tumblr blog? - pagination

In my Tumblr blog there are "Next" and "Previous" buttons. Even though I have enabled infinite scrolling in the blog, sometimes the "Next" and "Previous" buttons are visible. Like when the Internet connection is slow, these buttons shows for a while and then disappear.
What I want is that these buttons should hide permanently.
I have searched for this on Internet but all the answer are like "Delete the pagination block from the code". But after deleting the pagination, infinite scrolling also stops.

Just add some rule into the css. It depends on the names of your elements. Something like:
.next {
display: none;
This would be in the style tags towards the top of the template. There should already be some existing rules for the css for these elements.
If you can update your question with the names of the navigation it might even be simpler than this.

Edit your theme, and remove the code between
{block:Pagination} and {/block:Pagination}


How to implement scroll to a section/fragment on click in Liferay?

I want to implement scrolling to a particular section on click in Liferay, but I have no idea how to add functionalities in Liferay.
I have created a page using multiple fragments and in the top of the page I have headers of the sections and on click of a header the page should be scrolled to that particular section.
Attached page screenshot link below for reference
The easiest way to scroll to some place on the page is to place an anchor there, e.g. with <a name="scrollTarget"/>. In your navigation, you'll just link to this by Scroll to Target and you're set.
Of course, this can be done a lot fancier, with an animated scroll etc, but the basic start is this. There's nothing Liferay-specific hidden here - pick any of the more fancy methods, create fragments with the proper markup, and make sure they're used on your page.

xe:navigator, expandable: how to replace the "twisties" with some custom icon?

For navigation I'm using an xe:navigator and containing xe:basicContainerNodes, which in turn contain xe:pageTreeNodes. Rather classic design, I'd say.
If I mark the xe:navigator as "expandable" all the containerNodes are showing something that at first glance appear to be classic "twisties" so that users can collapse / expand them.
This is kind of OK but I'd love to replace the "twisties" with icons showing "+" or "-" as that is what I'm using everywhere else inside the application.
Looking at the rendered html code for my navigator I see that the "twisties" in fact are links with a background sprite applied through css:
<a class="lotusSprite lotusArrow lotusTwistyOpenMenu" style="padding: 0px" role="button" href="#" onclick="javascript:XSP.oneUIMenuSwap(event,'wipe','view:_id1:_id2:facetLeft:_id278:outline_node_0')" title="Click to expand or collapse this section">
<span class="lotusAltText">▼</span>
(btw: the <span> inside the link appears to be a fake element as it is set to display:none)
Examining the sprite I in fact find some "+" icons but no "-" ones.
Question: is there probably away to reach my goal, other than building my own sprite and replacing the original one?
Update: another helpful option would be to make the container's label clickable so thar user could expand / collapse the containers by clicking their headline labels. Any idea here?
Update #2: apparently not too many responses ;). Meanwhile I solved it by switching to an Accordion based navigator; a bit more programming effort, but nicer looking, too...
solved it by switching to accordions. Looks even nicer but is a bit more programming effort (keeping the right accordion panels open and marking the currently selected menu entries)

How to create a user-impaired accessible website: surfing without a mouse?

I have created a webpage using Backbone.js and Marionette.js that mostly consists of a bootstrap accordion view that displays a list of items when the accordion header is clicked. Each item can also be clicked, which will show a hidden div of detailed information that pertains to that particular item.
I would like to make this site accessible to people who might not be using a mouse (Maybe they're visually impaired and using a screen reader? Maybe they just don't like clicking things? Either way.) I'm thinking that this would mean being able to press the Tab key to get to the accordion, pressing Space or Enter to open the accordion, Tabbing down (or down arrow key?) through the list items, and then using Space or Enter to show the selected item's hidden div.
I'm finding it difficult to find information on how to add a feature like this, since searches like "How to make an accessible website that can be used without a mouse" mostly turns up blogs on what a developer should do to add accessibility to a page, and not much on how to do it.
Currently, the page doesn't really respond to any keyboard buttons. Any tips or resources you could share would be extremely appreciated. I've been fiddling with ARIA role tags, but I'm either not doing it right or it's not the answer here.
You have to use tabindex
Screen readers automatically read whatever element is the activeElement

How to remove whole Site Actions menu for specific users?

I have been doing research, and I havent found a way to remove the WHOLE site actions menu for "non-content editors" in sharepoint. I have researched this:
<SharePoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl ID="SPSecurityTrimmedControl2" runat="server" PermissionsString="ManageSubwebs">
but this only hides certain links in the site actions menu, what if I want to hide the whole thing so you cant even see 'site actions' in the upper left hand corner of the page for certain users. The content editors should be able to see this menu, but non-content editors should not be able to see this menu at all.
Try changing PermissionsString to "ManageWeb"... it will hide for all users who doesn't have ManageWeb role... How are you going to categorize "certain users" in your question, if it is by role, you can quickly have a look at msdn
i know its a bit of a cheat way round, but i used this from codeplex... you can sepecify what users see it through groups
the only issue is it does remove the users name from top right, and leaves no menu there...

ModalPopupExtender adding scrollbars in SharePoint

Whenever I show a ModalPopupExtender on my Sharepoint site, the popup shown creates both horizontal and vertical scrollbars. If you scroll all the way to the end of the page, the scrollbar refreshes, and there is more page to scroll through. Basically, I think the popup is setting its bounds beyond the end of the page. Has anyone run into this? Searching Google, it seems this may be a known problem, but I haven't found a good solution that doesn't include recompiling AJAX, which my boss will not allow.
Hacky answer would be to grab the IE Developer Toolbar, find the tag that has the scrollbar, and alter your CSS file to add the overflow:hidden property to it.
I assume the TargetControl is of sufficient size to hold everything you put in it? If so, try:
Set CSS overflow:hidden;
If the target control is a Panel, set scrollbars="none". Otherwise, put it in a panel and try it.
