Scaling and selecting unique records per worker - node.js

I'm part of a project where we are having to deal with a lot of data in a stream. It's going to be passed to Mongo and from there it needs to be processed by workers to see if it needs to be persisted, amongst other things, or discarded.
We want to scale this horizontally. My question is, what methods are there for ensuring that each worker selects a unique record, that isn't already being processed by another worker?
Is a central main worker required to hand out jobs to the sub workers, if that is the case, the bottle neck and point of failure is with that central worker, right?
Any ideas or suggestions welcome.

You can use findAndModify to both select and flag a document atomically, making sure that only one worker gets to process it. My experience is that this can be slow due to excessive database locking, but that experience is based on MongoDB 2.x so it may not be an issue anymore on 3.x.
Also, with MongoDB it's difficult to "wait" for new jobs/documents (you can tail the oplog, but you'd have to do this from every worker and each one will wake up and perform the findAndModify() query, resulting in the aforementioned locking).
I think that ultimately you should consider using a proper messaging solution (write data to MongoDB, write the _id to the broker, have the workers subscribe to the message queue, and if you configure things properly only one worker will get a job). Well-known brokers are RabbitMQ, and with a bit of extra work you can even use Redis.


Solution for user-specific background job queues

I have been researching how to efficiently solve the following use case and I am struggling to find the best solution.
Basically I have a Node.js REST API which handles requests for users from a mobile application. We want some requests to launch background tasks outside of the req/res flow because they are CPU intensive or might just take a while to execute. We are trying to implement or use any existing frameworks which are able to handle different job queues in the following way (or at least compatible with the use case):
Every user has their own set job queues (there are different kind of jobs).
The jobs within one specific queue have to be executed sequentially and only one job at a time but everything else can be executed in parallel (it would be preferable if there are no queues hogging the workers or whatever is actually consuming the tasks so all queues get more or less the same priority).
Some queues might fill up with hundreds of tasks at a given time but most likely they will be empty a lot of the time.
Queues need to be persistent.
We currently have a solution with RabbitMQ with one queue for every kind of task which all the users share. The users dump tasks into the same queues which results in them filling up with tasks from a specific user for a long time and having the rest of users wait for those tasks to be done before their own start to be consumed. We have looked into priority queues but we don't think that's the way to go for our own use case.
The first somewhat logical solution we thought of is to create temporary queues whenever a user needs to run background jobs and have them be deleted when empty. Nevertheless we are not sure if having that many queues is scalable and we are also struggling with dynamically creating RabbitMQ queues, exchanges, etc (we have even read somewhere that it might be an anti-pattern?).
We have been doing some more research and maybe the way to go would be with other stuff such as Kafka or Redis based stuff like BullMQ or similar.
What would you recommend?
If you're on AWS, have you considered SQS? There is no limit on number of standard queues created, and in flight messages can reach up to 120k. This would seem to satisfy your requirements above.
While the mentioned SQS solution did prove to be very scalable our amount of polling we would need to do or use of SNS did not make the solution optimal. On the other hand implementing a self made solution via database polling was too much for our use case and we did not have the time or computational resources to consider a new database in our stack.
Luckily, we ended up finding that the Pro version of BullMQ does have a "Group" functionality which performs a round robin strategy for different tasks within a single queue. This ended up adjusting perfectly to our use case and is what we ended up using.

Scheduling function calls in a stateless Node.js application

I'm trying to figure out a design pattern for scheduling events in a stateless Node back-end with multiple instances running simultaneously.
Use case example:
Create an message object with a publish date/time and save it to a database
Optionally update the publishing time or delete the object
When the publish time is reached, the message content is sent to a 3rd party API endpoint
Right now my best idea is to use bee-queue or bull to queue delayed jobs. It should be able to store the state and ensure that the job is executed only once. However, I feel like it might introduce a single point of failure, especially when maintaining state on Redis for months and then hoping that the future version of the queue library is still working.
Another option is a service worker that polls the database for upcoming events every n minutes, but this seems like a potential scaling issue down the line for multi-tenant SaaS.
Are there more robust design patterns for solving this?
Don't worry about redis breaking. It's pretty stable, and eventually you can decide to freeze the version.
If there are jobs that will be executed in the future I would suggest a database, like Mongo or Redis, with a disk-store. So you will survive a reboot, you don't have to reinvent the wheel, and already have a nice set of tools for scalability.

