OpenLayers 3: "Unable to get property 'leaf' of undefined or null reference." - add

Using Open layers 3.7.0.
I have layer with features. I remove one, build a new similar one, add the new one and I get error message
"Unable to get property 'leaf' of undefined or null reference."
I have searched for what could cause that but search don't give any result.
Some more from the same error (I used v3.8.2 here but got exactly the same:
at rbush.prototype._chooseSubtree (
at rbush.prototype._insert (
at rbush.prototype.insert (
at ol.structs.RBush.prototype.insert (
at ol.source.Vector.prototype.addFeatureInternal (
at ol.source.Vector.prototype.addFeature (
Where we build the feature we have a projection.
var lineString = new ol.geom.LineString(coordinates);
lineString.transform("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:3857");
var feature = new ol.Feature(lineString);
If we comment/remove
//lineString.transform("EPSG:4326", "EPSG:3857");
Then there is no bug. By the way that's an hint, not a solution as the features are then not located where they should be.
Solution found
I do not think that this is a perfect soluton but I solved the problem regarding or application by saving the LineStrings in memory instead of re-creating it.
Then I still recreate the Feature from existing LineString.

I got the same error on console and I solved this testing if the features had a valid geometry(coordinates), so I discard the inclusion of the invalid features on the layer source.


Strapi debug: Error on attribute departure in model

today when I try to run my Strapi with some exercises, there was an error showing that inversedBy attribute flight not found target api::airport.airport. However, the command shows Admin UI was built successfully. but I cannot access the Admin panel and do anything with it. It seems that the error is belonging to one of the content, but the entire API is not working. What should I do? Does anyone know how to fix this bug?
enter image description here
Thank you.
Firstly, I tried to run the start command(npm run develop) for several time, it keep reporting same error.
Secondly, I tried to access the administration panel directly, it is apparently that I failed.
Hopes someone can help me to figure out, how can I solve this bug/error.
I had a similar error.
The issue for me related to a problem where the 'key'(i.e. attribute key in JSON) didn't match that was referenced by the model in the mappedBy & inversedBy.
e.g. mappedBy:"f_light" should point to
"f_light":{type:"relation",...) --
At least that was the problem for me
Strapi Docs on how the schema is supposed to look
My issue: Error on attribute a_token in model a-request(api::a-request.a-request): inversedBy attribute a-requests not found target api::a-token.a-token
This occurred because I inversedBy:'a-token' when the attribute key was 'a_token'. Changing them so they matched solved my issue ('a-token' -> 'a_token').
The naming conventions of mappedBy, inversedBy, and the attribute keys MUST use '_' instead of '-' for spaces, otherwise it will fail the naming convention tests.

Issue with validating Arm template using DeploymentsOperations.StartValidate

I am currently working on a project where i deploy multiple arm templates each deploying a VM and doing few operations on them. I wanted handle quota issues by calling template validation before triggerring the first deployment. So, i created a template which has logic to create required VMs and i am using this template only for validation (to check if quota will not be exceeded).
Since our code already has the ResourceManagementClient, i tried the following code:
Deployment parameters = new Deployment(
new DeploymentProperties(DeploymentMode.Incremental)
Template = templateFile,
Parameters = parameterFile,
DeploymentsValidateOperation dp = deployments.StartValidate(groupName, "validation", parameters);
But when i try to access the Value from the variable dp, i keep getting the following exception:
Generic Exception System.InvalidOperationException: The operation has
not completed yet. at Azure.Core.ArmOperationHelpers`1.get_Value()
at DeployTemplate.Program.d__3.MoveNext() in
\Program.cs:line 88
I even added a loop after the "StartValidate" to wait till the dp.HasCompleted is set to true. But this seems to run indefinetly. I also tried the "StartValidateAsync" method, which seems to have the same issue.
I wanted to understand if i am using this method correctly? if there is a better way to do the template validations? I could not find any examples on this method`s usage. if possible please share any code snippet where this method is used for my reference.
Note: Currently, Since this is not working, i am testing with Fluent Api way. That seems to be working. But, it requires lot of changes in our code as it creates ambiguity with many classes in "Azure.ResourceManager.Resources" which are already used for other operations.
I found that even though the deployment operations HasCompleted field is not set, when I call dp.GetRawResponse(), it returns the exact errors expected.
I now use this to validate my templates.

