Keeping last part of field only in logstash - logstash

How can I trim to only the last part of a key in logstash?
I have URLs formatted in the form of http://aaa.bbb/get?a=1&b=2, putting them into 'request' and splitting the field based on '?&' to save the GET parameters.
I care only about the specific API call, and not the host or protocol. What filter(s) can I chain to keep only the part after the final '/'? I've read up a bit on patterns but haven't stumbled upon how to reference the last part of a split field.
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}
%{NOTSPACE:loadbalancer} %{IP:client_ip}:%{NUMBER:client_port:int}
%{NUMBER:received_bytes:int} %{NUMBER:sent_bytes:int}
%{QS:request}" ]
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "ISO8601" ]
kv {
field_split => "&?"
source => "request"

I would suggest taking the existing URI-related patterns and modifying them to your needs. You will note that URIPATHPARAM parses out the URIPATH and URIPARAM but doesn't shove them into fields.
So, make your own URIPATHPARAM:
and then call it from your own URI:
MYURI URI %{URIPROTO}://(?:%{USER}(?::[^#]*)?#)?(?:%{URIHOST})?(?:%{MYURIPATHPARAM})?
In your previous grok{}, you ended up with %{request}. Make a new grok{} that runs [request] through MYURI, and you should end up with the two fields that you're after.


Trim field value, or remove part of the value

I am trying to adjust path name so that it no longer has the time stamp attached to the end. I am input many different logs so it would be impractical to write a conditional filter for every possible log. If possible I would just like to trim the last nine characters of the value.
For example "random.log-20140827" would become "random.log".
mutate {
gsub => [
"path", "-\d{8}$", ""
So if you know it's always going to be random.log-something --
if [path] =~ /random.log/ {
mutate {
replace => ["path", "random.log"]
If you want to "fix" anything that has a date in it:
if [path] =~ /-\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/ {
grok {
match => [ "path", "^(?<pathPrefix>[^-]+)-" ]
mutate {
replace => ["path", "%{pathPrefix}"]
remove_field => "pathPrefix"
Of the two, the first is going to be less compute intensive.
I haven't tested either of these, but they should work.

logstash if statement within grok statement

I'm creating a logstash grok filter to pull events out of a backup server, and I want to be able to test a field for a pattern, and if it matches the pattern, further process that field and pull out additional information.
To that end I'm embedding an if statement within the grok statement itself. This is causing the test to fail with Error: Expected one of #, => right after the if.
This is the filter statement:
filter {
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
# NetWorker logfiles have some unusual fields that include undocumented engineering codes and what not
# time is in 12h format (ugh) so custom patterns need to be used.
match => [ "message", "%{NUMBER:engcode1} %{DATESTAMP_12H:timestamp} %{NUMBER:engcode2} %{NUMBER:engcode3} %{NUMBER:engcode4} %{NUMBER:ppid} %{NUMBER:pid} %{NUMBER:engcode5} %{WORD:processhost} %{WORD:processname} %{GREEDYDATA:daemon_message}" ]
# attempt to find completed savesets and pull that info from the daemon_message field
if [daemon_message] =~ /done\ saving\ to\ pool/ {
grok {
match => [ "daemon_message", "%{WORD:savehost}\:%{WORD:saveset} done saving to pool \'%{WORD:pool}\' \(%{WORD:volume}\) %{WORD:saveset_size}" ]
date {
# This is requred to set the time from the logline to the timestamp and not have it create it's own.
# Note the use of the trailing 'a' to denote AM or PM.
match => ["timestamp", "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss a"]
This block fails with the following:
$ /opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f ./networker_daemonlog.conf --configtest
Error: Expected one of #, => at line 12, column 12 (byte 929) after # Basic dumb simple networker daemon log grok filter for the NetWorker daemon.log
# no smarts to this and not really pulling any useful info from the files (yet)
filter {
grok {
... lines deleted ...
# attempt to find completed savesets and pull that info from the daemon_message field
I'm new to logstash, and I realise that using a conditional within the grok statement may not be possible, but I'd prefer doing conditional processing this way to additional match lines as this would leave the daemon_message field intact for other uses while pulling out the data I want.
ETA: I should also point out that totally removing the if statement allows the configtest to pass and the filter to parse logs.
Thanks in advance...
Conditionals go outside the filters, so something like:
if [field] == "value" {
grok {
would be correct. In your case, do the first grok, then test to run the second, i.e.:
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{NUMBER:engcode1} %{DATESTAMP_12H:timestamp} %{NUMBER:engcode2} %{NUMBER:engcode3} %{NUMBER:engcode4} %{NUMBER:ppid} %{NUMBER:pid} %{NUMBER:engcode5} %{WORD:processhost} %{WORD:processname} %{GREEDYDATA:daemon_message}" ]
if [daemon_message] =~ /done\ saving\ to\ pool/ {
grok {
match => [ "daemon_message", "%{WORD:savehost}\:%{WORD:saveset} done saving to pool \'%{WORD:pool}\' \(%{WORD:volume}\) %{WORD:saveset_size}" ]
This is really running two regexps for a record that matches. Since grok will only make fields when the regexp matches, you can do this:
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{NUMBER:engcode1} %{DATESTAMP_12H:timestamp} %{NUMBER:engcode2} %{NUMBER:engcode3} %{NUMBER:engcode4} %{NUMBER:ppid} %{NUMBER:pid} %{NUMBER:engcode5} %{WORD:processhost} %{WORD:processname} %{GREEDYDATA:daemon_message}" ]
grok {
match => [ "daemon_message", "%{WORD:savehost}\:%{WORD:saveset} done saving to pool \'%{WORD:pool}\' \(%{WORD:volume}\) %{WORD:saveset_size}" ]
You'd have to measure the performance across your actual log files since this will run fewer regexps, but the second one is more complicated.
If you really want to go nuts, you can do all of this in one grok{}, using the break_on_match feature.

