Babel usage in web app - node, react, gulp, browserify - node.js

I would like to start using advanced JS features in an pre-existing app with a NodeJS serverside, React using the Fluxible architecture, Gulp task runner and Broserify/CommonJS front end modules.
Anybody who has been down that path or a similar path before and wants to share some insight I would much appreciate it.

babel-node compiles on-the-fly. You can use the API (babel-core) to pre-compile and then run the compiled output in node. There's also a gulp-babel plugin. At the expense of extra processing overhead at build time you could hijack browserify or use module-deps to figure out the dependency graph for you, if relevant. There's a notion of adding a feature to Babel to generate a dependency graph, but it's not available currently.


Should I transpile my TypeScript application?

I recently started building a small project with TypeScript. It is a small application that runs some workflows based on received Webhook calls. This means that it exposes an Express app to handle these requests.
Currently I have an npm script that builds this project and transpiles it into JavaScript which can be then interpreted by Node.js. (The script runs: tsc --build --clean)
My question is, since this is not meant to be a library/package that will be published on NPM, is there any reason to transpile the project at all since I can just run it with ts-node?
I've been looking around for some information regarding this but couldn't find anything.
Are there any security, performance or any other implications when running the project directly with ts-node in a production environment instead of building it and running it with node?
It depends on the size of your project. Most people transpile because it improves performance, consumes less system resources and provides more stability.
But in a small project this won't make much difference, so using ts-node may be sufficient.

Why webpack and babel are dependent on Node.js to run?

I was learning babel and webpack and then it turns out I need to install node.js to run them both and I asked myself WHY? Then according to my research, we need node.js for webpack and babel since both of them were written in JS and to run that JS code which transpiles( for babel) and bundles up the code(for webpack). Also, another reason is that since both babel and webpack handles our JS code outside of the browser, this is the reason to use Node.js. Are these reasons true?
According to the Node.js website -
Node.jsĀ® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Webpack and babel (along with many other tools you might use for frontend development) are written in javascript and since they are command line tools, they need a way to run outside of the browser (directly on your machine).
They could have used some other language to write the tools but since they chose to write them in javascript, Node.js is the only feasible options right now.
In case you are interested, the original creator of nodejs
Ryan Dahl has built another secure runtime environment for Javascript/Typescript called Deno
Yes, at the moment the node.js project is non-portable by full open source disclosure nor extension to port node.js commonjs without a just in time transpiler with a service worker on a server.
Definitions: FHC = "from half court"
Babel and webpack
(1) transpile/move (write&read, not ln -s sym...bolic link) & (2) compost/pile onto a JIT target,
like v8 or other browser-javascript-interpreters. v8 on a service worker can compile on the edge just in time for interpretation in a browser v8 environment but still on the cloudflare edge server.
Declare (FHC) Allegedly, rust provides webassembly modules with the lipid [llvm-]wrappings
that nucleic acid exocytosis needs to be a full-blown virus, err I mean
Initiation Routine needs to be a targetable JIT extension!
A compiler/transpiler still requires it's target-scope receivable. Declare (FHC) Emit is to execute as compile is to interpret, even AST.

Best practices to develop VueJS app with Webpack, SASS, NPM ...?

I am writing application by using Python/Flask as the API back-end, and want to separate the front-end (browser-based) as an individual project (VueJS). I've read about Webpack, but I can't find any best practice to start, such as: can we use NPM to manage dependencies, use webpack for front-end not using an Node app as an entry ...
Thanks alot
WebPack isn't a framework.
It's something that a task runner.
Exemple: You use SASS, you want something that compile all your sass file in CSS file. You create a task and webpack have a task now. And you can ask him to automaticaly compile the file when change.
Maybe what you want it's more have two project:
One who handle the data an may available with an api
One who is the web ui for the user who get the data and format it in a beautifull UI
Webpack won't be your solution. Continue with your VueJS and look at VueX for your data handling browser side.

why react should usually be a prod dependency and not dev-dependency

Sorry if I'm missing some obvious thing, but I can't seem to understand why react (or react-dom) should be a dependency and not dev-dependency on most projects..
Usually the src is written in es6 and stored in /src or /client for example, and when someone want to build the project for prod he will create /build or /dist where the finalize bundle.js will seat (using webpack and such). from there (at prod) it simply a web server which serve regular js (the bundle) and html file.
Do I miss somthing?
I dont understand why will I want react on the prod (unless going for SSR of course)..
Thank you very much!
dependencies are required to run, devDependencies only to develop, e.g.: unit tests, Coffeescript to Javascript transpilation, minification, ...
React is a dependency because it is included in the final build.
In case of a React App, all your JSX is converted to a syntax similar to React.createElement and hence you would require your App to have React during run time as well. Similary methods like setState and lifecyle functions are all executed during run-time.
As a matter of fact react is a library that has exposed some methods and APIs to access and manipulate DOM.
Consider this similar to jquery or express where you add it in the production build because they are being used during run time.
When creating a react app, things like babel, webpack etc which are only used to create a bundle would be dev-dependencies as once the packaged bundle is generated it need not be generated during run time of application
I had the same question and found this article that explains it well.
To summarize, it shouldn't matter where you put the react dependencies since Webpack will bundle them into a self-contained file and the code will run fine in either case. However, separating development and production dependencies allows for a better communication to other developers for the purpose of these dependencies.
A dependency is something that is imported in the src/ or client/ module like you mentioned. The code that you run depends on it and hence is required in the production bundle.
If it were something like Babel it could be a devDependency because:
It is not imported in source code.
It is a transpiler and works on code in compile time
But that is not the case with React. Functions like setState or lifecycle hooks are being executed in run time, meaning the library has to be present during run time.
React could very well be listed as a peer dependency is some of the popuar libraries. This is because we assume that all projects that are going to use this library are going to have React installed. Like consider the case of react-bootstrap. It can only be run in react projects, so we include react as peer dependency reducing the overhead of installing it.
If you need a framework that would disappear in compile time, take a look at Svelte.

The best way to actively develop an NPM package that's consumed by another app running locally

I'm currently working on a React application that's consuming a React library we also develop.
Currently, the process is to copy over the dist folder of the library over to the node_modules folder of the application.
To resolve the tedious nature of this, I thought the solution would be simple: to npm link the package in our application, and have the JSX/React components run through the application's babel-loader. That way, we'd also get webpack's dev server to watch for changes in the library and refresh automatically.
The problem with this is that the library's babel settings are different from those of the consuming application. For instance, root imports in the library (e.g. import ~/some-module) are supposed to resolve from the root folder of the library, but instead, they resolve to the root folder of the application, resulting in errors, because the only babel configuration it uses is the .babelrc from the application.
I tried adding separate webpack config rules to make exceptions for the library, but now it feels kind of hacky. In addition to that, the webpack dev server runs incredibly slow to boot up, presumably because it's running a babel transformation on the library too.
Is there an easier way to do this? Like telling webpack that "for this library in node_modules, use its own configuration file, and respect all of its own babel settings and relative imports?"
