SIOD error while installing festival in ubuntu - ubuntu-14.04

While I try to install my festival speech synthesis system following SIOD error creating problem.
SIOD ERROR: unbound variable: voice_cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts
festival: text modes, caught error_ and tidying up


Pytorch "hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu: Unable to find code object for all current devices!"

SYSTEM: Ryzen 5800x, rx 6700xt, 32 gigs of RAM, Ubuntu 22.04.1
I'm attempting to install Stable-Diffusion by following
When attempting to run the SD script, I get the "hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu: Unable to find code object for all current devices!" error.
I believe this is caused by PyTorch not working as expected. When validating Pytorchs' installation with "The Master Test", I get the same error:
"hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu: Unable to find code object for all current devices!"
Aborted (core dumped)
I believe that it is install correctly as using the conda list command tells me that torch 1.12.0a0+git2a932eb and torchvision 0.13.0a0+f5afae5 are installed. Interestingly, when I change the command ever-so-slightly to torch.cuda.is_available, (without the parentheses), I get the following output: <function is_available at 0x7f42278788b0>. Granted, I'm not sure what this is telling me. Following the "Verification" step resulted in the expected array of random numbers. However, failed the GPU driver check.
Thank you in advance.
Try running the following command:
This made it work on my machine using an RX 6600 XT, with which I got the same error running it, before exporting the variable.
I was struggling with ROCm enabled Tensorflow, the tensorflow-rocm, package. Without setting up the environment variable
, tensorflow-rocm crashes.
After setting it up, it works with 6700XT as well (at least it does not crash.) But still having problem with finding libraries.
It seems ROCm has a lot to catch up.

Getting 'Permission Denied' error trying to generate Doxygen documentation

I am trying to run the doxygen command (I'm using Windows 10 with Cygwin and the packages Doxygen, Graphviz and the g++ compiler installed with it) and, at the end of the execution, I get the following error:
Error: Could not open "/cygdrive/c/Users/alexl/Desktop/src/DOC/html/graph_legend.png" for writing: Permission denied
error: Problems running dot: exit code=1, command='dot', arguments='"/cygdrive/c/Users/alexl/Desktop/src/DOC/html/graph_legend.png" -Tpng -o "/cygdrive/c/Users/alexl/Desktop/src/DOC/html/graph_legend.png"'
I also get sixteen other warnings with the following structure:
Warning: Cannot open file <filename>.png for writing
I've been searching for hours why this may occurr. I've tried running command prompt as an administrator, but the error still persists. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

mpicxx: Command not found

I am very new to linux. I am trying to build lammps open source software with user defined modules that require to build mpi executable on opensuse leap 15.1.
lammps -
It showed an error: mpicxx xommand not found.
after searching i did "sudo zypper in gcc-c++" and tried again.
same error
so I did "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/bin"
and make mpi was successful and it built lmp_mpi executable but when i tried to run with lmp_mpi it showed following error:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file
so I wrote "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/bin" in my bashrc file and ran again make mpi and tried again same error is shown.
I tried by installing mpich2 with yast same error is shown.
Then I tried by installing openmpi as shown here
When I tried to build mpi again same error "mpicxx: Command not found error" and also when I open terminal following lines are written already.
bash: /home/surya/.bashrc: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token newline'
bash: /home/surya/.bashrc: line 1:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/opt/openmpi/lib >'
Someone please help me I have been trying this for long time.
Thanks for the suggestions.

Error at Remote Debugging in Eclipse

I am trying to debug an application remotely in Eclipse. When I start debugging, the application is deployed and the gdbserver is started on the target. This seems to work automatically without any mistakes, but then following error occurs:
'Launching helloworld Build(GNU)' has encountered a problem.
Could not determine GDB version using command: /usr/bin/gdb --version
When I expand <<Details in Eclipse this is shown:
Could not determine GDB version using command: /usr/bin/gdb --version
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding
ImportError: No module named 'encodings'
In a console on the target /usr/bin/gdb --version is showing me the version and when I open a Python shell I can import encodings without errors.
Does anybody know where this error comes from? I wasn't sure about how to tag this question since I have no clue in which area the solution will be.
What I tried so far:
In Eclipse/Debug Configurations: Commands to execute before application: Several export commands to Python.
Same in /etc/profile.
bitbake -e python | grep "^PACKAGES=" : Inserted every python package into my image recipe via IMAGE_INSTALL_append.

Qt-based Face Recognition Application

Im trying to compile a Qt project based on the example given here.
I managed to compile without errors, but during execution there are errors. I'm getting these errors in pop up windows:
-open /dev/dsp error
-init failed
-start capture failed
-get frame failed
Moreover, the output displays:
sh: line 0: .:setqt4env:file not found
Trying open file
Could not open File! Error code: 5
/home/QFaceRec/QTFaceRecForPC exited with code 0
SIGSEGV Error when debugging with Qt Creator.
I have googled, answers are due to the application tries to access memory illegally.
Therefore, I try to execute in su - / root, but the run time error remain unsolved.
Im trying to compile and run the code in fedora with qt creator without the GPIO and serial port setting.
Anyone got any ideas to my problem? or knows how to compile the qt code in the link above
Answers are due to the application tries to access memory illegally. Therefore, I try to execute in su - / root
Do not do that! The illegal memory access is not a matter of permissions, it's a matter of the software having bugs. By running it as root, there's a possibility that those bugs will wreck your system.
