Can outgoing job counts be controlled in tibco bw and how? - tibco-topic

I have a requirement: the backend can accept only 20 parallel request at a time. It is shared by many other clients and so it is not dedicated.
I have 100 ready request to be sent to the backend, but according to the requirement only 20 request should reach the backend.
How can I controll number of request send to the backend?
I checked tibco bw administrator and found that only load on start up process can be controlled with max job count properties that is incoming messages.
How would tibco do the controlling for out going requests count? Is there any controlling max job count parameter for this or any external way?

I assume it has to do with your Business Logic. However you may not ant to control the Process's thread creation in this. You may want to be little creative and may want to design two different process.
One to receive the request and Log into DB and other to pick specific 20 whatever jobs and send it to backed.
Moreover, you haven't specify if you want to use SOAP over HTTP or JMS. Over JMS we have more options to control this scenario without introducing 2nd process.
hope it may help.


DocuSign - How to handle system downtime

When we maintenance our server, or redeploy our external facing REST services for DocuSign, is there a way we can lock all envelopes that are currently sitting with signers? We use Connect to process signer/document updates from DocuSign, and we don't want these requests coming through while we're under maintenance.
I've seen in the documentation we can lock individual envelopes. Is the best route to run through each envelope that's still pending signature and temporarily lock it? This method seems very resource intensive considering the amount of consecutive API calls needed.
Connect supports exponential retires when the events fail to be sent to your endpoint. How long does your system down time take exactly?
When your system is back up, new events should arrive in your endpoint and you can react to them accordingly. Please let us know if you see otherwise.

air traffic controller for threads when calling a REST API

DISCLAIMER: If this post is off-topic to this site, please recommend a site where this post would be appropriate.
On Ubuntu 18.04, in bash, I am writing a network-based, threaded application that requires multiple servers. It receives files through the network and processes them, ultimately making an API call that finishes the processing and logs the results to a database for later retrieval and reporting.
So far I have written the application using non-threaded programming models and concepts. That means the files are processed one at a time in real-time. This works great if there is no sudden burst of files and/or a backlog of files to process. The main bottle neck has been the way I sequentially send files to the API one after another, waiting until the entire operation has taken place for one file and the API returns the results. The API has a rate limit of 8 calls per second. But since each call takes from .75 to 1 second, my program waits until the operation is done and only processes about 1 file per second through the API. In short, I did not have to worry about scheduling API calls because I could barely do one call per second.
Since the capacity is there to process 8 files per second, and I need more speed, I have been converting my single-threaded, sequential application into a parallel, scalable, multi-threaded application. This new version can spawn enough threads to send 8 files per second to the REST API and much more. So now I have the opposite problem. I am sending too many requests per second to the REST API and am in danger of triggering penalties, etc. Ultimately, when my traffic is higher, I will upgrade my subscription to the API and get more calls per second, but this current dilemma has got me thinking about how to schedule the API calls with different threads.
The purpose of this post is to discuss an idea about how to schedule these REST API calls across various threads. Specifically, I want to discuss how to coordinate timing and usage of the API while maintaining efficiency and yet not overloading the API. In short, I want to coordinate a group of threads so that the API is properly used. Not too fast and not too slow.
Independent of my application, this idea could be useful in a number of generically similar scenarios.
My idea is to create an "air traffic controller" ("ATC") so that the threads of the application have a centralized timing authority to check when they are ready to submit files to the REST API. The ATC would know how many time slots/calls per time period (in this case, calls per second) the API can schedule. The ATC would be listening for the threads to request a time slot ("launch code") which would give them a time slot in the future to perform their API call. The ATC would decide based on the schedule of other launch codes that it has already handed out.
In my case, from the start of the upload of the file to the API, it could take 0.75 to 1 second to complete the processing and receive a response from the API. This does not affect the count of new API calls that can be performed. It is just a consideration of how long the threads will be waiting once they call the API. It may not be relevant to this overall discussion.
Each thread would obviously have to do some error handling. If the API timed out or threw an error, then the thread would have to handle it and get back in line with the ATC -if appropriate- and ask for a new launch code. Maybe it should report the error to the ATC for centralized logging?
In situations where the file processing needs burst above 8 files per second, there would be a scheduling backlog where the threads should wait their turn as assigned by the ATC.
Here are some other considerations:
The ATC would be a lightweight daemon that does the following:
- listens on some TCP port
- receives a request
security token (?), thread id, priority
- authenticates the request (?)
- examines schedule
- reserves the next available time slot
- returns the launch code
security token (?), current time, launch timing offset to current time, URL and auth token for the API
- expunged expired launch codes
The ATC would need the following:
- to know what port it is supposed to run on
- to know how many slots per time period it was set to schedule
(e.g. 8 per second)
- to have a super fast read/write access to the schedule (associative array?)
- to know the URL and corresponding auth token for the thread to use
- maybe to know multiple URLs and auth tokens for load balancing
Here are more things to consider:
How could we keep the ATC secure while ensuring high performance?
Network-level security (e.g. firewalls allowing only the IP addresses of the file-processing servers?)
Auth tokens or logins and passwords?
What would the requirements be for this ATC server? Would this be taxing to a CPU and memory?
How often would an NTP call be needed? By the ATC server? By the servers which call the API?
Being able to provide different URLs and auth tokens would allow the ATC to load balance with different API providers.
Threading of the ATC itself
Would the ATC need to spawn threads to be able to handle each new request?
How does a web server handle requests?
How would the various threads share a common schedule?
In a non-threaded environment, the ATC would possibly keep an associative array in memory to keep performance as high as possible. How would the various threads of the ATC have access to the same schedule?
So here is my question. Does this exist? If not, what are some best practices in trying to build the above?
It seems like a beanstalkd kind of network service except it only provides permission/scheduling and is extremely dependant on timing.

