How do I import a library into node without a Typescript/TSD definition? - node.js

I'm trying to use a session helper called connect-session-knex which is obscure enough that it does not have a published typescript definition. So when I try to compile my typescript node project, I get the error,
error TS2307 Cannot find module 'connect-session-knex'
Is there a way to ignore TS for this module only? How do I import it without the TSD? I know knex has a tsd, but the wrapper does not. I'm asking this from a generic standpoint of what to do with libraries without type definitions.
For anyone looking: Compiling typescript when it does not have tsd. Missing tsd. Without tsd.

error TS2307 Cannot find module 'connect-session-knex'
Is there a way to ignore TS for this module only? How do I import it without the TSD?
Use var/require instead of import/require. i.e.
var csk = require('connect-session-knex');
Note you should have node.d.ts included for require to be declared.
Also :

Another suggestion is to start you own .d.ts file as an empty definition file and export the module. Then if you want to get intellisense on the module you can add definitions to it.
e.g. connect-session-knex.d.ts:
// declare module
declare module "connect-session-knex" {


weird Nodejs: I never use `require()`, but got an error

Please see Issue
I'm very sure that neither the package and I used no require(), but still got an error that tells me don't use require()
How weird it is!
code with error:
import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi';
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module C:\Users\13931\Desktop\ucon\node_modules\strip-ansi\index.js from C:\Users \13931\Desktop\ucon\src\utty.ts not supported.
Instead change the require of index.js in C:\Users\13931\Desktop \ucon\src\utty.ts to a dynamic import() which is available in all commonjs modules.
And the most confused thing is that:
import statement is helpful everywhere except importing strip-ansi!
Make sure that your TypeScript config is set for an appropriate target version of Javascript and appropriate target module type that supports and will use import so that the TypeScript compiler will generate code that uses import. If not, then it will generate code that uses require().
You can always look at your compiled (plain Javascript) code and see what it is generating.

How to use a module when it could not find a declaration file

I have a typescript project using node.js. There is a module i want to use npm package country-code-lookup.
The problem is it does not have a supporting types declaration for it. However, i'd still like to use it.
Is it possible i could still use this package without the typings.
import * as CountryCodeLookup from "country-code-lookup";
const countryCodes = CountryCodeLookup.countries;
I get the following error when typescript attempts to compile.
TS7016: Could not find a declaration file for module
implicitly has an 'any' type.
Try npm install #types/country-code-lookup if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing declare module
If you have no problems simply ignoring all type-checking features for this library, you have two options:
Add // #ts-ignore above all imports, like so:
// #ts-ignore
import * as CountryCodeLookup from "country-code-lookup";
Create a declaration file with any type, so all imports are automatically considered to be of any type.
To do so, create a file src/types/country-code-lookup/index.d.ts
Add the following declaration:
// country-code-lookup/index.d.ts
declare module 'country-code-lookup';
In this file, later you can add your own type definitions. If they are good enough, push them do DefinitelyTyped, so all the community can use and improve it!

NPM Package doesn't have Types

I'm transforming a small express api to use TypeScript, but some of the packages don't have a #types/ so when I import them I get a TS2307 error.
Is there something I can do to resolve the error? Or maybe type it myself, depending on the package complexity. One example is express-bearer-token(found here)
The quick way is to create a globals.d.ts file and add the line:
declare module "express-bearer-token";
This will treat express-bearer-token as a JS module without typings. More information about that here.
From there, you can start adding more typings yourself if you wish. You can find some information about writing your own definitions here.
For daisyui
Create global.d.ts in the root directory
Add the below line
declare module "daisyui";
Note: Stop the server and re-start if you the server is running already.

how are #types, typescript and webpack related

To use an exported type in .ts file one has to add import it
import {jQuery} from 'jQuery'
Now when I use this I do not get intellisense, I still need to do npm install #types\jQuery to get that.
So without #types, above statement just infers that during typescript bundling include this file.
Now if I install #types then without adding any other code, I do start getting intellisense.
So is it like above statement is dual purpose.
During bundling using typescript/webpack, it tells to bundle these files as dependency and during compilation, it tells to include .d.ts rather than actual code file?
Why this question: I am trying to move angular1 to typescript and I can use angular.whatever in .ts file even without importing it? Not getting why this is happening. It should give me error asking me to import angular
Not sure I get your question 100% but I can try to explain a bit. The javascript runtime won't have a static check, it is just during the compilation time. If you tell typescript that your variable/function/etc. is of type 'any' then it will just allow you to do anything with it. Eventually the generated code is the same, whether it is checked or not. If you don't have corresponding variable during runtime, you will get an error. Typings are used to just "teach" ts compiler about the actual types of variable for static compilation.
So during compilation no .d.ts is included anywhere, this is just for static type check.
As to why you can access angular, I suppose it is because of d.ts contains the definition and by using #types/angular you let ts compiler know about it.
Check here. The .d.ts files includes global variable angular, that's why you can use it without importing I think.
P.S. Not sure 100%, but seems like it is this line:
declare var angular: angular.IAngularStatic;
You can try deleting this line and see if you get your error :)

Import a javascript module as dynamic using typescript

I want to import a normal javascript module (e.g. vhost) into my node.js typescript file using CommonJS.
I can do this with the following line:
import vhost = require('vhost')
We assume that I can't find a .d.ts file on the internet, but I also don't want to write it by myself, so I just use the vhost variable without intellisense.
The compiler complains and complains:
How can I tell that I just want it to be 'dynamic' (like the C# dynamic keyword or 'var' in normal javascript) and use all of the things in the picture above?
I could create a vhost.d.ts file, but I don't know what to write in there:
declare module 'vash' {
// what to write here?
I found this out while typing the question, it was so easy that it is almost embarrassing, but maybe somebody has this problem too.
Just use var instead of import:
