How to process tab-separated files in Spark? - apache-spark

I have a file which is tab separated. The third column should be my key and the entire record should be my value (as per Map reduce concept).
val cefFile = sc.textFile("C:\\text1.txt")
val cefDim1 = cefFile.filter { line => line.startsWith("1") }
val joinedRDD = => x.split("\\t"))
joinedRDD.first().foreach { println }
I am able to get the value of first column but not third. Can anyone suggest me how I could accomplish this?

After you've done the split x.split("\\t") your rdd (which in your example you called joinedRDD but I'm going to call it parsedRDD since we haven't joined it with anything yet) is going to be an RDD of Arrays. We could turn this into an array of key/value tuples by doing => (r(2), r)). That being said - you aren't limited to just map & reduce operations in Spark so its possible that another data structure might be better suited. Also for tab separated files, you could use spark-csv along with Spark DataFrames if that is a good fit for the eventual problem you are looking to solve.


SPARK Combining Neighbouring Records in a text file

very new to SPARK.
I need to read a very large input dataset, but I fear the format of the input files would not be amenable to read on SPARK. Format is as follows:
Ideally what I would like to do is pull the lines of the file into a SPARK RDD, and then transform it into an RDD that only has one item per record (with the subrecords becoming part of their associated record item).
So if the example above was read in, I'd want to wind up with an RDD containing 3 objects: [record1,record2,record3]. Each object would contain the data from their RECORD and any associated SUBRECORD entries.
The unfortunate bit is that the only thing in this data that links subrecords to records is their position in the file, underneath their record. That means the problem is sequentially dependent and might not lend itself to SPARK.
Is there a sensible way to do this using SPARK (and if so, what could that be, what transform could be used to collapse the subrecords into their associated record)? Or is this the sort of problem one needs to do off spark?
There is a somewhat hackish way to identify the sequence of records and sub-records. This method assumes that each new "record" is identifiable in some way.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.LongType
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val df = Seq(
).toDS() => (r._1._1, r._1._2, r._2)).toDF("record", "value", "id")
val win = Window.orderBy("id")
val recids = df.withColumn("newrec", ($"record" === "RECORD").cast(LongType))
.withColumn("recid", sum($"newrec").over(win))
.select($"recid", $"record", $"value")
val recs = recids.where($"record"==="RECORD").select($"recid", $"value".as("recname"))
val subrecs = recids.where($"record" =!= "RECORD").select($"recid", $"value".as("attr"))
recs.join(subrecs, Seq("recid"), "left").groupBy("recname").agg(collect_list("attr").as("attrs")).show()
This snippet will first zipWithIndex to identify each row, in order, then add a boolean column that is true every time a "record" is identified, and false otherwise. We then cast that boolean to a long, and then can do a running sum, which has the neat side-effect of essentially labeling every record and it's sub-records with a common identifier.
In this particular case, we then split to get the record identifiers, re-join only the sub-records, group by the record ids, and collect the sub-record values to a list.
The above snippet results in this:
| recname| attrs|
|record1identifier| [value1, value2]|
|record2identifier| []|
|record3identifier|[value3, value4, ...|

How do I write a standalone application in Spark to find 20 of most mentions in a text file filled with extracted tweets

