Eve online api get volume of object - api-eveonline

Does anyone know what to query in the eve api to get the size (volume) in cubic meters m3 for an object in Eve online?
I can get all the other stuff so it's not about accessing the servers. It's finding this part of the item data.
For instance this will give the info on Tritanium.
But it will not give the m3 size of the object which is crucial.

With the new ESI API, it is possible to get an item's volume from the JSON response.
To get the Tritanium item details, GET request must be made like the following:
The resulting JSON response will have the volume information among other things:
"type_id": 34,
"name": "Tritanium",
"description": "...",
"published": true,
"group_id": 18,
"radius": 1.0,
"volume": 0.01,
"icon_id": 22,
"capacity": 0.0,
"portion_size": 1,
"mass": 0.0

It does.
It's called the volume of the item.
In this case 1 tritanium is 0.01m3


Cannot scrape google play reviews by using url "https://play.google.com/store/getreviews" by post request

I tried every code available in internet for scraping google playstore. The url "https://play.google.com/store/getreviews" worked for 1 day. It is not working now. I'm getting 404 error.
Please help
You could try a third-party solution like SerpApi. We handle proxies, solve captchas, and parse all rich structured data for you.
With this API you can retrieve up to 199 reviews per page, and then use next_page_token to get the rest.
Example python code for retrieving YouTube reviews (available in other libraries also):
from serpapi import GoogleSearch
params = {
"api_key": "SECRET_API_KEY",
"engine": "google_play_product",
"store": "apps",
"gl": "us",
"product_id": "com.google.android.youtube",
"all_reviews": "true"
search = GoogleSearch(params)
results = search.get_dict()
Example JSON output:
"reviews": [
"title": "Qwerty Jones",
"avatar": "https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/a/AATXAJwSQC_a0OIQqkAkzuw8nAxt4vrVBgvkmwoSiEZ3=mo",
"rating": 3,
"snippet": "Overall a great app. Lots of videos to see, look at shorts, learn hacks, etc. However, every time I want to go on the app, it says I need to update the game and that it's \"not the current version\". I've done it about 3 times now, and it's starting to get ridiculous. It could just be my device, but try to update me if you have any clue how to fix this. Thanks :)",
"likes": 586,
"date": "November 26, 2021"
"title": "matthew baxter",
"avatar": "https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/a/AATXAJy9NbOSrGscHXhJu8wmwBvR4iD-BiApImKfD2RN=mo",
"rating": 1,
"snippet": "App is broken, every video shows no dislikes even after I hit the button. I've tested this with multiple videos and now my recommended is all messed up because of it. The ads are longer than the videos that I'm trying to watch and there is always a second ad after the first one. This app seriously sucks. I would not recommend this app to anyone.",
"likes": 352,
"date": "November 28, 2021"
"title": "Operation Blackout",
"avatar": "https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GjMRxVZafTAmwYA5xtamcfQbp0-rUWFRx_JzQML",
"rating": 2,
"snippet": "YouTube used to be great, but now theyve made questionable and arguably stupid decisions that have effectively ruined the platform. For instance, you now have the grand chance of getting 30 seconds of unskipable ad time before the start of a video (or even in the middle of it)! This happens so frequently that its actually a feasible option to buy an ad blocker just for YouTube itself... In correlation with this, YouTube is so sensitive twords the public they decided to remove dislikes. Why????",
"likes": 370,
"date": "November 24, 2021"
"serpapi_pagination": {
"next": "https://serpapi.com/search.json?all_reviews=true&engine=google_play_product&gl=us&hl=en&next_page_token=CpEBCo4BKmgKR_8AwEEujFG0VLQA___-9zuazVT_jmsbmJ6WnsXPz8_Pz8_PxsfJx5vJns3Gxc7FiZLFxsrLysnHx8rIx87Mx8nNzsnLyv_-ECghlTCOpBLShpdQAFoLCZiJujt_EovhEANgmOjCATIiCiAKHmFuZHJvaWRfaGVscGZ1bG5lc3NfcXNjb3JlX3YyYQ&product_id=com.google.android.youtube&store=apps",
"next_page_token": "CpEBCo4BKmgKR_8AwEEujFG0VLQA___-9zuazVT_jmsbmJ6WnsXPz8_Pz8_PxsfJx5vJns3Gxc7FiZLFxsrLysnHx8rIx87Mx8nNzsnLyv_-ECghlTCOpBLShpdQAFoLCZiJujt_EovhEANgmOjCATIiCiAKHmFuZHJvaWRfaGVscGZ1bG5lc3NfcXNjb3JlX3YyYQ"
Check out the documentation for more details.
Test the search live on the playground.
Disclaimer: I work at SerpApi.

