assign the previous or next element of a list - next

public void nextElement() {
//assign next element
if (current != playlist.size() - 1)
else {
current = 0;
public void prevElement() {
//assign previous element
if (current == 0)
current = playlist.size() -1;
else {
I have a simple variable current and want it to increase or decrease when i call these methods, but when current = 1 and i call prevElement() it is set to 2 and I simply dont get why, does anyone see it? Kapuetze

i have created same methods of your code and iterated multiple times and did not see any error. Can u have nested or complex calls of these methods in somewhere in your code.
NEXTPrev np = new NEXTPrev();
public class NEXTPrev {
private int current = 0;
private final ArrayList playlist;
public NEXTPrev() {
playlist = new ArrayList();
public void populateArraylist() {
public void nextElement() {
//assign next element
if (current != playlist.size() - 1) {
} else {
current = 0;
public void prevElement() {
//assign previous element
if (current == 0) {
current = playlist.size() - 1;
} else {
public void printCurr(String str){
System.out.println("Current. "+str+":" + current);
the out put:
Current. n:1
Current. p:0
Current. n:1
Current. n:2
Current. n:3
Current. n:4
Current. n:0
Current. p:4
Current. n:0
Current. n:1
Current. n:2
Current. n:3
Current. n:4
Current. n:0
Current. n:1
Current. n:2
Current. n:3
Current. n:4
Current. n:0
Current. n:1
Current. p:0
n->next and p-> previous method calls
Maybe something rather than here in your code is wrong


How to check Shipment lines before confirming?

I'm trying to cycle though the SOShipLines before confirming to validate the data. I've got the override to work, but can't seem to figure out how I move through the records. The error (which is set to always trip) always returns 0 lines. I'm pretty sure I need to be looking at the shiporder variable but don't know how.
public void ConfirmShipment(SOOrderEntry docgraph, SOShipment shiporder, ConfirmShipmentDelegate baseMethod)
int TheCount = 0;
int TheLines = 0;
string TheTest = "";
SOShipLineExt TheSOLineExt = null;
foreach (SOShipLine line in Base.Transactions.Select())
TheLines += 1;
TheSOLineExt = PXCache<SOShipLine>.GetExtension<SOShipLineExt>(line);
TheTest += "-" + TheSOLineExt.UsrSpeedyShippedPieces;
if (TheSOLineExt.UsrSpeedyShippedPieces==null)
TheCount += 1;
//UpdateLineDirect(Base.Caches[typeof(SOLine)], line);
//}; if (TheCount > 0 )
throw new PXException("What the hell!!!" + Convert.ToString(TheCount) + "/" + Convert.ToString(TheLines));
Thanks in advance.
It looks like the problem is in an undefined current SOShipment record. Please look at Base.Transactions view - there is Current<SOShipment.shipmentNbr> definition there
public PXSelect<SOShipLine,
Where<SOShipLine.shipmentNbr, Equal<Current<SOShipment.shipmentNbr>>>,
OrderBy<Asc<SOShipLine.shipmentNbr, Asc<SOShipLine.sortOrder>>>> Transactions;
Then look at base ConfirmShipment method and you will see special code which sets current record equal to your SOShipment shiporder parameter
Document.Current = Document.Search<SOShipment.shipmentNbr>(shiporder.ShipmentNbr);
I suppose that the current SOShipment record is skipping somewhere before the ConfirmShipment method - this why Base.Transactions.Select() returns nothing
There are 2 possible solutions from my standpoint:
Set current SOShipment record equal to your SOShipment shiporder parameter as it is done inside the base ConfirmShipment method
Base.Clear() // maybe this is a good idea to call the Clear method too
Document.Current = Document.Search<SOShipment.shipmentNbr>(shiporder.ShipmentNbr);
Or write your own BQL select with a required parameter instead of current
foreach (SOShipLine line in PXSelect<SOShipLine,
Where<SOShipLine.shipmentNbr, Equal<Required<SOShipment.shipmentNbr>>>,
OrderBy<Asc<SOShipLine.shipmentNbr, Asc<SOShipLine.sortOrder>>>>
.Select(Base, shiporder.ShipmentNbr))
// do something here