I'm creating a standalone application in spark where I need to read in a text file that is filled with tweets. Every mention starts with the symbol, "#". The objective is to go through this file, and find the most 20 mentions. Punctuation should be stripped from all mentions and if the tweet has the same mention more than once, it should be counted only once. There can be multiple unique mentions in a single tweet. There are many tweets in the file.
I am new to scala and apache-spark. I was thinking of using the filter function and placing the results in a list. Then convert the list into a set where items are unique. But the syntax, regular expressions, and reading the file are a problem i face.
def main(args: Array[String]){
val locationTweetFile = args(0)
val spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("does this matter?").getOrCreate()
tweet file is huge, is this command below, safe?
val tweetsFile =
val mentionsExp = """([#])+""".r
If the tweet had said
"Hey #Honda, I am #customer I love #honda. I am favorite #CUSTOMER."
Then the output should be something like, ((honda, 1),(customer,1))
Since there are multiple tweets, another tweet can say,
"#HoNdA I am the same #cuSTomER #STACKEXCHANGE."
Then the Final output will be something like
Let's go step-by step.
1) appName("does this matter?") in your case doesn't matter
2) is safe due to its laziness, file won't be loaded into your memory
Now, about implementation:
Spark is about transformation of data, so you need to think how to transform raw tweets to list of unique mentions in each tweet. Next you transform list of mentions to Map[Mention, Int], where Int is a total count of that mention in the RDD.
Tranformation is usually done via map(f: A => B) method where f is a function mapping A value to B.
def tweetToMentions(tweet: String): Seq[String] =
tweet.split(" ").collect {
case s if s.startsWith("#") => s.replaceAll("[,.;!?]", "").toLowerCase
val mentions = tweetToMentions("Hey #Honda, I am #customer I love #honda. I am favorite #CUSTOMER.")
// mentions: Seq("#honda", "#customer")
The next step is to apply this function to each element in our RDD:
val mentions = tweetsFile.flatMap(tweetToMentions)
Note that we use flatMap instead of map because tweetToMentions returns Seq[String] and we want our RDD to contain only mentions, flatMap will flatten the result.
To count occurences of each mention in the RDD we need to apply some magic:
First, we map our mentions to pairs of (Mention, 1) => (mention, 1))
Then we use reduceByKey which will count how many times each mention occurs in our RDD. Lastly, we order the mentions by their counts and retreive result.
val result = mentions
.map(mention => (mention, 1))
.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)

Apache Spark write to multiple outputs [different parquet schemas] without caching