logstash pattern don't match in the expected way

I'm using logstash to collect my server.log from several glassfish domains. Unfortunatly in the log is no domainname. But the pathname have.
So I tried to get a part of the filename to match it to the GF-domain. The Problem is, that the pattern I defined don't matche the right part.
here the logstash.conf
file {
type => "GlassFish_Server"
sincedb_path => "D:/logstash/.sincedb_GF"
#start_position => beginning
path => "D:/logdir/GlassFish/Logs/GF0/server.log"
grok {
patterns_dir => "./patterns"
match =>
[ 'path', '%{DOMAIN:Domain}']
I' ve created a custom-pattern file and filled it with a regexp
my custom-pattern-file
DOMAIN (?:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+[\/]){3}([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)
And the result is:
"Domain" => "logdir/GlassFish/Logs/GF0"
I've tested my RegExp on and is working fine.
Using to verify the pattern brings the same "unwanted" result.
What I'm doing wrong? Has anybody an idea to get only the domain name "GF0", e.g. modify my pattern or using mutate in the logstash.conf?
I'm assuming that you're trying to strip out the GF0 portion from path?
If that's the case and you know that the path will always be in the same format, you could just use something like this for the grok:
filter {
grok {
match => [ 'path', '(?i)/Logs/%{WORD:Domain}/' ]
not as elegant as a regexp, but it should work.

How to modify #timestamp with an entry in logs using logstash

I have some logs which has only time as its entries
1. 17:20:45.331|ERR|....
2. 17:20:54.715|SYS|.....Logging started for [....] (Date=[07/28/2014], ...
3. 17:20:54.716|SYS....
and so on
I have the date in only one line of the logs. based on that i want to create a timestamp such as that logging date in logs + the time in each entry
Iam able to get the time in each entry. i can get the log_message => " Logging started for [....] (Date=[07/28/2014], ..." as one entry.
Is it possible to get the date from this entry and modify all other entry's timestamp?
how can I add time and the date and modify the timestamp?
Any help will be appreciated as iam new to logstash
My filter in logstash conf
filter {
grok { match => [ "message", "%{TIME:time}\|%{WORD:Message_type}\|%{GREEDYDATA:Component}\|%{NUMBER:line_number}\| %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}"]
date {
match => ["timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ] => need to modify this as date+%{time}
time field has milliseconds also.
Your options are:
Change how things are logged to get the date included
Write something to fix the logs before they are picked up by logstash (ie something that looks for the entry any modifies the log)
use the memorize plugin that I wrote (and I submitted a pull request for to try and get it in a future version).
The plugin is detailed in this answer. The caveat with this solution is that if the plugin misses the line that has the date, you'll have issues with the remainder of the file. This could happen if you restart logstash, so you'll need to add in some logic to handle this -- in this case below, I assume that if it hasn't seen the date, it's today.
An implementation using the memorize plugin would look like this:
filter {
if ([message] =~ /Date=/) {
grok { match => [ "message", "Date=%{DATE:date}" ] }
# either add the field date to the saved date or pull the date from the saved data
memorize { fields => ["date"] }
# if we still don't have a date, lets just assume it's today
if ([date] == '') {
ruby {
code => 'event["date"]"%m/%d/%Y")'
if ([message] !~ /Date=/) {
# grok to parse message
grok { match => [ "message", "%{TIME:time}\|%{WORD:Message_type}\|%{GREEDYDATA:Component}\|%{NUMBER:line_number}\| %{GREEDYDATA:log_message}"]
# now add in date
mutate {
add_field => {
datetime => "%{date} %{time}"
(This example has not been tested, so there may be syntax/logic errors, but it should get you down the right path).

