Apache Zeppelin not load libmesos.so - apache-spark

I'm evaluating Apache Zeppelin with the current release version v0.5. I have a mesos cluster with spark registered as framework, then I need configure Zeppelin to connect to the remote spark cluster on mesos.
My config in conf/zeppelin-env.sh it's:
export MASTER=mesos://<mesos_ip>:5050
export MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libmesos.so
export ZEPPELIN_JAVA_OPTS="-Dspark.executor.uri=http://<public_host_url>/spark-1.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz"
But when I execute the boot command and run the demo notebook the log show some errors and the query don't work:
------ Create new SparkContext mesos:// -------
Failed to load native Mesos library from /usr/lib/libmesos.so
------ Create new SparkContext mesos:// -------
Failed to load native Mesos library from /usr/lib/libmesos.so
I can't find any documentation or source code about this erros message. And I don't understand the reason because I have libmesos.so on /usr/lib and when I execute separatly spark-submmit all work fine from my host.

According to the docs you should set the MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY and SPARK_EXECUTOR_URI environment variables.
export MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libmesos.so

Can you try setting something like below?
export MESOS_NATIVE_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libmesos.so
export SPARK_EXECUTOR_URI=http://<public_host_url>/spark-1.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz


How PYSPARK environmental setup is executed by YARN in launch_container.sh

While analyzing the yarn launch_container.sh logs for a spark job, I got confused by some part of log.
I will point out those asks step by step here
When you will submit a spark job with spark-submit having --pyfiles and --files on cluster mode on YARN:
The config files passed in --files , executable python files passed in --pyfiles are getting uploaded into .sparkStaging directory created under user hadoop home directory.
Along with these files pyspark.zip and py4j-version_number.zip from $SPARK_HOME/python/lib is also getting copied
into .sparkStaging directory created under user hadoop home directory
After this launch_container.sh is getting triggered by yarn and this will export all env variables required.
If we have exported anything explicitly such as PYSPARK_PYTHON in .bash_profile or at the time of building the spark-submit job in a shell script or in spark_env.sh , the default value will be replaced by the value which we
are providing
This PYSPARK_PYTHON is a path in my edge node.
Then how a container launched in another node will be able to use this python version ?
The default python version in data nodes of my cluster is 2.7.5.
So without setting this pyspark_python , containers are using 2.7.5.
But when I will set pyspark_python to 3.5.x , they are using what I have given.
It is defining PWD='/data/complete-path'
Where this PWD directory resides ?
This directory is getting cleaned up after job completion.
I have even tried to run the job in one session of putty
and kept the /data folder opened in another session of putty to see
if any directories are getting created on run time. but couldn't find any?
It is also setting the PYTHONPATH to $PWD/pyspark.zip:$PWD/py4j-version.zip
When ever I am doing a python specific operation
in spark code , its using PYSPARK_PYTHON. So for what purpose this PYTHONPATH is being used?
3.After this yarn is creating softlinks using ln -sf for all the files in step 1
soft links are created for for pyspark.zip , py4j-<version>.zip,
all python files mentioned in step 1.
Now these links are again pointing to '/data/different_directories'
directory (which I am not sure where they are present).
I know soft links can be used for accessing remote nodes ,
but here why the soft links are created ?
Last but not the least , whether this launch_container.sh will run for each container launch ?
Then how a container launched in another node will be able to use this python version ?
First of all, when we submit a Spark application, there are several ways to set the configurations for the Spark application.
Such as:
Setting spark-defaults.conf
Setting environment variables
Setting spark-submit options (spark-submit —help and —conf)
Setting a custom properties file (—properties-file)
Setting values in code (exposed in both SparkConf and SparkContext APIs)
Setting Hadoop configurations (HADOOP_CONF_DIR and spark.hadoop.*)
In my environment, the Hadoop configurations are placed in /etc/spark/conf/yarn-conf/, and the spark-defaults.conf and spark-env.sh is in /etc/spark/conf/.
As the order of precedence for configurations, this is the order that Spark will use:
Properties set on SparkConf or SparkContext in code
Arguments passed to spark-submit, spark-shell, or pyspark at run time
Properties set in /etc/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf, a specified properties file
Environment variables exported or set in scripts
So broadly speaking:
For properties that apply to all jobs, use spark-defaults.conf,
for properties that are constant and specific to a single or a few applications use SparkConf or --properties-file,
for properties that change between runs use command line arguments.
Now, regarding the question:
In Cluster mode of Spark, the Spark driver is running in container in YARN, the Spark executors are running in container in YARN.
In Client mode of Spark, the Spark driver is running outside of the Hadoop cluster(out of YARN), and the executors are always in YARN.
So for your question, it is mostly relative with YARN.
When an application is submitted to YARN, first there will be an ApplicationMaster container, which nigotiates with NodeManager, and is responsible to control the application containers(in your case, they are Spark executors).
NodeManager will then create a local temporary directory for each of the Spark executors, to prepare to launch the containers(that's why the launch_container.sh has such a name).
We can find the location of the local temporary directory is set by NodeManager's ${yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs} defined in yarn-site.xml.
And we can set yarn.nodemanager.delete.debug-delay-sec to 10 minutes and review the launch_container.sh script.
In my environment, the ${yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs} is /yarn/nm, so in this directory, I can find the tempory directories of Spark executor containers, they looks like:
And in this directory, I can find the launch_container.sh for this specific container and other stuffs for running this container.
Where this PWD directory resides ?
I think this is a special Environment Variable in Linux OS, so better not to modify it unless you know how it works percisely in your application.
As per above, if you export this PWD environment at the runtime, I think it is passed to Spark as same as any other Environment Variables.
I'm not sure how the PYSPARK_PYTHON Environment Variable is used in Spark's launch scripts chain, but here you can find the instruction in the official documentation, showing how to set Python binary executable while you are using spark-submit:
spark-submit --conf spark.pyspark.python=/<PATH>/<TO>/<FILE>
As for the last question, yes, YARN will create a temp dir for each of the containers, and the launch_container.sh is included in the dir.

