How to write treemap with composite key in mapDB - mapdb

We have example but is not working.
Please provide some sample code.

Example is now fixed, you will need latest 2.0 snapshot or 2.0 beta7 (once it is released) to run this.
For 1.0 branch use this older example


Replacement of ESSeedInjector in storm-crawler 2.2

I'm updating our crawler from storm-crawler 1.14 to 2.2. What is the replacement for the old ESSeedInjector?
The class-based topologies have been replaced by Flux files, which are far more flexible to use. The injection is now done as part of the crawl as you can see in es-crawler.flux. It would be easy to extract the injection part and put that in a separate script if you want to keep things separate.
Alternatively, you could copy the code back from 1.14, put it in your project and fix whatever needs fixing for it to work with Storm 2.x.

How to make the latest SpectatorView work with MRTK RC2?

It is clear that there has been a lot of updates on the subject, however not much documentation is (yet) available, as far as I'm aware of. I downloaded the most recent commit from the feature/spectatorview branch of MixedrealityToolkit-Unity, and copied the MixedRealityToolkit.Extensions into my MRTK folder.
Now some of the noticable changes has to do with the PlatformSwitcher-holding prefab "SpectatorView - HoloLens". The script is marked as "SpectatorViewOld" and it could be interpreted as this is a deprecated prefab. There's also SpectatorView.ASA.HoloLens/Android, however these prefabs are seemingly having missing scripts, which prevents them from being usable in a project.
My question is, if there's an up-to-date guide on how to implement the SpectatorView, and if so, where can I find this/How do I go about it? Should I stick with an earlier commit?
We have migrated to a new repository with samples and better documentation, please take a look here:
Yes, we currently have a stable branch that matches what we showcased at //BUILD:
And, documentation for it here:
Please give that a try.
We are still in active development as we push towards a V1, and soon will be cleaning up all the deprecated files and polishing of our documentation.

Suitescript 2.0 setLineItemValues equivalent

In suitescript 1.0 we could use sublist.setLineItemValues(searchArray) to set sublist fields from search results. How do we do this in Suitescript 2.0 ?
Sadly, I do not see an equivalent for this anywhere in the documentation for N/ui/serverWidget.Sublist. This is definitely be a significant deficiency that I hope gets added soon.
work with sublist.setSublistValue(options) in suitescript 2.0 it is equivalent to sublist.setLineItemValues(searchArray).
With this method you need to set the column values individually.(use loop).

use subsonic 2.x and 3.x in the same project

Is it possible to mix them? I'm asking because I have a big project that uses Subsonic 2.x generated classes (in a compiled dll) but would like to start using 3.x for new stuff.
I tried it last night with a project where I had references to both subsonic.dll and subsonic.core.dll but that didn't work with ambiguous references, etc. So removed 2.x and then got an issue with my older compiled subsonic generated classes in that they needed Subsonic 2.1 to run.
Hmm... I think there's a small chance that you might be able to do this, but you'd need to use the full qualifying class names (namespace.class) for a lot of code because there might be naming conflicts. It wouldn't be easy to do and definitely not recommended. (It might not can even be done.)
You can't move from 2.x to 3.x without doing a lot of recoding. I have a bunch of big projects in 2.2 and after trying to update to 3.0, I ran into some issues so I've decided to keep them in 2.2. I'd love to upgrade to 3.0 and use the new stuff, too, but I don't have the time (right now) to recode the stuff that changed between 2.x and 3.0.
I do recommend updating to 2.2. There shouldn't be any backwards compatibility issues between 2.1 and 2.2. I was able to update to 2.2 by just changing out my reference.
Just curious, are you using ActiveRecord or Repo implementation?
You only have 2 options:
stay in 2.1/2.2
update your code to 3.0
Thought I'd follow up here and let people know that I was able to get this to work. What i chose to do was to edit the Subsonic 2 source code and put it into a Subsonic2 namespace (everything), recompile to subsonic2.dll, etc. Had to modify the web.config slightly, then went and modified my old code to reference subsonic2, etc.
Am now able to mix both Subsonic 2 and 3 in the same project.
Jim--I'm using ActiveRecord. The 2.x is in one namespace and 3.x would be in another. However, I guess the question is whether the 2.x can be compiled to run with the 3.x runtime.

YUI Uploader 2.6.0 example

I'm trying to simply use some of the examples and instructions regarding the YUI-Uploader, and I'm being frustrated by a number of issues.
The "YUI Library: Uploader" cheat sheet's simple use case doesn't work for me because all the listed methods except addListener() do not exist on the myUploader object.
The example is for version 2.5.1 and includes a method called browse(), which not only was removed in version 2.6.0 but I cannot find any documentation for how to use the 2.5.1 version if I so choose.
I can't find the source FLA to the uploader.swf file so that I could theoretically diagnose all these issues.
Has anyone successfully used the 2.6.0 YUI Uploader, and if so is there some common interfering JavaScript I should avoid, or a better example to follow? Thank you.
Thanks for the replies.
I might note that I finished my "uploader" project before receiving any responses to this.
Part of my problems were due to some of the examples being for v2.5.1 and another part were due to not using an event listener to see when the component was ready. I got the most help from just dissecting what Flickr did.
You can find the source to uploader.swf here at now that the YUI source is available on GitHub.
You've got the wrong link for the simple example, here's the correct one.
YUI Uploader Simple Example
You could also take a look at my implementation if you'd like, it's pretty barebones and works fine using YUI 2.6.0. YUI Uploader Implementation
It sounds like for #1 that you're trying to call methods on the uploader immediately. You should instead add listeners for all the events it can fire and do any configuration once the "contentReady" event fires. All the YUI examples & mine do that, so you can check there for a code sample.