Is there a way to resolve this error: "CloudKit integration requires does not support ordered relationships."

I'm trying to use Apple's CoreDataCloudkitDemo app. I've only changed the app settings per their README document. On running the demo, I'm getting the error: "CloudKit integration requires does not support ordered relationships."
(The weird grammar in the title is included in the app)
The console log shows:
Fatal error: ###persistentContainer: Failed to load persistent stores:Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134060 "A Core Data error occurred." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=CloudKit integration requires does not support ordered relationships. The following relationships are marked ordered:
Post: attachments
There is the same error for the "Tags" entity.
I'm using Xcode 11.0 beta 4 (11M374r).
I've only changed the bundle identifier, and set my Team Id.
I removed the original entitlements file - no errors in resulting build.
I've not changed any code from the original.
Does anyone have a workaround, or preferably, a fix? Or did I do something wrong?
Firstly, select CoreDataCloudKitDemo.xcdatamodeld -> Post -> RelationShips, select attachments relationship, on the Inspect panel, deselect Ordered, then do the same thing on the tags relationship.
Secondly, there will be some errors in the code now, because we unchecked the Ordered option, the property of attachments and tags in the generated NSManagedObject may changed from NSOrderedSet? to NSSet?. So we could change these error lines of code like below:
guard let tag = post?.tags?.object(at: indexPath.row) as? Tag else { return cell }
guard let tag = post?.tags?.allObjects[indexPath.row] as? Tag else { return cell }
Finally, you can run the code now. ;-)
Further more, on WWDC19 Session 202, the demo shows they set both attachments and tags relationships as Unordered, so I think there's something wrong in the given demo project.

How can i do core data migration?

I have an old core data version with Allows external storage in Binary data. And i have created a new one where Allows external storage was unchecked. When i tried to launch my app i got an error:
Unresolved error
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134140 "The operation couldn’t be
completed. (Cocoa error 134140.)" UserInfo=0xbd5cd20 {reason=Can't
find or automatically infer mapping model for migration,
Then I have created a new file in my project - Model.xcmappingmodel. I have selected source data model and target data model.
After that i see
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator error: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator
For future context ... writing to CoreData's external storage is broken as of iOS 12. My solution was based off Drew McCormack's comments on Twitter.
It's worth noting that only writing is broken, reading remains functional.
Create a new property eg «original property name»Internal with the same type but with Allows external storage box unchecked.
You now have two options:
Migrate everything on initial startup of the app - ie fetch all objects with a predicate like this «original property name»Internal == NULL && «original property name» != NULL and move the data across (I did this).
Migrate on the fly ie use the two properties in parallel but only write to «original property name»Internal (while niling «original property name»)
Worth noting one last time that your customer's data is safe until they update it. Tred carefully but you should be fine.

Updating titan vertex property using rexster rexpro failing

I am using titan 0.4.2 with cassandra 2.0.7 as the storage back end. I have used rexter-server 2.4.0 to insert vertex in the titan. However while i am trying to update a vertex property using rexter client I am getting null pointer exception.
RexsterClient client ="localhost", "titangraph");
The above code is throwing null pointer exception. However the script g.getVertex(8).setProperty('name','William') runs perfectly fine in the gremlin console
How can i update titan vertex property using rexster rexpro?
I will assume that you are saying the NullPointerException (NPE) is coming from the script executed on the server-side. In other words, the problem is a result of running:
and not something in the client instantiation or related to other client side code beyond the script itself.
With that assumption in mind, I could not recreate your error. The execute method does return a list with a single null within it but I don't think you're referring to that as your problem given the assumption. So, there's really only two things that could be wrong that I can think of:
The vertex returned by g.v(8) does not exist and it returns null
g is null
To verify, just execute g.v(8). If it returns null then item one above is the issue. If you still get an NPE then item two above is the problem. If item two is the problem then the name of the graph you are referencing, titangraph, is either not right or there is a bug in Rexster's handling of that binding. To figure that out, execute this instead:
g = rexster.getGraph('titangraph')
If you still have a NPE then I'd have to say that you need to check your rexster.xml more carefully regarding your configuration. If it works, then you should likely report a bug in Rexster.