Why is Zeppelin-Spark interpreter not mounting Kubernetes Service Account

I have a Zeppelin (0.8.2) deployment on a Kubernetes cluster and I have packed Spark (2.4.0) binaries in the container. Then I set $SPARK_HOME to the Spark installation directory. The spark interpreter seems to work but when I try to change the serviceAccount, it still uses default.
Here are the configurations I tried based on Spark 2.4.0 docs:
spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName <my_serviceAccount>
spark.kubernetes.authenticate.serviceAccountName <my_serviceAccount>
I tried setting those via $SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS, Zeppelin Interpreter Settings and via spark-defaults.conf but they all give the same results. Am I missing something?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I was able to use a non-default serviceAccount by adding .pod.spec.serviceAccountName. Provided some links on how you can do it.
[1] How to configure a non-default serviceAccount on a deployment
[2] https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/

Spark master won't show running application in UI when I use spark-submit for python script

The image shows 8081 UI. The master shows running application when I start a scala shell or pyspark shell. But when I use spark-submit to run a python script, master doesn't show any running application. This is the command I used: spark-submit --master spark://localhost:7077 sample_map.py. The web UI is at :4040. I want to know if I'm doing it the right way for submitting scripts or if spark-submit never really shows running application.
localhost:8080 or <master_ip>:8080 doesn't open for me but <master_ip>:8081 opens. It shows the executor info.
These are my configurations in spark-env.sh:
export SPARK_WORKER_DIR=/opt/worker
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/tmp/spark
export SPARK_MASTER_IP 'splunk_dep'
I'm using CentOS , python 2.7 and spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7.
You can open spark master’s web UI, which is http://localhost:8080 by default to see running apps (in standalone cluster mode) :
If multiple apps are running - they will bind to port 4040, 4041, 4042 ...
You can access this interface by simply opening http://:4040 in a web browser. If multiple SparkContexts are running on the same host, they will bind to successive ports beginning with 4040 (4041, 4042, etc).
For Local run use this:
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Your app Name").setMaster("local")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
while you do sparkSubmit:
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Your app Name")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
This won't work in local test but when you compile with this and spark submit job it will show in UI.
Hope this explains.
Are you accessing SPARK-UI when the application is running or after it completed its execution?
Try adding some code, which will wait for key-press (hence the spark execution won't end) - and see if it solve your problem.
You just go to localhost:8080 and check that there is one completed application which you submit.

