Where does spark look for text files? - apache-spark

I thought that loading text files is done only from workers / within the cluster (you just need to make sure all workers have access to the same path, either by having that text file available on all nodes, or by use some shared folder mapped to the same path)
e.g. spark-submit / spark-shell can be launched from anywhere, and connect to a spark master, and the machine where you launched spark-submit / spark-shell (which is also where our driver runs, unless you are in "cluster" deploy mode) has nothing to do with the cluster. Therefore any data loading should be done only from the workers, not on the driver machine, right? e.g. there should be no way that sc.textFile("file:///somePath") will cause spark to look for a file on the driver machine (again, the driver is external to the cluster, e.g. in "client" deploy mode / standalone mode), right?
Well, this is what I thought too...
Our cast
machine A: where the driver runs
machine B: where both spark master and one of the workers run
Act I - The Hope
When I start a spark-shell from machine B to spark master on B I get this:
scala> sc.master
res3: String = spark://machinB:7077
scala> sc.textFile("/tmp/data/myfile.csv").count()
res4: Long = 976
Act II - The Conflict
But when I start a spark-shell from machine A, pointing to spark master on B I get this:
scala> sc.master
res2: String = spark://machineB:7077
scala> sc.textFile("/tmp/data/myfile.csv").count()
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InvalidInputException: Input path does not exist: file:/tmp/data/myfile.csv
And indeed /tmp/data/myfile.csv does not exist on machine A, but machine A is not on the cluster, it's just where the driver runs
Act III - The Amazement
What’s even weirder is that if I make this file available on machine A, it doesn’t throw this error anymore. (Instead it creates a job, but no tasks, and just fails due to a timeout, which is another issue that deserves a separate question)
Is there something in the way that Spark behaves that I’m missing? I thought that spark shell when connected to a remote, has nothing to do with the machine you are running on. So why does the error stops when I put that file available on machine A? It means that the location of sc.textFile includes the location of where spark-shell or spark-submit were initiated (in my case also where the driver runs)? This makes zero sense to me. but again, I'm open to learn new things.
tl;dr - sc.textFile("file:/somePath") running form a driver on machine A to a cluster on machines B,C,D... (driver not part of cluster)
It seems like it's looking for path file:/somePath also on the driver, is that true (or is it just me)? is that known? is that as designed?
I have a feeling that this is some weird network / VPN topology issue unique to my workplace network, but still this is what happens to me, and I'm utterly confused whether it is just me or a known behavior. (or I'm simply not getting how Spark works, which is always an option)

So the really short version of it the answer is, if you reference "file://..." it should be accessible on all nodes in your cluster including the dirver program. Sometimes some bits of work happen on the worker. Generally the way around this is just not using local files, and instead using something like S3, HDFS, or another network filesystem. There is the sc.addFile method which can be used to distribute a file from the driver to all of the other nodes (and then you use SparkFiles.get to resolve the download location).

Spark can look for files both locally or on HDFS.
If you'd like to read in a file using sc.textFile() and take advantage of its RDD format, then the file should sit on HDFS. If you just want to read in a file the normal way, it is the same as you do depending on the API (Scala, Java, Python).
If you submit a local file with your driver, then addFile() distributes the file to each node and SparkFiles.get() downloads the file to a local temporary file.


Running Spark on local machine with master = local[*] and invoking .collect method

I need some help in understanding this documentation on Spark website:
Another common idiom is attempting to print out the elements of an RDD using rdd.foreach(println) or rdd.map(println). [1st category] On a single machine, this will generate the expected output and print all the RDD’s elements. [2nd category] However, in cluster mode, the output to stdout being called by the executors is now writing to the executor’s stdout instead...
I running spark locally (with local[*] inside Eclipse IDE) that connects to staging Cassandra (which is running on multiple nodes) falls in the first category or second?
Any help is appreciated.
You're not submitting your code to a cluster, therefore your code is the first category

Spark concurrent writes on same HDFS location

I have a spark code which saves a dataframe to a HDFS location (date partitioned location) in Json format using append mode.
sample hdfs location : /tmp/table1/datepart=20190903
I am consuming data from upstream in NiFi cluster. Each node in NiFi cluster will create a flow file for consumed data. My spark code is processing that flow file.As NiFi is distributed, my spark code is getting executed from different NiFi nodes in parallel trying to save data into same HDFS location.
I cannot store output of spark job in different directories as my data is partitioned on date.
This process is running daily once from last 14 days and my spark job failed 4 times with different errors.
First Error:
java.io.IOException: Failed to rename FileStatus{path=hdfs://tmp/table1/datepart=20190824/_temporary/0/task_20190824020604_0000_m_000000/part-00000-101aa2e2-85da-4067-9769-b4f6f6b8f276-c000.json; isDirectory=false; length=0; replication=3; blocksize=268435456; modification_time=1566630365451; access_time=1566630365034; owner=hive; group=hive; permission=rwxrwx--x; isSymlink=false} to hdfs://tmp/table1/datepart=20190824/part-00000-101aa2e2-85da-4067-9769-b4f6f6b8f276-c000.json
Second Error:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: File hdfs://tmp/table1/datepart=20190825/_temporary/0 does not exist.
Third Error:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: File hdfs://tmp/table1/datepart=20190901/_temporary/0/task_20190901020450_0000_m_000000 does not exist.
Fourth Error:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: File hdfs://tmp/table1/datepart=20190903/_temporary/0 does not exist.
Following are the problems/issue:
I am not able to recreate this scenario again. How to do that?
On all 4 occasions, errors are related to _temporary directory. Is is because 2 or more jobs are parallelly trying to save the data in same HDFS location and whiling doing that Job A might have deleted _temporary directory of Job B? (Because of the same location and all folders have common name /_directory/0/)
If it is concurrency problem then I can run all NiFi processor from primary node but then I will loose the performance.
Need your expert advice.
Thanks in advance.
It seems the problem is that two spark nodes are independently trying to write to the same place, causing conflicts as the fastest one will clear up the working directory before the second one expects it.
The most straightforward solution may be to avoid this.
As I understand how you use Nifi and spark, the node where Nifi runs also determines the node where spark runs (there is a 1-1 relationship?)
If that is the case you should be able to solve this by routing the work in Nifi to nodes that do not interfere with each other. Check out the load balancing strategy (property of the queue) that depends on attributes. Of course you would need to define the right attribute, but something like directory or table name should go a long way.
Try to enable outputcommitter v2:
spark.conf.set("spark.hadoop.mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.algorithm.version", "2")
It doesn't use shared temp directory for files , but creates .sparkStaging-<...> independent temp directories for each write
It also speeds up write, but allow some rear hypothetical cases of partial data write
Try to check this doc for more info:

SnappyData - snappy-job - cannot run jar file

I'm trying run jar file from snappydata cli.
I'm just want to create a sparkSession and SnappyData session on beginning.
package io.test
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SnappySession, SparkSession}
object snappyTest {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession
val snappy = new SnappySession(spark.sparkContext)
From sbt file:
name := "SnappyPoc"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
libraryDependencies += "io.snappydata" % "snappydata-cluster_2.11" % "1.0.0"
When I'm debuging code in IDE, it works fine, but when I create a jar file and try to run it directly on snappy I get message:
"message": "Ask timed out on [Actor[akka://SnappyLeadJobServer/user/context-supervisor/snappyContext1508488669865777900#1900831413]] after [10000 ms]",
"errorClass": "akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException",
I have Spark Standalone 2.1.1, SnappyData 1.0.0.
I added dependencies to Spark instance.
Could you help me ?. Thank in advanced.
The difference between "embedded" mode and "smart connector" mode needs to be explained first.
Normally when you run a job using spark-submit, then it spawns a set of new executor JVMs as per configuration to run the code. However in the embedded mode of SnappyData, the nodes hosting the data also host long-running Spark Executors themselves. This is done to minimize data movement (i.e. move execution rather than data). For that mode you can submit a job (using snappy-job.sh) which will run the code on those pre-existing executors. Alternative routes include the JDBC/ODBC for embedded execution. This also means that you cannot (yet) use spark-submit to run embedded jobs because that will spawn its own JVMs.
The "smart connector" mode is the normal way in which other Spark connectors work but like all those has the disadvantage of having to pull the required data into the executor JVMs and thus will be slower than embedded mode. For configuring the same, one has to specify "snappydata.connection" property to point to the thrift server running on SnappyData cluster's locator. It is useful for many cases where users want to expand the execution capacity of cluster (e.g. if cluster's embedded execution is saturated all the time on CPU), or for existing Spark distributions/deployments. Needless to say that spark-submit can work in the connector mode just fine. What is "smart" about this mode is: a) if physical nodes hosting the data and running executors are common, then partitions will be routed to those executors as much as possible to minimize network usage, b) will use the optimized SnappyData plans to scan the tables, hash aggregation, hash join.
For this specific question, the answer is: runSnappyJob will receive the SnappySession object as argument which should be used rather than creating it. Rest of the body that uses SnappySession will be exactly same. Likewise for working with base SparkContext, it might be easier to implement SparkJob and code will be similar except that SparkContext will be provided as function argument which should be used. The reason being as explained above: embedded mode already has a running SparkContext which needs to be used for jobs.
I think there were missing methods isValidJob and runSnappyJob.
When I added those to code it works, but know someone what is releation beetwen body of metod runSnappyJob and method main
Should be the same in both ?

How to execute some instructions on selected nodes in a cluster?

I don't have any RDD to use, I just want to execute some of my own functions on some nodes of my cluster, with Apache Spark. So I don't have any data to distribute, but only code (which depends on the node that is executing it).
Is it possible ? Is Spark compatible with this goal ?
Is it possible?
I think it is possible and I've been asked about it few times already (so had time to think about it :))
Is Spark compatible with this goal?
The way Spark could handle it is to launch as many executors as you want to use nodes for the distributed work. That's the job of a cluster manager to spread the work across a cluster of nodes and so Spark can only use what nodes are given.
With the nodes assigned you simply execute a computation on fake dataset to build a RDD on top of.
If the computation runs on a node that should not be used, you can hostname inside the code and see what node you are on and decide on whether to continue or stop.
You could even read the code to execute from a database (seen a solution like this already).

Loading a file in spark in standalone cluster

I have a four node spark cluster . One node is both master and slave, other three slave node. I have written a sample application which load file and created a data frame and running some spark SQL. When i am submitting the application like below from master node , it is producing output:-
./spark-submit /root/sample.py
But When i am submitting with master like below , it says "File does not exists error.
./spark-submit --master spark://<IP>:PORTNO /root/sample.py
I am creating an RDD from sample text file :-
lines = sc.textFile("/root/testsql.txt");
Do i need to copy the file to all the nodes?? How it will work for the production systems , eg. if have to process some CDRS , where should i receive these CDRS .
You are right, it is not able to read that file, because it doesn't exist on your server.
You need to make sure that file is accessible via same url/path to all the nodes of spark.
That is where distributed file system like hdfs makes thing little easier, but you can do it even without them.
When you submit spark job to master, master will allocate the required executors and workers. Each of them will try to parallelize the task, which is what sc.textFile is telling it to do.
So, the file path needs to be accessible from all nodes.
You can either mount the file on all nodes at same location, or instead use a url based location to read the file. Basic thing is file needs to be available and readable from all nodes.