Batch allocation of stock on SOOrder

I am trying to write a process screen to allocate stock on the sales order in FIFO. The Process screen list all the sales order for a period for allocation.
I have gone through the code LSSOLine and not able to figure out the piece of code where allocation is done. anybody knows how to do it?
I have tried the following code and it is working. Is there any better way to do it?
private static void DoStockAllocation(SOLine row, SOOrderEntry grp)
grp.Document.Current = PXSelect<
Where<SOOrder.orderType, Equal<Required<SOOrder.orderType>>,
And<SOOrder.orderNbr, Equal<Required<SOOrder.orderNbr>>>>>
.Select(grp, row.OrderType, row.OrderNbr);
if (grp.Document.Current != null && grp.Document.Current.Status == SOOrderStatus.Open)
grp.Transactions.Current = row;
PXSelectBase<INLocationStatus> cmd = new PXSelectReadonly2<INLocationStatus,
InnerJoin<INLocation, On<INLocation.locationID, Equal<INLocationStatus.locationID>>,
LeftJoin<INSiteStatus, On<INSiteStatus.inventoryID, Equal<INLocationStatus.inventoryID>,
And<INSiteStatus.subItemID, Equal<INLocationStatus.subItemID>,
And<INSiteStatus.siteID, Equal<INLocationStatus.siteID>>>>>>,
Where<INLocationStatus.inventoryID, Equal<Required<INLocationStatus.inventoryID>>,
And<INLocationStatus.subItemID, Equal<Required<INLocationStatus.subItemID>>,
And<INLocationStatus.siteID, Equal<Required<INLocationStatus.siteID>>,
And<INLocation.salesValid, Equal<boolTrue>,
And<INLocation.inclQtyAvail, Equal<boolTrue>,
And<INLocationStatus.qtyOnHand, Greater<decimal0>>>>>>>>(grp);
foreach (PXResult<INLocationStatus, INLocation, INSiteStatus> ln in cmd.Select(row.InventoryID,row.SubItemID,row.SiteID))
INLocationStatus locationStatus = ln;
INSiteStatus siteStatus = ln;
SiteStatus accumsiteavail = new SiteStatus();
PXCache<INSiteStatus>.RestoreCopy(accumsiteavail, siteStatus);
accumsiteavail = (SiteStatus)grp.Caches[typeof(SiteStatus)].Insert(accumsiteavail);
decimal? AvailableQty = 0m;
decimal? SiteAvailableQty = locationStatus.QtyHardAvail;//siteStatus.QtyHardAvail + accumsiteavail.QtyHardAvail;
AvailableQty = SiteAvailableQty;
if (AvailableQty <= 0m)
if (row.LocationID == null)
row.LocationID = locationStatus.LocationID;
SOLineSplit split = new SOLineSplit();
if ( grp.splits.Select().Count > 0)
split = grp.splits.Select(row.OrderType, row.OrderNbr, row.LineNbr);
split = new SOLineSplit();
split = grp.splits.Insert(split);
split.InventoryID = row.InventoryID;
split.SiteID = row.SiteID;
split.OrderType = row.OrderType;
split.OrderNbr = row.OrderNbr;
split.LineNbr = row.LineNbr;
split.UOM = row.UOM;
split = PXCache<SOLineSplit>.CreateCopy(grp.splits.Update(split));
//split.LocationID = locationStatus.LocationID;
split.Qty = (AvailableQty < row.OrderQty) ? AvailableQty : row.OrderQty;
split.IsAllocated = true;
catch(Exception ex)
You will need to reference the combination of LSSOLine and SOLineSplitPlanID on SOLineSplit.PlanID in your process page. Alternatively you might be able to use an instance of SOOrderEntry to do the updates/mark of allocation.
The following have been copied from the SOOrderEntry graph and are the 2 componenetis from what i can tell that drive the allocation logic. From there you just need to mark the split lines that should be allocated and should be good. Or at least a start. The problem you might have is anything that is looking for current SOOrder. You might have to set the current before marking solines splits as allocated. (assuming i under stand your question correctly)
Manage the allocation records...
public LSSOLine lsselect;
Append the use of SOLineSplitPlanID which drives the INItemPlan records...
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Append)]
[SOLineSplitPlanID(typeof(SOOrder.noteID), typeof(SOOrder.hold), typeof(SOOrder.orderDate))]
protected virtual void SOLineSplit_PlanID_CacheAttached(PXCache sender)