Logstash grok filter - name fields dynamically

I've got log lines in the following format and want to extract fields:
[field1: content1] [field2: content2] [field3: content3] ...
I neither know the field names, nor the number of fields.
I tried it with backreferences and the sprintf format but got no results:
match => [ "message", "(?:\[(\w+): %{DATA:\k<-1>}\])+" ] # not working
match => [ "message", "(?:\[%{WORD:fieldname}: %{DATA:%{fieldname}}\])+" ] # not working
This seems to work for only one field but not more:
match => [ "message", "(?:\[%{WORD:field}: %{DATA:content}\] ?)+" ]
add_field => { "%{field}" => "%{content}" }
The kv filter is also not appropriate because the content of the fields may contain whitespaces.
Is there any plugin / strategy to fix this problem?
Logstash Ruby Plugin can help you. :)
Here is the configuration:
input {
stdin {}
filter {
ruby {
code => "
fieldArray = event['message'].split('] [')
for field in fieldArray
field = field.delete '['
field = field.delete ']'
result = field.split(': ')
event[result[0]] = result[1]
output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
With your logs:
[field1: content1] [field2: content2] [field3: content3]
This is the output:
"message" => "[field1: content1] [field2: content2] [field3: content3]",
"#version" => "1",
"#timestamp" => "2014-07-07T08:49:28.543Z",
"host" => "abc",
"field1" => "content1",
"field2" => "content2",
"field3" => "content3"
I have try with 4 fields, it also works.
Please note that the event in the ruby code is logstash event. You can use it to get all your event field such as message, #timestamp etc.
Enjoy it!!!
I found another way using regex:
ruby {
code => "
fields = event['message'].scan(/(?<=\[)\w+: .*?(?=\](?: |$))/)
for field in fields
field = field.split(': ')
event[field[0]] = field[1]
I know that this is an old post, but I just came across it today, so I thought I'd offer an alternate method. Please note that, as a rule, I would almost always use a ruby filter, as suggested in either of the two previous answers. However, I thought I would offer this as an alternative.
If there is a fixed number of fields or a maximum number of fields (i.e., there may be fewer than three fields, but there will never be more than three fields), this can be done with a combination of grok and mutate filters, as well.
# Test message is: `[fieldname: value]`
# Store values in [#metadata] so we don't have to explicitly delete them.
grok {
match => {
"[message]" => [
"\[%{DATA:[#metadata][_field_name_01]}:\s+%{DATA:[#metadata][_field_value_01]}\]( \[%{DATA:[#metadata][_field_name_02]}:\s+%{DATA:[#metadata][_field_value_02]}\])?( \[%{DATA:[#metadata][_field_name_03]}:\s+%{DATA:[#metadata][_field_value_03]}\])?"
# Rename the fieldname, value combinations. I.e., if the following data is in the message:
# [foo: bar]
# It will be saved in the elasticsearch output as:
# {"foo":"bar"}
mutate {
rename => {
"[#metadata][_field_value_01]" => "[%{[#metadata][_field_name_01]}]"
"[#metadata][_field_value_02]" => "[%{[#metadata][_field_name_02]}]"
"[#metadata][_field_value_03]" => "[%{[#metadata][_field_name_03]}]"
tag_on_failure => []
For those who may not be as familiar with regex, the captures in ()? are optional regex matches, meaning that if there is no match, the expression won't fail. The tag_on_failure => [] option in the mutate filter ensures that no error will be appended to tags if one of the renames fails because there was no data to capture and, as a result, there is no field to rename.
