seo pagination help to avoid duplication - pagination

Suppose i have article submission site
I have more than 1000 article and daily updated and added new
i have three parameter connected with article
and my structure of pagination like
category wise articles
tag wise articles
particular author posted articles
All page show article as pagination.
How can apply pagination for above all links
Need Suggestion for
1. url structure like. ?page=number or /page/number
2. How can i avoid duplication because there is full chance.
3. any suggestion regarding html tag for seo
4. or i can improve this structure
5. and which one best url for displaying content /article/slug or any??

Just open page and - View Page Source then find line
link rel="canonical" href="http://yourwebsite/
if you have it everything will be fine.
This article can help :
But if you have duplicate content from other sites you must add line :


SEO search result indentation (google)

I want my website to have indentation in google result search.
After taking reference of many websites, I found this one website ""
Inside the website, I can't find any meta keywords stuffs.
But the website is well indented.
My question is :
- does meta keywords really needed to have google indent my search result ?
- if yes, why the website is well indented without meta keywords ?
- if no, what matters then ? Beside having the page have href linking to each other ?
While doing SEO, I found this website :
It reports SEO advises, which ones to be changed, etc.
I'll follow the instructions there. any thoughts ?
If by indentation you mean ... it's called sublinks.
Meta tags are no longer important for most search engines. They now rank the pages according to content so in your site's content, use strong keywords to get better ranking.
Having a specific page title helps a lot too.
As for the meta tags, personally, I like to leave it in but they are no longer mandatory.
The Google site links are generated automatically by Google depending on your content.
Here are a few tips:
1) Have a sitemap.xml in your website. This will tell the crawlers which pages are available on your site. To generate a sitemap.xml, I use
2) Submit that sitemap to google webmaster tools.
3) Use clean urls. For example, .../about-us, .../portfolio, ... etc. These help search engines seperate the content and create sub links depending on the most important content.
4) Most important of all, get traffic on your website... no traffic = poor ranking.
This is not a full tutorial but just some tips. Search for "google sub links" to learn more.
Hope this helps

why my website meta description tag is not update in Google search?

I have developed this website
how ever after 3 week which i have updated the meta tags in my website, this meta tag is does not appear the same on google search!!
( )
Search Reasult:
Clients | The reel Thing Reel Thing, Video Company, ,
Search link (on page 3)!
search for : the reel thing sg
Do u know is there any way i could update the Google search result more faster?
Your site has a page rank of 0, google won't be indexing that very often. Have you set up google webmaster tools for it and do you have a xml site map?
Your title tags don't explain much about each page and your meta descriptions are all identical and full of content that is not relevant (repeated domain names?).
I would not be surprised if Google decided to ignore them in most cases and make up their own text. They do that.
When you update your meta tags, you need to re-index your web page. Try with social bookmarking and blogs to cache again by search engine robots.
Make backlinks with new meta keywords to get fast and accurate results. New meta tags will be affected whenever your web page is re-indexed.

SEO rel="nofollow" helps avoid duplicate content?

I am importing a series of XML feeds from another website for content mash-up purposes. The content is includes the Title and first few paragraphs of the article and links back to the original website. My concern is that Google could count this as duplicate content and affect my page ranking? I was told to insert rel="nofollow" in the link back to the original article and that would help? Can anyone provide a more detailed explanation of this?
Yes, rel="nofollow" is nice way to tell google that you don't want google to pass link juice to another site through that particular link or page. For detailed explanation I would suggest you to follow this..
google nofollow guidelines
And for your duplicate content issue, you don't have to worry about that too much. It is not considered duplicate content as long as you are not just copying and pasting the whole articles in your page. Just keep them up to the titles and a little excerpt and a link to the original.

How to make searchable "text/contents" on wiki page?

I have created a page on Wiki and I want to make the contents of this page searchable via wiki search option.
Wiki mean Wikipedia
i.e. title/heading of page is "ABCDEFG". If someone search "ABCD" in wiki search then this page should appear in search list.
May be its possible through adding tags into wiki page, but I don't know how to add meta tags in wiki. Or someone know some other way?
Thanks in advance.
Everything in the page (both title and content) will be searched, so when your page contains the word it will be found.
You could force the find by creating a redirect from ABCD to ABCDEFG, altough it that is useless when the redirect title is the first part of the actual title - people will find that with the search autocompletion/suggestion.
Note that the indexing of newly created pages can take its time, especially on large wikis like Wikipedia. Your page might not be found instantly after you saved it.
In order to be found this way, the page has to contain ABCD in its title or content. Of course users will find it if they search for ABCD*, but in practice nobody does this.
The following page helps me a lot to solve my issue.

Content Query Web Part and News Site

I want to create a news site in which there will be two sort of pages:
Home Page: showing the main updated (last) article today.
News Page: showing a selected news.
Both pages should look like a simple news site (showing the main article) and both should have related last news on the side.
What I want to do, is a lot like what's mentioned in the site:
This site only shows how to create the related news and not the main article.
I wanted to know how to do the same thing only without a news site (meaning a simple list with a Wiki field where the picture should be)
How can I (hoping its possible) take a Wiki field in CQWP and add smaller "width"?
Thank you in advance,
Mor Shemesh.
Create a publishing site
On the default.aspx put s Conent Query web part, configure it to show 1 article, sorted by date in decending order
Create another welcome page and put a Content Query web part there also, configure it to show several item, according to the filter you need