Multithreading and Monitoring

I am trying to get multithreading more unraveled in my head. I made these three classes.
A global variable class
public partial class globes
public bool[] sets = new bool[] { false, false, false };
public bool boolChanged = false;
public string tmpStr = string.Empty;
public int gcount = 0;
public bool intChanged = false;
public Random r = new Random();
public bool gDone = false;
public bool first = true;
Drop in point
class Driver
static void Main(string[] args)
globes g = new globes();
Thread[] threads = new Thread[6];
ParameterizedThreadStart[] pts = new ParameterizedThreadStart[6];
lockMe _lockme = new lockMe();
for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++)
pts[b] = new ParameterizedThreadStart(_lockme.paramThreadStarter);
threads[b] = new Thread(pts[b]);
threads[b].Name = string.Format("{0}", b);
And then my threading class
class lockMe
#region Fields
private string[] words = new string[] {"string0", "string1", "string2", "string3"};
private globes g = new globes();
private object myKey = new object();
private string[] name = new string[] { String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty };
#region methods
// first called for all threads
private void setName(Int16 i)
name[i] = string.Format("{0}:{1}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, g.r.Next(100, 500).ToString());
// thread 1
private void changeBool(Int16 a)
int i = getBools();
if (g.gcount > 5) { g.gDone = true; return; }
if (i == 3) resets();
else { for (int x = 0; x <= i; i++) { g.sets[x] = true; } }
Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} ran through changeBool()\n", name[a]);
// thread 2
private void changeInt(Int16 i)
//Thread.Sleep(g.r.Next(1000, 3000));
Console.WriteLine("Thread {0}: Count is now at {1}\n", name[i], g.gcount);
// thread 3
private void printString(Int16 i)
//Thread.Sleep(g.r.Next(1500, 2500));
Console.WriteLine("Thread {0} printing...{1}\n", name[i], words[g.r.Next(0, 3)]);
// not locked- called from within a locked peice
private int getBools()
if ((g.sets[0] == false) && (g.sets[1] == false) && (g.sets[2] == false)) return 0;
else if ((g.sets[0] == true) && (g.sets[1] == false) && (g.sets[2] == false)) return 1;
else if ((g.sets[2] == true) && (g.sets[3] == false)) return 2;
else if ((g.sets[0] == true) && (g.sets[1] == true) && (g.sets[2] == true)) return 3;
else return 99;
// should not need locks- called within locked statement
private void resets()
if (g.first) { Console.WriteLine("FIRST!!"); g.first = false; }
else Console.WriteLine("Cycle has reset...");
private bool getStatus()
bool x = false;
x = g.gDone;
return x;
#region Constructors
public void paramThreadStarter(object starter)
Int16 i = Convert.ToInt16(starter);
switch (i)
default: throw new Exception();
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
} while (!getStatus());
So I have a few questions. The first- is it better to have my global class set like this? Or should I be using a static class with properties and altering them that way? Next question is, when this runs, at random one of the threads will run, pulse/exit the lock, and then step right back in (sometimes like 5-10 times before the next thread picks up the lock). Why does this happen?
Each thread is given a certain amount of CPU time, I doubt that one particular thread is getting more actual CPU time over the others if you are locking all the calls in the same fashion and the thread priorities are the same among the threads.
Regarding how you use your global class, it doesn't really matter. The way you are using it wouldn't change it one way or the other. Your use of globals was to test thread safety, so when multiple threads are trying to change shared properties all that matters is that you enforce thread safety.
Pulse might be a better option knowing that only one thread can actually enter, pulseAll is appropriate when you lock something because you have a task to do, once that task is complete and won't lock the very next time. In your scenario you lock every time so doing a pulseAll is just going to waste cpu because you know that it will be locked for the next request.
Common example of when to use static classes and why you must make them thread safe:
public static class StoreManager
private static Dictionary<string,DataStore> _cache = new Dictionary<string,DataStore>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
private static object _syncRoot = new object();
public static DataStore Get(string storeName)
//this method will look for the cached DataStore, if it doesn't
//find it in cache it will load from DB.
//The thread safety issue scenario to imagine is, what if 2 or more requests for
//the same storename come in? You must make sure that only 1 thread goes to the
//the DB and all the rest wait...
//check to see if a DataStore for storeName is in the dictionary
if ( _cache.ContainsKey( storeName) == false )
//only threads requesting unknown DataStores enter here...
//now serialize access so only 1 thread at a time can do this...
if (_cache.ContainsKey(storeName) == false )
//only 1 thread will ever create a DataStore for storeName
DataStore ds = DataStoreManager.Get(storeName); //some code here goes to DB and gets a DataStore
return _cache[storeName];
What's really important to see is that the Get method only single threads the call when there is no DataStore for the storeName.
You can see the first lock() happens after an if, so imagine 3 threads simultaneously run the if ( _cache.ContainsKey(storeName) .., now all 3 threads enter the if. Now we lock so that only 1 thread can enter, now we do the same exact if statement, only the very first thread that gets here will actually pass this if statement and get the DataStore. Once the first thread .Add's the DataStore and exits the lock the other 2 threads will fail the second check (double check).
From that point on any request for that storeName will get the cached instance.
So we single threaded our application only in the spots that required it.

