Seems -u doesn't work on for me ( I am using scons-2.3.6).
To simplify the context, you can imagine my project structure like,
- bar.vcxproj (generated vs project)
Inside SConstruct, I have put code like:
env_base = Environment()
env_base.StaticLibrary(target = 'bar', source = ['bar.c'])
If I execute command "scons" in root folder, everything works perfectly.
But If I execute command "scons -u" in project folder, scons can find my SConstruct up in root folder, but no file get compiled.
BTW : The reason for me to execute "scons -u" in project folder is because I want to put the generated vsproj in projet folder and use BuildCommandLine to compile the project.
I guess I didn't use "-u" correctly, what will be the elegant solution for my situation?
1st edit:
As bdbaddog asked, I have put the SConstruct here:
def BuildConfig(env, config):
env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/W 4')
env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/WX')
if config == "debug":
env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/DEBUG')
#env.Append(CCFLAGS = '-Zi /Fd${TARGET}.pdb')
env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/Z7')
elif config == "release":
env_base = Environment()
lib = env_base.StaticLibrary(target = 'bar', source = ['bar.c'])
opts.Add('target', 'Compile Target (debug/release).', "debug")
# there is more in my project....
opts.Update(env_base) # update environment
# here I want to use my own command to build the project, so it can support different build option that is defined by me.
env_base['MSVSBUILDCOM'] = "scons -u target=$(Configuration)"
target = env_base["target"]
BuildConfig(env_base, env_base['target'])
env_base.MSVSProject(target = "project\\bar" + env_base['MSVSPROJECTSUFFIX'],
srcs = ["..\\bar.c"],
incs = [],
localincs = "",
resources = "",
misc = "",
buildtarget = lib,
variant = ['debug'],
SCons only builds files under the current directory by default.
If you you wanted to only build files in a certain directory (for which there are rules that build the targets there), you can invoke SCons as follows:
scons the_target_directory_I_want_to_build
Though this may cause sources for targets in that directory to also be built.
When I build my Sconstruct file, I am getting the below error.
scons: *** Found dependency cycle(s):
build/sselser/sselConfigArgs.h -> build/sselser/sselConfigArgs.h
Internal Error: no cycle found for node build/sselser/sselMain (<SCons.Node.FS.File instance at 0x9f61e8>) in state pending
Internal Error: no cycle found for node build/sselser/sselMain.o (<SCons.Node.FS.File instance at 0x9f2e68>) in state pending
File "/nfs/scons/scons-1.3.0/lib/scons-1.3.0/SCons/", line 1026, in cleanup
I guess this is due to dependency of sselMain in sselTransorm as the error occurs during the build of sselTransform directory.
Makefile in sselTransform:
UNIT_SUPPORT_FILES += ../sselser/sselMain intest ../../../make/Makenv
MDE_SUPPORT_FILES += ../sselser/sselMain intest ../../../make/Makenv
I need to add the same in Sconscript of sselTransform directory to resolve this issue.
How to resolve this issue?
env = Environment(CPPPATH =['.','../sselTransform','../sselSm','../sselSRC'],
RPATH = ['/l-n/app/colr/lib/infra/SunOS5.10/WS12.0'],CPPDEFINES = ['THREADSAFE','_RWSTD_SOLARIS_THREADS','_SVID_GETTO
D','DEBUG','sun5'],CCFLAGS = ['library=rwtools7_std','features=no%tmplife','-pta','-mt','-xdebugformat=stabs','-g0','-xildoff'])
Src = Split('sselManager.C PromoNotifyMgr.C ')
Src1 = Split('sselMain.C sselManager.o PromoNotifyMgr.o ')
configfile = 'sselConfigArgs.h'
CONFIG_PATH = '../../build/include/'
[Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE'),
Chmod('$TARGET', 0444)])
Try this?
I'm saving the build objects for your two source files and using those in both the program and static library.
I've added the target dir you're copying the header file to earlier in the CPPPATH.
You could have skipped the variables configfile, CONFIG_PATH, CONFIG and just used the strings in your Command.
You are using a VERY old version of SCons. If you're limited to python 2.7 please try using SCons 3.0.1? If you're not and can use Python 3.6, then try using SCons 4.3.0.
env = Environment(
CPPPATH =['.','../include','../sselTransform','../sselSm','../sselSRC'],
RPATH = ['/l-n/app/colr/lib/infra/SunOS5.10/WS12.0'],
CCFLAGS = ['library=rwtools7_std','features=no%tmplife','-pta','-mt','-xdebugformat=stabs','-g0','-xildoff'])
Src = ['sselManager.C','PromoNotifyMgr.C']
objects = []
for s in Src:
Src1 = ['sselMain.C'] + objects
env.Program('sselMain', Src1)
configfile = 'sselConfigArgs.h'
CONFIG_PATH = '../include/'
env.Command(CONFIG, configfile,
[Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE'),
Chmod('$TARGET', 0444)])
I'm trying to create a Bazel rule that will update the version number in package.json before packing with npm_package.
