Common timeout across ExecutorChannel threads - spring-integration

Our application integration flow is defined as splitter -> ws gateway -> aggregator. The splitter splits request into a list of account numbers; so that for each account number a web service call is initiated and the responses from multiple web service calls are aggregated in the aggregator.The channel between splitter and ws gateway is defined with dispatcher "commonj WorkManagerTaskExecutor" so that each webservice call is initiated parallel in different threads.
We have added timeout for each webservice call. But we would like to set a single timeout for the whole process. i.e. all the webservice calls should be completed in, say 50 secs, rather than setting 50 secs timeout for each individual call. commonj WorkManagerTaskExecutor, provides this feature by waitForAll(Collection workItems, long timeout_ms) method when implemented directly through code. Is there any way to use this or a similar feature to achieve our requirement.

Unfortunately, no, we can't use such a custom feature of that specific TaskExecutor.
From other side if you say "single timeout for the whole process" I can help you with the <gateway> pattern:
<gateway request-channel="splitterChannel" reply-timeout="50000"/>
Where reply-timeout is:
Specifies how long this gateway will wait for the reply message
before returning. By default it will wait indefinitely. 'null' is returned
if the gateway times out.
Does it make sense for you?


Defining number of threads on HTTP Requester configurations/connectors

I'm trying to control the amount of maxThreadsActive and maxThreadsIdle for outgoing HTTP connections in Mule.
Setting the default-threading-profile doesn't affect the amount of threads that are allocated HTTP requesters.
For HTTP listeners it's possible to set the threading profile via the http:worker-threading-profile, like this:
<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" host="" port="8081" doc:name="HTTP Listener Configuration">
<http:worker-threading-profile maxThreadsActive="2" maxThreadsIdle="1" threadTTL="60000"/>
But i can't find a way to apply a threading profile on a http:request element.
Besides this i'm wondering how the http:worker-threading-profile in this case works for listeners, when i use a profiler (VisualVM) i don't see any changes in the amount of threads that are allocated for the HTTP listener.
Any ideas regarding threads for HTTP endpoints and how to control them and verify it?
Screenshot below is from a simple test app with the threading profile applied as mentioned above.
The same app has a simple http:request config, for an outbound HTTP connection (requester) i always get this number of threads:
Never tried it myself, but some info from research and training says this: If your flow is using a synchronous processing strategy, which Mule sets based on your message source and flow behavior, processing is done in the same thread. This might explain why you don't see any changes in the amount of threads that are allocated for the HTTP listener. The flow is set to synchronous if the message source is request-response--sender of the message is expecting a response or the flow is involved in a transaction.
Otherwise, Mule sets the flow to queued-asynchronous. In this case you set threads using the flow's properties view (in Studio, select the flow itself and look for Processing Strategy in the properties). Set properties for the flow as described in the docs. You do not set threads for the HTTP Requester afaik.

Limit number of threads in Mule's JDBC inbound

I have a jdbc inbound endpoint that selects tens of thousands of records. Mule automatically spits them up and process each of them concurrently. The problem is, the process involves calling another service that cannot handle so many requests at the same time.
Is there a way to limit the number of concurrent threads so that not that many requests happen at the same time?
I am reading but I cannot grasp how to do it. I tried:
<jdbc-ee:inbound-endpoint doc:name="db" connector-ref="testConnector" exchange-pattern="one-way" pollingFrequency="60000" queryTimeout="-1" queryKey="findAllPersonIds">
<receiver-threading-profile maxThreadsActive="2" />
But when I try to start it, Mule complains that 'receiver-threading-profile' isn't valid.
A JDBC inbound endpoint is a poller endpoint, which is backed by a single thread per Mule instance (or per cluster if you run EE).
The parallelism you're experiencing comes from the flow processing strategy, which by default has a threading profile that will use multiple concurrent threads.
You need to limit this parallelism for the flow that performs the remote HTTP invocation. You haven't shown your config so I can't tell if it's the same flow where the inbound JDBC endpoint is.
With the information you have provided, the best I can do is direct you to the reference documentation:
From this documentation, here is a flow that will use 500 concurrent threads:
<queued-asynchronous-processing-strategy name="allow500Threads"
<flow name="manyThreads" processingStrategy="allow500Threads">
<vm:inbound-endpoint path="manyThreads" exchange-pattern="one-way"/>
<vm:outbound-endpoint path="output" exchange-pattern="one-way"/>

Serial processing in spring integration

Is it possible to have serial processing in spring integration that is the response of one request is get to the next as its request. I have a requirement where only after getting response from service-1 I can initiate call to service-2. This was suggested so because only service-1 has a roll back service implemented.
Is it possible to control which request is processed first, I want request 1 to be processed first. Is this also possible
It really depends on what you are trying to do, but the general solution would be to use a <publish-subscribe-channel/> set the order on the first service to "1" and the second to "2".
By default, the second service will only be called if the first is successful.
If you need to aggregate the results, add an aggregator downstream of both services.