Accidently deleting entire linked list when trying to delete the head

I'm working on a checker's simulation game for my C++ class. My issue is with the linked list that holds the checkers. I can delete any checker perfectly with the exception of the head of the list. I've looked around here and other websites and I believe there's a memory leak somewhere. I'm fairly new to C++ so I'm not sure what to really do other than playing around with things (which will probably just create a bigger problem). I've never posted here before, so excuse me if the formatting is slightly off or too messy. I'll try to make it brief. First, here's a snippet of the node class for the linked list.
class CheckerpieceNode
Checkerpiece *Node;
CheckerpieceNode *Next;
CheckerpieceNode(); // sets Node and Next to NULL in .cpp file
void setNode(Checkerpiece *node);
void setNext(CheckerpieceNode *next);
Checkerpiece* getNode();
CheckerpieceNode* getNext();
And the functions are set up pretty much as you would expect in a Checkerpiece.cpp class.
Here's how the code is used. Its called by a Checkerboard object in my main class.
theCheckerboard.removeChecker(theCheckerboard.findChecker(selector->getCurrentX() + 0, selector->getCurrentY() - VERTICAL_SHIFT, listHead), listHead);
The VERTICAL_SHIFT simply has to do with the way my checkerboard graphic is on the console. Since it works perfectly for all other nodes (excluding the head) I've ruled it out as a source of error. Selector is a checkerpiece object but its not part of the list.
Here's the actual findChecker and removeChecker code from Checkerboard class.
Checkerpiece* findChecker(int x, int y, CheckerpieceNode* list_head)
if(list_head== NULL) return NULL; // do nothing
CheckerpieceNode* node = new CheckerpieceNode;
node = list_head;
while(node != NULL && node->getNode() != NULL)
if()// comparison check here, but removed for space
return node->getNode();
delete node;
node = NULL;
else // traversing
node = node->getNext();
return NULL;
void removeChecker(Checkerpiece* d_checker, CheckerpieceNode* list_head)
if(list_head== NULL) // throw exception
CheckerpieceNode *temp = NULL, *previous = NULL;
Checkerpiece* c_checker= new Checkerpiece;
temp = list_head;
while(temp != NULL && temp->getNode() != NULL)
c_checker= temp->getNode();
if(d_checker!= c_checker)
previous = temp;
temp = temp->getNext();
if(temp != list_head)
delete temp;
temp = NULL;
else if(temp == list_head) // this is where head should get deleted
temp = list_head;
list_head= list_head->getNext();
delete temp;
temp = NULL;
Oh my, you're complicating it. Lots of redundant checks, assignments and unnecessary variables (like c_checker which leaks memory too).
// Write down the various scenarios you can expect first:
// (a) null inputs
// (b) can't find d_checker
// (c) d_checker is in head
// (d) d_checker is elsewhere in the list
void removeChecker(Checkerpiece* d_checker, CheckerpieceNode* list_head) {
// first sanitize your inputs
if (d_checker == nullptr || list_head == nullptr) // use nullptr instead of NULL. its a keyword literal of type nullptr_t
throw exception;
// You understand that there is a special case for deleting head. Good.
// Just take care of it once and for all so that you don't check every time in the loop.
CheckerpieceNode *curr = list_head;
// take care of deleting head before traversal
if (d_checker == curr->getNode()) {
list_head = list_head->next; // update list head
delete curr; // delete previous head
return; // we're done
CheckerpieceNode *prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
// traverse through the list - keep track of previous
while (curr != nullptr) {
if (d_checker == curr->getNode()) {
prev->next = curr->next;
delete curr;
break; // we're done!
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
I hope that helps. Take the time to break down the problem into smaller pieces, figure out the scenarios possible, how you'll handle them and only then start writing code.
Based on this edit by the question author, the solution he used was to:
I modified the code to show the address passing in the checker delete
void delete_checker(Checker* d_checker, CheckerNode* &list_head) // pass by address
if(list_head== NULL) // throw exception
CheckerNode*temp = NULL, *previous = NULL;
Checker* c_checker= new Checker;
temp = list_head;
while(temp != NULL && temp->node!= NULL)
c_checker= temp->node;
if(d_checker!= c_checker)
previous = temp;
temp = temp->next;
if(temp != list_head)
previous->next = temp->next;
delete temp;
temp = NULL;
else if(temp == list_head) // this is where head should get deleted
temp = list_head;
list_head= list_head->next;
delete temp;
temp = NULL;
delete c_checker;
c_checker = nullptr;
removeChecker cannot modify the value of list_head as it is past by value. The method signature should be:
void removeChecker(Checkerpiece* d_checker, CheckerpieceNode** list_head)
// You will need to call this function with &list_head
void removeChecker(Checkerpiece* d_checker, CheckerpieceNode* &list_head)
// Calling code does not need to change

