Find function invocations across node files - node.js

Is there a way to find all the places across a project where a particular function is invoked? In particular, taking into account any times that the file is imported.
For example, if we're looking for where library.js's function foobar() is used, this example in another file would be included:
var library = require('./myfile.js')
(The reason simply searching for foobar across all files won't work is if the function is a common name used in multiple modules.)
This would be the opposite of something like Webstorm's Jump to Definition feature.
One of the use-cases is to help refactor a legacy codebase where it's unclear where certain exported functions are being used, or if they're being used at all.
I saw similar questions like this one, but these seem to be for client-side javascript and don't take exports into account.

You can add
console.trace(); inside your function and you will know where does it called.

Sometime I use callsite module in the function I want to check for log the absolute link to file use this function.


Where does the resourcesApp come from in Yesod?

The two functions mkYesodData and mkYesodDispatch in the Yesod framework are supposed to separate the handler definition and the dispatch process. Though by some miracle (to me), templates use this interesting function "resourcesApp":
mkYesodDispatch "App" resourcesApp
The only mention of this function I have found in hoogle is in the Hledger package. And it is not a yesod dependency.
In the school of Haskell by this link they give an explanation that resourcesApp is "generated" by mkYesodData, although it still does not work for my side.
What is the reason for this?
There's some Template Haskell (TH) going on under the hood in Yesod, and I think this is what's confusing you. Template Haskell can be confusing when searching in documentation because it produces values at compile-time for use at runtime that aren't there before the code is compiled. resourcesApp is just one of these values.
In the code you reference, the author describes that you must have another module (which he calls Foundation) in which you have invoked mkYesodData. Indeed, without this other module, the code in the Dispatch module won't work. Strangely, it's not until (Part 4)[] that he seems to define the Foundation module, but you can see that there is a line:
mkYesodData "App" $(parseRoutesFile "config/routes")
That may not look like it defines a value called resourcesApp, but sure enough, it does.
In short, you should be able to get your code working by just finishing the entire tutorial and running the code altogether.
In case you're wondeering, a call to mkYesodData takes a String and then literally generates code that defines a value names resources**** where the **** is the string you passed. In this case, that would be a value resourcesApp, but in someone else's Yesod project, it could be resourcesFoo. Furthermore, since this resourcesFoo value isn't concretely in the code, projects that use Yesod typically wouldn't have it show up in their export lists or haddock documentation. It's actually very strange that you found even one hit for resourcesApp on hoogle at all, but upon closer examination, it kind of makes sense: Hledger seems to be some sort of extended interface around yesod, so they pre-generated the TH values so that they would be easily accessible to users.
As another note, TH has some restrictions in its use. For one, you typically need to perform the TH invocations ("splices" as they're typically called) in a separate module than the one you use the generated values. This is probably why the author has you create a separate Foundation module rather than just putting the line mkYesodData ... in the Dispatch module.

How to find a source file used in process.binding('..') in node source code?

I want to see source code of the file mentioned in process.binding() statement in nodeJS source code, have seen similar question on stackoverflow but most of them answers to specific cases like fs etc.
I want explanation based on which I should be able to find any file mentioned in process.bindings().
Since this question is lying here for very long I decided to give it another try to find the answer and found one very nice presentation online.
Process.bindings presentation
To summaries this, process.bindings() binds the javascript object with the C++ object which exposes the C++ functions to be executed from javascript, essentially it creates a javascript wrapper around the C++ functions to make it available from NodeJS.
To find which C++ function is bound to which javascript function you can dig into NodeJS source tree here NodeJs source tree . Names are straightforward to map with core module names and look for signature env->SetMethod(target, "<modulename>", <C++ function name>);
Example: env->SetMethod(target, "stat", Stat);

