how to create a new field in CRM 2015? - dynamics-crm-2011

I'm using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 on-permise I need to create new field multi select lookup

You cant, that feature doesn't exist unfortunately.
There are some multi select lookup fields in CRM but those are limited to system fields which cant be customised.
The closest you can get is a 1:M or M:M relationship which will appear as a grid.


Creating a Dropdown list based in another field in same form - Sharepoint 2013 List

I have a Sharepoint List, and I'm struggling to customize the webpart to include a new Item.
The need is to create a Dropbox that changes values based in another field in same webform.
Here in this list, I select the Coordinator list, but the problem is I really don't know how to show in Analyst field just the analysts from the coordinator I just choose.
Note: We are using a workspace in Sharepoint 2013, and due adm restrictions we can only use the regular settings, so we can't create custom HTML webparts for example.

SharePoint Designer 2013 External Content Type + same foreign identifier = no go

I have multiple external MS SQL tables that are being used in SharePoint 2016 as External Lists.
There is a database table called Contractthat has two foreign keys: FirstLineManager, SecondLineManager. Both these fields reference the same Staff table.
When using Sharepoint Designer 2013 to I create an association between the FirstLineManager and the Staff. Once I create a new association for SecondLineManager I get an error message that it's not possible to use the same foreign identifier twice.
I can't change the database, so is there any other way to create a second association to the Staff list? The final result should be that the contract edit/new form has two item pickers pointing to the same external Staff list.
As a workaround I created two database views for FirstLineManager and SecondLineManager on the same Staff table. These views I use for the associations.

Create Custom Field type as a separate datatype in SharePoint online

I want to create a Custom field type in share point online.It should allow me to create column using that data type.The datatype will be a calculated column and should provide results as Progress bar,stars and others.Whether its possible to do?I don't want to go for JSLink and others as it need to be dynamic one through out the site collection
SharePoint online doesn't support custom field type as on-premise.
You may check SPFx field customizer.

What is the Available Field Types in SharePoint 2013

i' working With SharePoint server 2013 and i'm using Visual Studio 2013 in order to create and defining Custom Columns, i noticed that in VS there are no suggestions when we want to set the Field Type.
i searched on Google but i didn't find any complete list.
is there a list contain all this type ?
SharePoint 2013 supports nearly the same Field Types like SharePoint 2010. I found the following list for the supported Field Types in SharePoint 2010:
On Technet i found a list of the supported Field Types of SharePoint 2013:
(Scroll down to the category Type)
Only the specific Field Types for Taxonomy and so one are missing in this list. I only Know from one NEW Field Type in SharePoint 2013. And this is the Geolocation Field. More Informationen about this Field and the functionality you will find here.
<Field Type='Geolocation' DisplayName='Geolocation' />
I hope i could help you. Otherwise let me know it:)
For programmatically check available field types, please refer to collection
FieldTypeDefinitionCollection of SPWeb
Each item of which contains Type property and other field definition information

CRM 2011 How to select the related entity fields in Advanced Find

I am using CRM 2011 Advanced Find on Account Entity to find the Incident CreatedOn Date where Incident is connected to Account.
But when I go to Edit columns it does not give me option to select the Incident CreatedOn Date (Because Advanced find query is on Account Entity). Is there any way to select the Related Entity fields on in search.
You wont be able to add the Incident.CreateOn in the Edit Column from the Account entity as you can only add lookup fields (resulted from a N:1 relationship between account and the other entity).
As the Account and Incident have a 1:N relationship, you should be able to add the account column to the Incident columns as stated by Pedro Azevedo. The image below shows you how to do it:
Notice that the Record Type will show you a list of the lookup fields you have in the Incident entity and to which entity is relates to - in this case, Customer is the relationship name in the Incident entity and Account is the related entity.
Cheers, dimamura
Try do this in Incident Entity. You can filter and add columns in both entity.