Foursquare Api return just 1 result on `venue/photos` endpoint with userless authentication

The result I get from venue/photos has different with the User Authentication.
In the first one I just receive one result (one photo) in the result but in the the second one it return normal result that I expected.
--userless authentication--
"photos": {
"count": 1,
"items": [
"dupesRemoved": 0
--user authentication--
"photos": {
"count": 30,
"items": [
"dupesRemoved": 0
I didn't found any reasonable answer in Foursquare Photo Doc why the result has problem.
Beginning on May 31st, foursquare made five changes in order to simplify their API and maintain the quality of their service as their developer community grows.
The quantity of photos and tips per venue will be changed to 1 for Sandbox Tier and 2 Personal Tier
I think this change apply to userless authentication.

Request telemetry - "durationMetric"?

When parsing exported Application Insights telemetry from Blob storage, the request data looks something like this:
"request": [
"id": "3Pc0MZMBJgQ=",
"name": "POST Blah",
"count": 6,
"responseCode": 201,
"success": true,
"url": "https://example.com/api/blah",
"durationMetric": {
"value": 66359508.0,
"count": 6.0,
"min": 11059918.0,
"max": 11059918.0,
"stdDev": 0.0,
"sampledValue": 11059918.0
I am looking for the duration of the request, but I see that I am presented with a durationMetric object.
According to the documentation the request[0].durationMetric.value field is described as
Time from request arriving to response. 1e7 == 1s
But if I query this using Analytics, the value don't match up to this field:
They do, however, match up to the min, max and sampledValue fields.
Which field should I use? And what does that "value": 66359508.0 value represent in the above example?
It doesn't match because you're seeing sampled data (meaning this event represents sampled data from multiple requests). I'd recommend starting with https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-insights-sampling/ to understand how sampling works.
In this case, the "matching" value would come from duration.sampledValue (notice that value == count * sampledValue)
It's hard to compare exactly what you're seeing because you don't show the Kusto query you're using, but you do need to be aware of sampling when writing AI Analytics queries. See https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-insights-analytics-tour/#counting-sampled-data for more details on the latter.

Is reading whole object from DocumentDb faster and more efficient?

I'm trying to understand if it would actually be more efficient to read the entire document from Azure DocumentDb than it is to read a property that may have multiple objects in it?
Let's use this basketball team object as an example:
id: 123,
name: "Los Angeles Lakers",
coach: "Byron Scott",
players: [
{ id: 24, name: "Kobe Bryant" },
{ id: 3, name: "Anthony Brown" },
{ id: 4, name: "Ryan Kelly" },
If I want to get only a list of players, is it more efficient/faster for me to read the entire team document from which I can extract the players OR is it better to send SQL statement and try to read only the players from the document?
Returning only the players will be more efficient on the network, as you're returning less data. And, you should also be able to look at the Request Units burned for your query.
For example, I put your document into one of my collections and ran two queries in the portal (and if you do the same, and look at the bottom of the portal, you'll see the resulting Request Unit cost). I slightly modified your document with unique ID and quotes around everything, so I could load it via the portal:
"id": "basketball123",
"name": "Los Angeles Lakers",
"coach": "Byron Scott",
"players": [
{ "id": 24, "name": "Kobe Bryant" },
{ "id": 3, "name": "Anthony Brown" },
{ "id": 4, "name": "Ryan Kelly" }
I first selected just player data:
SELECT c.players FROM c where c.id="basketball123"
with an RU cost of 2.2:
I then asked for the entire document:
SELECT * FROM c where c.id="basketball123"
with an RU cost of 2.24:
Note: Your document size is very small, so there's really not much difference here. But at least you can see that returning a subset costs less than returning the entire document.

Instagram API: .caption.created_time vs .created_time

What use case would create a difference between .caption.created_time and .created_time in the metadata objects from the JSON response? My app has been monitoring media recent data from the tags endpoint for about a week, collecting 50 data points, and those two properties have always been the exact same Epoch time. However, these properties are different in the example response in Instagram's docs, albeit the difference is only four seconds. Copied below:
"caption": {
"created_time": "1296703540",
"text": "#Snow",
"from": {
"username": "emohatch",
"id": "1242695"
"id": "26589964"
"created_time": "1296703536",
The user may have created the post with the original caption but then edited the caption and saved 4 seconds after they posted the original. Fix a typo, etc.
