Unable to manage a purchased domain through azure portal - azure

I bought a domain through azure portal but i can't find any file manage option for my domain and there is no option to manage mail account. I want to know if there is any portal like CPANEL or something similar for domain managing?

There is no cPanel like hosting admin in Microsoft Azure Web Apps.
cPanel is a hosting platform used by shared hosting providers such as GoDaddy or HostGator. Microsoft Azure is a cloud hosting platform in which you manage your cloud as if it where your server. You have to manually go in and setup your web apps, virtual machines etc.
If you want to use cPanel you could always spin up a Linux VM and then install cPanel on it. This will give you full control like with the other providers.
Hope this helps. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions!


Hosting on Microsoft Azure

I already have a domain name purchase from Google Domains.
I would like to host this site on Microsoft Azure, How should I plan to purchase all the required resources on Azure, if I want to host a Wordpress site, but would also need control over the size, if in future I plan to host some microsite with NodeJS or any other technologies like Java or .Net Core.
What would be my cost per month considering the above requirements?
Below is the list that I envisioned that I may need, can anyone suggest something this I missed.
A VM with Ubuntu (That would take care of Wordpress, Database(MySQL), NodeJS, Java and others)
Map my domain with Azure and map it with the VM
The solution you're thinking of is also known as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and it is something you'd usually consider when migrating from an on-prem solution where you already have the VMs images for your needs.
In your particular case I'd recommend looking into PaaS (Platform as a Service) - specifically Azure App Service.
Everything you enumerated can be hosted in an Azure App Service as it supports all major technologies for deploying web apps today (.Net, Node.js, Java, etc).
In addition to your own code, Azure offers a number of build-in templates for 3rd party vendors that allow you to deploy pre-packaged solutions such as Wordpress without having to worry about the installation yourself. See this Wordpress on Azure article for more details.
Pricing information for Azure Web Apps can be found on the docs page. In your case I suspect you could do with a B1 or S1 instance.
Lastly, for your domain name, you can easily map and configure any custom domain to an Azure Web App by simply updating the DNS records in your Domain Management system and reference that in the Azure Portal. See docs for details.
Adding to Alex's response. To provide you a good understanding on hosting website on Azure. Firstly, I wish to highlight that Azure offers several ways to host websites: Azure App Service WebApps (PAAS solution), Virtual Machines (IAAS), Service Fabric, and Cloud Services.
Azure App Service (PAAS solution) is the best choice for most web apps. Deployment and management are integrated into the platform, sites can scale quickly to handle high traffic loads, and the built-in load balancing and traffic manager provide high availability.
WebApp is a fully managed compute platform that is optimized for hosting websites and web applications.
If you wish to host your website/app on an Azure VM (IAAS solution), you would typically install, design and configure the app in a similar way as you would onprem. If you have an existing application that would require substantial modifications to run in App Service you could choose Virtual Machines in order to simplify migrating to the cloud.
Take a look at the supported and unsupported configuration on App Service Migrate - Migration checklist when moving to Azure App Service : https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/migration-checklist-when-moving-to-azure-app-service/

Hosting with Windows Azure?

Can someone please direct me to a tutorial or explain the process of hosting (if possible) with Windows Azure? I have my own domain name and I would like to know how I can host my website with windows azure. It gives you the option of creating and publishing a xxx.azurewebsites.net but I would like to use my own personal domain.
Read Azure Websites and Apps. Then you can review Configure a custom domain name in Azure App Service.

Website Domains in Azure

I have deployed a installation of DNN in Azure and registered custom domain CNAME to point at the DNN install and the sites which are registered in the CMS; however azure is reporting the site is not present?
can anyone help please?
It sounds like you might need to configure the custom domain name in Azure.
See section Point your Domain Names at Azure Websites
You may need to upgrade your DNN installation from FREE to Shared (or higher) in the Azure portal before you can manage the domain. This is explained in the above link.
And here's official info on adding custom domains to Azure: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-custom-domain-name/

Allowing Users to Enter a Custom cname on Azure Websites

I have a multi-site application running on Azure Websites. When a user signs up, they pick a name for their application and they end up with "appname.coolapplication.com". Everything so far is working great within our own domain.
Our application needs to allow users to enter their own custom domain. For example, they want to view their application from "elsewhere.com" rather than "appname.coolapplication.com". How do I go about configuring Azure Websites to allow me to do this?
You don't. Per these instructions you instruct the customer to enter a CNAME record on their domain registrar for the Azure domain, and then it begins to work.
The CNAME only "just works" for Azure Cloud Apps. For Azure Websites, it turns out you must add the domain in the portal as well. I'd thus recommend switching your Azure Websites to Azure Cloud Apps to simplify the issue.
You can use the powershell api to add custom hostnames.
See this question for details: Add many domains to an azure web site

How do you get an existing domain you own to point to Azure's servers?

By default, the naming conventions of Azure websites/webapps are somesubdomain.cloudapp.net and somesubdomain.azurewebsites.net. If I have an existing website that I have currently hosted through, say GoDaddy, and the website is www.mysite.com, how can I tell the registrar (DNS) to look at Azure's servers for the website content (I have experience in changing the nameservers to point to a particular web hosting company's nameservers, but it appears that there isn't a such thing with Azure).
Ultimately what I want to do is go to www.mysite.com and have the content hosted on Azure, running on Azure's VMs. Is the only way to mess with the CNAME, A, etc. properties of the DNS?
I have a VM on Azure that I want to use to host my websites. This is the platform that I will be using. I'm not using an Azure "website" or a "cloud service".
Yes, the only way to get this working as you describe it is to fiddle with the DNS, with a CNAME and A records.
A good description of how this is done can be found here:
There is an official documentation, relatively easy to find with a simple internet search:
How to use custom domain with Cloud Service and Storage Account
How to use custom domain with Azure Web Sites
One thing good to remember is that a Windows Azure Virtual Machine (IaaS) runs in a Cloud Service. Meaning that for each VM, or set of VMs you have a cloud service created (i.e. mywhateverVM.cloudapp.net). This cloud service is implicitly created when you use the portal wizard to create the VM. Or explicitly (you create it) when you create VMs with PowerShell.
So the "How to use custom domain with Cloud Service" applies also for the Azure VMs with no change at all.
