Fill a cell range based on start and end date (which will change) - excel

My start and end dates will continually change. I need the appropriate cells to highlight the appropriate range between the start and end dates. Each column will have a date heading. The dates will be a month and year and run for a year. For example, Jan 15, Feb 15, Mar 15......Jan 16. How should I write this formula?
Thanks for your help in advance.
If my image does not post, the excel sheet will look like:
|Supervisors|Job Number|Start date|End Date|Jan-15|Feb-15|Mar-15...
| John Doe |12345-67 | Jan 15 |June 15 |xxxxx |xxxxx |xxxxx

Just to clarify the question, you want to put in one heading for each month between the start and end date?
You can use the MONTH() function to extract the month from a date. So using VBA, you could do something like
for index = 0 to (month(enddate) - month(startdate))
'Insert a header
next index
You can do the same with year if they are not all in the same year.


Excel Formula to generate month Date of project

I'm working with a sales pipeline sheet and need a formula to generate the project start and end months based on invoice charges inputted in month columns. For example if a client delays a project and invoice months change, I'd ideally like the Project start and end month to update automatically as I update invoice months.
For example if I was to move 2000 and 1000 on the table below (row 1) to the Apr & May columns respectively, the formula would update Project start to Apr, and Project end to May.
Project start
Project end
[forumula to generate feb?]
[forumla to generate May?]
I would advise you to use the following cell formatting for the dates of your project (cell formatting, Custom):
In order to get to the next month, you can use the following formula:
This takes the day, the month plus one and the year, and converts this into a new date from which the cell formatting will just show you the month. Be careful: this only works while working within the same year. In case you jump from December to January the next year, you need an IF() function to make this work.
You can use these formulas for the start and end date - if you have Excel 365
=INDEX($A$1:$G$1, MIN(FILTER(COLUMN(D2:G2),D2:G2<>"")))
=INDEX($A$1:$G$1, MAX(FILTER(COLUMN(D2:G2),D2:G2<>"")))
COLUMN(D2:G2) returns an array with the column indices of the invoice amounts.
FILTER only returns those column indices that have an amount
and finally MIN and MAX return the first and last column index
this is then passed to INDEX on the header row.

Excel count if date range is active in a certain month

I have 2 date, a start date and end date. I want to be able to count if these were active through a certain month.
Row 1: start date 20/11/2020, end date 03/02/2021.
Row 2: start date 03/01/2021, end date 15/03/2021
Row 2: start date 12/01/2021, end date 31/03/2021,
The columns I have are the months and based on the above data this is the expected result.
Nov 1
Dec 1
Jan 3
Feb 3
Mar 2
Is there a formula that I can use to count this through a range of 100's of rows?
A simpler method than what you posted in your comment.
Put your start/end dates in a Table and name it StartEndTbl
Create a column of months whereby
Each entry is the first day of the month
The column is formatted mmm-yyy
In the first cell (F2 in this case), enter the formula:
F2: =SUM((StartEndTbl[Start]<=EOMONTH(E2,0))*(StartEndTbl[End]>=E2))
and fill down as far as needed

Calculating Based on an Array in Excel

I have a Pivot Table that I am able to cycle through the different months based on a Month Filter (changing the data of the table). I am trying to calculate based off of that change of value. I am recording the amount of times a license is used in a workday. The number of workdays in a month change based on the month. I calculated out the workdays for each month using
H34 references my 1/1/2016 date. J34:J45 references my holiday dates to avoid.
I am trying to write a formula that says "If the month listed (from my month filter) within the Months list then to print the corresponding Workdays value.
=IF(G34:G46=H48, I34:I46)
It only works on January. The rest of the values return False. I do calculate it as an Array Function. It returns either False. I cannot think of another function that could replace it. Any help would be appreciated.
Month Date Workdays Holiday Dates Holidays
January 1/1/2016 19 1/1/2016 New Year's day
February 2/1/2016 20 18-Jan Holiday 2
March 3/1/2016 22 2/15/2016 Valentines day
April 4/1/2016 21 3/25/2016 St. Patrick's Day
May 5/1/2016 21 5/30/2016 Memorial Day
June 6/1/2016 22 7/4/2016 Independence Day
July 7/1/2016 21 9/5/2016 Labor Day
August 8/1/2016 23 10/10/2016 Holiday
September 9/1/2016 22 11/8/2016 Columbus Day
October 10/1/2016 21 11/11/2016 Veteran's Day
November 11/1/2016 21 11/24/2016 Thanksgiving
December 12/1/2016 21 12/26/2016 Christmas
All 235
Selected Month
The VLOOKUP() function will greatly simplify this process for you. This particular function is great for extracting values in a list based on a key lookup field.
In your example, you want to easily extract the value from Holiday Dates column based on an input month.
A few things to keep in mind for the input parameter functions in this function:
The first column in your table array must contain the lookup value, in this case, the month column.
If may need to lock your array dimensions, use the $ sign in front of the column letter and row number.
FALSE should be selected for the range_lookup in order to do exact matching for the lookup value. If you choose false, you may get false positivies.
Every row in your list should be unique for the lookup value. Let's say January was listed twice, the value returned would be for the first occurrence.
Additional info:
You can use the LOOKUP function, as follow:
This formula looks up "G48" value in column G (first matrix column), and returns the value from column I (third matrix column) that is in the same row.
Read this official Office page for more details.
Please, give us your feedback.

