Database Operation Failed: Azure SQL and Azure Data Factory - azure

Database operation failed on server ',11146' with SQL Error Number '40197'. Error message from database execution : The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try again. Error code 4815.
A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded..
I'm getting the following error. What does error code 4815 mean? Couldn't find any documentation regarding that error code.

The error 4815 means that the SQL Server engine received an invalid column length from the bcp client for colid. You might want to check the parameters again and try this task again.
Here is some documentation on the error codes. Hope this helps.


nodejs mssql package- how do I tell a sql syntax error from a server error like a timeout?

I am running mssql queries (using the nodejs mssql package) from strings. if the query fails how do I know if its a sql syntax error, or a server error (eg a timeout)? Examples of both types include:
Server error:
query update x set y=1 err: Error: operation timed out for an unknown reason
Syntax error:
if mssql config is wrong: ConnectionError: Login failed for user 'xxx'
query create database Logs err: RequestError: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'
query create databbbbbase Logs error: RequestError: Unknown object type 'databbbbbase' used in a CREATE, DROP, or ALTER statement
I am running the queries like this await pool.request().query(querystring) and using a catch block to get the error message.
Can I safely say if mssql error message is just 'Error' not a specific type (eg 'ConnectionError') that I should rerun the query?

AWS Crawler Throwing Connection Error When Glue Connection Test Passes

I'm hitting an error on AWS and oogle has not been much help thus far. Here is the problem I have. I have setup a connection in Glue to my Oracle RDS. When I test the connection it passes. When I run the Crawler it fails with the following error:
ERROR : Error crawling database my_oracle_db:
SQLState: 08006
Error Code: 17002
Message: IO Error: Invalid connection string format, a valid format is: "host:port:sid"
I have manually altered the JDBC connection string so that the / between port and SID is replaced with : I did test the connection both ways, and the test passed. What could be causing the error to get thrown?

Azure Data Factory - Use GetRunRecord(runid) to get complete Error Details

I just tried running a first data copy job inside Azure Data Factory - it failed almost immediately, and displays the message:
Failed Execution: Error message too large to be returned. Use
GetRunRecord(runid) to get complete Error Details.
Can someone tell me where exactly I'm supposed to use this GetRunRecord command? Googling this error brought me exactly one relevant result, and it was no help.
do you have a RunID in your error messages which you could pass to GetRunRecord(runid)?
if yes, you might try the API call described here and pass in the RunID:

Internal DMS Error while inserting data in Azure Datawarehouse

I am getting following error while inserting data in dimension table in Azure data warehouse:
110802;An internal DMS error occurred that caused this operation to fail. Details: Please use this Error ID when contacting your Administrator for assistance. EID:(82b090ae0a614abaa5abbe883e49dad1)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Indicator variable required but not supplied Additional error <2>: ErrorMsg: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]Indicator variable required but not supplied, SqlState: 22002, NativeError: 0
This is usually an indication of an attempt to insert a NULL value into a non-nullable column.

MemSQL select query 1705 error

I am using memsql community version and I am able to execute some queries but getting error for few queries like
select * from policy;
Error code:
ERROR 1705 (HY000): The query cannot be executed.
MemSQL code generation has failed: Failed to delete .fin file.
This likely indicates a permissions problem or some other issue with your installation ([install dir]/plancache may not be writable by memsqld for example). Did you install and start MemSQL via Ops?
There will probably be a more detailed error message inside of
[install dir]/tracelogs/memsql.log
