Detect Lid Rotation - Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 15 - linux

I just picked up the Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 15 (20DQ001KUS) for $799. Here is a link:
I'd really like to get the tablet features working in Linux Mint 17.2. I have been doing some googling and found some old scripts below:
With their help, I was able to put together a python script that polls my accelerometer values (found in /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device*) to figure out when the screen should be rotated. The difficult part seems to be detecting when the device should be in laptop or tablet mode. If I bend the lid past 180 degrees, or if I tilt the device on its side so that it is perpendicular to the ground, there is a light on my keyboard that shuts off and the keyboard itself is completely disabled. This appears to be a bios feature and indicates that there is definitely a sensor. This would be ideal, and it would solve all of my current problems.
Unfortunately, I have been unable to find any sensor readout in linux that would tell me when the computer should be in tablet mode. I need this to determine when autorotate should be turned on, when the touchpad/trackpad/keyboard should be disabled, and when I should launch or kill the onscreen keyboard app.
In the meantime, I'm using the lid's incline sensor (also found in /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device*). This works mostly, as It can detect tent mode and tablet mode. Unfortunately, the sensor is aligned to gravity, so it cannot tell the difference between laptop mode and stand mode (because the lid/screen is in the same orientation with respect to gravity).
The older scripts suggest that there is a special keycode in older models that is triggered when the mode changes from laptop to tablet and vice-versa. Unfortunately, I am not seeing any such keycode/scancode being thrown when I monitor xev/evtest.
In short, I'd like to be able to programmatically determine when the laptop screen/lid is opened more than 180 degrees. Can anyone help me with this?
My current script is linked below, if anyone else wants to see how I'm doing it (or if anyone else wants to make suggestions), I've only spent a day on it, so it's nowhere near finished. I'll probably publish it for GNU release at some later point in time for anyone else needing the same functionality.
P.S. As an aside, I'm still trying to get full functionality from the ALPS touchpad. Using some psmouse DKMS installers, I have been able to get multi-touch capabilities like two-finger scroll and two/three finger tap working. However, the 3 physical buttons don't do anything (even in xev/evtest). Passing proto=imps to the psmouse module causes them to work , but breaks multi-touch functionality. If anyone would like to offer advice for that, I'd be grateful as well.


kinect dk camera not showing color image

Situation is very weird, when I got it over a year ago, it was fine. I have updated the sdk, updated the windows 10, updated the firmware, all are latest.
behavior in the official "Azure Kinect Viewer" is the following:
device shown, opens fine.
if I hit start on the defaults I get a "camera failed: timed out" after a few seconds and all other sensors (depth, IR) show nothing, I think they are not the issue here (see 3)
if I de-select the color camera (after stop and start) the depth and IR are shown and getting 30fps as expected.
So, my problem is with the color camera connection, since everything runs on the same wires, I'm assuming the device is fine and that the cable works.
I have tried the color camera with and without the depth, on all options with respect to frame rate and resolution, none work at all, missing camera fails. In some cases I get an encrypted error message in the log, something with libUSB, I rarely get it so I'm not including the exact output.
When I open the "camera app" (standard windows 10) just to see if this app sees the color camera, I do get an image (Eureka!), but the refresh rate is like a frame every 5 seconds or more (!!!!), I've never seen anything like that.
I'm very puzzled with this behavior, I'm also including my device manager layout for the device perhaps that hints someone, as far as i can see, this should be a supported specification (I tried switching ports but in most cases the device was never detected or had the same color image behavior).
Any hints on how to move forward, much appreciated.
Bonus question:
If I solved this issue with the color camera, is there a way to work with the dk camera from a remote desktop session? (the microphones seem to not be detected when doing remote desktop). My USB device manager looks fine as far as I can see
I had also tried "disable streaming LED" and instead of camera failed in the dk viewer, I can get a color image but with a frame rate of about 1 frame per 4 seconds or more.

Is there a reliable way to reconnect a paired ZAGG - Logitech Bluetooth Keyboard upon power-up?

I have a bluetooth keyboard that I use on a regular basis. It has a Logitech logo, but is manufactured by ZAGG and has model number Y-R0023.
I have paired the keyboard with my Ubuntu desktop and it works great.
Upon powering up my computer and keyboard, I can sometimes reconnect without having to pair again, but other times I have to remove the existing pairing and reconnect before Ubuntu can receive keystrokes.
Extra information: Ubuntu displays a bluetooth symbol as a status when it connects (regardless if it is able to receive keystrokes or not). This symbol will appear and disappear roughly every 10 seconds until the two devices are able to successfully negotiate a valid connection.
I notice that I have best success when I press 'delete-delete-enter-enter' after powering the ZAGG keyboard up. (Sometimes, just repeatedly pressing a key every second or so seems to work too.)
I am wondering if the "delete-delete-enter" keystroke combination (or some other that I haven't discovered) is recognized by the Logitech BIOS as a special sequence to help retry a paired re-connection. I'd be interested in finding out if this trick works for devices other than those made by ZAGG. Otherwise, it would help just to know if there is a reliable script I can run that calls bluetoothctl to help improve the re-connection. (I want to avoid having to enter a pairing code on subsequent connections).
ZAGG sites and Logitech ones don't say anything about this key combination. So I don't think it's recognized as a special sequence, only advice they give is to re-pair the device when it's not working.
In summary I'm sure they would include this troubleshooting option in manual and/or troubleshooting guide if it was present.