Play Framework Scala thread affinity

We have our HTTP layer served by Play Framework in Scala. One of our APIs is something of the form:
POST /customer/:id
Requests are sent by our UI team which calls these APIs through a React Framework.
The issue is that, sometimes, the requests are issued in batches, successively one after the other for the same customer ID. When this happens, different threads process these requests and so our persistent layer (MySQL) reaches an inconsistent state due to the difference in the timestamp of the handling of these requests.
Is it possible to configure some sort of thread affinity in Play Scala? What I mean by that is, can I configure Play to ensure that requests of a particular customer ID are handled by the same thread throughout the life-cycle of the application?
Batch is
put several API calls into a single HTTP request.
A batch request is a set of command in one HTTP request, like here
You describe it as
The issue is that, sometimes, the requests are issued in batches, successively one after the other for the same customer ID. When this happens, different threads process these requests and so our persistent layer (MySQL) reaches an inconsistent state due to the difference in the timestamp of the handling of these requests.
This is a set of concurrent requests. Play framework usually works as a stateless server. I assume you also organize it as stateless. There is nothing that binds one request to another, you can't control order. Well, you can, if you create a special protocol, like "opening batch request", request #1, #2, ... "closing batch request". You need to check if exactly all request was correct. You also need to run some stateful threads and some queues ... Thought akka can help with this but I am pretty sure you wan't do it.
This issue is not a "play-framework" depended. You will reproduce it in any server. For example, the general case: Is it possible to receive out-of-order responses with HTTP?
You can go in either way:
1. "Batch" the command in one request
You need to change the client so it jams "batch" requests into one. You also need to change server so it processes all the commands from the batch one after another.
Example of the requests:
2. "Pipeline" requests
You need to change the client so it sends the next request after receive the response from the previous.
Example: Is it possible to receive out-of-order responses with HTTP?
The solution to this is to pipeline Ajax requests, transmitting them serially. ... . The next request sent only after the previous one has returned successfully."

Advice on JMeter test plan approach structure

Im new to Jmaeter and an currently trying to get the best use out of it to create an API performance test plan.
Lets take the following scenario.
We have an APi which returns data such as part availability and order details for a range or parts.
I want to analyse the response times of the api under different load patterns.
Lets say we have 5 users.
-Each user sends a series of repeated Requests to the API.
-The request made by each user is unique only to that user.
User 1 requests parts a,b,c.
User 2 requests parts d,e,f... and so on
-All users are sanding their requests at the same time.
The way I have approached this is to create 5 separate thread groups for each user.
Within each thread group is the specific http request that gets sent by each user.
Each http request is governed by its own loop controller where i have set the number of times for each request to be sent
Since I want all users to be sending their requests at once I have unchecked
“run thread groups consecutively” in the main test plan. at a glance the test plan looks something like this:
test plan view
Since im new to using Jmeter and performance testing i have a few questions regarding my approach:
Is the way I have structured the test plan suitable and maintainable in terms of increasing the number of users that I may wish to test with?
Or would it have been better to have a single thread group with 5 child loop controllers, each containing the user specific request body data?
With my current set up, each thread group uses the default ramp up time of 1 second. I figured this is okay since each thread group represents only one user. However i think this might cause a delay on the start up of each test run. Are there any other potentially better ways to handle this such as using the scheduler or incrementing the ramp up time for each thread group so that they don all start at exactly the same time?
Thanks in advance for any advice
Your approach is correct.
If you want the requests to be in parallel they will have to be in separate Thread Groups. Each Thread Group should model a use-case. In your case, the use-case is a particular mix of requests.
By running the test for sufficiently long time you will not feel the effects of ramp-up time.
First of all your test needs to be realistic, it should represent real users (or user groups) as close as possible. If test does it - it is a good test and vice versa. Something like:
If User1 and User2 represent 2 different group of users (like User1 is authenticated and User2 is not authenticated or User1 is admin and User2 is guest) they should go into different Thread Groups.
It is better to use Thread Group iterations instead of Loop Controllers as some test elements like HTTP Cookie Manager have settings like Clear Cookies each Iteration which don't respect iterations produced by Loop or While Controller, they consider only Thread Group-driven iterations
The only way to guarantee sending requests at the same time is putting them under one Thread Group and using Synchronizing Timer
When it comes to real load test, you should be always gradually adding the load so you could correlate various metrics like response time, throughput, error rate with increased number of virtual users. Same approach should be applied for "ramping-down", you should not be turning off the load at once in order to be able to see how does your application recover after the load. You might want to use some custom Thread Groups available via JMeter Plugins project like:
Stepping Thread Group
Ultimate Thread Group
They provide flexible and convenient way to set the desired load pattern.

Translating requests per second into concurrent users

We're building a web service that needs to handle about 200 requests per second. But most popular load testing tools talk about running a load test with a certain number of "concurrent users".
Could anyone tell me how do I translate my requirement of "200 requests per second" into "number of concurrent users"? I'm new to the field of performance testing and from all that I've read so far, this aspect of it doesn't get addressed.
This translation is not possible in the general case. The problem is that a user can make multiple requests. If each user could make exactly one request (e.g. your service is completely stateless), and each request would take exactly a second, your number of concurrent users may coincide with the number of requests per seconds.
Otherwise (and those are big assumptions to make), you either track users while logging and get the respective numbers from the log or you add your assumptions into the requirements for the load test.