C# powershell output reader iterator getting modified when pipeline closed and disposed

I'm calling a powershell script from C#. The script is pretty small and is "gps;$host.SetShouldExit(9)", which list process, and then send back an exit code to be captured by the PSHost object.
The problem I have is when the pipeline has been stopped and disposed, the output reader PSHost collection still seems to be written to, and is filling up. So when I try and copy it to my own output object, it craps out with a OutOfMemoryException when I try to iterate over it. Sometimes it will except with a Collection was modified message. Here is the code.
private void ProcessAndExecuteBlock(ScriptBlock Block)
Collection<PSObject> PSCollection = new Collection<PSObject>();
Collection<Object> PSErrorCollection = new Collection<Object>();
Boolean Error = false;
int ExitCode=0;
//Send for exection.
// Process the waithandles.
while (PExecutor.PLine.PipelineStateInfo.State == PipelineState.Running)
// Wait for either error or data waithandle.
switch (WaitHandle.WaitAny(PExecutor.Hand))
// Data
case 0:
Collection<PSObject> data = PExecutor.PLine.Output.NonBlockingRead();
if (data.Count > 0)
for (int cnt = 0; cnt <= (data.Count-1); cnt++)
// Check to see if the pipeline has been closed.
if (PExecutor.PLine.Output.EndOfPipeline)
// Bring back the exit code.
ExitCode = RHost.ExitCode;
case 1:
Collection<object> Errordata = PExecutor.PLine.Error.NonBlockingRead();
if (Errordata.Count > 0)
Error = true;
for (int count = 0; count <= (Errordata.Count - 1); count++)
// Create the Execution Return block
ExecutionResults ER = new ExecutionResults(Block.RuleGuid,Block.SubRuleGuid, Block.MessageIdentfier);
ER.ExitCode = ExitCode;
// Add in the data results.
lock (ReadSync)
if (PSCollection.Count > 0)
// Add in the error data if any.
if (Error)
if (PSErrorCollection.Count > 0)
ER.InError = true;
// We have finished, so enque the block back.
and this is the PipelineExecutor class which setups the pipeline for execution.
public class PipelineExecutor
private Pipeline pipeline;
private WaitHandle[] Handles;
public Pipeline PLine
get { return pipeline; }
public WaitHandle[] Hand
get { return Handles; }
public PipelineExecutor(Runspace runSpace, string command)
pipeline = runSpace.CreatePipeline(command);
Handles = new WaitHandle[2];
Handles[0] = pipeline.Output.WaitHandle;
Handles[1] = pipeline.Error.WaitHandle;
public void Start()
if (pipeline.PipelineStateInfo.State == PipelineState.NotStarted)
public void Stop()
An this is the DataAdd method, where the exception arises.
public void DataAdd(Collection<PSObject> Data)
foreach (PSObject Ps in Data)
I put a for loop around the Data.Add, and the Collection filled up with 600k+ so feels like the gps command is still running, but why. Any ideas.
Thanks in advance.
Found the problem. Named the resultant collection and the iterator the same, so as it was iterating, it was adding to the collection, and back into the iterator, and so forth. Doh!.
