Show debug toolbar on Android Monitor Android Studio 1.4 preview 3 - android-studio

Ok... I'm sure that I was able to do this on previous versions. I just want to be able to step while watching logcat at the same time. They are now on separate panes. Is there a way to show the debug toolbars with step options on the Android Monitor/logcat tab? Right now I can do it by detaching and resizing panes but it is painful. Or can I just "lock" the debug toolbar on the side of the screen somewhere? BTW. I know about using split but I really would like the debugger tab and the logcat tab full size.


Why does Android Studio never show layout decorations when I open it?

As you can see in the image below, every time I open a project in Android Studio, the layout decorations option is deselected. How can I have it selected for default?
look on the top left of constraintLayout that you currently open, click on the eye icon and then click Show Layout Decorations. then you will be able to see it. but i don't know how to access it.
I think is not possible. I never see about that the solution

How to view this missing toolbar/window in android studio?

The space at the top in android studio where recently opened java and xml files(I have marked that in my image) are shown has disappeared in my MacBook. How to bring it back?
At the top toolbar Window> Editor Tabs > Tabs Placement > Top.
that's should fix it.

How to make the Android-Studio run window (logcat) sticky and prevent it from automatically hiding?

I have dual screens on my Windows desktop and I like to keep Android Studio run logcat on one of them open all the time. Every time I hit Run the logcat window automatically hides and I need to click on the tab to make it appear again, which is annoying. Is there a setting where I can keep the logcat window always visible?
To do that
Simply open the Logcat window once more...
Click on the settings icon at the far right
Then select Pinned Mode there
This should work...i hope it helped...

Dock logcat window on a side of Android Studio

I hope not to be off topic.
I consider Android's logcat window in Android Studio horribly annoying, even working with two monitors.
To open the logcat window, that often needs to be fairly big, my procedure is:
click below on "Android Monitor"
select the current running device (one time only)
click on that tiny and almost invisible icon on the extreme right
reduce again the Android Monitor that I don't need at all
most of the times resize and move the logcat window.
Whenever a change has to be written or something has to be seen on the emulator, the logcat window needs to be moved or closed, because it stands on top of every window, and this leads to perform that same sequence again after maybe few minutes.
Debugging using logcat becomes a pain, made of opening and closing that same window dozens of times.
I want that window to popup or dock automatically with one single icon click or with a key combination from the right, or the left, like for example "Android Model", without getting crazy every time. One click shows it, one click hides it.
Is it possible?

Logcat sidebar of controls like `Clear` and `Terminate Application` missing in Android Studio

Till last time when I used Android Studio a few hours ago, I had a sidebar of controls like 'Clear' and 'Terminate Application' etc. Like this side bar in the Run perspective.
I was using the control to easily terminate applications. But now it's gone, and I don't know how to terminate my applications.
So what should I do to get it back? Is there another easy way to terminate apps?
Addendum: I have seen this question, but I don't know how to find that DDMS perspective. And where are my controls from the Logcat gone?
Came here looking for answer but figure out one myself,in case anyone needs it anyway:
Right click the Android tab (where it says Android above the Emulator/Device name), when the menu pops select 'Show toolbar' .
Android Studio layout has changed since 2015, so for today (Android Studio 4.2.2):
The context menu popup of the Logcat tab (accessible through the little gear icon on the top right of the tab) has the option "show toolbar".
This will bring back toolbar on the left side of Logcat. Hope that info will help someone someday :)