In short I want to take packages/server/package.tpl.json and create an output package.json that I can depend on in npm_package.
I've tried a bunch of different was that include error such as read-only file system, no such attribute 'out' in 'stamp_package_json' rule and rule 'package_json' has file 'package.json' as both an input and an output and the current error The following files have no generating action: packages/server/package.json
My project structure looks like:
This is a monorepo so it has more packages then just server.
In packages/server/BUILD.blaze I use two rules:
load("#build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "npm_package")
load("//tools/npm:stamp_package_json.bzl", "stamp_package_json")
name = "package_json",
package_json = "package.tpl.json",
out = "package.json"
name = "red-server_package",
deps = [
replacements = {"//packages/": "//"},
If I rename package.tpl.json to package.json and just include that file in npm_package it works as expected, except that the version is incorrect.
The stamp_package_json rule is defined in tools/npm/stamp_package_json.bzl:
def _impl(ctx):
package_json = ctx.file.package_json
# The command may only access files declared in inputs.
inputs = [package_json],
outputs = [ctx.outputs.executable],
progress_message = "Stamping package.json file %s" % package_json.short_path,
command="jq '.version=\"123\"' $1 > $#")
stamp_package_json = rule(
executable = True,
attrs = {
"package_json" : attr.label(allow_single_file=True),
"out": attr.output(mandatory = True)
As mentioned above it currently throws an error:
The following files have no generating action: packages/server/package.json
I can't seem to figure out how to deal with this. Or if my approach is any good. Or if this can be achieved in any other way.
edit: Wrote a blog post about the solution I ended up with:
Looking into the blog post mentioned in the question, the work of transforming package.tpl.json to package.json can be done with a genrule
name = "package_json",
srcs = ["package.tpl.json"],
outs = ["package.json"],
cmd = "jq --arg version $$(cat $(GENDIR)/../../volatile-status.txt | sed -nE 's/^BUILD_SCM_VERSION v([0-9.]+).*$$/\\1/p') '.version=$$version' <$< > $#",
stamp = True
name = "shared-red-server-library_package",
deps = [
replacements = {"//shared_red_node_library/packages/server/": "//"},
This looks like a good solution, except it brings external dependency on unix tools jq and sed, so build fails if either is missing or if the environment has some weird incompatible version of it.
I have a piece of source code in our build that is generated by running a java class.
I can't for the life of me work out how to instruct scons on the dependency, and it keeps trying to build the source code before it builds the .class file.
When I do o = env.Java(target = 'target_dir', source = Dir('source_dir')), o is set to an empty list.
You can use the Depends() function for that, something like this:
o = env.Java(target = 'target_dir', source = Dir('source_dir'))
env.Depends(o, 'the_generated_file_and_path')
Here is a better option (since you dont have to worry about the gen'd file path when calling Depends()), assuming you are executing said java class with the SCons Command() function:
# $SOURCE and $TARGET will be filled in by SCons Command, $SOURCE is optional
cmdLine = 'theCommand $SOURCE $TARGET'
genTarget = env.Command(target = [list output files here],
source = 'java_class_executed',
action = cmdLine)
o = env.Java(...)
env.Depends(o, genTarget)
Regarding o being an empty list, is it always an empty list? If so, be careful how you specify the source, it should be the root of the package dir structure. For example, if your dir tree is something like this:
|-- SConstruct
`-- src
`-- com
`-- tanner
`-- application
You should specify the source dir as follows: '#/src/com'
At the moment I'm using some magic to get the current git revision into my scons builds.. I just grab the version a stick it into CPPDEFINES.
It works quite nicely ... until the version changes and scons wants to rebuild everything, rather than just the files that have changed - becasue the define that all files use has changed.
Ideally I'd generate a file using a custom builder called git_version.cpp and
just have a function in there that returns the right tag. That way only that one file would be rebuilt.
Now I'm sure I've seen a tutorial showing exactly how to do this .. but I can't seem to track it down. And I find the custom builder stuff a little odd in scons...
So any pointers would be appreciated...
Anyway just for reference this is what I'm currently doing:
# Lets get the version from git
# first get the base version
git_sha = subprocess.Popen(["git","rev-parse","--short=10","HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate()[0].strip()
p1 = subprocess.Popen(["git", "status"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
p2 = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "Changed but not updated\\|Changes to be committed"], stdin=p1.stdout,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = p2.communicate()[0].strip()
if result!="":
git_sha += "[MOD]"
print "Building version %s"%git_sha
env = Environment()
env.Append( CPPDEFINES={'GITSHAMOD':'"\\"%s\\""'%git_sha} )
You don't need a custom Builder since this is just one file. You can use a function (attached to the target version file as an Action) to generate your version file. In the example code below, I've already computed the version and put it into an environment variable. You could do the same, or you could put your code that makes git calls in the version_action function.
