Why can I not use alias name for FUNC in JPQL - jpql

I have a JPQL Query something like
select col1,col2, FUNC('CONCAT',FUNC('CONCAT',col3,'-'), col4) as aliascolName.
I need to provide an alias name for my FUNC call as I need to use this concatenated result for providing filtering option from UI and also in ORDER BY Clause.
I am using JPA2.0 with TOPLINK12.1.2


Howto expose a native SQL function as a predicate

I have a table in my database which stores a list of string values as a jsonb field.
create table rabbits_json (
rabbit_id bigserial primary key,
name text,
info jsonb not null
insert into rabbits_json (name, info) values
I want to filter my rows checking if info contains a given value.
In SQL, I would use ? operator:
select * from rabbits_json where info ? 'carrots';
If my googling skills are fine today, I believe that this is not implemented yet in JOOQ:
How can I use a native predicate in my query to write an equivalent query in JOOQ?
For anything that's not supported natively in jOOQ, you should use plain SQL templating, e.g.
Condition condition = DSL.condition("{0} ? {1}", RABBITS_JSON.INFO, DSL.val("carrots"));
Unfortunately, in this specific case, you will run into this issue here. With JDBC PreparedStatement, you still cannot use ? for other usages than bind variables. As a workaround, you can:
Use Settings.statementType == STATIC_STATEMENT to prevent using a PreparedStatement in this case
Use the jsonb_exists_any function (not indexable) instead of ?, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/38370973/521799

How to write a LIKE query in Azure CosmosDB?

I want to retrieve data from Cosmos DB with the following query:
SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.pi like '09%001'
(This is a SQL query, which I can use in MySQL)
Here, pi is a string value, which can be 09001001 or 09025001.
Is there a way to use a LIKE command in Cosmos DB?
I know that cosmos DB uses CONTAINS, but this cannot be used when you want to match specifically the beginning or end of the string.
You can now use the LIKE keyword to do text searches in Azure Cosmos DB SQL (core) API!
WHERE c.description LIKE "%cereal%"
OLD Answer:
This can be achieved in 2 ways
(i) Currently Azure Cosmosdb supports the CONTAINS, STARTSWITH, and ENDSWITH built-in functions which are equivalent to LIKE.
The keyword for LIKE in Cosmosdb is Contains .
So, in your case if you want to match the pattern 09%001, you need to use:
(ii) As 404 mentioned, Use SQL API User Defined Functions which supports regex :
function executeRegex(str, pattern) {
let regex=RegExp(pattern);
return regex.test(str);
SELECT udf.EXECUTE_REGEX("foobar", ".*bar")
Another possibility is creating your own User Defined Function. As example here's a regex check:
function matchRegex(str, pattern) {
let regex=RegExp(pattern);
return regex.test(str);
Created under the name MATCH_REGEX it can then be used like:
SELECT udf.MATCH_REGEX("09001001", "^09.*001$")
As note: it'll kill any index optimization that for instance STARTSWITH would have. Although allows for much more complex patterns. It can therefor be beneficial to use additional filters that are capable of using the index to narrow down the search. E.g. using StartsWith(c.property1, '09') as addition to the above example in a WHERE clause.
Cosmos now has a RegexMatch function that can do the same. While the documentation for the MongoApi mentions the $regex can use the index to optimize your query if it adheres to certain rules this does not seem to be the case for the SqlApi (at this moment).

ADF V1 - Calling a Stored Proc with Parameter based on SQL Query

In ADF V1, in Sproc Activity, is there a way to supply a input parameter based on a SQL query? For example let's say there's a procedure dbo.testProc which expects a parameter param1 and I need to supply the param1 value by looking at a value in a table (select column1 from table_A). How can I specify this? I know in V2 we can use look up activity but in V1 there seems to be no way. Is it impossible in V1?
Can you make a wrapper-style Stored Proc, e.g.
a) looks up the value with a SELECT statement, stored in a #param1 variable
b) calls your dbo.testProc #param1

SQL Query in Sequelize getter method

I'm using the Postgres extension 'earthdistance' for lat/long distance calculation.
I'm also using Sequelize to access the database and I want to define a getter
method for calculation and sorting by distance from a set of coordinates.
The following query works fine:
SELECT name,
earth_distance(ll_to_earth( 51.5241182, -0.0758046 ),
ll_to_earth(latitude, longitude)) as distance_from_current_location
FROM "Branches"
ORDER BY distance_from_current_location ASC;
And I can use it using sequelize.query(), but I want to keep all the model queries part of the model.
How can I specify WHERE conditions from inside a getter method in the model definition?
Your best bet is probably to wrap the query in a stored procedure and pass in the arguments you want to use in the where clause. As stored procedures are compiled, this will perform better than a Dynamic SQL where you generate the WHERE clause on the fly.
Add whatever parameters and types to your stored proc as you need, and the result will look something like this:
CREATE FUNCTION GetEarthDistance (v_Foo bigint) RETURNS type AS $$
v_Name varchar(256);
SELECT name INTO v_Name,
earth_distance(ll_to_earth( 51.5241182, -0.0758046 ),
ll_to_earth(latitude, longitude)) as distance_from_current_location
FROM Branches
WHERE somecol > v_foo
ORDER BY distance_from_current_location ASC;
RETURN v_Name;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Select only one row in dql subquery

I have to execute following query:
create dm_myobject object
set my_id_attribute = (select r_object_id from dm_otherobject where <some clause here>)
where ...
But subquery in brackets returns more than one id. I can't make whereclause more detailed to retrieve only one value.
How to take first?
In my experience it is impossible to use DQL hints in a sub query like you suggested, because the hint is applied to the query as a whole. It is indeed possible to use, say, ENABLE(RETURN_TOP 1) on a query that contains a sub query, however that hint will then be used on the outer query and never on the inner one. In your case, however, you'll end up with an error message telling that the sub query returns more than one result.
Try using an aggregate function on the selected attribute instead:
CREATE dm_myobject OBJECT
SET my_id_attribute = (
SELECT MIN(r_object_id)
FROM dm_otherobject
WHERE <some clause>
The MIN and MAX functions work with ints and strings, and I suspect they work with IDs too. Since it is ok for you to set only the first ID that's returned from your sub query, I suspect you're returning them in a sorted order and want to use the first -- hence the usage of the MIN function.
An alternative approach would of course be to write a script or a small Java program that executes several DQL statements, but that might or might not work for you in your case.