I want to transform my input data (XML files) and produce 3 different outputs.
Each output will be in parquet format and will have a different schema/number of columns.
Currently in my solution, the data is stored in RDD[Row], where each Row belongs to one of three types and has a different number of fields. What I'm doing now is caching the RDD, then filtering it (using the field telling me about the record type) and saving the data using the following method:
var resultDF_1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_1, schema_1)
// the same for filtered_data_2 and filtered_data_3
Is there any way to do it better, for example do not cache entire data in memory?
In MapReduce we have MultipleOutputs class and we can do it this way:
MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "data_type_1", DataType1OutputFormat.class, Void.class, Group.class);
MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "data_type_2", DataType2OutputFormat.class, Void.class, Group.class);
MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "data_type_3", DataType3OutputFormat.class, Void.class, Group.class);
MultipleOutputs<Void, Group> mos = new MultipleOutputs<>(context);
mos.write("data_type_1", null, myRecordGroup1, filePath1);
mos.write("data_type_2", null, myRecordGroup2, filePath2);
We had exactly this problem, to re-iterate: we read 1000s of datasets into one RDD, all of different schemas (we used a nested Map[String, Any]) and wanted to write those 1000s of datasets to different Parquet partitions in their respective schemas. All in a single embarrassingly parallel Spark Stage.
Our initial approach indeed did the hacky thing of caching, but this meant (a) 1000 passes of the cached data (b) hitting a lot of memory issues!
For a long time now I've wanted to bypass the Spark's provided .parquet methods and go to lower level underlying libraries, and wrap that in a nice functional signature. Finally recently we did exactly this!
The code is too much to copy and paste all of it here, so I will just paste the main crux of the code to explain how it works. We intend on making this code Open Source in the next year or two.
val successFiles: List[String] = successFilePaths(tableKeyToSchema, tableKeyToOutputKey, tableKeyToOutputKeyNprs)
// MUST happen first
info("Deleting success files")
successFiles.foreach(S3Utils.deleteObject(bucket, _))
if (saveMode == SaveMode.Overwrite) {
info("Deleting past files as in Overwrite mode")
parDeleteDirContents(bucket, allDirectories(tableKeyToOutputKey, tableKeyToOutputKeyNprs, partitions, continuallyRunStartTime))
} else {
info("Not deleting past files as in Append mode")
rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex {
case (index, records) =>
records.toList.groupBy(_._1).mapValues( {
case (regularKey: RegularKey, data: List[NotProcessableRecord Either UntypedStruct]) =>
val (nprs: List[NotProcessableRecord], successes: List[UntypedStruct]) =
val filename = s"part-by-partition-index-$index.snappy.parquet"
data = successes,
schema = toMessageType(tableKeyToSchema(regularKey.tableKey)),
fsMode = fs,
path = s3 / bucket / tableKeyToOutputKey(regularKey.tableKey) / regularKey.partition.pathSuffix /? / filename
nprs = nprs,
fsMode = fs,
path = s3 / bucket / tableKeyToOutputKeyNprs(regularKey.tableKey) / regularKey.partition.pathSuffix /? / filename
} pipe Iterator.single
}.count() // Just some action to force execution
info("Writing _SUCCESS files")
successFiles.foreach(S3Utils.uploadFileContent(bucket, "", _))
Of course this code cannot be copy and pasted as many methods and values are not provided. The key points are:
We hand crank the deleting of _SUCCESS files and previous files when overwriting
Each spark partition will result in one-or-many output files (many when multiple data schemas are in the same partition)
We hand crank the writing of _SUCCESS files
UntypedStruct is our nested representation of arbitrary schema. It's a little bit like Row in Spark but much better, as it's based on Map[String, Any].
NotProcessableRecord are essentially just dead letters
Parquet.writeUntypedStruct is the crux of the logic of writing a parquet file, so we'll explain this in more detail. Firstly
val toMessageType: StructType => MessageType = new org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.SparkToParquetSchemaConverter().convert
Should be self explanatory. Next fsMode contains within it the com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials, then inside writeUntypedStruct we use that to construct org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration setting fs.s3a.access.key and fs.s3a.secret.key.
writeUntypedStruct basically just calls out to:
def writeRaw(
data: List[UntypedStruct],
schema: MessageType,
config: Configuration,
path: Path,
compression: CompressionCodecName = CompressionCodecName.SNAPPY
): Unit =
)(writer => data.foreach(data => writer.write(transpose(data, new SimpleGroup(schema)))))
where SimpleGroup comes from, and ExampleParquetWriter extends ParquetWriter<Group>. The method transpose is a very tedious self writing recursion through the UntypedStruct populating a Group (some ugly Java mutable low level thing).
Credit must go to for figuring out how these underlying libraries work, and labouring out the code, which like I said, we intend on making Open Source soon!
AFAIK, there is no way to split one RDD into multiple RDD per se. This is just how the way Spark's DAG works: only child RDDs pulling data from parent RDDs.
We can, however, have multiple child RDDs reading from the same parent RDD. To avoid recomputing the parent RDD, there is no other way but to cache it. I assume that you want to avoid caching because you're afraid of insufficient memory. We can avoid Out Of Memory (OOM) issue by persisting the RDD to MEMORY_AND_DISK so that large RDD will spill to disk if and when needed.
Let's begin with your original data:
val allDataRDD = sc.parallelize(Seq(Row(1,1,1),Row(2,2,2),Row(3,3,3)))
We can persist this in memory first, but allow it to spill over to disk in case of insufficient memory:
We then create the 3 RDD outputs:
filtered_data_1 = allDataRDD.filter(_.get(1)==1) // //
filtered_data_2 = allDataRDD.filter(_.get(2)==1) // use your own filter funcs here
filtered_data_3 = allDataRDD.filter(_.get(3)==1) // //
We then write the outputs:
var resultDF_1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_1, schema_1)
var resultDF_2 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_2, schema_2)
var resultDF_3 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(filtered_data_3, schema_3)
If you truly really want to avoid multiple passes, there is a workaround using a custom partitioner. You can repartition your data into 3 partitions and each partition will have its own task and hence its own output file/part. The caveat is that parallelism will be heavily reduced to 3 threads/tasks, and there's also the risk of >2GB of data stored in a single partition (Spark has a 2GB limit per partition). I am not providing detailed code for this method because I don't think it can write parquet files with different schema.