Task scheduling behind multiple instances

Currently I am solving an engineering problem, and want to open the conversation to the SO community.
I want to implement a task scheduler. I have two separate instances of a nodeJS application sitting behind an elastic load balancer (ELB). The problem is when both instances come up, they try to execute the same tasks logic, causing the tasks run more than once.
My current solution is to use node-schedule to schedule tasks to run, then have them referencing the database to check if the task hasn't already been run since it's specified run time interval.
The logic here is a little messy, and I am wondering if there is a more elegant way I could go about doing this.
Perhaps it is possible to set a particular env variable on a specific instance - so that only that instance will run the tasks.
What do you all think?
What you are describing appears to be a perfect example of a use case for AWS Simple Queue Service.
Key points to look out for in your solution:
Make sure that you pick a visibility timeout that is reflective of your workload (so messages don't reenter the queue whilst still in process by another worker)
Don't store your workload in the message, reference it! A message can only be up to 256kb in size and message sizes have an impact on performance and cost.
Make sure you understand billing! As billing is charged in 64KB chunks, meaning 1 220KB message is charged as 4x 64KB chucks / requests.
If you make your messages small, you can save more money by doing batch requests as your bang for buck will be far greater!
Use longpolling to retrieve messages to get the most value out of your message requests.
Grant your application permissions to SQS by the use of an EC2 IAM Role, as this is the best security practice and the recommended approach by AWS.
It's an excellent service, and should resolve your current need nicely.

RabbitMQ/AMQP/Gearman distributing workload based on job type and grouping

I am working on a system that has lots of tasks that are perfect for queueing and has some existing home made legacy solutions already in place that work to varying degrees, I am familiar with gearman and have read through the RabbitMQ tutorials and am keen to upgrade the current solutions to use one of these more robust existing solutions (leaning towards rabbitMQ atm because of the flexibility and scalability and the management plugin).
I am having trouble understanding how to address a problem that allows user A to queue up a large number of a jobs (lets say 5000) of type A which then blocks the processing of any newly added jobs of type A until user A's jobs are done. Id like to implement a solution that will fairly share the load, or even just round-robin between the queued users.
Does anyone have any suggestions or insights into how I might implement a solution to this ?
I thought routing_keys might help but if User A's jobs are queued before User B adds their jobs then they still wont be processed until User A's jobs have been consumed ?
I have also thought of creating a queue for each user & jobtype but I am unsure how to do this dynamically ?
Perhaps I need to implement some sort of control queue that sets up queues and dynamically adjusts the worker processes to consume the newly added user only queue, but would the worker collect the jobs from the queues in a round-robin type way ? And how would I decide when to remove the queues ?
thanks in advance for any help !
Ok no comments from anyone so in the end I figured out that in rabbitmq you can consume from multiple queues in a round robin type fashion. So I built a queue that informs consumer workers to consume from a queue and dynamically create a queue for each users tasks, that are periodically deleted when empty.

worker queue for nodejs?

I am in the process of beginning to write a worker queue for node using node's cluster API and mongoose.
I noticed that a lot of libs exist that already do this but using redis and forking. Is there a good reason to fork versus using the cluster API?
edit and now i also find this: -- too many options!
I would rather not add redis to the mix since I already use mongo. Also, my requirements are very loose, I would like persistence but could go without it for the first version.
Part two of the question:
What are the most stable/used nodejs worker queue libs out there today?
Wanted to follow up on this. My solution ended up being a roll your own cluster impl where some of my cluster workers are dedicated job workers (ie they just have code to work on jobs).
I use agenda for job scheduling.
Cron type jobs are scheduled by the cluster master. The rest of the jobs are created in the non-worker clusters as they are needed. (verification emails etc)
Before that I was using kue but dropped it because the rest of my app uses mongodb and I didnt like having to use redis just for job scheduling.
Have u tried
It is very light weight and doesn't require a separate server.
I personally am partial to cluster-master.
The reason I like cluster master is because it does very little besides add in logic for forking your process, and give you the ability to manage the number of process you're running, and a little bit of logging/recovery to boot! I find overly bloated process management libraries tend to be unstable, and sometimes even slow things down.
This library will be good for you if the following are true:
Your module is largely asynchronous
You don't have a huge amount of different types of events triggering
The events that fire have small amounts of work to do, but you have lots of similar events firing(things like web servers)
The reason for the above list, is the reason why threads-a-gogo may be good for you, for the opposite reasons. If you have a few spots in your code, where there is a lot of work to do within your event loop, something like threads-a-gogo that launches a "thread" specifically for this work is awesome, because you aren't determining ahead of time how many workers to spawn, but rather spawning them to do work when needed. Note: this can also be bad if there is the potential for a lot of them to spawn, if you start launching too many processes things can actually bog down, but I digress.
To summarize, if your module is largely asynchronous already, what you really want is a worker pool. To minimize the down time when your process is not listening for events, and to maximize the amount of processor you can use. Unless you have a very busy syncronous call, a single node event loop will have troubles taking advantage of even a single core of a processor. Under this circumstance, you are best off with cluster-master. What I recommend is doing a little benchmarking, and see how much of a single core your program can use under the "worst case scenario". Let's say this is 33% of one core. If you have a quad core machine, you then tell cluster master to launch you 12 workers.
Hope this helped!