How to calculate the number of weeks between 2 date range in excel

I have a question here, I have 3 columns in excel, A1 is being the calendar date; column B1 has the fiscal_quarter_start_date ; and fiscal_quarter_end_date in column C1.
I am trying to find the number of week falling in between the A2 and A3. The issue here is I should consider the first sunday as the first week of the quarter. My fiscal year starts on Feb of every month.
The reason I am doing this calculation is to populate the count of weeks numbers of a quarter, where my first week starts from the first sunday of the quarter.
above is the formula i've got all the way. However rounding up with 13 is not a viable solution as its not necessary that it should have always have 13 weeks all the time.
For example: 5/1/16 should be week 1 As it is a begging of a q2 and 5/1/16 is the starting on Sunday. In this case using above formula result for the week is 13
Please help me..
You can use WEEKNUM to get the week number.
However you mentioned that your week wont end at the Saturday, but at the Sunday, so you have to do =WEEKNUM(<insert here where the date is>,2)
=WEEKNUM (serial_num, [return_type])
serial_num - A valid Excel date in serial number format.
return_type - [optional] The day the week begins. Default is 1.
Return_type can either be 1 or 2:
1 - Week begins on Sunday
2 - Week begins on Monday
or... read it here for counting weeks between 2 dates.
Enter this formula =(A2-A1)/7 into a blank cell, (A2 indicates the end date and A1 is the start date)
If you just want to get the whole weeks, please apply this INT function: =INT((A2-A1)/7)
Try it here, on sheet "week"
Hope it'll help.
Assuming that the Quarter start and end dates are in A3:A6 respectively then:
This is checking whether the date in the cell above (C1) is between the quarter start and end dates, and checking the difference in weeks from the start date. To cover the anomoly for Q4 extending into the next year, the IF statement at the end adds 53 instead of 1 for the affected dates.
Edit #1
This works for the A1:C1 format you mentioned in your comment. Obviously this relies on B1 and C1 being updated manually.
Edit #2
If you are counting 05/01/2016 as week 1 then add 1 to the result. Take off the highest week number (default is counting from sunday or you can change to (C1,1) if you want to define it exactly) from the lowest week number. Reult is 13 which would match the manual calculation.
You will want to look at the previous edit for an example of the if formula you will need when the quarter ends in another year. to reverse the negative figure it will need to add 52 when the date is in the early part of the next year and 0 when it is not.
You can use the "hidden" function DATEDIF:
For example in A1 we write start date (01/05/2016), in B1 - end date (31/07/2016) and in C1 = DATEDIF(A1,B1,"d")/7 the result will be 13

Calculate the number of days of a date range occur between two dates

I have a datasheet that contains a list of start and end dates for a task. I need to calculate how many days between the start date and end date are part of our Christmas break (11th December to 7th January)
So for example,when start date is 10/12/2012 and end date is 12/01/2013, 28 of the days are between those dates. when the start date is 15/12/2012 and the end date is 12/03/2013, then 22 days of days are between those dates. If the start date is 10/12/2012 and the end date is 12/01/2014, 56 of the days are between those dates (because there's two years of the range).
I need to do this with a formula because of the requirements that I've been set.
Initially I decided to use the number of times Christmas Day (25th December) occurs and just calculate 4 weeks per occurrence.
The formula I used was
But obviously this doesn't help if the range start and end date falls between those two dates.
Any suggestions? I'm at a dead end
Your date math on the second example is wrong -- there are 24 days in that range, not 22.
I can get you there for one holiday period:
A1 contain the holiday start (11-Dec-2012)
A2 contain the holiday end (7-Jan-2013)
B1 contain the start date
B2 contain the end date
=MAX(MIN(A2+1,B2+1),A1) - MIN(MAX(A1,B1),A2+1)
The formula basically finds the overlapping date range, if there is one, and subtracts to get the number of whole days. The "+1" is because your "end dates" are actually inclusive, so for date math you need to have the holiday ending on 8 Jan, not 7 Jan, to capture that last day.
But this only works for a single year's holiday. You could store holiday ranges in other cells and use the same formula and add them all up, but you'll be limited to however many years you set up.
This formula will count dates between 11th December and 7th January inclusive within any date range, even across multiple years
where your start date is in B1 and end date in B2
This converts every date in the range to a number , e.g. 1st Dec becomes 1201, 4th March becomes 304, then it counts those dates that are either greater or equal to 1207 (7th December) or smaller than or equal to 107 (7th January), so that will give 56 for your last example
You can shorten the formula if you subtract 7 from every date (based on 7th January as the end date) then you only need to check that resultant numbers are >= 1204, i.e.
.....and a third option which should also give the same result, closer to richardtallent's approach - gets the number of years and multiplies by 28 and then adjusts the figures based on the start/end date
