How to remove (not hide) a subdirectory from a URL using .htacesss - .htaccess

I have a series of URLs on my website:
But I would like to remove "sub1" completely - not hide it so it still attempts to access that directory. Finished result would be this URL:
Many similar posts on SE seem to demonstrate how to "hide" a URL from the user. I want to rewrite the URL so that it treats it as if it isn't even there.
Example of what I'm trying not to do: Hide Part of URL htaccess
NOTE: I do not want to actually delete files as suggested by the comment below. I'm trying to redirect the request to another directory.

This worked for me:
RewriteRule ^sub1/sub2/(.*)$ /sub2/$1 [R=302,NC,L]
Helpful page:


.htaccess: redirect specific link to another?

I have these three links:
The paths of the php and html files are as follows:
The link without an extension is "artificial" and I want to use said link:
to get the contents of either of these links:
The reason for the two example files, instead of just one, is that I want to be able to switch between those two files when I edit the htaccess file. Obviously I only want to access one of those files at a time.
What do I need to have in my .htaccess file inside the my_projects folder to accomplish that? How can I make one specific link redirect to another specific link?
After reading your comment clarifying your folder structure I corrected the RewriteRule. (By the way, it would be best if you add that info to the question itself instead of in comments).
The url you want to target is: http://localhost/my_projects/my_website
http:// is the protocol
localhost is your domain (it could also be or a domian name like in the Internet)
I assume you are running Apache on port 80, otherwise in the url you need to also specify the port. For port 8086 for example it would be http://localhost:8086/my_projects/my_website.
The real path is htdocs/my_projects/my_website.php or htdocs/my_projects/my_website.html depending on your needs (obviously both won't work at the same time).
Here the my_projects in the "fake" url collides with the real folder "my_projects" so Apache will go for the folder and see there is no my_website (with no extension) document there (it won't reach the rewrite rules).
There is a question in SO that provides a work around for this, but it is not a perfect solution, it has edge cases where the url will still fail or make other urls fail. I had posted it yesterday, but I seem not to find it now.
The simple solution if you have the flexibility for doing it is to change the "fake" url for it not to collide with the real path.
One option is for example to replace the underscores with hyphens.
Then you would access the page as http://localhost/my-projects/my-website if you want to keep a sort of "fake" folder structure in the url. Otherwise you could simply use http://localhost/my-website.
Here are both alternatives:
# This is for the directory not to be shown. You can remove it if you don't mind that happening.
Options -Indexes
RewriteEngine On
#Rule for http://localhost/my-projects/my-website
RewriteRule ^my-projects/my-website(.+)?$ my_projects/my_website.php$1 [NC,L]
#Rule for http://localhost/my-website
RewriteRule ^my-website(.+)?$ my_projects/my_website.php$1 [NC,L]
(Don't use both, just choose one of these two, or use them to adapt it to your needs)
The first part the rewrite rule is the regular expression for your "fake" url, the second part is the relative path of your real folder structure upto the page you want to show.
In the regular expression we capture whatever what we assume to be possible query parameters after .../my_website, and paste it after my_website.php in the second part of the rule (the $1).
Later on if you want to point the url to my_website.html, you have to change the second part of the rule, where it says .php, replace it by .html.
By the way, it is perfectly valid and you'll see it in most SEO friendly web sites to write an url as, and have a rewrite rule that translates that url to a page on the website, which is what I had written in my first answer.

.htaccess rewrite url that has already been changed

I am upgrading my site which involves new scripts and a different URL
structure. There are currently a few thousand pages so I want to
basically move them in to a subdirectory so that they are not lost.
I am not very confident with htaccess so can someone please confirm that
the first part I have done is correct:
Old URL:
RewriteRule ^article/?$ [R=301,NC,L]
To achieve this:
Search engines will see the above as a permanent move and in the address bar
it will show the new url. Is this right?
The second part is on the new script - the url's could be improved but I am
unable to change all the script so thought about using htaccess again but am
not sure if it can be achieved like this.
At the moment the url looks like this:
In the htaccess the current rewrite rule for this type of url looks like this:
RewriteRule ^category/(.*)/(.*)$ category.php?id=$1&slug=$2
Is it possible to change this so that in the url address bar I end up
with this:
Basically I don't want to see either the number or category/ in the resulting
url as it will be easier for visitors to use - is that possible??
Thanks in advance for any help.
The second question related to passing in URI components for querystring redirect and then hiding those components in the URL I don't think would be easy, if even possible, using RewriteRules.
For the first question though. Given the sample URLs you mentioned, the RewriteRule would need to include capture and backreference if you want to preserve the full URL in the redirection. For example:
RewriteRule ^article/?(.*)$$1 [R=301,NC,L]

links includes coma and hash htaccess

I'm using links like that:
I want to my links look like:
but i dont know how to change htaccess and when/where use # to link some place in the page #loc
RewriteRule ^(.*),(.*),(.*)$ $3.php?id=$2&n=$1 [L,NC,NS,NE]
Help lease
The #loc part of the URL is never sent to the server, so there's no way for you to match against it in your htaccess file. Anything starting from the # in the URL is called a fragment and it's used by the browser, the server doesn't know it's even there.

htaccess redirecting old urls

I'm working on my htaccess and I finally got a result I can deal with. First I've got this
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^blog/([a-zA-Z0-9\-/\.]+)/?$ blog.php?id=$1article_title=$2 [L]
This helps show my urls like so:
Four things here...
First is that all of these are accessible. I only want the first to appear and the others to direct there.
Second is that the article title will have spaces. Is there a way to turn spaces into - rather than have spaces?
Third it okay to have .com within the url at the end? It just happens to be part of a post article title.
Fourth is do I include the extra part of the url$article_title in the urls I use? I'm lost on that part. Is it the same as I did with the id?
Last I was curious to know if I needed the id to show up. Can I exclude that in some way?
If I have urls already in place that use blog.php?id=10 do I change that to the new one? If I can't find it I'd like the url to go to the first rewritten url. All of the possible examples should go to that first url. or one without the id.

mod_rewrite so a specific directory is removed/hidden from the URL, but still displays the content

I'd like to create a rewrite in .htaccess for my site so that when a user asks for URL A, the content comes from URL B, but the user still sees the URL as being URL A.
So, for example, let's say I have content at I want users to be able to ask for, still see that URL in their address bar, but the browser should display the content from
I've looked through several .htaccess rewrite tips and FAQs, but unfortunately none of them seemed to present a solution for exactly what I've described above. Not everything on my domain will be coming from the /projects/ directory, so I'd imagine the rewrite should check to see if the page exists first so it's not appending /projects/ to every url. I'm really stumped.
If a rewrite is not exactly what I need, or if there is a simple solution for this problem, I'd love to hear it.
This tutorial should have everything that you need, including addressing exactly what you are asking: . It may just be a matter of terminology.
So, for example, let's say I have content at I want users to be able to ask for, still see that URL in their address bar, but the browser should display the content from
With something like:
RewriteRule ^project-example$ /projects/project-example [L]
When someone requests and the URI /project-example gets rewritten internally to /projects/project-example. Note that when this is in an .htaccess file, the URI /project-example gets the leading slash removed when matching.
If you have a directory of stuff, you can use regular expressions and back-references, for example you want any request for to map to /internal/stuff/:
RewriteRule ^stuff/(.*)$ /internal/stuff/$1 [L]
So requests for,, etc. get rewritten to /internal/stuff/file1.html, /internal/stuff/image1.png, etc.