Mule poolExhaustedAction

I'm trying to make sure I understand the meaning of the poolExhaustedAction values for a threading profile. I'm not seeing a lot of examples out there.
Assume I have a thread pool on an HTTP endpoint that has maxThreadsActive set to "16". I receive 20 inbound requests in a short period (faster than I can process any of them).
If poolExhaustedAction is set to "WAIT" then the last 4 requests will wait for threadWaitTimeout. Is this correct?
If poolExhaustedAction is set to "RUN" then the last 4 requests will ????...use the thread that carried the request to the endpoint to run the flow???? I'm a bit confused on this one. Specifically, if set to "RUN", will the service ever reject a request (assuming Mule has threads to deliver messages to it)?
Have you read Especially this part?
Answers to your questions are:
Indeed the thread that received the request will be used to process it in the flow. The service will start rejecting requests when inbound socket connections will time-out because the thread in charge of routing them in Mule is too busy to accept them.

Azure Storage Queue - correlate response to request

When a Web Role places a message onto a Storage Queue, how can it poll for a specific, correlated response? I would like the back-end Worker Role to place a message onto a response queue, with the intent being that the caller would pick the response up and go from there.
Our intent is to leverage the Queue in order to offload some heavy processing onto the back-end Worker Roles in order to ensure high performance on the Web Roles. However, we do not wish to respond to the HTTP requests until the back-end Workers are finished and have responded.
I am actually in the middle of making a similar decision. In my case i have a WCF service running in a web role which should off-load calculations to worker-roles. When the result has been computed, the web role will return the answer to the client.
My basic data structure knowledge tells me that i should avoid using something that is designed as a queue in a non-queue way. That means a queue should always be serviced in a FIFO like manner. So basically if using queues for both requests and response, the threads awaiting to return data to the client will have to wait untill the calculation message is at the "top" of the response queue, which is not optimal. If storing the responses by using Azure tables, the threads poll for messages creating unnecessary overhead
What i belive is a possible solution to this problem is using a queue for the requests. This enables use of the competeing consumers pattern and thereby load-balancing. On messages sent into this queue you set the correlationId property on the message. For reply the pub/sub part ("topics") part of Azure service bus is used togehter with a correlation filter. When your back-end has processed the request, it published a result to a "responseSubject" with the correlationId given in the original request. Now this response ca be retrieved by your client by calling CreateSubscribtion (Sorry, i can't post more than two links apparently, google it) using that correlation filter, and it should get notified when the answer is published. Notice that the CreateSubscribtion part should just be done one time in the OnStart method. Then you can do an async BeginRecieve on that subscribtion and the role will be notified in the given callback when a response for one of it's request is available. The correlationId will tell you which request the response is for. So your last challenge is giving this response back to the thread holding the client connection.
This could be achieved by creating Dictionary with the correlationId's (probably GUID's) as key and responses as value. When your web role gets a request it creates the guid, set it as correlationId, add it the hashset, fire the message to the queue and then call Monitor.Wait() on the Guid object. Then have the recieve method invoked by the topic subscribition add the response to the dictionary and then call Monitor.Notify() on that same guid object. This awakens your original request-thread and you can now return the answer to your client (Or something. Basically you just want your thread to sleep and not consume any ressources while waiting)
The queues on the Azure Service Bus have a lot more capabilities and paradigms including pub / sub capabilities which can address issues dealing with queue servicing across multiple instance.
One approach with pub / sub, is to have one queue for requests and one for the responses. Each requesting instance would also subscribe to the response queue with a filter on the header such that it would only receive the responses targeted for it. The request message would, of course contain the value to the placed in the response header to drive the filter.
For the Service Bus based solution there are samples available for implementing Request/Response pattern with Queues and Topics (pub-sub)
Let worker role keep polling and processing the message. As soon as the message is processed add an entry in Table storage with the required corelationId(RowKey) and the processing result, before deleting the processed message from the queue.
Then WebRoles just need to do a look up of the Table with the desired correlationId(RowKey) & PartitionKey
Have a look at using SignalR between the worker role and the browser client. So your web role puts a message on the queue and returns a result to the browser (something simple like 'waiting...') and hook it up to the worker role with SignalR. That way your web role carries on doing other stuff and doesn't have to wait for a result from asynchronous processing, only the browser needs to.
There is nothing intrinsic to Windows Azure queues that does what you are asking. However, you could build this yourself fairly easily. Include a message ID (GUID) in your push to the queue and when processing is complete, have the worker push a new message with that message ID into a response channel queue. Your web app can poll this queue to determine when processing is completed for a given command.
We have done something similar and are looking to use something like SignalR to help reply back to the client when commands are completed.