Detecting when an Apple TV 4th generation has woken from sleep

I'm working on some home automation programs and one of the things I want to be able to do is detect when my 4th generation Apple TV has woken from sleep. This will generally only ever happen when someone pressed a button on its Siri remote to wake it up.
I have a PC (connected to the same TV as the Apple TV) that has a Pulse-Eight USB-CEC adapter, so naturally the first thing I tried was using CEC to determine when the Apple TV is awake. Unfortunately it's not reliable, since monitoring the Apple TV's power status to see when it wakes up produces false positives. (I should note that I do not have "Control TVs and Receivers" enabled on the Apple TV, and can't turn it on for the particular project I'm working on because I need the Apple TV to not change the TV's input.)
I'm trying to think of some other way to do this. I'm open to any possibilities, including things like:
Making use of private APIs on the Apple TV
Running an 'always on' program in the background of the Apple TV that sends a signal when the Apple TV wakes up, if that's even possible. (I suspect that it isn't.)
Monitoring the bluetooth communication between the Siri Remote and the Apple TV, if that's possible
Somehow filtering HDMI-CEC commands so that I can turn on 'Control TVs and Receivers', allow the Apple TV's CEC commands for turning on and off the TV, and exclude commands for changing the TV's input.
Any other method, no matter how hacky or ridiculous, as long as it works!
Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm running out of things to try!
I tried to post below on apple discussion / support communities but was told i don't have the right to post this content. Maybe someone in this group can succeed in doing it:
Apple TV 4 CEC integration is great when it works, but it doesn't work all the time and not with all the various equipment out there, you can do a search across forums and you will see lots of unhappy users. I would like to use a raspberry PI to detect when my AppleTV goes to sleep and wakes up and programmatically turn my tv on or off using its RS232C or custom CEC commands.
I used a bonjour services explorer and compared every single result between sleep and on states and there are no differences whatsoever.  I would have expected Apple to welcome such automation projects and make this information readily available with a variable such as status: sleep or status: on. 
Is there a way I could tell the two states apart via the network connection?
If not, could one build a TvOS app which runs on the background and makes this information available to clients somehow?
I finally found a method that seems to work consistently. This method is incredibly hacky and not at all the sort of way I'd prefer to do this, but it's the only one I've found so far that works consistently.
I have taken an old USB webcam and affixed it to the front of my Apple TV so that its lens is directly in front of the Apply TV's front facing light. Whenever the Apple TV is asleep, I simply check for the light turning on by taking images from the camera and analyzing their average luminosity. Since the lens is right next to the light, when it turns on it'll create a huge blown out white circle in the image that's incredibly easy to detect.
As long as the Apple TV is asleep, the light turning on seems to indicate 100% of the time that it has woken up. I have yet to find a single incident of either a false positive or false negative.
Since pressing buttons on the Siri remote causes this light to blink, this also means that I can detect buttons being pressed by looking for changes in the light while the Apple TV is awake. It's not 100% accurate, since some button presses are faster than the frame rate of my crappy old USB webcam, but it works well enough.
I would vastly prefer to find a better method of doing this, like making a request over the LAN to the Apple TV where the response clearly indicates it being awake or asleep, but so far it doesn't look like that's possible.
Here I am, six and a half years later, and I've finally found a better way to get the power state of my Apple TV.
I can simply use pyatv, which has a function named power_state that returns the Apple TV's current power state.

Factory reset ACR1255U-J1 NFC reader

Does anyone know how to reset an Advanced Card Systems NFC reader type ACR1255U-J1? I've sent an escape command to it and it got stuck. When I switch the button at the top I get a purple light for LED1 and orange light for LED2 followed by red light for LED1 and no light for LED2. Any help will be appriciated.
I can see the device through Mac Terminal when it is connected through USB but it is no longer visible when bluetooth is on.
Once the ACS1255U-J1 shows the behavior you described it's basically bricked. It happens because of a stack overflow problem (no pun intended) in the readers' firmware and ACS is currently working to correct it. I've seen it happen repeatedly with very long Escape Commands like the Rewrite Master Key Command Request (36 bytes long) as well as some shorter ones. Depending on the severity of the overflow, you may be able to resurrect the reader by reflashing it with fresh firmware. You can download all the stuff you need from our site here:
You'll need a Win7 machine to work the tool and even then it'll take a few tries to get the reader in DFU mode. If you run into issues, post support questions on our forums and we'll be happy to help.
That said your device corruption may be beyond repair. This can happen if you've wiped out the boot sector of the flash. You'll know this if the reader fails to enter DFU mode. I've been able to resurrect a few readers but found them lacking some key setting like the serial number field being gone (all zeros). But more just don't enter DFU. We're authorized distributors of ACS products so if you want to RMA your device through us let me know and we can work something out.
UPDATE: Flomio now has the ability to repair bricked ACR1255U-J1 units. You can ping us on our forums for details.

Bluetooth mouse with lag - poor RSSI

Some days ago I start to use a BT mouse. Sometimes its work fine and other times have lag.
After try to check what causes this, and ran several monitoring tools and notice if RSSI is 0 its works fine... but when it decreases, the lag got worst, and lower the RSSI value, worst is the lag.
Because I work in office with lots of wireless equipment, probably with Adaptive Frequency Hooping sometimes it get non clean environment, or the frequency hooping is not working as it should, and not changing to a cleaner frequency.
It is possible, in Linux, to the connection with mouse get stuck to a specific channel/frequency when I manually found one clener?
There is any tool which I can get the channel/frequency the connection is using?