Creating libraries that can be imported and used in Groovy

Currently, I am working on a project to transpile from my company's in house scripting language, which is Object Orientated and takes quite a few features from other languages, into Groovy, which has many similar features.
To keep code as close to original as possible, I am trying to leave certain function names and parameters the same. To cater for this, I would like to write a set of libraries that can be imported.
For example, say I have an inbuilt method in the original scripting language,
I would like to be able to write the definition for this method in a groovy file, that can then be imported when needed, and the method may be called.
// filename: Tools.groovy
public String foo(String bar) {
return bar;
and in another file
// filename: Main.groovy
import Tools;
String bat = foo("bar")
I know you can can compile class files into jars and put them into the class path, but a lot of the methods I will need to implement will either require meta programming or won't be associated with an object.
Sorry if it's either a bad question or not clear enough. I'm not sure whether its even possible.
I believe you should be able to create libraries and reuse them when needed.
All you need to do is create class and add the static methods if you do not have to create instances, non static methods otherwise. Then it looks like you already aware how to proceed later.
For instance, you can create utilities classes for String, List, etc based on your description.
By the way, even if you do not create libraries, it is even possible to write one lines in groovy achieve what you may needed most of the cases.

How to break the build into several files?

In case of a very lengthy built file, I would like to be able to break it into several parts. For instance, the vendors could be all minified into a vendor.built.js file and the rest into an app.built.js file.
How this can be done?
I have a proposed solution for this in my require-lazy project.
It accomplishes something a little different than what you ask though: It splits the application into lazy-loaded modules, as easy (from the developer's perspective) as writing (note the usage of the lazy! plugin):
define(["eager-module", "lazy!lazy-module"], function(eager, lazy) {...})
And then using it with through a promise:
lazy.get().then(function(real_module) {...});
The lazy-module will be loaded once, the first time .get() is called.
For the example above, the build process would produce 2 js files: On containing the main module, the eager-module and all their dependencies. And one containing the lazy-module and all its dependencies that were not included in the previous file/bundle.
The require-lazy project has a few examples that are very simple to setup, you only require Node.js.

require() in large, multi-file Node projects

I'm working on a large Node project. Naturally, I want to break this into multiple source files. There are many modules from the standard lib that I use in a majority of my source files, and there are also quite a few of my own files that I want to use almost everywhere.
I've been making this work by including a huge require block at the beginning of each source file, but this feels awfully redundant. Is there a better way to do this? Or is this an intended consequence of Node's admirable module system?
You can use a container module to load a series of modules. For example, given the following project structure:
You can have index.js import the other modules in the library.
# index.js
module.exports.module1 = require('./module1');
module.exports.module2 = require('./module2');
Then main.js need only import a single module:
# main.js
var lib = require('./lib');
This technique can be expanded, reducing redundant imports.
I'd say generally that a require block is better practice than using global in Node.
You need to remember that requires are cached so when you put them in all of your code modules, you will always get the same instance not a new one each time.
Doing it this way ensures that you get the appropriate code with the expected name spaces exactly where you want it whereas using global will include things you don't need. Doing it the Node way with require will also tend to make your code slightly more portable.
Well, a couple of things, here.
First, if so many of your files are requiring the same libraries over and over again, you might want to step back and determine if you're really breaking your code up in the proper way. Perhaps there's a better organization where certain libraries are only needed by subsets of your source files?
Second, remember that the global object is shared between all of your required files in your Node.js app. Your "root" source file, say index.js, can do things like global.fs = require('fs'); and then it's accessible from all of your various files. This would eliminate the need to require a file full of requires. (In Node.js, you have to explicitly state that you're accessing a global variable by prepending global., unlike in the browser.)
This can be a good idea for CRUD-type Express apps where you have lots of code for controllers that are all almost the same but have to be slightly different for each view and you just want to split them apart not for any particular organization structure, but just to make it easier to debug (error in this file, not that file). If the structure of the app is more complex than that, take the usual warnings against global variables to heart before using that trick.
Require more than one file without absolute path through require-file-directory.
1- Can require more than one file in single statement.
2- Can require files with only their name.
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