Merging duplicate columns in seq json hdfs files in spark

I am reading a seq json file from HDFS using spark like this :
val data =[String, String]("/prod/data/class1/20190114/2019011413/class2/part-*").map{
case (x,y) =>
val filteredData = data.filter("sourceInfo='Web'")
val explodedData = filteredData.withColumn("A", explode(filteredData("payload.adCsm.vfrd")))
val explodedDataDbg = explodedData.withColumn("B", explode(filteredData("payload.adCsm.dbg"))).drop("payload")
On which I am getting this error:
Ambiguous reference to fields StructField(adCsm,ArrayType(StructType(StructField(atfComp,StringType,true), StructField(csmTot,StringType,true), StructField(dbc,ArrayType(LongType,true),true), StructField(dbcx,LongType,true), StructField(dbg,StringType,true), StructField(dbv,LongType,true), StructField(fv,LongType,true), StructField(hdr,LongType,true), StructField(hidden,StructType(StructField(duration,LongType,true), StructField(stime,StringType,true)),true), StructField(hvrx,DoubleType,true), StructField(hvry,DoubleType,true), StructField(inf,StringType,true), StructField(isP,LongType,true), StructField(ltav,StringType,true), StructField(ltdb,StringType,true), StructField(ltdm,StringType,true), StructField(lteu,StringType,true), StructField(ltfm,StringType,true), StructField(ltfs,StringType,true), StructField(lths,StringType,true), StructField(ltpm,StringType,true), StructField(ltpq,StringType,true), StructField(ltts,StringType,true), StructField(ltut,StringType,true), StructField(ltvd,StringType,true), StructField(ltvv,StringType,true), StructField(msg,StringType,true), StructField(nl,LongType,true), StructField(prerender,StructType(StructField(duration,LongType,true), StructField(stime,LongType,true)),true), StructField(pt,StringType,true), StructField(src,StringType,true), StructField(states,StringType,true), StructField(tdr,StringType,true), StructField(tld,StringType,true), StructField(trusted,BooleanType,true), StructField(tsc,LongType,true), StructField(tsd,DoubleType,true), StructField(tsz,DoubleType,true), StructField(type,StringType,true), StructField(unloaded,StructType(StructField(duration,LongType,true), StructField(stime,LongType,true)),true), StructField(vdr,StringType,true), StructField(vfrd,LongType,true), StructField(visible,StructType(StructField(duration,LongType,true), StructField(stime,StringType,true)),true), StructField(xpath,StringType,true)),true),true), StructField(adcsm,ArrayType(StructType(StructField(tdr,DoubleType,true), StructField(vdr,DoubleType,true)),true),true);
Not sure how, but ONLY SOMETIMES there are two structs with the same name "adCsm" inside "payload". Since I am interested in fields present in one of them, I need to deal with this ambiguity.
I know one way is to check for the field A and B and drop the column if the fields are absent and hence choose the other adCsm. Was wondering if there is any better way to handle this? If I can probably just merge the duplicate columns (with different data) instead of this explicit filtering?
Not sure how duplicate structs are even present in a seq "json" file
I think, the ambiguity happened due to case sensitivity issue in spark dataframe column name. In the last part of the schema i see
So there is two same name structFields (adScm and adscm) inside plain StructType.
First enable case sensitivity of spark sql by
sqlContext.sql("set spark.sql.caseSensitive=true")
then it'll differentiate the two fields. Here is details to solve case sensitive issue solve case sensitivity issue
. Hopefully it'll help you.

Ordered union on spark RDDs

I am trying to do a sort on key of key-record pairs using apache spark. The key is 10 bytes long and the value is about 90 bytes long. In other words I am trying to replicate the sort benchmark Databricks used to break the sorting record. One of the things I noticed from the documentation is that they sorted on key-line-number pairs as opposed to key-record pairs to probably be cache/tlb friendly. I tried to replicate this approach but have not found a suitable solution. Here is what I have tried:
var keyValueRDD_1 = => (x.substring(0, 10), x.substring(12, 13)))
var keyValueRDD_2 = => (x.substring(0, 10), x.substring(14, 98))
var result = keyValueRDD_1.sortByKey(true, 1) // assume partitions = 1
var unionResult = result.union(keyValueRDD_2)
var finalResult = unionResult.foldByKey("")(_+_)
When I do a union on the result RDD and keyValueRDD_2 RDD and print the output of the unionResultRDD, the result and keyValueRDD_2 are not interleaved. In other words, it looks like the unionResult RDD has the keyValueRDD_2 contents followed by the result RDD contents. However, when I do a foldByKey operation which combines the values of same key into a single key-value pair, the sorted order is destroyed. I need to do a fold by key operation in order to save the result as the original key-record pair. Is there an alternate rdd function that could be used to achieve this?
Any tips or suggestions would be quite useful.
The union method just puts two RDDs one after the other, except if they have the same partitioner. Then it joins the partitions.
What you want to do is impossible.
When you have one RDD sorted (keyValueRDD_1) and another unsorted RDD with the same keys (keyValueRDD_2) then the only way to get the second RDD sorted is to sort it.
The existence of the sorted RDD does not help us sort the second RDD.
The Databricks article talks about an optimization that happens locally on the executors. After the shuffle step, the records are roughly sorted. Each partition now covers a range of keys, but the partitions are unsorted.
Now you have to sort each partition locally, and this is where the prefix optimization helps with cache locality.