* This file is automatically generated by the build process
const char VERSION_STRING[] = "%s";
const char* getVersionString() { return VERSION_STRING; }
def version_action(target, source, env):
Generate the version file with the current version in it
contents = version_build_template % (env['VERSION'].toString())
fd = open(target[0].path, 'w')
return 0
build_version = env.Command('', [], Action(version_action))
I'm using SCons for building a project and need to add a symbolic link to a file it is installing via env.Install. What command(s) will make a link that's the equivalent of running ln -s on the command line?
SCons doesn't have a dedicated symbolic link command, but you can use os.symlink(src, dst) from Python's os module:
import os
env = Environment()
def SymLink(target, source, env):
os.symlink(os.path.abspath(str(source[0])), os.path.abspath(str(target[0])))
env.Command("file.out", "", SymLink)
This may not work correctly on Windows, I've only tried it on Linux.
There seems to be little advancement in the SCons core code for symbolic link support and I wasn't satisfied any one solution I found on the web. Here is a potential builder which incorporates aspects of both Nick's and richq's answers. Additionally, it will catch name changes (due to the emitter method) and is as platform-agnostic as I could get it.
I prefer this builder because it will make links relative to the directory in which they are installed. One could add an option to force the link to be absolute I suppose, but I have not needed or wanted that yet.
Currently, if the OS doesn't support symlinks, I just pass and do nothing, but one could use os.copytree() for example however the dependency becomes messy if the source is a directory so the emitter would need to do something fancy. I'm up for any suggestions here.
One can put the following code into the file site_scons/site_tools/ (with blank files in the appropriate places). Then do this in the SConstruct file:
env = Environment()
env.SymLink('link_name.txt', 'real_file.txt')
import os
from os import path
from SCons.Node import FS
from SCons.Script import Action, Builder
def generate(env):
Makes a symbolic link named "link_name" that points to the
real file or directory "source". The link produced is always
bldr = Builder(action = Action(symlink_builder,symlink_print),
target_factory = FS.File,
source_factory = FS.Entry,
single_target = True,
single_source = True,
emitter = symlink_emitter)
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'SymLink' : bldr})
def exists(env):
we could test if the OS supports symlinks here, or we could
use copytree as an alternative in the builder.
return True
def symlink_print(target, source, env):
lnk = path.basename(target[0].abspath)
src = path.basename(source[0].abspath)
return 'Link: '+lnk+' points to '+src
def symlink_emitter(target, source, env):
This emitter removes the link if the source file name has changed
since scons does not seem to catch this case.
lnk = target[0].abspath
src = source[0].abspath
lnkdir,lnkname = path.split(lnk)
srcrel = path.relpath(src,lnkdir)
if int(env.get('verbose',0)) > 3:
ldir = path.relpath(lnkdir,env.Dir('#').abspath)
if rellnkdir[:2] == '..':
ldir = path.abspath(ldir)
print ' symbolic link in directory: %s' % ldir
print ' %s -> %s' % (lnkname,srcrel)
if path.exists(lnk):
if os.readlink(lnk) != srcrel:
except AttributeError:
# no symlink available, so we remove the whole tree? (or pass)
print 'no os.symlink capability on this system?'
return (target, source)
def symlink_builder(target, source, env):
lnk = target[0].abspath
src = source[0].abspath
lnkdir,lnkname = path.split(lnk)
srcrel = path.relpath(src,lnkdir)
if int(env.get('verbose',0)) > 4:
print 'target:', target
print 'source:', source
print 'lnk:', lnk
print 'src:', src
print 'lnkdir,lnkname:', lnkdir, lnkname
print 'srcrel:', srcrel
if int(env.get('verbose',0)) > 4:
print 'in directory: %s' % path.relpath(lnkdir,env.Dir('#').abspath)
print ' symlink: %s -> %s' % (lnkname,srcrel)
except AttributeError:
# no symlink available, so we make a (deep) copy? (or pass)
print 'no os.symlink capability on this system?'
return None
This creates a builder to perform the job:
mylib = env.SharedLibrary("foobar", SRCS)
builder = Builder(action = "ln -s ${SOURCE.file} ${TARGET.file}", chdir = True)
env.Append(BUILDERS = {"Symlink" : builder})
mylib_link = env.Symlink("", mylib)
Again, this solution is for Linux.
If you wanted to issue the command directly to the shell and know the OS, subprocess can be used as well.
E.g.:['ln', '-s', '</src/path>', '</dest/path>'])
In addition to Nicks solution, you can add a directory symlink by using a file as a directory name carrier. It's not the cleanest solution and debugging path names is a pain, but this works well:
def symlink_last(target_source_env):
src = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(str(source[0])))
link = "deliverables/last"
print "Symlinking "+ src + "as" + link
os.symlink(src, link)
install_dir = "deliverables/subdir"
carrier_file = "filename"
builder = Builder(action = symlink_last, chdir=False)
env.Append(BUILDERS={ "Symlink" : builder })
env.Alias(target="link", source=env.Symlink(dir="deliverables", source = install_dir + carrier_file)
This will make a link to deliverables/subdir named deliverables/last, provided that a file deliverables/subdir/filename exists.