Find logs which not contains specified field in kibana - search

I use ELK to arrange my logs, logs goes from many places and some records might not contain several fields and the question is what is the best way to find such records? Can I find logs which not contains several fields?

Kibana uses the query string query syntax of Elasticsearch in its filters. The syntax to find a document that does not have a given field is _missing_:FIELD_NAME. The + operator is the preferred way to ensure that a particular search term must be present in the matched documents. Combining these two will allow you to search for documents that are missing multiple fields:
+_missing_:foo +_missing_:bar +_missing_:baz


querieng document which doesn't have a given field or is empty string in Solr

I am doing a query with solr where I need to find documents without a given field say 'name' and I am trying following part;
$q=+status:active -name:["" TO *]'
But it sends both all the documents with and without that field.
Can anyone help me figure this out?
the field name is a normal String type and is indexed.
I am using nodejs. Can anyone help me with this
According to docs:
-field:[* TO *] finds all documents without a value for field
I tried it but it sends even the ones with the field non empty
Then my wild quess is that you are using search query q instead of using filter query fq. Since you are using multiple statements in query I assume that q does some extra magic to get the most relevant documents for you, which can lead to returning some non-wanted results.
If you want to get the strict set of results you should use filter query fq instead, see docs.

Lucene wildcard applied to indexed field

I have a set of indexed fields such as these:
And I get that it's possible to wildcard queries such as
What I'm trying to do is get "any" submitted form via something like:
Is this possible? Or will I have to do a stream of "OR"s on the known forms (which seems quite heavy)
That's not the intended use of fields, I think. Field names aren't supposed to be the searchable values, field values are. Field names are supposed to be known a priori.
My suggestion is (if possible) to store the second part of the name as the field value, for instance: submitted_form:2398389-2-32-43242423. submitted_from would be the field known a priori, and the value could eventually be searched with a PrefixQuery.
Anyway, you could access the collection of fields' names using IndexReader.getFieldNames() in Lucene 3.x and this in Lucene 4.x. I wouldn't expect search performance there.

How can I retrieve meta information about synonym matches for a Solr query?

We are using Solr to provide search functionality for our site, and I have the following requirement which has me stumped:
Given the search term "2011 Bolinger", identify that "Bollinger" (note the different spelling) is a valid value for the Producer facet, and automatically apply facet filtering for this value.
It's the fuzzy matching of the search term which I'm stuck on. Does anyone know of a way to include information in a Solr response about synonym matches which have occurred for a query during the search (i.e. a way for Solr to tell me that it saw the word 'Bollinger' in a document and recognised it as equivalent to 'Bolinger')? From what I've read so far of the Solr documentation I can't see a way to do this, but I may have missed something.

Implement Search Everything using Solr

How the search everything kind of application is indexing & keeping track of data into its search indexes.
Recently I have been working on Apache Solr which is producing amazing results for a search. But it was for one particular products catalog section that is being searched. As Solr is a stores it's data document, we indexed searchable fields as document in solr. I'm not sure how it can be used to build a search everything kind of search? And how should I index data into Solr?
By search everything I mean, to search into different module for information like Customers, Services, Accounts, Orders, Catalog, Support Ticket, etc. So search return results which is combined as a result from a single search form and user don't need to go into different forms for search that module?
Do I need to build different indexes for each such data models or store them into solr as single document? What is the best strategy to implement this.
You can store all that data in a single index with each document having an extra field that stores its type (Customer, Order, etc.). For the within-module search, just restrict the search query to documents of that type. For the Search All functionality, use copyField to copy all the relevant fields in each document type into one big field, and search with the document type field unconstrained.

How can I configure Sitecore search to retrieve custom values from the search index

I am using the AdvancedDatabaseCrawler as a base for my search page. I have configured it so that I can search for what I want and it is very fast. The problem is that as soon as you want to do anything with the search results that requires accessing field values the performance goes through the roof.
The main search results part is fine as even if there are 1000 results returned from the search I am only showing 10 or 20 results per page which means I only have to retrieve 10 or 20 items. However in the sidebar I am listing out various filtering options with the number or results associated with each filtering option (eBay style). In order to retrieve these filter options I perform a relationship search based on the search results. Since the search results only contain SkinnyItems it has to call GetItem() on every single result to get the actual item in order to get the value that I'm filtering by. In other words it will call Database.GetItem(id) 1000 times! Obviously that is not terribly efficient.
Am I missing something here? Is there any way to configure Sitecore search to retrieve custom values from the search index? If I can search for the values in the index why can't I also retrieve them? If I can't, how else can I process the results without getting each individual item from the database?
Here is an idea of the functionality that I’m after:
Klaus answered on SDN: use facetting with Apache Solr or similar.
I've currently resolved this by defining dynamic fields for every field that I will need to filter by or return in the search result collection. That way I can achieve the facetted searching that is required without needing to grab field values from the database. I'm assuming that by adding the dynamic fields we are taking a performance hit when rebuilding the index. But I can live with that.
In the future we'll probably look at utilizing a product like Apache Solr.
