VS2015 Cordova apps BLDErr_Build_NodeMissing - node.js

I am trying to develop a cordova application using vs2015.I am new to vs2015 corodova application.I have been using the node.js and ionic cli to develop hybrid application.My system is Windows 8.1x64 bit.
After creating a sample vs2015 cordova application while running ,I got an error
"Severity Code Description Project
File Line
Error BLDErr_Build_NodeMissing
Path to Node.js executable could not be determined. Please check that Node.js has been installed".
I have set the path variable for node js and npm in enviorment variable section.
Please help and
Thanks in advance

I had the same issue once I had installed Node 4.1 to a different path (other than default C:\ ). Reinstalling Node to default path and clearing the Cordova Cache fixed it for me. Hope this helps.

Running VS'15 in Administrative mode (Right click -> Shift + Right Click on Vs 2015 -> Run as Administrator) ,solved the problem for me.
Re-installing node.js alone didn't solve the problem for me.


Could not able to run android with a react native application

I am working on a react native application and this is my my first project in react native. I have installed react native, jdk, android studio, done the set up for AVD manager and emulator running also. But when I started to run the app through command line it showing me error Could not install the app on the device.
Can please anyone help me to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance
Your Java version is 11.try to downgrade or install jdk version 8.

Visual Studio Installer is not installing node.js

In Visual Studio Installer, I selected the Node.js development option. It runs successfully. But, if I try to run cmd node -v. It tells me node does not exist.
I tried a few other things including uninstalling and reinstalling the Node.js development option in VS Installer. Plus installing the latest version of node from the website.
However, when I try to run the pre-packed Angular solution that comes with VS 2017 I have issues. The solution will not even start.
The best I have been able to do is install Node 6.10.3. Once I do that, the web site comes up. But, I get a JavaScript error in the vendor.js file. I am able to continue but I get this error when I try navigate to another menu item. Plus the Hot Module Replacement does not seem to be working. (It does not automatically recompile my TypeScript file if I made a change).
I think the key is getting the Node.js development option installed correctly since I am able to run the pre-packed Angular solution on another PC and the Hot Module Replacement works fine.
Please let me know if anyone has any ideas on how to resolve.
I had a similar, if not the same, issue. Check the Visual Studio installation directory (2017 Professional in this case) for Node:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\NodeJs
If the executable is there, add the directory to your PATH.

Terminal not working in WebStorm 11.0.4 in Mac

I have already installed Node.js and I am able to run my existing project in Visual Studio or Sublime Text and terminal in Visual Studio is working perfectly fine.
But when I am trying to run the same project in WebStorm then terminal is not recognizing node, npm n all.
May be some setting is missing in WebStorm. Need help to resolve the same.
In WebStorm | Preferences for macOS, and click Node.js and NPM under Languages & Frameworks
The term local Node.js interpreter denotes a Node.js installation on your computer. You must write your local path for Node.js

NPM error (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception) in Visual Studio 2015

I need to get started coding an Angular 2 application at my workplace but I get the following error in VS:
====Executing command 'npm install'====
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at Microsoft.VisualStudioTools.Project.ProcessOutput..ctor(Process process, Redirector redirector)
Error executing npm - unable to start the npm process
Error - Cannot load global packages.
I've followed Angular 2 VS 2015 QuickStart guide, located here:
Prerequisites are all installed:
VS 2015 with Update 3
nodeJS v.6.9.1
TypeScript v.
This error shows up in the output when I open the project or try to do a 'restore packages'
It looks like you need other version of Node. You have maybe too new version of Node I guess. According to this thread: https://github.com/Microsoft/nodejstools/issues/476
you should downgrade and configure VS:
It looks like vs2015 does not work with the latest 5.0.0 Node. Replacing with 4.2.2 one solves this issue for me. To make Visual Stuido use the same Node and npm as cmd by changing some files including node.exe under following folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Web Tools\External
Look for this article also http://jameschambers.com/2015/09/upgrading-npm-in-visual-studio-2015/
I finally found out the reason.. nodeJS was installed with the x86 installer on a x64 computer. Installed nodeJS in 64 bit and it resolved my issue.
Hope this help anyone who has this error.

PhoneGap 3.1 Local Build WP8

I'm trying to play with new phonegap-cli main focus is to setup wp8 platform
and when running command:
phonegap build wp8
It tries to use PhoneGap Build, which I presume happens because it hasn't found
my installed SDK in any path.
I tried to test my thesis and ran this command:
phonegap local build wp8
And it returns this error:
I have .NET Framework v4.0 installed, so this path exists:
So the only thing I think happens is that phonegap can't find where SDK is installed,
so I have been searching through the documentation and I couldn't find anything regarding which Environment Variable PhoneGap checks.
So I would really appreciate any kind of help here.
Please make sure that you have added the framework path to the system PATH variable.
In my case it was the above reason and also related to Ant installed and configuration.
Alternatively you can use phonegap's online build service:
It works like a charm and is free for 1 private project.
