PubNub message format in callbacks - pubnub

When I get a callback, I get an object passed in. The content of the object seems to have two levels of 'encoding'. It always seems to consist of 3 basic elements:
My data
in that order so [0]=data, [1] = timestamp and [2] = channel where timestamp and channel are PubNub supplied strings. My data comes in as a JSON object (string, numeric, or object etc.) in the first item returned.
But nowhere can I find in the documentation that this structure (i.e. 3 incoming 'objects') is actually defined. If it is defined then I should be able to map a type or class to it, to better handle it, i.e. cast it to a 'PubNubMessage' class [object data; string timestamp; string channel;]?
Can someone please point me at a document where this message format is actually defined?


How to use EncodedObjectAsID?

I'm trying to understand get_instance_id()
and I came across this line in the documentation:
This ID can be saved in EncodedObjectAsID, and can be used to retrieve
the object instance with #GDScript.instance_from_id.
I can't seem to understand what this statement means exaclty and how to use EncodedObjectAsID, could someone please provide a working example?
The EncodedObjectAsID follows a pattern called Boxing. Boxing is where you put a primitive value, like an int, into an object. This boxed primitive can now be used in an object oriented way. For example, you can pass the boxed int to a function that only takes objects (i.e. it applies Polymorphism):
func only_takes_object(obj: Object)
only_takes_object(123) # Error
var box =
box.object_id = 123
only_takes_object(box) # Valid
This is how parts of the editor use the EncodedObjectAsId object.
In marshalls.cpp we can see that an encoded Object may be an integer ID or the whole object. When it is flagged as only an integer ID a EncodedObjectAsID object is created. This object is then converted to a Variant.
When adding a stack variable in editor_debugger_inspector.cpp a variant with a type of object is assumed to be and converted to an EncodedObjectAsID to fetch the referenced object's id.
Here's two more links that follow a similar pattern:
Note that Variant can be implicitly converted to an Object and Object::cast_to() only takes Objects.
This ID can be saved in EncodedObjectAsID, and can be used to retrieve the object instance with #GDScript.instance_from_id.
This sentence should be split into two independent clauses. It should read as
"The instance ID can be saved in an EncodedObjectAsID."
"The instance ID can be used to retrieve the object instance with #GDScript.instance_from_id()."
Note: You should not store an object's id in storage memory. There is no guarantee that an object's id will remain the same after restart.

Nodejs (Infinispan) : Does Infinispan put method returns null for key inserted in cache for first time?

I have been reviewing the infinispan documentation and overloaded put method returns the value being replaced, or null if nothing is being replaced.
I am using overloaded put method with nodejs and it's not returning expected data, getting undefined.
how can I achieve this with nodejs?
Looked at the documentation, need assistance to understand the behavior with Nodejs
Documentation Link :
V put(K key,
V value,
long lifespan,
TimeUnit unit)
An overloaded form of put(Object, Object), which takes in lifespan parameters.
key - key to use
value - value to store
lifespan - lifespan of the entry. Negative values are interpreted as unlimited lifespan.
unit - unit of measurement for the lifespan
the value being replaced, or null if nothing is being replaced.
Looked at the documentation, need assistance to understand the behavior with Nodejs
From it looks like put's third argument opts can have property previous that makes it return the old value, so try:
const oldValue = client.put('key', 'value', { previous: true })

newObjectIDForEntity in NSIncrementalStore

I have started using NSIncrementalStore. When you process a fetch request, you first have to process the predicate to get your internal reference objects. Then you convert these to objectID's and then you ask the context to get the corresponding managedObjects. At least that is my interpretation of the available documentation.
let fetchedReferences : [Int] = Array(names.keys) //names represent my backingstore
var fetchedObjectIDs : [NSManagedObjectID] = []
for reference in fetchedReferences
fetchedObjectIDs.append(self.newObjectIDForEntity(request.entity, referenceObject: reference))
var fetchedObjects : [NSManagedObject] = []
for objectID in fetchedObjectIDs
"newObjectIDForEntity" is also used to obtain permanent objectID's (see obtainPermanentIDsForObjects)
I want to know what "newObjectIDForEntity" does. Does it make a new instance for the same object or does it each time internally create a new object? What I mean is this: if I create a new managed object and then fetch the object, I will have called "newObjectIDForEntity" twice for the same object. Does core data now think there are 1 or 2 objects?
Does it make a new instance for the same object or does it each time internally create a new object?
newObjectIDForEntity:referenceObject: is one of two utility methods for mapping between the store's internal representation of a managed object snapshot and an NSManagedObjectID. It's inverse is referenceObjectForObjectID:. As you might guess from the name, newObjectIDForEntity:referenceObject: returns an object considered to have a retain count of 1. newObjectIDForEntity:referenceObject: calls an internal factory method for generating an NSManagedObjectID that is unique to that reference object in this persistent store. Once that has been done, referenceObjectForObjectID: can look up that NSManagedObjectID and return the reference object it represents.
What I mean is this: if I create a new managed object and then fetch the object, I will have called "newObjectIDForEntity" twice for the same object. Does core data now think there are 1 or 2 objects?
I assume you mean an NSManagedObjectContext that is using your store creates the managed object. You can call newObjectIDForEntity:referenceObject: as many times as you want, the NSManagedObjectID instance may be different, but the data it represents is unchanged. It will know that it points to the same reference object as an earlier call with the same reference data and entity description.

Casting to types that are know only at Runtime by their string names. C#

I've got a problem here. (C#)
There's a collection in another assembly (I cannot change it) that takes a string as parameter and returns an object.
object Value = ThatCollection.GetValue("ParameterName");
The problem is, for each parameter string, it returns a DIFFERENT type as object.
What I want is to cast those objects to their respective types, knowing the types only at runtime by their string names.
I need to do some operations with those returned values.
And for that I need to cast them properly in order to access their members and so.
I cannot use "dynamic" since my code needs to be done in an older framework: 3.5 (because of interop issues).
I need to do operations with MANY returned values of different types (no common interfaces nor base classes, except "object", of course)
All I have is a table (containing string values) correlating the parameter names with their returned types.
Yes, I could transform that table into a biiig "switch" statement, not very nice, don't want that.
Any hints??
You want to look into reflection, something like the following should work to cast an object to type T. Set up a simple cast method:
public static T CastToType<T>(object o)
return (T)o;
Invoke this using reflection:
Type t = Type.GetType(stringName)
MethodInfo castTypeMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("CastToType").MakeGenericMethod(t);
object castedObject = castTypeMethod .Invoke(null, new object[] { obj });

Gets the list of parameters serialized to json

I have a C# method called
Void getCompanyAddresses(int iCompanyId, int iPersonId, string PersonName)
What i want to create is JSON data for current methods parameters and its values, for above example JSON object is like
I also need to check the total size of parameters & its values are not greater than 1 MB.