Error while running Zeppelin paragraphs in Spark on Linux cluster in Azure HdInsight

I have been following this tutorial in order to set up Zeppelin on a Spark cluster (version 1.5.2) in HDInsight, on Linux. Everything worked fine, I have managed to successfully connect to the Zeppelin notebook through the SSH tunnel. However, when I try to run any kind of paragraph, the first time I get the following error:
java.io.IOException: No FileSystem for scheme: wasb
After getting this error, if I try to rerun the paragraph, I get another error:
java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe
at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite0(Native Method)
These errors occur regardless of the code I enter, even if there is no reference to the hdfs. What I'm saying is that I get the "No FileSystem" error even for a trivial scala expression, such as parallelize.
Is there a missing configuration step?
I am download the tar ball that the script that you pointed to as I type. But want I am guessing is that your zeppelin install and spark install are not complete to work with wasb. In order to get spark to work with wasb you need to add some jars to the Class path. To do this you need to add something like this to your spark-defaults.conf (the paths might be different in HDInsights, this is from HDP on IaaS)
spark.driver.extraClassPath /usr/hdp/
spark.executor.extraClassPath /usr/hdp/
Once you have spark working with wasb, or next step is make those sames jar in zeppelin class path. A good way to test your setup is make a notebook that prints your env vars and class path.
val cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader
Also looking at the install script, it trying to pull the zeppelin jar from wasb, you might want to change that config to somewhere else while you try some of these changes out. (zeppelin.sh)
export SPARK_YARN_JAR=wasb:///apps/zeppelin/zeppelin-spark-0.5.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
I hope this helps, if you are still have problems I have some other ideas, but would start with these first.

How to enable Spark mesos docker executor?

I'm working on integration between Mesos & Spark. For now, I can start SlaveMesosDispatcher in a docker; and I like to also run Spark executor in Mesos docker. I do the following configuration for it, but I got an error; any suggestion?
Spark: conf/spark-defaults.conf
spark.mesos.executor.docker.image ubuntu
spark.mesos.executor.docker.volumes /usr/bin:/usr/bin,/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib,/usr/lib:/usr/lib,/lib:/lib,/home/test/workshop/spark:/root/spark
spark.mesos.executor.home /root/spark
#spark.executorEnv.SPARK_HOME /root/spark
spark.executorEnv.MESOS_NATIVE_LIBRARY /usr/local/lib
NOTE: The spark are installed in /home/test/workshop/spark, and all dependencies are installed.
After submit SparkPi to the dispatcher, the driver job is started but failed. The error messes is:
I1015 11:10:29.488456 18697 exec.cpp:134] Version: 0.26.0
I1015 11:10:29.506619 18699 exec.cpp:208] Executor registered on slave b7e24114-7585-40bc-879b-6a1188cb65b6-S1
WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities, memory limited without swap.
/bin/sh: 1: ./bin/spark-submit: not found
Does any know how to map/set spark home in docker for this case?
I think the issue you're seeing here is a result of the current working directory of the container isn't where Spark is installed. When you specify a docker image for Spark to use with Mesos, it expects the default working directory of the container to be inside $SPARK_HOME where it can find ./bin/spark-submit.
You can see that logic here.
It doesn't look like you're able to configure the working directory through Spark configuration itself, which means you'll need to build a custom image on top of ubuntu that simply does a WORKDIR /root/spark.
